Fit February

This topic contains 283 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  AT 1 year ago.

Viewing 34 posts - 251 through 284 (of 284 total)

  • USA. Day 27. FD

    Pocket List Day 27 🍏

    Good morning, all! Yesterday went well. Here’s to hoping for another day like that!

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 164.0

    I made a couple of questionable choices yesterday, but overall, it was indeed a CD, and I’m pleased with my most-of-the-day restraint. I was so busy with some laptop work that I didn’t even “surface” until 1:30, and that was the first time I gave food any thought at all. So I ate a little, just to keep under control the hunger pangs that had started at the thought of food, and then DH and I went down to the basement and tackled the shelves that function as our pantry…the shelves that those mice we were fighting for so long apparently really liked. Most of it was canned goods, so it did them no good, but one bag of flour (we dealt with it two months ago) was their victim and that made a mess. Now it’s all clean, each can is wiped or even washed clean, and eveerything is wonderfully organized again, and we can put a period on the story of all our mice!


    @jaifaim Thanks for mentioning the Month’s Mind. I had never heard of that, so looked it up and am again shaking my head in awe at all the things we learn on this forum! And we should all spend weekends being thankful for everything and everyone we have in our lives. ❤️

    @penz Yay for returned mojo!!!

    @merryapple And having your FD scuppered yesterday by generous friends had to have made the decision about Mr Mac more emotional…or, at least, I feel emotional when my eating is not healthy and/or out of control, and it sounds like yours was a bit of both. You’ll have to try @funshipfreddie‘s breathing instructions for stress reduction. ❤️

    @funshipfreddie I too have bought a few bananas recently and really enjoyed them, and also wondered why I never buy them, LOL!

    @jaifaiim Stepping away won’t really help? Hmmm… Well, yes, THAT is indeed true. But what about the coming back? Would I then finally find the mojo that has been so sorely lacking for me? I’m so thankful the WFs I do each T/Th are so easy because they’re the only reason I’m not still gaining weight. And I also think I am on the right track to realize I have to impose limits on other days so that I relearn the art of restraint. My RESOLVE, however, while strong every morning, is entirely gone by afternoon–SO gone that I don’t even realize I had it earlier in the day! GONE gone. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But, while “stitchin” is an appropriate prefix for Carol, so would “stubborn” be, or “determined” or “relentless,” so I WILL eventually find that missing mojo, LOL!

    @calicocat Sorry to hear yesterday was such a challenge, and today will be another sort of challenge. Deep breaths and ask yourself if whatever is tempting you today will still feel worth it when you remember it in a month. 💪

    @flourbaby Well, I’m certainly guilty of long posts, merely of a different variety than yours. YOU’RE funny; I’M wordy! (@funshipfreddie once gave me an award for the longest post ever!!! ⭐⭐⭐💪👍🥳)

    @northgeorgia Will the project on Saturday morning include food? If not, that’ll be a built-in TRE!

    @ccco So glad yesterday went so well for you!

    Pocket List Day 27 🍏
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Yesterday got up to 80F/26C and set a record. Today, we’re very likely going to get snow and drop below freezing. Weird, weird, weird weather!!!! DH and were planning on a walk, but by the time we thought of going out, it felt WAY too warm, so we waited until after we ate supper, then enjoyed a forty minute walk. Today is not going to be so delightful!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 27 UK f800

    My daily routine thrown a bit today as I had a trip to the hairdresser, my first in a while and feeling all sorts of emotions

    Sorry to hear your news @merryapple

    Pocket List Day 27 🍏
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 28 Auckland 75.3kg FD 🏃🏼‍♀️

    Yes @stitchincarol He was my best birthday present ever, for my 50th birthday!
    That’s such a fun quilt for your wee grandchild.
    Yes you’re quite right about my weakened mojo. I was a wee bit shocked at my descent into emotive eating because I had been OK for so long… Feel the feeling directly, don’t transfer it onto food yada yada yada… It just goes to show the power of the subconscious… I didn’t do my walk y’day which brings out happy healthy feelings too! Maybe a walk could be a solution to your afternoon loss of mojo???
    As to long posts, I find yours funny too! Like a stream of consciousness conversation!!
    @funshipfreddie He’s just really old… would that I could have done this for my mother who took 8 years of unbearable deterioration with Lewy Body dementia (Parkinson’s and dementia together). Her worst months were during Covid lockdowns so she suffered longer than she should have.
    @jaifaim Thank you, yes, darling Mr Mac has been a baseline for our routine, activities and friendships for such a long time now…
    I read the month’s mind is of great antiquity and comes from the pre Christian Norse word, minne, ceremonial drinking to the dead. I shall be indulging on Friday night…
    @flourbaby That is such a beautiful quote (even if we don’t get snow on!) and so true.
    Good on you for swerving all UPFs, which I believe are a blight on society for so many reasons…
    @brightonbelle I’m guessing from your post about a trip to the hairdresser that your treatments may have affected your hair??? Have I got this right?
    I think I’ll do another FD today rather than tomorrow because I’ll be cooking. I’m going to make a big pot of Mexican bean soup tomorrow for Friday🤍🐻‍❄️. I’ll make cornbread to accompany it and whipped feta and a tomato side dish I think.

    Steely Resolve everyone!!

    Pocket List

    Day 27 – UK – FD

    Busy day, including a wet walk with friends this morning, baking for OH this afternoon and then a night out, I did manage to stick to my second FD today – aiming for another FD800 tomorrow 🤞

    Just back from a night out seeing the film Wicked Little Letters based on a stranger than fiction true story, Wicked little letters follows two neighbours: deeply conservative local Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) and rowdy Irish migrant Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley). Their 1920s English seaside town bears witness to a farcical and occasionally sinister scandal when Edith, and fellow residents of Littlehampton, begin to receive wicked letters full of unintentionally hilarious profanities. The anonymous letters prompt a national uproar, and a trial ensues, and Rose (Buckley) is accused of the crime. However, as the town’s women – led by Police Officer Gladys Moss (Anjana Vasan) – begin to investigate the crime themselves, they suspect that something is amiss, and Rose may not be the culprit after all. My thought are that while this is a perfectly pleasant British film with a stellar cast, the feeling these top actors are wasted with the silly script and cartoonish crime capers is very noticeable indeed…..

    Even though it is the end of the day here I am adding myself to the pocket list

    Pocket List Day 27 🍏
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 28, FD, Aus

    FD going well!

    I do not like raw bananas. It’s something about the texture. But I love banana smoothies, banana bread, banana icecream, banana anything. Weird, huh.

    Thinking of you and Mr Mac, @merryapple. As you say, at least we can give the gift of a kind death to our pets, even if we can’t do so for our human loved ones. I hope you have a lovely send off with him. Sniff.

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    It was a glorious day yesterday, & I had a lovely lunch at a restaurant that’s over 100 years old, called ‘Sacramento’, named after a Portuguese galleon which sank close by on her maiden in 1647. The restaurant is in a village called Skoenmakerskop (shoemaker’s hill) about 18 km away. Great Eggs Benedict, but a bit pricey & they don’t know how to make a decent cappuccino, so I don’t think I’ll be going there too often.

    @flourbaby – it is so much easier to buy everything ready-made. These days I feel quite virtuous because I don’t buy take-away food, & I actually go to the stores to buy what I need, whereas many people just seem to get everything delivered

    @merryapple – I’m all for ‘assisted dying’ as they call it, although I understand why it’s such an emotive subject. It seems like it’s gradually becoming legalised in many countries. It’s a pity we’re not all born with an ‘off’ button.

    Line-dancing time 🕺💃

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉

    Day 28 UK NFD

    Least said about yesterday’s calorie count the better. We enjoyed celebrating DH’s birthday 🍨🥂🍫
    Feeling delicate this morning so it won’t be difficult to get back on track with sensible healthy food choices.

    Day 28 – UK – FD

    Another busy day – Morning yoga class 1.5hrs – Coffee and catch up with fellow yogis -Volunteering afternoon

    Won’t be back home until after 4pm – time to catch up with OH and cook a FD OMAD suitable dinner

    @merryapple – Thinking of you and Mr Mac 🤗

    Right off to get showered and ready for 🧘 I promised to pick up a friend and drive us there today

    Thanks for the add to the pocket list @funshipfreddie – gave me added motivation to go for the 3rd B2B2B FD

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉

    Day 28, London, UK, NFD

    I’m having another NFD today as lunch for work was a “Grab & Go affair” this morning as I raced past the fridge!! The smoked mackerel I grabbed may be healthy but it’s way too calorific for a FD.😬

    @merryapple, suffering in old age is something I fear, I’ve seen too many people bearing their pain & confusion with such bravery it’s truly heartbreaking! 😢😢 A gentle, pain-free, dignified (assisted) passing is the future of a humane society.💕

    @funshipfreddie, just the thought of someone else fondling my avocado’s puts me off supermarket deliveries!!🤣🤣🤣

    Well, I’m off to Google ‘Whipped Feta’, it sounds like something I didn’t know was missing from my life!!!🤤🤤🤤

    “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art” – Eleanor Roosevelt

    Day 28 UK f800

    Still trying to reverse my weekend splurge , nearly there 💪

    Yes @merryapple – I was left without absolutely none for several months so yesterday was a big step in getting back to normal

    Mmmm I may have to investigate whipped feta too @flourbaby

    Happy🐫day all

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 226 lbs. I need to stop acting like the human vacuum cleaner, but when I see leftovers hanging out for a while in the refrigerator or a slice of reheated pizza not eaten that will be tossed in the trash, my frugal nature is appalled and decides those are the best meal choices. And so I get a 4-lb overnight carb bloat. Grrr!

    @stitchincarol You’re right, it could be a TRE! As far as I know, there won’t be food around — although this organization is bad to always have and offer snacks. But this project involves sawdust, so it may be enough to put me off any peer pressure.

    Today marks one year since my dad passed away. I’ve taken the day off work to spend time with my mom. My brother has decided to do the same. A day of remembrance and healing.

    Good luck to the many fasters today!

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 160.8

    I haven’t hit that low after a WFD in a few weeks, so perhaps it means my two CDs this past week actually accomplished something. At any rate, yesterday’s WF was stellar. I have a headache this morning, however, and think it was caused by clenched teeth as I slept. Coffee is brewing, so perhaps that first cup will soothe and help me relax so the headache will cease.


    @brightonbelle I’m puzzled why a trip to the hairdressers is messing with your emotions–or is it just two different things, not cause and effect? 🤗 Here’s a hug for you. ❤️ JUST READ THIS MORNING’S POST: ahh…I should have been able to figure out you’d lost your hair based on what you told us before. So glad things are returning to normal for you!

    @merryapple Your suggestion of a walk when mojo starts to fade is excellent; I’ll have to see if there’s a way to arrange my day to accomplish that.

    Wow, @at, that’s a stellar day you had, to bake and then go out for the evening and STILL to stick to your FD! That is the stellar won’t-power of the @at I first met in 2017! And I loved your movie review; I almost never go OUT to a movie, but if it becomes available at home to stream, I’ll have to check it out.

    @penz So glad your FD is going well. And too funny that you love bananas in any form except the way they grow on trees, LOL!

    @funshipfreddie Your lunch at Sacramento sounded lovely!

    @calicocat Your post made me chuckle…over-indulged, did you? You’ll feel far better by tomorrow with today’s healthier choices!

    @flourbaby Your smoked mackerel sounds lovely. Is it chunks you bought at a store, or canned? We have a chain here in the States called Whole Foods and they have some glorious smoked fish chunks.

    @northgeorgia I think it’s time your frugal nature applied itself to your waistline. Remember “The Frugal Gourmet”? He always insisted what he did wasn’t about only using cheap cuts of meat, but about making the best use of what he did buy, and learning to do glorious things with small amounts….I think there HAS to be a correlation there with reheated pizza, LOL! Hugs to you and your family as you spend the day remembering and mourning your dad.

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉


    Supper at church is fried chicken, which I adore and have too seldom. As at all church meals, it will also be things the women call salads, but which mostly start with jello and whipped cream, so I’ll avoid those. And I make a pledge to skip all desserts, no matter how appealing, so it should be reasonably easy to come off with an acceptable number of calories. Lunch will be fried eggs and toast, as we have a man who brings us farm eggs, and we’re positively overwhelmed with eggs at the moment–like, 7 dozen right now!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    USA. Day 28. FD

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍉

    Day 29 NZ NFD 75kg

    @penz If you would like, I can set up the sheet if you have a handle for March.

    @brightonbelle It’s a big step that first trip to the hairdresser. Luckily hair grows back so you are going to have a lovely new short and chic style in time for summer!!
    @stitchincarol 🥳 Go you! It’ll come together for you now!! Wow 7 doz eggs!! I’m thinking what would I make… bacon and egg pie, ice cream…!!
    I love Whole Foods. They started up in Berkeley and I used to shop there. It was a place to meet like-minded people. From memory the singles shopped one day and the families another!!! The cheese counter gave us a big discount because we were Kiwis – NZ had declared itself antinuclear. Still is.
    I also just want to say Fit Feb and the focus on exercise came just at the right moment for me so a big thank you!!
    @northgeorgia Thinking of you, your brother and especially your mother for this first anniversary.
    @penz NZ eats more bananas per capita than anywhere else in the world – It’s a toddler’s first food, banana cake/bread is a household staple and Plantain bananas are a big part of Pacific cuisine. They also come in from around Central America. I visited a banana plantation in Ecuador and can remember being stunned at the absolutely gorgeous flavour of a tree ripened banana compared to a shipped one…
    @flourbaby Whipped Feta – Greek yog, Feta, olive oil and lemon zest. Blend till smooth. I taste it to get the balance right and if too thick add a wee drop of milk. It’s lovely with Bruschetta-like toast, tomatoes, as a dip etc and particularly good with avocados!! You must be getting 🥑 from the southern hemisphere because they’re in season here!!
    @at Thank you. Gosh you must be super flexible!! Admirable!! Thank you for the film review. I mostly select movies because of the actors so interesting that in this case the plot is light…
    @calicocat The tragedy of gaining age, experience and a sage understanding of the world and good food and drink is we just don’t process EtOH like we used to… 🤣🤣
    @funshipfreddie and @penz I agree… For assisted dying (in NZ) it has to be within 6 months of the projected dying from a disease and you need to have all your marbles so only a very small patient population qualifies for this. Too much treatment is being given to the Very Elderly in the West making their exit from this world prolonged and extremely difficult as well as expensive. We can give CARE to them, hold the technology and treatments back and make for a much more comfortable demise… Sadly end-of-life care has become politicised and family members can have too much say…
    I have a living will sitting with my lawyer and GP to dictate my wishes about doing as little as possible when my time is up…
    Mr Mac and I are feeling very supported for Friday with lots of goodbye visits and flowers. We biked to the dog park yesterday on a lovely sunny afternoon for a last sniff. Lots of people are coming on Friday evening too.

    Onward and downward.
    Looking forward to the new monthly reset!!

    Day 29, NFD (PFDS), Aus

    Day 29 in February only comes around once every four years, so make it count people!

    Thank you @merryapple – I’d be most grateful if you can set up the spreadsheet. I’ll create the March page this morning. And I had exactly the same thought about what I would make with @stitchincarol’s 7 dozen eggs: egg and bacon pie! If I don’t say myself (and I do!) I make an excellent egg n bacon pie, and I use a full dozen!

    Hope you had a lovely day of reminiscing and sharing memories with your family, @northgeorgia.

    I laughed at your post @funshipfreddie. You said you had a lovely lunch but then commented it was pricey and they couldn’t make a decent coffee! What was lovely about it?

    Oh yum, whipped feta sounds divine. Yummo! We’re having friends over this weekend for cocktails so this sounds like a perfect accompaniment for a plate of (substantive) nibbles. What is the best type of feta to use?

    Thank you for your excellent hosting @stitchincarol.

    See you all in March!

    second post

    Okay, @merryapple and @penz, are you simply talking a quiche? Penz, what is your recipe that’s so perfect (and I’m certain it is!); do you share?????

    Day 28 – Ireland – NFD – 🚫 ✅ 🚶‍♂️ 🌾
    Day 29 – FD

    Hi all, I’m running to catch myself this week but checking in quickly before work to set the intention for this day.

    Just realised it’s the 29th – feels strange 😃

    Will be back later.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️

    Day 29 – UK – FD

    Sadly yesterday’s 3rd B2B FD did not happen – got back from volunteering to find that we had friends visiting the area and had got in touch with OH and we ended up going out for pizza which of course involved 🍷 and as we kept talking we also had a dessert………

    So planning a FD500 today to end the month on a positive note – going out soon for my 9am Happy Hour class (a mixture of aerobics, strength and balance}

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD 69.8 kg

    A successful February for me as far as maintenance goes, but I wasn’t exactly ‘fit’. Fit for nothing at the beginning, & I won’t forget this month in a hurry 🥴️

    @penz – 😅 what was lovely about my lunch? Well, the ambience, & the spectacular sea view. The Eggs Benedict was good, made with real hollandaise sauce. So many places use that awful packet stuff & it tastes like plastic to me. So it was just the cappuccino that was disappointing. And it’s the only restaurant in the area, so I knew it wouldn’t be cheap. They need some competition. It was interesting to learn the history of the Sacramento too. After it ran aground during its maiden voyage in 1647, there were 72 survivors. They attempted to walk the 1300 km to Mozambique. Only 9 people survived the journey, which took about 6 months.

    More cheerful news about ultra-processed food

    An interesting article for cat lovers:-

    @stitchincarol – thank you for hosting ‘Fit February’ 💐
    See y’all next month

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️

    Day 29, London, UK, FD

    @brightonbelle, I hope the hairdressers gave you a huge confidence boost, it’s a good step for you to take🙏🏼🙏🏼. No doubt you were rocking the snazzy headscarves or neon wigs when you had to; now it’s back to reality and £££ for the hairdresser, or perhaps it’s just mine that requires a re-mortgage before each visit!!!🤣🤣🤣 I’m whipping some feta on Saturday to enjoy with a bucket of crudités …………….. & avocado!!!🤤🤤

    @northgeorgia …………………….. you are NOT a bin!!!! I’m sure you wouldn’t do the same with that wrinkly carrot languishing in the bottom of the fridge!!! I have the same issue with wasting food, but I have to remind myself that it would have the same result if I just put it in the bin, except I wouldn’t have added an extra 2lbs to the scale or an inch to my thighs!!! So, BIN IT, the result is the same ………….. Gone!!!! This 1st anniversary will be hard, but try to celebrate the life your dad had, remember the good times🙏🏼

    @stitchincarol, it was a packet of smoked mackerel fillets vacuum sealed. I think I’ve only seen them sold this way or in a tin here. Sometimes I get smoked trout, both are ready-to-eat, and lovely in a salad. Jello & whipped cream ……….. salad???? My brain hurts from trying to figure that one out!!!🤣😱😕

    @merryapple, I do love an avocado, but have no idea where they’re in season!!😬 I’m feeling quite emotional about Mr. Mac🐶😢.

    @stitchincarol, my fitness plans were matching my scales this month …………………… a bit up & down!!!😂 Thank you for hosting this month, I must do better next month!!!💐

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️

    Day 29 UK f800

    Thanks for guiding us for the month @stitchincarol 👏👏

    I’m fairly sure I’m going to be happy with my loss but in an effort ensure maximum results I’ll weigh in tomorrow morning

    See you all in March

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️

    @merryapple, I won’t be able to post in the wee hours of tomorrow morning, but I’ll be thinking of you and Mr. Macintosh as you say goodbye to each other.💕💕

    Bon Voyage, Mr. Mac!!🙏🏼🐶😢

    Day 29-No. VA USA-FD

    Made it through February without weight loss, due strictly to non-compliance with the program. No real excuses!
    “Marching forward” with more determination! Thanks @stichincarol for hosting February, and thank you @penz for hosting March.
    Thinking of you and Mr. Mac, @merryapple; he sounds like he has been a wonderful gift. My husband got me a corgi puppy years ago for my birthday, and she was a joy for the 7 years I had her. And the saying goodbye was hard, but good memories go far in helping us get past it.

    Day 29 UK FD

    Just gone midday and only coffee so although I’m not feeling enthusiastic about a FD I should be able to just knuckle down and do it.

    @stitchincarol thank you for hosting.

    @merryapple thinking of you as you say goodbye to Mr Mac 💕

    Day 29 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 227 lbs. We had a good day of remembrance yesterday, shed some tears but also memories of the good times. My monthly weigh-in average in February remained the same as January, some of the other averages (mode and median) were up slightly. March has lots of interruptions, but I will have to consistently find my January determination to steer this ship in the right direction. Thanks to @stitchincarol for hosting, and I think we’ll both be seeing results next month. See you all then.

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD – 161.8

    I ate with restraint yesterday, and truly regretted my pledge not to eat any dessert at the church supper last night, because the desserts were beautiful. What’s more, there was nary a jello/whipped cream “salad” to be found, LOL! But I did what I’d said I’d do, and a month from now, I won’t be sad I didn’t have a dessert last night, so it was the right decision.

    Did I lose weight this month? Well, the end of January was also a Thursday, so just like today, I’d had a WFD followed by (as @northgeorgia cleverly calls it) a re-feeding day, so I’m comparing apples to apples…and I gained 0.2 pounds, LOL. But you’ve all seen how my weight fluctuates wildly from one day to the next, so I’m taking that as solid proof that I managed not to gain weight, stopping the 15-month pattern I’ve been experiencing. March will be even better, as–GULP–I’m pledging to do the behavior to lose at least a half pound each week. That’s a truly tiny pledge, I understand that, but it’s also the best behavior I’ve exhibited in 15+ months, so it’s as big a pledge as I’m going to make. More in March as to how I plan to carry out that pledge. 👍💪


    @merryapple I’ve struggled to figure out what time you are in comparison to me, and as best as I can figure, you’re five hours earlier on a day later. So, as I type, it’s 8:09am Thursday morning, so you’re 3:09 on Friday morning. (I may be off by an hour, but don’t know which way to take it, but figure I’m close enough anyway.) And the point of that exercise in discovery is to realize you’re likely in bed asleep–or, at least, you are wishing you’re asleep. Which leads to my comment: I do hope you and Macintosh are getting a good night’s sleep on this last night, and that the day goes as easily for you as it can. Hugs to you, dear one, as you say goodbye.
    And, wow, FASCINATING recipe! NOT a quiche, LOL! So here are my questions: What is farmhouse style bacon? It has a skin? Can I just use thick-cut bacon? And I’m startled that I’m supposed to put raw bacon in this and not pre-cook it; is that true, or is farmhouse style already cooked? And the eggs go in whole! As I said, FASCINATING recipe, and I will definitely make it some Sunday for brunch; thanks! I don’t have a pan with a removable bottom that size/shape, so will probably just make a round version…although, hmmm, 🤔 I do have a smaller one that shape. The hunt is on! 😂

    @jaifaim I love your phrase: “I’m running to catch myself this week”–some weeks are like that, huh? Good luck with running fast enough to catch yourself!

    @at As I crawled into bed last night, I thought of you on your B2B2B FD and realized I don’t think I have the strength and wherewithall to pull that off. So, I’m truly impressed it was not lack of “strength and wherewithall” that put you off your third, but the entirely reasonable interruption of visiting friends. And to do a FD today will likely not be easy with all the carbs you had last night, so more power to you for choosing the restorative option!

    @funshipfreddie Well, we all knew something serious was up when you simply disappeared, and we’re all so very glad you’re okay now; you can tackle “fit” in March–or, I should say, you can RESUME “fit” in March!
    And fascinating chart about health outcomes related to UPF. Reminds me of the “pure and deadly” book about sugar–can’t remember the name, but bet you will, and it had the same message, just not the amazing chart.

    @flourbaby Yeah, about the “salads.” I still remember the Thanksgiving my sister-in-law brought what she called a salad and it was “a mix of Snickers bars cut up, Granny Smith apples in chunks, Cool Whip or whipped topping, marshmallows, and often pudding served in a bowl.” Dessert, in other words, but served with dinner, and then everyone had pie for actual dessert. Everyone raived about the amazing salad. No wonder so many Americans are seriously obese!

    @brightonbelle I’m excited to hear your report in March about your loss for February!

    @excelsior No loss, but you didn’t gain, so that’s a win…smaller win, but a win nonetheless.

    @calicocat GO YOU as you conquor this FD!

    @northgeorgia Glad your day yesterday was good.

    Okay, things to do, so must get going. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Second post…
    Oops I forgot to weigh this morning…but I am resigned to not hitting target this month… body still not playing ball but my focus now is to feel well and not worry too much about the lbs.. it’s a bit of a mystery as to why I’m holding on to weight and generally my system feels different since I was sick in January… but will follow up with GP soon..

    Thank you so much @stitchincarol!! I have you to thank for getting back on my bike and to dance class and some planks… not every day but I have done a lot more than recent months…

    Thanks @penz for offering to host March and I’ll see you there ⭐️

    @merryapple I’ve been thinking of you and I hope you have had a special day today with Mr. Mac and will be with you in spirit tomorrow.💕 I also think that it is a fabulous gift to be able to ensure your dear pal has a pain free end to his wonderful fun life with you.. all those adventures where we were able to imagine him with you on your bike 💕💕 if only this was possible for our dear family and friends – one day I think it will be 🙏

    @funshipfreddie well done on maintaining 👍👍 I am amazed at what people achieved in the old days… a 1300km walk home and losing most of the people along the way.. my god! And I find it hard to get out around the block 😂

    @excelsior12309 no weight loss but no weight gain? That’s something 👍 your little corgi sounds she was a delight 🐶

    @brightonbelle I do hope you are happy in the morning… ⚖️ I’ll be weighing then too 👍

    @calicocat it sounds like you are going better than me today on your FD ⭐️ Keep at it!

    See you all next month 👋

    USA. Day 29. FD

    I blew my diet yesterday because my grandson came over. It rained all day, so we ate all day, since there weren’t too many things we could do. Today, I am back on schedule.

    Pocket List Day 29 ⭐️
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Have a great day!

    wayward post!

    Re egg and bacon pie, @stitchincarol. My recipe is quite different – I don’t use cheese or tomatoes or puff pastry. Instead, I use short crust pastry, and fry up the bacon first with leeks. I also beat about 4 eggs and leave the remaining 8 unbroken. I also add a touch of nutmeg to the mix. I use a round spring form tin for mine too – with no pastry lid.

    And yes, you can easily substitute farmhouse bacon with thick cut bacon.

    Experiment! It’s a great dish served hot or cold (so it’s really good to take away for picnics).

    second post in response to the wayward post! 😂😂

    Okay, @penz, I bought some leeks and will make this for supper, along with a salad–a real salad, a green salad–for Saturday night. How much bacon??

    about four-ish rashes. It’s all “ish”. Whatever looks right! 🙂

    Good luck – let me know how it turns out!

    @stitchincarol – Thank you for hosting Fit February – despite my absence and lack of fasting until the last week I am happy to report that I ended the challenge exactly where I started and with the month of overindulgence that I had I definitely will take it

    Looking forward to March for Me with @penz at the helm

    I’m out walking this morning with my regular group so will post in the new challenge this afternoon sometime….hope to catch up with you all there xx

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