getting ready to get started; half-&-half in my coffee :-(

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getting ready to get started; half-&-half in my coffee :-(

This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  alex45674 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’ve never tried a diet (or eating plan) before because I never before saw one that I thought would work for me, but this looks like it could. I gained 50 lbs. (I’m a “U.S. person”) 15 years ago when I got very sick, was able to take off 30 of those lbs. with increased activity and portion control, but since then, I can take off about a pound every 6 weeks if I stay hungry basically *all the time*, but 5 lbs. lost that way goes right back on again if I stop paying constant attention. I have multiple medical problems and can only increase my activity level a bit. So this looks like a good strategy for me.

    My quandary at the moment is half-and-half in my coffee. I used to love black coffee, but now my stomach rebels forcefully if I drink it black, even if it’s iced. Milk doesn’t work, I seem to need the fat in the half-and-half. And, in order to feel alert enough to drive safely, I need to drink rather a lot of coffee (at least 24 oz.), and in order to drink the coffee, I need to put rather a lot of half and half in it (3 tbsp., 60 calories, per 12 oz. serving), which is a whopping 120 calories from half and half at breakfast on work days (and, unfortunately, walking or taking public transportation to work is not feasible). So I guess my fasting days should be non-work days unless and until I can work out another strategy for AM caffeine administration. Maybe substitute caffeine tablets for some of the coffee? Tea is great but not enough caffeine to get me alert enough to drive.

    Does anyone else have this problem? Any other ideas?

    That’s an awful lot of caffeine, you can’t be doing your body any favours, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure etc. My caffeine intake has decreased over the past year, I just started substituting every other cup with decaf which still isn’t ideal but better than nothing. I found that too much caffeine made me irritable. Would you really fall asleep at the wheel, or do you just imagine that you might? I can’t stand black coffee either but perhaps you could begin by gradually cutting back on the half and half.


    i luved skim milk or half in half w/coffee or the other way around more 1/2 & 1/2 & then a little coffee:)

    hated soy almond etc milk ugh

    however, flaxmilk unsweetenned taste great

    1/4 cup 6 cals yay

    great w/ anything

    if u click on my name or others u will c about flax milk
    wish u success

    happy coffee drinking

    Have you tried to change the coffee beans to darker roast? Darker roasts have higher levels of NMP (N-methylpyridinium), which appears to block the ability of stomach cells to produce hydrochloridic acid.

    For my stomach dark roast is essential, though I do not like Starbucks’ roast either (too dark…).

    Try green tea maybe?

    What is half and half?

    Half and half = 50/50, half milk and half coffee

    No, to clear things up, half and half is NOT half milk half coffee. It’s “a mixture of half heavy cream and half whole milk that is commonly found in the US. Heavy cream has a fat percentage of about 35% and that concentration of fat is what helps stabilize it when you whip it into whipped cream. Half and half has a fat percentage around 12% and, although much thicker and creamier than milk, it will not whip up into fluffy whipped cream like heavy cream will”.

    Thanks Humphrey 😀

    I enjoy a latte as an occasional treat! That much coffee and cream seems way too much! Try replacing a coffee here and there with a bottled of chilled water and slowly cutting your need down. I don’t drink coffee much. I like my latte (Tassimo) on a lazy Sunday morning – that’s usually it! Good luck

    Why not try substituting a bit of the amount of half and half you use and putting some skim/semi-skim milk in with it. Then each time you make it, slowly reduce one and increase the other and you should find your tastes change, and you like the milk more than the half and half (which sounds awful to me – I always used to use whole milk but then went to semi and now on skimmed. I can’t stand whole milk now!) That much coffee is not ideal no, but if you can reduce the calorie content that is a start! Hope that helps 🙂

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