Getting on the scales…..

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Getting on the scales…..

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Carla 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I haven’t been on the scales since I started in this in July. I have hovered around them contemplating but just not had the courage to do it. Once again today I almost got on them then decided against it! Why bother with scales? It’s only a number and my clothes are looser so I know I’ve lost some weight but, it’s only a number right? That number can ruin or make my day though so I really don’t want to know! However I somewhere deep down, I really DO want to know…. and not be disappointed. I’ll wait a bit longer. šŸ˜‰ Have a great day everyone!

    I know what you mean, scales can be a bit disheartening, when you KNOW you’ve lost weight and they don’t always reflect it, best to weigh yourself just once a week or even fortnightly and always in the morning with scales on a hard surface for more accuracy. Best of luck with your fast diet!


    I have a weigh day once a week – today in fact! I like seeing the dial point at lower numbers! It doesn’t really bother me if they don’t show a loss – as long as they don’t show a gain! Lol! This is the post were I tell my secret in public! Lol Drum Roll……. On the 2nd January I weighed in at 17st 5lbs! (First time I have made this information public!) This morning I weighed in at 14st 8lbs! (A combination of cutting down and then doing 5:2 these last 5 weeks). So yes I like the scales! Getting into clothes that were far too tight has also been fantastic! In fact some are too big now! šŸ™‚ Good luck all and enjoy!

    Sharon xx

    I am a daily weigher. For me a loss even tiny gives me incentive to stay focused. A gain even tiny makes me be more careful that day. I have noticed since starting 5:2 I gain after fasting I am pretty sure its the increase in liquids I consume on fast days
    Chrisi your good to follow your plan let your body tell you how your doing. If the scale number can ruin your day I say stay off the scale. You’ll get weigh in at. Docs office. As long as your feeling ggod amd cloths are loose stay off the scale.

    “I am a daily weigher. For me a loss even tiny gives me incentive to stay focused.”

    I also weigh myself daily. My wife has stopped or is weighing monthly.

    For me, weighing is habitual and the wireless scale registers online stats that chart my progress. It fascinates me & keeps me aware of my progress, up or down.


    I prefer a weekly weigh-in. And by next year hope I can just do a monthly on the 6:1.

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