Freefalling – thump! Ouch. Where on earth am I?

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Freefalling – thump! Ouch. Where on earth am I?

This topic contains 62 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Freefalling 11 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 13 posts - 51 through 63 (of 63 total)

  • Hi Persey! Very pleased to meet you! 42 degrees South? Valhalla? You send tingles up my spine! I was not born to this small island identity either,I had never been here before but within an hour of driving off the boat I was overwhelmed with the strongest feeling of belonging. Considering I have moved 52 times in my life this was indeed overwhelming. I feel as though I WAS born here and they have made a silly mistake on my birth certificate.
    ahh Paradise. Sigh.
    I agree about the vit D issue. Countered that for years though. I sunbaked naked every day in the garden, even in winter if it was sunny. Paradise. Red wine, sunshine and the best cheese ever made. Needless to say, hmmm, all that yummy cheese, home baked goodies, home grown dinners… it did pile on.
    And you are SO right about the nutritional rules! Though I admit to ignoring them. Getting too fat, trying to obey them, failing, gyming, hating it and then giving up… till MM came on my TV.
    I tried this 5:2 thing as having a final ‘go at it’ if it failed I would never look at another pair of shorts or a dress again.
    But the bl**dy idea appealed and then it bl**dy well worked!!!
    So what can I say? Anything that keeps me within a certain weight and size and lets me eat pizza and drink beer HAS to be fully exploited.
    And the health benefits, whatever… the mental health benefits are greater.
    Nothing but nothing makes me feel better about myself than when I recall the day I walked into work 2 weeks ago in my new long slender italian motorcycle boots, with my tight kevlar leggings under my new medium sized italian trench motorcycle jacket and saw my boss and workmates jaws drop open with exclamations of surprise and delight (I had stayed in my fatty clothes til then) hee hee what a boost.
    So how is fasting going today then? you did go ahead with Thursday did you?
    Funny you should say you hate food. I used to always say that…til 5:2
    I hope we can catch up again soon, I want to know how you broke your ankle……

    Biker chick….nice!

    Weird post. Why did it disappear? Try again. @dumpling 🙂 i love my moto!

    Hi freefall et al,
    Hell no!- i blew it, i was doing pretty well till my 11yr old daughter cooked spagbol for tea and i didn’t have the heart to say no-though i did have a v small portion-haven’t had pasta for weeks….i’ll have to work out a few strategies for these atypical incidents…so…I’ve been reading up a bit on the program and have booked 8.30pm Monday SBSTV to watch the crucial episode with Dr. Moseley.

    I do love it tho’, ‘this island’, (irrespective of the marketing campaign) and it has become a second home. I love its grizzly heart especially but the long weekend was spent with the turquoise ocean lapping at my feet…and the kids squealing in the surf…beautiful. Of course, with all this gorgeous local food, who needs kf%*#c etc- though i’m pretty partial to a decent chip, or pie or wood fired pizza and local wine, beer, or cheese (not in the same sitting mind) for the valhalla, it can only be equaled by almond (only almond!) magnum or connoisseur…so you can see why this WOE appeals to me…if i dont have to rule out these treats forever ill be a happy camper.

    Re how’d i cop the broken ankle, my stock response was ‘knitting’…and anyone who knows me knows this is big porky…the truth of it was that I thought I’d have a new career in roller derby…talked into it by a collegue, spurred on by N&D(whose mid life crisis is this anyway!?)…seriously, shooting stars have lasted longer. So much for a fun way to get fit- as told to the guys in A&E…as they were relocating my shoulder without drugs at 1am…I needed to be half my age, half my weight and half as stupid…as for a return to the rink, never say never, but i value more the freedom and ability to get out there, and just walk, in the bush. Mind you I’ve talked to four other women -of similar/certain age -who’ve also ‘blown an ankle’-mostly in the garden/driveway-bit of an epidemic, so there’s something in the VitD lacking thing+ my sister was researching prevalence of MS in southern populations. Crap teeth, possibly also linked. Love the vision of you sun baking, even thru winter, incidence of sun angle still too low down here between march and October, but at least the feelgood factor would have been of benefit.

    Thanks for the encouragement, i love your italian motorcycle pants look-id just love to wear jeans with some room to spare and set a good example for my girls. hope to drop in again with some progress, at least as a distraction on fast days…do some stalking of my own. BTW Have you been into the exercise aspect…HIT was on SBS last Monday…

    What a stories! And now I kinda want to emigrate to that mystery island…

    @persey66 Well hello. Connoisseur? We cannot speak of it today! It is my first fast day of the week. However tomorrow I will have to choose between the café grande and the strawberry!!
    I am going to record tonights show. I have seen it twice before but I need to revise. Also need to see Blacklist 
    ps what is wrong with cheese wine beer and pizza all in the one setting?…..
    We do live in heaven, I have a tan already 
    I KNEW there was a good story behind the ankle 😀
    Van Dieman rollers? Devil State? Convict City???
    How funny you should have tried what I only thought about briefly, midlife mid-crisis, lets turn 50 and go roller derbying! Haha.not. Oh shame, you have to get about on skates….. I cant do that so I was saved from the dire consequences that you sister have had to suffer. Ouch.
    BTW what exactly is wrong with knitting????? I do this or something like it almost everyday of my life. Textile addict, self confessed! Never broken a bone knitting 
    My daughter rolls for the purple lot. Tats, weird hair colours, skanky gear, piercings… haha. What were you thinking?
    I am no fan of exercising. I like my bicycle but only to dreamily roll along in the sunshine, no sweating please. I like Yoga too. Just do it at home. Walking is wonderful. I had an op last year that had one jugular cut and sealed. High heart rates cause me much grief.
    Hope you got another fast day in.

    @nika you are more than welcome! Come join us 🙂

    @free well I already have arranged a stay @dumpling‘s place in exchange for martial arts lessons for her kids! During July and August I’m a free roamer, so… 😉

    Wait are you from NZ?

    Oh well, workdays over, see you all tomorrow!

    Haa…yes the skating…vdl just down the road-i didnt even make it thru freshmeat……one knee dip too far…the whistle then..then the full bowl of cereal…snap,crackle and pop…landed on the only bit of my body that didn’t have padding. so much for muscle memory..mine had alzheimers! Cant believe i had shoulder xray, not ankle-doc thought it well twisted “come back if it still hurts in a week”…sure…at least my spiral break was relatively straighforward and i didnt have to have surgery/plate+pins! So my eldest is keen to get the gear on, too young for league…and then there’s her rep soccer career, so much sport, so little time. I couldn’t imagine living in a real city- it’d take forever to get to these after school gigs and the traffic’d be ….a nightmare.

    So not going too bad, first day fast went pretty well, even went for an hour walk and didnt feel too hungry, simple frittata for dinner. drank lots of tea(1/2with milk) Went overboard today tho’ with a Tas gourmet pie (I swear its right next to the art shop ) then supermarket had choc ice creams on special ‘kangaroo island honey+pistachio’ -I shared with one of the kids tho-v. very nice but that’s as bad as it got. Both tasted really rich, almost too rich, maybe there is something in the fast where winding down, allowing for repair requires less, much less. i think ill try to level things out between fast days and save the treats for the weekend…Made a mongrel salad (tabouliXgreek) for dinner, lots of green, crunchy…salty.

    Hey nothing wrong with knitting-I’m just a bit envious-never really listened to grans/mothers instructions, skipped my generation….my daughters are interested but they’ll have to rely on Aunty Google ‘fraid. I was more interested running/riding about the place than learning to knit, drawing was more my thing, still is. Lately, (somewhat romantically)Ill get the sketchbook out, when most would be going about knitting…maybe one day ill be good enough to swap a drawing for a jumper…

    hey all, I probably won’t check in for a bit after Thursday heading O/S for two weeks, so ill have no idea how fast day pattern will go-i expect it won’t, but there will be lots of long stretches between meals, getting about on foot a bit. ( Gunna get me some of that cedar bath soak or the giant tea bath bags.) Ill have to pick up when I get back. Hopefully some amount of time sitting on my bum, drawing too though…food esp-nothing like a little more delay in the gratification! Oh well off to bed- daughter one has early strings rehearsal…imagine that living in Sydney.

    How are you liking blacklist? Spader seems bemused. I’ve seen first few, lost the plot with change of time/ sbs specials…loved Hannibal, gloriously filmed, despite visceral scenes. Mr mikkelson doing brilliant job of making me forget mr Hopkins portrayal…girls are all keyed up for dr who (who is on a permanent fast!) 50th, alas ill be away, away.

    hey @persey66!
    Hope the OS trip is going well and nice and tasty! SheeIte weather here today! Really SheeIte. My fasting is only just on maintenance at the mo.
    Too much family/work problems to deal with. Strings? Strings? My kids did cello, violin, double bass…it was SO much FUN! They went to string camp each year too. Now only one sort of has a go at it on occasion. As for Spader….who needs a plot? I just need to hear Speder say Lizzie, that’s enuf for me 🙂
    Yep you managed to do your ankle in with the same team as my daughter. She has recetnly got through Fresh meat and into her first bout. Must go watch sometime again soon.
    Had my first ever failed fast day yesterday. Just too much stress on the day. wasnt even hungry just felt so bad that I needed to just look aftermyself. Will pick up again on Monday.

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