USA. Day 5. FD
Busily working my diet and exercise plan!
Pocket List 🌴 – Day 5
Have a great day!
This topic contains 283 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by AT 1 year ago.
USA. Day 5. FD
Busily working my diet and exercise plan!
Pocket List 🌴 – Day 5
Have a great day!
Day 6 WAITANGI DAY Auckland NFD 76.5kg
MACINTOSH is 16 today. It’s our national day marking the Treaty of Waitangi between some but not all Aotearoa’s Maori Tribes and the Crown ie Queen Victoria’s representatives. I was up at 7am thanks to the birthday boy. It was a beautiful morning for a walk and the Canterbury cricketers were in the nets at Eden Park. I could hear the pop pop of the ball on bat as I went by. We then took the bike up to the Mt Eden village to meet up with doggie friends. Mr Mac had an afternoon nap and I went off to Eden Park to watch Auckland vs Canterbury. Can you believe it – I fielded a boundary for 4 while sitting on my backside😄!!!
@funshipfreddie 3 biscuits per day per year per person!! If you miss a day that means you have to eat 6. That’s an incredible statistic!!!
Have you noticed the SA NZ cricket test?? SA are getting thrashed!!
@jaifaim, @at, @brightonbelle, @flourbaby Do you partake in these biscuit stats?!!🤣🤣
I hope someone has a go at the Flap Jack biscuit recipe I posted!!!
@stitchincarol Take care of yourself and try not to overdo it if you’re not feeling 100 point.
@penz Great to read even a one liner from you!!
Onward and downward one and all!!
Day 6, London, UK, NFD
@funshipfreddie, you seem to be MIA this morning, I’m glad you haven’t suffered too badly with the dreaded virus. On both occasions, I only had a mega-headache and a bit of congestion. Rest & fluids seems to be the key.
@stitchincarol, my own challenge for this week will be to actually take note of my fitbit’s ‘move’ reminder!! I tend to ignore the hourly reminder to get up and move, I have no excuse as we have an open plan office, so a couple of laps should work and we all have standing desks (which I never use🤭)!!
@penz, busy busy fasting I hope!!😁😁
Happy Birthday Mr. Mac!!! 🥳🥳🦴🦴🦴 This applies to all four legged friends too ………………… “Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art” – Eleanor Roosevelt
We’ve got this!!! Keep the faith and KoKo!!!
“The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital.” – Mark Hyman
Day 6 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶♂️ 🌾
Hi all!
Happy birthday to Macintosh and happy Waitangi Day @merryapple! It sounds like you are having a lovely day there and better weather than our terrible rain but the weekend was good so I won’t complain 😃
I’m sad today so just a short post but keeping up my routine and in the office so as not to ruminate too much…we have lost a beautiful wonderful young friend who has been battling cancer for the past few years but had the most amazing zest for life and for people💕💕.
My challenge this week is to live every day to the max, don’t overthink things and log everything in MFP.. thanks @stitchincarol ⭐️
Will anyone join me today on my FD?
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Pocket List Day 6 🌼
Day 6-No. Va, USA-FD800
Very busy lately around the house and at work, so have not taken to posting! Weight stable. Yesterday I got exercise wrestling with 40 # bags of sunflower seeds for birds. Getting them emptied into metal trash cans was not easy.
@merryapple, Happy Birthday to Mr. Mac, a real canine senior citizen! That shows the wonderful care he has received in his life! And he must have good dog genetics, too.
Yesterday afternoon, a very beat up looking orange cat with one very swollen eye and no tail was wandering around our back yard, meowing. He was very friendly. I gave him some dry food and my husband put some antibiotic drops in his eyes. I am going to try to catch him and take him to the vet if he shows up again. We have not seen him before; clearly not feral, but also clearly in need of some help. Our dogs HATED him, from inside their crates!
Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 224 lbs. I had to abort my FD yesterday. I was good until about 4 p.m., when the headache set in. I tried salt, even sugar-free gum, lots of water, nothing… it was a stressful day. At 5 p.m., a teacher emailed me saying her son had suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. Horrible traffic on the way home from an accident. By the time I got home, I was sick and nauseous. I knew when to surrender. Gatorade for quick electrolytes, soda crackers to settle the stomach… some nuts and lean proteins… within an hour, I was better. I think it all stemmed from jumping into a WFD when my sinuses were still draining. By day two, it was enough to make me sick. Lesson learned.
If I’m better, I’ll try again tomorrow!
I am still working on my biggest diet flaw, stress eating at night! :(. I easily managed to give up my evening glass of wine, so I am completely dry. I am not snacking and I measure all my food at meals. Now, if only I could stop that evening stress eating!!!
Adding myself to the pocket list:
Pocket List Day 6 🌼
@excelsior12309 FD800
@stitchincarol WFD
It’s been quite cold here but I am hoping to be able to walk outdoors soon when the temperatures improve.
I am sorry for those of you who have recently lost people. My heart goes out to you. One of the reasons I am back here after my last weight loss is because I lost my brother two years ago. I had lost 14 pounds and was right where I wanted to be. After the funeral, I started to stress out and ate myself right back to where I started, so here I am again. It worked before, so I know it will again.
Have a blessed day, everyone!
Day 7 NZ NFD 76.6kg
After a big sporty day y’day I am having a day off. But @stitchincarol it’s a houseclean, tidy up, cooking kind of day, which will be more than 30’ of exercise 🙁 My Texan friend is coming over for Tamale pie. He didn’t make the last one because of eating off chicken at midnight if you remember. I have bought a lean cut of pork so I’m trying to work out how to do a deconstructed version so I don’t overcook it…
Flap = flip, Jack = boys, mentioned by Shakespeare! Your flapjacks appear to have had a name change from applejacks.
Here’s a great summary
I’m so sorry to hear about your personal losses and those of friends and send my condolences to you all, @jaifaim, @stitchincarol, @northgeorgia and @cocco.
@cocco Grief is so hard to process… Can you ask yourself what your brother would want for you now? Possibly it’s what you’re doing here – getting yourself back on track. Could you plan for supper – cup of tea and a biscuit then go and brush your teeth?!!
@stitchincarol 30 minutes of exercise! Go you!
@excelsior12309 Did you get your building unclogged?!
That was a brave cat that entered the domain of caged wild wolves…
Mr Mac says thank you to all his well wishers. His breeder is famous internationally in the world of Westies having bred many North American grand champions, the current top Canadian Westie and won at Crufts. She has devoted her life to breeding top quality wee West Highland characters in a selfless way, unusual in the world of breeders. Any Westie with Whitebriar in their pedigree has their genes.
@flourbaby Your Fitbit sounds like it belongs on the set of the Office. Never having worked in an office that’s my yard stick😵💫The advice for preventing DVTs (blood clots) is to move every two hours so there’s another reason to listen to it!!!
@funshipfreddie Where for art thou????
Kia Kaha everyone (Stay Strong!) on this final day of week 1!!
Day 7, FD, Aus
Oh no – not a lot of happiness in this morning’s batch of posts with lots of people experiencing unexpected loss. And not the right kind of weight loss. *sniff*. So, with thoughts of all you who are grieving, I’m focussing on happier matters like wishing Mr Mac a very woofy birthday and congrats on taking the boundary; your kindness in looking after a strange cat, @excelsior12309 (despite your dogs’ protestations), the lucky save with your outside vent @stitchincarol and staying dry @ccco!
Day 7 UK f800
Oh how awful @funshipfreddie Wishing you a speedy recovery Take care
Don’t know what happened to my post yesterday 🤷🏻♀️
I’m sure I wished Mr Mac happy birthday and had some other pearls of wisdom but who knows
Anyway in @funshipfreddie absence I’ll kick off the hump day pocket list
Pocket List Day 7🐫
Day 7-No. VA USA-FD800
Wow. So sorry to hear @funshipfreddie about your hospitalization! Pancreatitis pain is some of the worst! I hope you are relatively pain free by now. It is a nasty condition for sure.
@ccco, I totally agree with the problem time of evening eating. What is going on there, I don’t know, but I can be “good” all day and then things disintegrate after 5 pm!
@stichincarol, I endorse your idea for exercise, yet I am very episodic in compliance. I would grade myself a “B” level for doing a lot of housework and some yard work most every day. I used to do Sansone walking in the mornings, and then she got on my nerves and I gradually did less. I need my own mixtape to move too; too lazy to put one together???
Lastly, @merryapple, with respect to the building plumbing problem, 9 hours of effort by a plumbing “specialist” and his crew has yielded working bathrooms again. Cost, with three different plumbers over 5 days: about $5500. Oh well, probably about what it would have cost to build an outhouse….
Stay strong, fasters!
Day 7 – USA/GA – FD
Weigh-in: 225 lbs. I decided to give myself another NFD with the reaction I had on Monday. Apparently, my digestive system now has the cold virus or something! Yuck! I hope whatever bug it is keeps moving on out. Anyway, I think I am well enough and am going to try to do a FD500 unless I really begin feeling ill effects at work by the afternoon.
Pocket List Day 7🐫
USA. Day 7. FD
Pocket List Day 7🐫
Day 7, London, UK, FD,
Such sad stories on the forum. Why do we turn to self sabotage to deal with stress, anxiety or grief? Cards on the table ………………… I hit the bottle pretty hard after my mum passed away, a blurry existence seemed so much better than the excruciating pain at the time😢😢. It took 4 whole months to come to my senses, but the grief is still there, the extra inches are a reminder that 🍷🍷is NOT the answer, no matter what the question is!!!!
@excelsior12309, You’re a star, that cat was probably looking at your yapping dogs with that air of superiority, thinking “Can’t you see you’re locked in? What a pointless racket”😺😸😻, I think I might become THAT lady, you know, the one with 1000 cats!!!!
@merryapple, yikes!!! I think the fear of developing a DVT will be the EXACT impetus I need to take heed of the Fitbit buzzing!!!
@ccco, perhaps a few early nights or head to bed with a good book will reset your nighttime eating. Hand on heart, if you’re not hungry, it’s just a habit , how about making that mental image of chaining & padlocking the kitchen your new habit??💪🏼💪🏼
@stitchincarol, thank goodness for leaky furnaces!!! Time for you to do the lottery I think!!!! 🍀🍀
Oh no!! @funshipfreddie, I really hope the hospital are looking after you, i.e. giving you SHED LOADS of drugs!!! Keeping you in my thoughts, there’s nothing like a serious condition out of the blue!!! I hope you’re home soon to rest & recuperate with Boo Boo fussing over you😻🙏🏼
“Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.”
Pocket List Day 7🐫
Day 7 – Ireland – FD 🚫 ✅ 🚶♂️ 🌾
Hi all!
I’m so sad for those of you who have also lost a dear person this week. ♥️💕♥️ @stitchincarol @northgeorgia @ccco. I’m not sure what’s going on in the universe this week but it feels sad 🥲 and poor @funshipfreddie I hope you are ok and out of pain… how strange that you were struck with that after Covid. It sounds really painful 😣
We are coming to terms with our loss and celebrating our fab friend with lots of chatter and memories. In Ireland, funerals happen very quickly and are a bit of a social occasion even in sadness so I will be very busy this week and there will be lots of food and music and more chats and celebration of an incredible person who really lived life large💕
So I’m fasting again today… a B2B and weight that had really mysteriously come on over the weekend is already gone.. -3lbs.(there might have been popcorn and crisps 🫢 as had cinema dates as well as active times (Irish actors in many movies right now which are wonderful)). let’s see what tomorrow brings before the few busy days.
I’m sorry I’ve only skimmed posts as trying to finish up work but thanks to the FDers yesterday for joining me 💕💕 it really did help and for all your thoughts. I’ll throw myself on the list again today and will check in tomorrow.
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Pocket List Day 7🐫
Day 8 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶♂️ 🌾
Hi all!
Just a quick check in with you all… @funshipfreddie I hope you are ok but expect you are either still in hospital or at home but resting as you have not been on… wishing you all the best.
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 8, London, UK, NFD
Well, we’re certainly missing our early post from SA!! How often does the closing poster on 1 day, open the following day’s posting??? @jaifaim, you take the crown!!👑👑
@funshipfreddie, I wasn’t joking yesterday, I hope they’re pumping copious amounts of drugs into you as we speak🙏🏼 Get well soon my friend💐💐
I’ve a busy day ahead of me at work, recent ‘slacking’ has led to the usual mad scramble to get stuff done before the deadline. I‘m my own worst enemy!!!
Keep the faith folks!! We’re expecting wintery weather this week😱🥶, so I need to keep seeing the beauty ………………….
“Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers.” – Kahlil Gibran
Day 8 UK f800
Wow very low on numbers Big hugs to all that are having a tough time , @funshipfreddie I’m sure you’ll know your international gang are rooting for you 💪
Pocket list day 8 ☔️
Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD
Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Meh, but it was just a FD500, so shouldn’t see a huge weight increase tomorrow either. I’m off to the state capitol today as part of a leadership institute I’m a part of. Should be a light lunch, although this morning’s biscuit (scone) will be a bit heavy they give us on the bus.
Day 9 Auckland FD 76.8kg🏃🏼♀️
It should have been a FD y’day but there were too many leftovers and I had a whole lot of documents to read for a zoom meeting. Then I dressed up and went to a very formal opening at the Auckland Art Gallery attended by the new PM and various dignitaries.
@funshipfreddie Oh no! That is one of the most painful conditions to have… But you know that now… Is it related to your recent Covid 19 which can manifest in strange and unexpected ways? You don’t fit the usual profile for pancreatitis. Anyway sending you😘💪🍎(to keep the Dr away!). Let us know how you are.
@jaifaim We see your lovely Irish actors on Graeme Norton!!
It’s wonderful to be able to celebrate someone whose life was well lived and share your grief.
@excelsior12309 Wow that’s quite a blockage. You’re not volunteering what the culprit was???!!! We still have an outhouse loo because it’s part of the shed. It’s great not having to take off your gumboots when you want to spend a penny!
@flourbaby Office DVTs are a thing – my travel agent friend had one. We have a lot of awareness of DVTs because of the long flights we have to make.
@stitchincarol The tamale pie was OK. Could do better… I burnt the spices, ground them up and added them to the chile and peppers before I tasted them and of course they tasted bitter… Also I think the pork would be better not seared. The 35 mins of cooking for the Masa Harina topping would be more than enough for the pork pieces. The next iteration will be better!!
That’s annoying about your knitting mistake but even more annoying later on if you don’t fix it!! Enjoy the calm of sitting knitting!
@northgeorgia A heavy scone??? They should be as light as a feather!!
@brightonbelle I hope your hump day went well!
@fastingnurse How did your B2B FDs go?
Onward and downward one and all!!
Pocket List for Friyay!
Day 9, FD800, NZ
Oh my gosh apologies for being M.I.A!
we just moved into our new house, it took about 5 days to move. We didn’t hire movers – probably would hire movers next time! (Which won’t be anytime soon buying a house is such a big expense). Anyway sorry I am back!
This week I haven’t done any FD’s (other than FD800 today), other days this week I have calorie counted and did 16hours fasting. Plan over the weekend is to calorie count tomorrow and attempt FD800 on fast days. I’m going to be honest and say I have really struggled on the FDs so going to try FD800 for a little while and see if I can reduce down to less than 500 calories
Day 9, London, UK, NFD
It’ll have to be a quick check in from me today, I’m soooo busy!
Anyway, feeling like I’m in a good ‘headspace’ at the moment, food choices are ok, exercise is improving (thanks to Leslie💪🏼), work is manic but it WILL get better and DRY-ish February is going well. My friend wants to share a 1986 bottle of red he was gifted!!! It’s one the late Queen favoured apparently, I will partake …………. hence Dry-ish February (and B’day drinks later in the month too!)
Keeping you in my thoughts @funshipfreddie🙏🏼
“I value self-discipline, but creating systems that make it next to impossible to misbehave is more reliable than self-control.” Tim Ferriss
Day 9 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶♂️ 🌾
Hello all another quick check in – trending downwards which is a nice surprise this week. Any good news most welcome.
Very busy days so will check in with you all over the weekend.
I hope @funshipfreddie is ok 👌
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 10 NFD NZ 76kg
I’m going out for dinner tonight to meet my friend’s daughter who is over from London. She is married with two children and works for the BBC so there is no chance of her returning to NZ. The large distance has its plusses and minuses…
@stitchincarol I had an unanticipated problem with my outfit – my good clothes are too big! I have three gorgeous French shirts (Isobel Marant @jaifaim) that are boho chic but they now need a belt and I wasn’t quite organised enough to work out a new look with them!! I’m now 12 stone without much of a waist so any belt is there to hold up my trousers not show off my waistline!!
@funshipfreddie How are you? Are you eating yet? Manage to get home? Sending 😘💪
@fastingnurse Moving is always taxing so no wonder you haven’t been 5:2ing. Good to have you back getting on track!
@jaifaim You can’t be far away from your maintenance!!
Great stuff!! Remember to rest up when you can too!!
@flourbaby Great to hear you’re chugging along!! Enjoy the wine. I hope it’s OK. I’ve got 1980s reds in my wine rack that were too precious to open (pp DH) and whenever we did they were corked… I might open some with cassoulets and stews etc this winter so I can tip them in if I don’t like the taste…
I’m off for my 30’ walk.
Kia Kaha everyone! (Stay Strong!)
Day 10, CFD + 16:8, NZ
@stitchincarol right, there were some fast days I found harder than others and that is probably because I had a pasta based dish the night before, I will definitely take on your advice and do lower carb options the night before FDs.
Have been awake since 6am, has been a busy morning going to the markets and cleaning, a busier day ahead.
Going to start my FD tomorrow (aim 500). Have a good weekend all ✨️
Day 10 UK CD
Up and out very early yesterday for some root canal work at the dentist then as the weather cheered up a lovely unplanned walk and lunch out , my next task is to log everything on MFP and plan the rest of my weekend
Hope you are doing ok @funshipfreddie🍇
Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – ???
I’m home, phew? Thanks for your concern, fellow fasters. What a horrible week I’ve had? Like the Covid wasn’t bad enough 😟
Got out of hospital yesterday. Just had cheese & crackers – first time I’ve been able to look at solid food for days.
Staying horizontal for now, will try a proper post tomorrow
Day 11 NFD NZ 76.9kg
Today’s challenge is to regroup, rehydrate, eat lightly. I’m joining friends for a morning walk at 9am in a lovely park. I’ll have to carry Mr Mac around… He’s been up all night going back and forth along the hallway. He can’t see well and bumps into things and gets stuck against the furniture… Oh dear, his time on this planet is dwindling…
@funshipfreddie I’m very glad to hear you’re home and are tempted by chickies and bees! I look forward to your post when you feel ready.
I might do another post or wait till tomorrow but do have to get going…
Onward and downward…
Day 10 – Ireland – CD 🚫 ✅ 🚶♂️ 🌾
Great to hear you are home @funshipfreddie! 💕
@merryapple I’m so sorry to hear Mr. Mac is getting disoriented – poor little pet. I hope your walk went well…
My challenge to log all food and exercise on MFP has gone very well this week ⭐️
Hope your logging is working well too @brightonbelle 👍
@fastingnurse – congrats on your new home 🏡💕
@stitchincarol I had a mysterious 3lb gain last weekend which I did lose again but it was really strange! Literally overnight! I hope your Saturday challenge went very well 🤞🤞
@flourbaby I hope you enjoyed the wine and so glad to hear you are in a good headspace – you have had a tough time so I’m happy to hear you are well 💕
I’m tired after an emotional week – like others …
I hope everyone is coping ok.
Thinking as I wrote of @maui, @snowflake56 and @daffodil2010 🌸🌺 🌼
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others
Day 11, NFD, NZ
Going to do fast day tomorrow not today, weekend fasts are just so hard! But so far today I have had eggs with some salad no carbs, will let you know how I get on with dinner! But OH is planning on making marry me chicken? Not really sure what that is but sounds like chicken and rice to me and as long as he makes dinner I’m happy 😂
Day 11 – Ireland – NFD 🚫 ✅ 🚶♂️ 🌾
Just back from a short walk and coffee with friends..
@fastingnurse – marry me chicken! Sounds like a very interesting dish 💒
@northgeorgia it’s definitely a weird month so far… all the best with the FDs
Happy Sunday everyone ♥️
Onward and downward ⬇️
We rise by lifting others 💕
Day 11 – USA/GA – FD
Weigh-in: 226 lbs. Whew, well I’m glad the weight stayed constant over the last three days. I’m hoping to do a B2B FD today and tomorrow. Probably a 3rd one on Thursday! After two weeks of health-related sabotage, I’m ready to find my January mojo again and keep galloping towards new records this year!
Not a big Super Bowl muncher, so today will be a perfect day to fast with the icky weather outside 🙂
Pocket list – day 11
Day 12 Auckland FD 76.3kg🏃🏼♀️
We had a lovely sunny morning in the park y’day. I’m fitter now so carrying Mr Mac up and down the hill tucked into his red knapsack was easier than I thought. However despite a lovely doggie focused day that was technically tiring, Macintosh was up and down throughout the night leaving me with very broken sleep…
I ate in a controlled way 👍 for y’day’s personal challenge. Today’s is to do a 30’ walk, 50 sit-ups and complete the FD500.
@funshipfreddie I look forward to hearing from you when you’re ready. Boo-boo is probably using up your energy at present…
@stitchincarol Monday midday is the start of the Super Bowl broadcast here. I’m an ex Californian girrrl and have been to a few tailgate parties at Candlestick Park for the 49ers in the 80s so I’m on your team!!!
@calicocat You are very welcome to join our monthly challenges!! If you would like to read this month’s host, @stitchincarol’s intro at the beginning of Fit Feb you’ll find all the details you need to know as well as her theme for us to focus on – daily fitness or other daily personal challenges. Then could you introduce yourself… much appreciated. Most of us have taken more than one shot to get going on this WoL. The ultimate aim is to eat normally and maintain our maintenance weights so we have a mix of people at maintenance and on the way down…
I’ll add your name to our Google sheets list which is there for extra support if you choose to use it. Access is via the web address at the beginning of Fit Feb.
@brightonbelle I’ve put you on our rather mixed up pocket list for today, Monday! I assume you’ll be watching along with @at!!
@jaifaim You lead by example!!
And don’t forget @lilymartin. I’m hoping all is well after your superhuman dress fit out?!!
Stay Strong and Go the 49ers!!!
Super Bowl Sunday-Monday Pocket List
Day 12, FD, NZ
1st FD of the week, going well, just finished lunch, had a boiled egg with spinach.
Seeing the dentist tonight so will keep me occupied until I have a late dinner
Happy fasting 😀
Pocket list
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2:06 pm
5 Feb 24