Five weeks in – VERY pleased with results

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Five weeks in – VERY pleased with results

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Well I had my first round of blood work yesterday after 5:2ing since mid-July. I’m a diabetic and my tests in April, while not terrible, were not as good as they have been in the past. I knew I had to do something different.

    Anyway, after five weeks, my A1c is 6.1, down from 7.5. (5.7 is considered normal for non-diabetics and controlled diabetes is 6.5 or less.) All tests in my metabolic panel are as good or better than they’ve ever been. Bad cholesterol down, good cholesterol up. And I’ve lost just over eight pounds.

    This new lifestyle has been an adjustment, but honestly it hasn’t been as difficult as I imagined it would be. I suspected I’d just want to lay down and die on fast days. I had visions of being hangry, grouchy, headaches, non-stop stomach growling … and I’ve had some of that, but it’s been a lot milder than I imagined. I’m to the point now that I kinda look forward to fast days! Maybe it’s the placebo effect or just my imagination, but I get a real feeling of wellbeing on fast days.

    I say all that to say this – anybody who’s reading through these posts like I was two months ago and trying to decide whether or not to give this a shot, I say jump in. Do it today. With both feet!

    I’ve been on 5:2 since March. I’m almost at my goal and, at this point, I find fasting to be quite natural. I always fast on Monday…I don’t even think about it. I agree with you that I too look forward to fast days.

    Way to go Dan. I hit my goal weight in March. Do 6:1 every Monday and look forward to it. Monday is like my big reset button. Ive now been doing it so long that I don’t even wake up hungry on Mondays.

    I’m thrilled to read your lab results Dan!!! I started 5:2 around same time you did and have shed about same amount of weight. I just submitted blood sample yesterday and am eager to view my results too! Like you, I’d been seeing higher than optimal fasting glucose readings leading up to starting 5:2. I have a home glucose monitor so was tracking and finding high readings even when eating very low carb. Haven’t home tested since starting 5:2 because I need to buy strips! Your report gives me hope that 5:2 is helping me with BG.

    These posts are so encouraging! I started this properly at the beginning of August and it isn’t as difficult as I thought it might be. I’m 2.5 kilos down in weight and have lost an inch from my hips, waist and bust which I’m very pleased about. It’s making me much more careful about eating clean and properly on none fast days too so my whole diet has had a boost! So pleased!

    What does 5.2 mean

    5 days non fasting day NFD and 2 days fasting FD. Hence the name 5:2 diet.

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