Food for Thought on a Fast Day – Is juicing a good way to lose weight?

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Food for Thought on a Fast Day – Is juicing a good way to lose weight?

This topic contains 19 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  healthguy00 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting  10 myths about dieting from the article by Michael Mosley in The Times

    Claim 7. Juicing is a good way to lose weight.

    There are juice diets out there promising that you can lose “7lbs in 7 Days”, but are they credible?

    Let’s start by looking at some of the numbers. There are around 3500 calories in a lb of fat and the average woman consumes 14,000 calories a week (2000 a day). So if you ate nothing at all for a week and lost all your weight as fat (which you won’t), then the absolute maximum amount of fat you could lose is 4lbs.

    So why do the scales sometimes drop far more than that? Well, excess glucose is stored in your muscles and liver in a form called glycogen. This also binds water. When you stop eating your body burns through the glycogen stores, releasing the water. After a week you may well have lost 7 lbs but much of that weight will be water, and also some muscle, since, on these diets. you’re eating little or no protein.

    The body doesn’t store protein, so after 24 hours without it in your diet your body will start to cannibalize itself. Not surprisingly, once you start eating normally again your body will replenish its water and glycogen stories and much of the weight will come back on.

    Agree, and this makes sense. I wonder, though, is a Jamba Juice for lunch on a fasting day a good option for those in a rush. I don’t even know what the calorie count is on a typical Jamba Juice smoothie, but one would assume that it’s pretty low. I suppose the calorie information can be found somewhere online.

    I always like to check calories so if the calories are too high then a juice or a smoothie is out of the question for me. However I did try eating soup on fast days for a few weeks. I lost weight but when I changed to eating a normal dinner within the 500 calorie range I still lost weight and enjoyed my dinner more too. Also take a fruit smoothie: might have lots of Vit C but also a lot of sugar and no protein. A veg juice would be better if going down that road I think as the sugar content is lower but I personally like some protein when I’m fasting. Milky shakes are another option but not as satisfying as a proper dinner.

    I use smoothies as part of my daily routine to fulfill my micro nutrient needs. It completely depends on what you put into your smoothie. I use mainly green veggies such as 250g of spinach,combined with asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts and other left over veggies. Depending on my protein needs I add egg whites, protein powder, unsweetened almond milk and for taste some blueberries.
    I would never EAT that much spinach in a day, but by drinking it I get all the nutrients. For me a smoothie is a meal replacement (breakfast) and it keeps me satisfied regularly until dinner.
    I do obviously count the calories of the ingredients but I have to say, I could not leave without my daily smoothies anymore. Beware, there is a huge difference between juicing and blending. I use a blender.

    I thought the body uses fat after running our of glycogen from the liver and then the muscles. Why do you not mention the fat stores?

    Hi Davidfitness46.

    From my memory of biochemistry, protein is metabolically easier for the system to digest than fat.

    The body cannot make the essential amino acids so must get them from food. If, after 24 hours of no protein, as Michael says, the only source of those is in our bodily stores.

    The fat stores cannot be mobilized in the presence of insulin so unless the ‘juice’ diet contains protein to prevent muscle loss and no carbs, then the fat cannot be digested. It helps to remember that even milk contains enough sugar to cause insulin release.

    As a sucker for kitchen gadgets I bought a Nutribullet a couple of months ago. Unlike juicing the NB blends everything to a pulp and you drink the lot, fibre and all. It has been a great purchase.

    I don’t however have smoothies on fast days – prefer to sit down to a meal in the evening that I can chew and take more time over preparing and eating. I didn’t have a terrible diet before doing the fast diet but have gradually changed some of my eating habits and food choices. In particular I am loving having vegetable and fruit smooothies on my non fast days – usually for breakfast and occasionally as a night time snack. They are great at the weekend when I would otherwise get carried away with lots of toast and butter and eggs. Spinach, frozen banana, frozen mango, cashew nuts, chia seeds, maca powder and coconut water is just divine!

    @detoxmanic I’m the same (& I also love the nutribullet too!) – I would not have a smoothie as part of my 500 calorie allocation on a fast day as I find it immensely more satisfying having something ‘solid’. I do however love green smoothies on other days (though currently haven’t had a hankering for them), can have them as a breakfast replacement & I feel homemade ones are by far superior to bought brands e.g. innocent as they pack WAY too much fruit in them they are so high in sugar! Greens all the way 🙂

    Dr Mike suggests smoothies (strawberry I believe) in his book, so I do them on my fast days. I also add greens. Dr Mike suggests overloading on them on fast days too.

    What about meal replacement shakes. Like fat blaster, musashi etc. I think there around 90 kilojules with a glass of milk. They ok on fast day? They are quite filling.

    A good book to look at with reference to this subject is Fat Chance, Dr Michael Lustig. He advises against juicing as it detaches the fructose from the fibre in fruit.

    yes Devid you are right

    Its looking good!

    obviously juicing is the great way to lose weight.

    Love juice,but hate washing the damned machine up!

    The problem with fruit juice is that you consume a lot more fruit than you would normally eat whole. You are ending up with a lot of calories and not the fibre.
    Vegetables, cooked in soup, and served chilled, if that’s what you prefer, give you low cal fibre and are very filling. They are definitely the way to go to lose weight and be healthy.
    Google calories in fruit juice and check. PVE

    But juicing is not the same thing as drinking a bunch of smoothies. It is majority greens and root vegetables, cold pressed. Snapple etc. is very caloric, so are jamba juices and fruit smoothies. I don’t see why a cold pressed, rational and measured juice day isn’t a good fast. I love it, I find it is a basic high nutrient, low calorie diet. Also, once you get used to going a day without solid food it makes the 5:2 much more achievable. If you disagree, please explain. I will admit it is a pricey 500 calories. Thanks!


    I’m no juice expert, and would rather eat my vegetables unprocessed.

    I’ve got a question though!

    You say that vegetable juice is high nutrient, low calorie. I don’t disagree with that. But is a thin vegetable juice actually retained in your system long enough for your body to extract those nutrients or does it pass through fast still with most of its nutrients in it?

    Is that a serious question? I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure there is no express lane in your digestive system. Water may pass quickly, but so does the water in beer and I can testify the calories stick! Why wouldn’t the nutrients?

    Here’s the broader point. Juicing is fasting. I would agree there is nothing magic about either. But all the claims here about juicing can be said about 5:2. It can be done well or done poorly with a spectrum of outcomes.

    I am a bit annoyed by the tone of the original post. I guarantee you that there is a forum out there calling 5:2 a weightloss myth.

    It is a strange circumstance for someone trying to make their own specialty diet work and encouraging others to take it up, to put another’s down (especially when not mutually exclusive!).

    If juicing is not for you, don’t do it. But don’t think you’ve avoided some foolish sceme while on actively participating in what is, as of now, a fad diet. One I like, but it is far from universally accepted.

    Sorry Gav! It was a serious question. There’s so much conflicting opinion about the benefits of the whole vegetable vs the juice, and that the juice extracted may be no more nutritious than the juice in the vegetable. And conversely, that some of the nutrients are unavailable to you in the whole vegetable as a result of it’s lower digestibility. Etc etc.

    I take your point about extracting calories from beer though!

    Well I’m not up on the facts then to be quite honest. But in reality it is not about nutrients at all. I find it odd further that the author would, in his documentary, tote the benefits of a 4 day fast. A 50 calorie a day, miso only fast, with no protein.

    So why here is he putting down a less extreme regimen simply because it has no protein?

    How can one be hogwash and the other be a miracle cure for aging?

    I have been on the 7lbs for 7 Days and lost 12lbs. My energy levels went through the roof. I agree that there are a lot of myths about juicing, as there is with food in general but I cannot see the problem with incorporating a degree of juicing into a healthy diet? I recently watched Jason Vale’s Super Juice Me DVD and the results seemed amazing! The only thing I will say is that if someone was offered a bowl of vegetable soup which has been boiled, salted, etc people would say it was ‘wholesome’ ‘nutritious’ yet when you have a freshly extracted vegetable juice people think you are a freak!

    I have done a few juice challenges, both juice only fast and 5:2 are based on fasting and putting the body into healing. I do a combination of both and agree with Gav & Chris. Jason Vale doesn’t bad moth 5:2, he has actually calorie counted some of his recipes and done a 5:2 plan for those who want to combine the 2.

    I live in Melbourne and did a juice cleanse. After 3 days I lost 3kg. So really, 7lbs in 7 days is definitely possible. Wasn’t easy but it worked. I did one from these guys

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