Genetically Modified Organisms + manufactured food

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Genetically Modified Organisms + manufactured food

This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Ann Joyce 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I take it that everyone doing the ‘fast diet’ is health conscious and want to know what they are digesting?
    My question, is anyone looking at what gmo’s are doing to us? Also what manufacturers have been putting in our foods for more than 40 years? Altered Genes, Twisted Truth (how the venture to genetically engineer our food has subverted science, corrupted government, and systematically deceived the public), Steven M. Drukker is a must! No wonder there is an epidemic of cancers and other debilitating diseases. An English investigating journalist Joanna Blythman ‘Swallow This’ revealing what is actually in manufactured foods is enough to make you think twice when feeding yourself and those you love. Back to the basics, how grandma use to cook, fresh foods, organic of course if you want to avoid gmo’s. Interesting that China has banned gmo’s and also some south american countries.
    The 5/2 is a fantastic diet and if you also after reading about these subjects and move away as much as you can, your health will improve and weight will stay stable, that’s my experience for the first time in my adult life.

    Interesting question! I have done a lot of reading on GM foods. So far, I haven’t been able to find any conclusive study that says they are harmful to your health but there are other major problems with them though.

    Firstly, genes don’t act in isolation. There isn’t a single gene that (eg) makes food red, or stops it being eaten by pests or whatever. Therefore, the changed genes are likely to be having negative effects that we are not aware of yet.

    Secondly (and this is a buggy!!!), unlike conventionally grown plants, farmers of GM crops do not own the seeds produced. They have to pay the “owner” (eg chemical company Monsanto) a fee every time they replant. If GM crops become dominant, then chemical companies will control food production. If you think through the long term implications, that is very, very scary!

    Thirdly, GM crop yields appear to diminish very quickly over time (still being researched) and so are unlikely to be viable for the long term. Creating mono cultures leaves us very open to massive food shortages if they fail.

    Fourthly, it is claimed that GM crops reduce the use of pesticides. All the reading I have done shows the opposite. Many GM crops are created to be pesticide resistant. Therefore, growers tend to blitz their crops with pesticides, without worrying about overuse. This is known to kill beneficial insects, and may also move up the food chain (eg birds etc).

    These are my thoughts on GM foods…I won’t touch them…but, as you say, processed foods have many, many issues. Eating like Granny did is very sound advice!

    Thankyou for replying, it seems a very lonely road, few people in the general public seem to be interested in these subjects and that is understandable. Many to most of the serious scientific research over the last 40 years have been attacked and personally discredited by very clever corporate lawyers, I have been reading an article about monsantos top lawyer that switched between a top function with the FDA and monsanto, this very powerful chemical company so my faith in the american system of ensuring healthy products has taken a nose dive.
    It’s all about profits under the guise of helping to feed the world, our future and of course generations to come, I’m appalled at how these dreadful companies have been able to bring so much misery into the world.
    I also read an article that many scientists are now daring to critisize the gmo’s plus the food and drug industry, results are being published after years of research and supported by more and more scientists making it difficult for these companies to continue with these practices without negative publiciteit.
    Obesity which is what the main reason is for the success of this site reaches many in different countries and from different backgrounds could help if people were aware of what they truly eat. A popular figure such as Michael Mosley would only need to mention this sublect and thousands would be eagerly investigating gmo’s and the food industry and the unhealthy effects of their behaviour on millions around this beautiful planet.

    To answer a few of the remarks you made;- Dr Pearlmutter (was a neurologist, now active as a nutricionist) where the following information about gmo’s and glyphosate, the active ingrediĆ«nt in Round up.
    Even though gmo’s are used for growing lots of our foods no one really knows the consequenties but what we do know is that crops are doused with glyphosate and that is well known! His book “Brain Maker” which enlightens us about the importance of gut microbiome.

    No conclusive evidence of any harm from eating them. Like many, I was skeptical, but been researching this on and off for a year and there’s nothing supporting the idea that they cause any harm at all. Loads of conspiracy theories out there and lots of people with “inside knowledge” about terrible, terrible corporations but if you are going just by evidence and credible research, which is where I tend to get my info, GMOs are thoroughly tried and tested out as safe. That there are things that changed in the way many processed foods are produced seems to underscore the basic notion that processed foods are to be avoided but whether that processed food is made with GMOs, non-GMOs, organic ingredients, makes no difference. I’ve heard all the conspiracy theories about vaccines too and those are also 100% nonsense. Vaccines are safe.

    The jury’s still out with me about GMOs. They may be safe and all, I’m just not sure. Can Soylent Green be far behind?

    I have read that some weeds are becoming resistant to Roundup so GMOs may not be the answer scientists think it is.


    The biggest problem with GMOs is the large chemical companies end up totally controlling the market. You have to buy their GM Roundup ready seeds to then use their Roundup to control weeds. Non Roundup ready crops nearby are killed. The seeds from the GM crops blow across fences (der) and start growing in nearby farms. Trying to operate an organic farm anywhere near these Monsanto farms is impossible.
    Why on earth do we want to give away our healthy agricultural future to Big Corp?? PVE

    Thankyou for your reply, interesting! I too when I first heard about gmo’s and how they could supply food for our ever increasing populations could solve so many problems was a great fan for future generations. one of the books that made me think again was ‘Altered genes, twisted truth’, followed by more articles and books from what seems to be from reputable scientists. What I do have no doubts about is that these crops have been dowsed with Roundup, active ingredient being glyphosate which is not the most healthy of the chemicals (agent orange) and the chemical company that put this together is now one of the largest seed producers, nice combination! How long does glyphosate stay in the ground? What I’ve read…. 7 years or more that they know, that in combination with the new seeds also being contaminated.
    Anyway, I’m not a scientist, or a biologist but if the DNA of a plant is Altered and fed to animals does it alter the DNA of the animal and how does it effect our DNA? my conclusions are from information supplied by to many to mention. We all have our OWN paths to follow, caution would seem a good way to go. The chance that anything is 100% safe is extremely doubtful, we have to use our commonsense! My problem with the subject of gmo’s is we won’t have a choice actually talking about choices, what are your ideas about ‘sugar’ try doing a weekly shop without this wonderful item being added, fat in our food was a big ‘ no, no’ for how many years,? Its taken decades for us to be informed that there is nothing healthy in sugar but at least we have a choice, we are now more informed and question policies made by our ‘experts’ so that we can hopefully make good choices but with gmo’s our power to choose is being taken away!

    Yes Joyce Ann, if there is money in it, and it’s being promoted by big business, it is almost always going to be detrimental.
    5:2 is free. Successful. And will never be supported by Governments as there is no short term monetary gain for them. If they start thinking long term, the benefits to health budgets are enormous.
    Always be cynical. Always read widely. Cheers PVE

    Thankyou, profits are the most important factor for so many

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