Five Months in and Wow

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Rackinroll 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I started in March and I can say without hesitation this has been one of the best experiences of my life. I have lost 30 lbs and hope to finish at about 35 or so. Once your into it, its basically quite easy. The lose rate is slower and the excess flab has me concerned, but hopeful my hitt exercise may help me loose some of that. My only regret is that eating isn’t high on my enjoyment quotient, but hell living is more important, you think. I have turned a number of people onto this program and I must say everyone that has tried it has liked it. A thought ” it could be just a solution to many on our current social and economic problems. My food bill decreased by 25% and that is a good thing. Have a great blessed day.

    Congrats on your weight loss! Good luck with the last 5 lbs!

    Rackinroll, I hear your excitement!!!!! Congratulations on the changes and discovering something that works for you.

    Wow again!! I couldn’t be happier in all the ways that matter. I was having difficulty loosing the last few lbs until I discovered this. I can’t see how it could hurt because anything we do is on such a limited bases that in the long run it could be construed as non consequential. Here is what i discovered. At present i am still not eating anything on Mon/ thur. I work most of the time on my small farm / shop/ doing just stuff.
    On those two day I choose to do the most labor intensive tasks I have currently. Why you ask ? Your working up a sweat , your asking the machinery (you body/ muscles) for maximum amount of energy, so the body goes to where the energy is most plentiful and that I surmise is the fat store, The added benefit to this procedure is, if you are into it , the day goes quickly and you don’t feel any hunger pains. Cool Ha. Ck with the boss and I think you will see there is some validity to my mind set. That’s all I have.

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