Found my "Middle Way" with the 6:1

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Found my "Middle Way" with the 6:1

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello all!

    After a month have finally reached a “happy place” with the 6:1 and it WORKS! Thus far haven’t gained any of the weight I lost back…and man does it feel good knowing that even if the scale slips up a pound or two I can immediately go back to the 5:2 and it will be gone again.

    Little did I know, when I saw that July article in one of the Glossies, that it would be the last diet I would ever need!

    Absolutely thrilled!

    Great news Carla! How many pounds/kilos did you lose before going on 6:1?

    Glad for you, and encourages me to choose Mondays as my permanent 6/1 day.
    From there 5:2 and 4:3 are always possible by Friday. For some reason this thrills me too.

    that’s great! Looking forward to the day I can go to maintenance. Just curious, how long did you do 5:2 before going to 6:1, and how much did you lose? Do you count calories on nonfast days, or only on fast day?

    I lost 35 pounds in about 6 months time. Seems like I have been chasing the same 25-35 pounds for 25 years. I would lose it…on this fad diet or that…and then gain it right back. I still do my Saturday weekly weigh in. No re-gain yet. But it is nice to know that if I see few pounds creep up I can immmediately do a week or two of 4:3 and they will disappear 🙂

    When I started I counted calories on both…Fast and Non-Fast…but once I got the whole portion thing sorted…I only counted on Fast Days (and still do).

    But as you can see…the Fast Diet works. For me, the selling point is its sustainability. No feelings of failure. No food restrictions beyond the redced calorie count on your fast day. Removing the “good” and “bad” labels from food and making the non-fast days pleasurable without the stress of “I shouldn’t have ate that”. I…probably like many of the people here…like to eat. Enjoy good foods…and desserts. Looking back on the multitude of diets that didn’t work…the deprivation and labels were always the reason (for me) they were unsustainable.

    I tend to vary my 6:1 day according to what I have scheduled.

    Happy Fasting!

    Hi Carla!

    so glad I saw your post 🙂 I too decided last week I was going to do 6.1 and the rest of the week 16.8, I would like to loose a few more lbs but if I don that’s fine, I am just happy fasting as a way of life…

    I am not a scale bunny lol, so tend to weigh once every other month, just don’t want my life ruled my numbers grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    well done on your success story, lets hear for the 5.2 and 6.1’s lol 🙂

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