Foot surgery 3 weeks ago – weight loss has plateaued

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Foot surgery 3 weeks ago – weight loss has plateaued

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tkim 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I started the 5:2 for weight loss and general health improvement in mid August 2017. I have found this approach to weight loss the best method I’ve ever attempted and have lost 9.5 kg’s in that time. My goal was to loose 10 kg, then 2 more kg to maintain a “buffer” so that I don’t ever go over 60 kg again. (Hoping to stick to this way of eating for life!)
    However, I had minor foot surgery in January and my weight loss has plateaued since. In fact it even went up by .5kg this week the day after fasting!! My activity level has dropped of course, because I have had to rest my foot. But I have been using an exercise bike most days instead of my usual dog walks and tennis.
    I am contempleting introducing an extra fast day to try and kick start the weight loss again, but the plateau has been discouraging when I was so close to reaching my goal.
    Any suggestions??

    Don’t freak out. The stress and then cortisol release because of it will do way more harm and having you keeping or gaining weight far more than the lack of exercise will. Do what exercise makes you feel good, and another day if you want but find that place of peace and calm first! You have accomplished sooo much! Now you’ve done it, have that confindence you can do it again and give yourself some grace to even gain back a little, it ok. You’ve had an injury. If you just maintain or gain a little back there is a perfectly good reason for it. One that is not permanent. Your body has a lot to focus on when healing so think about giving it really healthy foods and be ok with not loosing more weight. Celebrate where you are at and move forward when your body is ready 🙂

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