For Nursebean!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ali43 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I was wondering what had happened to you! I can’t believe I flunked the M&S interview!! It was done in a role play situation in a tiny office in their Bromley branch. A member of staff played the part of the customer and I played the part of the customer assistant. They said because I didn’t get up off my seat to tend to the ‘customer’, I didn’t meet all the criteria! I said I’d stayed seated due to the very cramped space in which we were ‘acting’ and had I actually been in the food hall, I would definitely have approached the customer (because I wouldn’t have been sitting down behind a desk, would I?!). Never mind, I’ll keep looking and at least I know what they’re looking for now! Next is a great option. Good luck when the time comes.

    Anyhow, I’m glad things are going well for you. It certainly does make you more mindful of what you are eating and the quantities. My sweet/snacking tooth has got the better of me in the last couple of days (fortunately not on a fast day) but I’ve compensated by not eating dinner which I never would’ve done before. This answers your question with regards to cravings, I guess but I’d say they are definitely reduced. I find I’m less likely to snack if I’ve had a good night’s sleep which has slightly eluded me this week because my son has either been out partying all night or at Thorpe Park or just at what the youth of today call a ‘gathering’ round at friend’s houses. I never sleep as well when he’s not home because I worry about how much he might drink or what he might get up to etc! He’s 16, nearly 17 and it’s an age that requires a lot of parental management!

    Hope you have a good weekend.


    Hi Ali. FINALLY I’ve managed to get on this website!

    Firstly, I’m so sorry you didn’t get your job. They sounded pretty petty to me. Oh it’s such a shame.

    Oh yes, I guess it must be a worrying time for you mums who have teenagers!

    Well this week I thought I’d try the 4:3, so I’ll be fasting on Mon, Wed and Fri. This is because I’m hoping to have a breast reduction in a couple of weeks’ time and want to lose as much as poss before then. I mentioned this on the other 5:2 forum and the consensus was that I should lose all my weight first as I may not need to have it done. I can’t really see them reducing significantly on their own…that’s for sure. Anyway, I’ve made another appointment with my consultant for Mon so as I can get some more advice on the issue.

    Sorry that was a bit garbled! I’m feeling a bit guilty now because I’ve just eaten a packet of crisps…and I wasn’t really hungry 🙁

    So is your next fast day Monday?

    Hi, thanks for the condolences! I’ve dusted myself down and will keep looking. At least I know what they’re looking for now.

    Wow, good luck with 4:3 and your forthcoming op; I imagine you know exactly what to expect from breast reduction surgery. I hope the 4:3 provides you with the loss you are hoping to achieve.

    I wouldn’t feel guilty about a bag of crisps. I’ve over indulged big time today and am looking forward to Monday to put things right. I went out with a friend tonight and had three courses at ZIzzi’s! I’m laying in bed feeling dreadfully bloated. Although I’ve been more mindful of what I eat recently, when I’m out with friends the rule book goes out the window.

    Have a good Sunday and let me know how 4:3 goes. Good luck!


    Hello again Ali! Well, last night I went and saw my consultant (for all of 2 minutes!) and came to the agreement that it would be best to wait until I get to my ideal weight…and then see if I need to have a breast reduction. I must say I feel really rather relieved now.

    Now all I have to do is concentrate on this wonderful way of life! This week is my first try at 4:3 so not sure how that going to go…but the first day was pretty easy!

    I saw your results on the other thread and was most impressed with your success. That must really give you a boost. What’s wonderful is that this “diet” isn’t going to interfere with your daughter’s birthday celebrations. If you want a bit of cake…you can have it (without the guilt)

    Well done!

    Hi again. How far are you from your ideal weight? I’m sure that must be a relief not having to think about the op it for a while. I’m thinking of having my bunions removed. I’m sure they affect the way I walk and I end up with sore ankles and hips. I also get stabbing pains like electric shocks in my left foot (I think it’s called a neuroma) and I’m wondering if that’s related. I’m putting off going to see anyone until after Christmas now.

    It’s great that you sound so positive. I’d be interested to hear your progress on 4:3. I too like the way this slots into normal life and I can still indulge a little.

    Keep me posted of your progress.
    Ali x

    Hi Ali, how’s it going? Mmm, I’m quite a way from my ideal weight…about 2 stone, maybe more if it comes off easily…but that’s probably wishful thinking.

    Poor you with bunions. I’ve got one on my right foot but it doesn’t bother me too much so far, although my big toe is beginning to head towards the other toes. So d’you really think you’ll get yours done then?

    As for 4:3, I decided against doing this yet. I initially thought I’d do it in order to shed weight more quickly for my op but now that I’m not going to have it done yet I think I’ll stick with 5:2, otherwise doing 4:3 may put me off a bit because its that much harder, but I’m doing well so far so I’ll only use that when I come to plateau…which is inevitable at some stage I guess!

    Are you fasting today?

    Hi Nursebean, 2 stone isn’t too bad. I’m about the same. I weigh around 11st 10. In my 30s I managed to get down to 9st 7 but I feel happy enough at 10st 3 – clothes fit, tummy trimmer etc. I’ll try and get to 10st 3 and see how I feel then.

    I’m a bit fed up with having sore feet, ankles and hips and I think the bunions are the root cause. It occurred to me that it might be a good idea to sort it out before I find a job but I’m not sure if I’ve got the guts!!

    I think you’ve made the right decision re 4:3. You may just achieve your goals with 5:2 but if you get stuck you can up the anti!

    Yes, I’ve fasted today. Felt very grumpy early on. May have to apologise to my husband later for my dreadful turn of phrase in the car this morning! Dinner’s in the oven now though. How has your day been?

    Ali x

    Hi Ali43

    I would think carefully about your bunions, I had one of mine done as the toe was going over with bad shooting pains.

    I had it done 20 years ago, I now have arthritis in the toe and it is so stiff I sometimes have great difficulty walking and with a lot of pain. Finding comfortable shoes to wear is a nightmare.

    I am mainly in flat shoes or maybe 1″ heels. If I go into 2″ heels if going out and need a heel, I can’t walk with the stiffness and pain for at least a week, I have to decide if it’s worth it!

    I am hoping as the weight comes of it helps with the walking.

    Hi Symba

    Thanks for the advice. It certainly won’t be something I rush into by any means. Your problem sounds mighty painful. I have a friend who works as a nurse who has seen some very positive results which really got me thinking. If I were going to do it, now would be time as I’m a housewife. I’m in flats most of the time now and cannot wear heels at all but this doesn’t bother me. The bunions throb at night and now I’ve got a compressed nerve which is very painful. 🙁 It maybe that my feet feel better when I’ve lost some more weight. Fingers crossed.

    Hope all’s going well fasting wise for you.


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