Get ready for The Beach

This topic contains 44 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • News for our loyal band of Fast Dieters: there’s a brand new book, out today. It’s The Fast Diet you’ve come to know and love, but with added extras. The book sets out a six-week programme for anyone who wants to embark on a committed, enhanced 5:2 plan. It includes ways to toughen up on Fast Days, ways to tighten up on non-Fast Days and ways to introduce some simple, effective exercise into the mix.

    There are dozens of new recipes, and lots of tips and tricks to help with habit-breaking, dealing with hunger, finding will-power and overcoming cravings. Think of it as a short-term turbo boost to get you beach fit fast – an adjunct to, rather than a replacement for, the original Fast Diet which has become a long-term life choice for so many of us. You may want to commit to the full six-week Fast Beach plan, or introduce elements which best suit your diary and your day. We really hope you enjoy it!

    Yours, Mimi

    Mimi, I would like to read this book, do you know if/when it will be available on Kindle in the US, or should I go ahead and order it in paperback from the UK? The UK Amazon site says that Kindle titles are not available from there “in my country”, and the US Amazon site does not have the Kindle edition.

    I ordered it on from superbooks – a U.S. based distributer. It should be here beginning next week.

    I have purchased the book for my Kindle and congratulate you on putting together a plan that should lead to some superb results. The one difficulty I have is in locating the Fast Beach app referred to in the book – is it only for Apple devices or is there an Android version?

    I think the apple app is available from next week.

    That good to know about the app as I was searching for it yesterday. Assumed I was maybe a little quick of the mark.

    Can wait to get started on it proper. Have planned all my meals for next week and going super healthy on non fast days with meals like grilled salmon with brown rice and steamed vegetables! I already do 4:3 most weeks but there is lots of other tips and ways I can toughen up on non fast days.

    Oh and I started another post yesterday for those planning to go turbo!

    Hi, just downloaded this new book on my kindle, had a brief look, full of good tips I think. My only query, how do I download a larger format planner, which is mentionedin the last page. Thanx πŸ™‚

    Thanx for that, starting on Monday πŸ™‚

    I can’t wait for my book to come! It may be a few weeks before I can get started on this as delivery to the U.S. may take a while.

    I printed out the daily planner to try to start the Fast Beach diet while I wait for the book. One thing that is different from what I have been doing is to measure the change in strength by doing push ups.

    To someone who has the book, how do you do this measuring?

    Do you measure how many push ups you can do in a certain amount of time?

    Perhaps it is how long it takes you to do a certain number of push ups…

    I suppose either way would work.

    Hi just bought the book and eager to start the diet using the app but where do we find the beach diet app ??? Cirkeline

    Amy – I think you count how many push ups you can manage in 30 seconds.

    The book states to do as many repeats of each strength exercise Push ups, lunges, plank etc) as you can manage in 30 second and take a 10 second rest between each bout. Over the 6 weeks , aim to increase the number of reps and/or the length of each bout.

    So am going to do tonight.

    OK. That is interesting. I tried to see how many push-ups I could do in two minutes.

    I think that will be fine – just keep doing that and measuring your progress.

    I just did a lunchtime hike up a very steep hill – am bushed and very hungry!

    Cirkeline – app not out yet but I read somewhere on these forums that supposed to be this week. I keep looking at the Apple app store to check……..unless its an android app???

    Still can’t find beach diet app on Apple store, maybe only for iPhones and not iPads.

    Further to recent post anyone had any joy with getting the app?

    Went live 48 mins ago on the apple store – just spotted it on Mimi’s twitter feed πŸ™‚

    Just installing now.

    Hi! This is the link to The Fast Beach Diet app – I’m just about to add it to the homepage but thought you might want it here as well. πŸ™‚

    It’s really good but wish I could backdate it a week to get my first weeks result in!

    3.2lbs πŸ™‚

    Good on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanx guys now installed.x

    Hi so is the app available on android?

    I think just apple at the moment but apparent coming on Android soon (according to tweet yesterday)

    Hi – I downloaded the the app but it says it is a day earlier than the actual date. Is there a fix for that. I live in Canada – I would have thought it would be ahead not behind (with the time change). Help πŸ™‚

    I can’t see the date anywhere in the app – what part?

    Under my measurements it says the start date – it has Wednesday but I started on Thursday. This messes up my fast days as it says that I should be fasting today (it thinks its Thursday) but I am not because its Friday – so logging calories is difficult. It is just a glitch – but I just wondered if anyone else is having the problem. I will try to delete app and start again.

    Mine seems to have been fine because I downloaded and started on a Monday!

    I wish it had option to add 3rd fast day -especially since this book promotes that option quite heavily!

    Rowing is not mentioned in the exercise section of the FBD. Is it not considered suitable for HIT? I think I use more muscles rowing hard- arms , legs, core, than I would on a simple exercise bike.
    Thanks Sue

    It isn’t mentioned, is it? IMHO, rowing is great for HIT. I have access to a rowing machine use it for some of my exercises.

    Got the app….but really would like the book.

    Please tell us US folks when the KINDLE version will be available for us in the States.

    you can buyit online from ibooks app on your ipad ,dont know how to on pc or android but im sure its easy too its aus$11

    Hi – the publisher has said that the US paperback and Kindle versions will be out on 24th June. Not too long to wait!

    I am preordering the book from U.S.

    I already downloaded the planner, and it is just wonderful. It is perfect for me; just what I needed! Whoever printed the link to that fast beach planner…a big thank you!!!

    Does anyone know if there is a problem with the app just now? My OH has just tried downloading it twice, it takes him through the sign up process and then freezes on the last page. Any help is appreciated.

    I have the same issue.

    I’m having the same issue both on my iphone and my ipad. It freezes on the last page during the sign up process. This morning I saw there was supposed to be a fix on this so I tried again, but still the same problem!

    When is the android fast beach diet app going to be released?

    The app is STILL not working. I have an old iPhone 3GS and a brand new IPad Air and have the same problem on both despite the apparent bug fixes: the app blocks during sign up after choosing fast days. Any chance of a fix before I actually get to the beach??? πŸ˜€

    Oh no! Billie, if you email the developer will get in touch to help.

    icklefaqua, unfortunately it won’t be available for some time. There’s a planner here – I know it’s not the same but hope it helps!

    Sent email this morning. No reply so far. Am I the only one having this problem? Surely not!

    Just had an answer. The app is not supported either on iPhone 3GS (ok understandable) or on iPad!!! So you can only use this app if you have the latest generation iPhone??? Very disappointing.

    Hmm.. works on my Ipad.

    Really Amy? Then I don’t understand why the support service replied that it doesn’t work on iPad! Maybe it just doesn’t work on iPad Air? What version of the iPad do you have? Can someone from the site please clarify exactly which phones and iPad this app is supposed to work on? Thanks.

    Few apps thrill me and hit the mark for usefulness.

    This Fast Beach Diet app exceeds my expectations. It’s timely and useful and complete. Right away.

    Thank you to whomever deserves all the thanks.

    This will keep me on track and motivated to continue on my journey and my target. I’ll share it with my wife and others that start the FD path.

    This app is handy as a quick reference and tracker of my stats as I continue progressing.

    I wonder how this will integrate with Apple’s new upcoming Healthkit?


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