Gastric reflux

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  symba7 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Since doing this 5:2 diet I barely have reflux.I was taking a large nexium daily,before this.I think it is partly due to the weight loss,but also the fasting.I have given up drinking alcohol,but did this before the diet and still had reflux,so I an grateful to the diet for helping me with this very troublesome condition.

    Hi gillygilly, so glad you are doing well. I, too, have had only occasional heartburn since starting the plan. mostly only if I eat too much bread. sorry it took so long to answer. the holidays have been keeping me offline.

    thank you for sharing your success. looking forward to hearing how you are getting on in he future. Phyllis

    My gastric reflux often flares up on my fast days towards the end of the afternoon. Anyone else the same?

    Yes BonnyB97,
    I too have this problem on fast days. I think because the stomach is empty the acid is stronger?. I am due for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy soon because I passed a fair bit of blood. Makes me wonder if fasting is the best thing, or maybe adding milk to fast diet.

    hello everyone,

    this is my first post on this site. I too have to deal with reflux. I am on the maximum dose of Somac (Lowsec) & it is working along with dietary changes – although it is a very fine line keeping the balances even. After reading that some have issues with reflux on their fasting days, I might try fasting completely until late afternoon then eat my quota of calories & see how that goes.

    cheers to all

    i had reflux problems but no longer since i eat smaller meals four or five times a day and have raised my sleeping position about 30 degrees with pillows. Also, if i sleep on my side, i do it on left side. Giulia Enders book “Gut” was very helpful in getting these probs sorted.

    i stopped doing 5:2 for a few months, and only re-started this week, but the tracker hasn’t recorded my weight loss. This is a prob for me because seeing the line go down on the graph keeps me on track. I saved the new weight entry. Has anyone else had this happen, or must I start over and make a new registration?

    I have that problem of FAST days. I’m new to all this, it’s my second week but I have found myself getting discomfort toward the end of the day. I was hoping it would go away as my body adjusts to it.

    I have been on tablets for 5 years for acid reflux. After having the camera down my throat.

    Since on the 5.2 I very rarely take them maybe on holidays when I am not in control of cooking my food and more wine drunk!

    It’s the crappy food you eat what causes the problem, chocolate, pastry, wine, alcohol, fatty foods, if you cut these out you loose weight!

    It has solved my problem completely. Being overweight is the main problem for this, as my doctor told me to loose weight and you will be better!

    I have had no problem on the 5.2, I eat breakfast and dinner.

    I lost 30 lbs a few years ago, my husband needed new knees and we stopped fasting..we put the weight back on and I started my tablets again…I am now 18 lbs down again and no tablets needed.

    It proves a point…being fat!!

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