First Weigh-In (Lost 6 lbs!)

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First Weigh-In (Lost 6 lbs!)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  timmothysmith01 1 year, 10 months ago.

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  • Hey guys, I just joined this site today. I’m a 27 year-old dude from NB Canada. I’ve struggle with weight for too long, and I’m starting to really feel it.

    I started this diet (5:2) 11 days ago, and weighed myself a few days into it. I was 278 lbs last Saturday when I did my first weigh-in. This morning I weighed-in at 272. Not bad after only one week!

    I’m super excited to start feeling like my younger self. Already, even after just 11 days, I’ve noticed a massive energy improvement. The downside I’ve been facing is that I’ve had a harder time falling asleep at night because of the energy, but I attribute this issue more to a poor sleep habit.

    Just wanted to give people a little encouragement who are thinking about doing this diet, it’s worked so far for me. The three fasting days I’ve faced so far saw me having soup, and granola bars to keep under 600 calories (550 to be exact). They’re not easy, but honestly it’s not that bad either. Very manageable. The other days have seen me eating all the regular crap I stuff down, just maybe a bit less. Also have been conscious about having more veggies and fruit – again nothing drastic yet. I still love my Kit-Kat bars.



    @terdfergeson64 – just reading through posts looking for something on recipes and saw your news – 6lbs is a massive victory. If it helps any on fasting days I’ve just started but have made a discovery – using pine nuts in a vegetable smoothie – helps to suppress the appetite – and it did work for me, keep on with what you’re doing it’s obviously working.

    Terdferg + Aiming: don’t forget the protein in your Fasting meals. “Keeping it under 600” is the goal, but those calories need to be quality calories: lean protein, vegetables, whole fruits. The other plus for proteins is that they retard muscle loss as you exercise for muscle building. One reason you want to build muscle is to replace the space taken up by the fat that you are losing from under your skin.

    Glad Fasting is working for you!

    Thanks for the advice y’all! I REALLY appreciate it!

    Second weigh in I lost another 8 lbs, 14 total! I feel amazing. I have a LONG way to go, but holy poop am I excited about this.

    My last weigh-in was unfortunately a null in weigh-loss. This is my own fault though… I was sick for the whole week and didn’t choose to fast on one of my fasting days, instead I ate a lot of hearty foods in hopes to get over the full body flu/cold.

    Good news was that I kicked the flu fast, bad news is that I didn’t lose weight. Not enough to discourage me as I recognize my OWN FAULT in it.

    I’m oddly excited for my next fasting days! I will take your advice and make certain I’m eating lots of protein in my 600 calories.

    Week 3 sees me at 264 lbs (from 278), almost breaking the 250’s!

    Great job, Terdferd! Wow.

    Aiming, how is your progress?

    Tomorrow is our Fast Day and after Easter eating, we’ll need it!!

    Alright so now I’m at week 6. The last few weeks (between weeks 3 and 6) have been basically a stalemate. I’d lose, gain back, lose again (etc…). I’ve stuck with it though, and I haven’t given up. I don’t know any science behind this stuff, but I almost wonder if it just takes my body a bit of adjusting for the lifestyle change? (That made no sense, but I’ll leave that sentence in here anyway).

    Finally after some discouraging weigh-ins, this morning I weighed in at 257! Which means after 6 weeks I’m down 21 lbs. Feels so good to break the “250-zone”.

    fasting_me: I’ve really taken what you said about protein more seriously. I think this has been helping me feel good in addition to all the other super important stuff it will do long term for me.

    First weigh in (Day 6. Two days since my last fast day). My weight is exactly the same down to the tenth of a pound. The fast days were extremely difficult. The first day I may have messed up and eaten 550 calories instead of 500 and the second fast day I ate 400 of protein and lettuce and cucumber-only. I stuck to my one-month new excercize (HIIT stair climbing) routine as well. Still I lost zero pounds. 🙁

    Hi Mblue. I have the same problem. Eating properly on my non-fast days and keeping to my 500 kcals on the others (give or take) yet no loss. In fact, a small gain at one point. Very discouraging 5 fasts in. Last time I did this (a few years back) weightloss was really good, but now, not so hot 🙁 not sure what to do except persevere and think about the other long term benefits my body and mind should be reaping.


    @mblue – you are doing HIIT stair climbing and you didn’t gain any weight. It is very possible you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Exercise often makes us heavier, but for the right reasons.

    @gecko – I often don’t see progress, even for months. However I eat above my estimated TDEE on some NFDs. I typically eat 14000 to 15000 calories a week. That is partly because I want to build and maintain muscle mass. Maybe you are eating more than you realize. Since I like to eat a lot of food, I avoid refined sugar which really means most processed foods and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you really want to eat a lot eat vegetables without a lot of stuff on them. Learn to get different tastes with mixtures and spices instead of cheese and dressings. I do eat a lot of cheese, but I’m aware of the calorie cost when I do. It is so easy to overeat. Anyway over a year I see a lot of progress, but often I don’t over a few weeks. Stick too it and give it time to work.

    Well, it’s been a year now! I know people aren’t super following this thread, but it feels good to post here.

    After one full year I’m down 41 lbs!

    I’m down a bit even more, but the official one year mark saw me weighing in at 237 lbs (starting point 278). I feel like a different person. Literally no more back pain, lags don’t go numb, tons of energy! I still have a way to go, and will likely take me another year and a half, but I don’t care. I feel amazing, this is so worth it.

    As far as 5:2 specifics go…
    My “2” days usually see me eating 800 calories now, instead of 600, and 4 (of the “5”) days see me eating about 1700 or less, leaving one awesome day a week where I still don’t count calories.

    With this new regime I’m actually loosing a lot more, closer to 2 lbs a week and at a steady pace. Don’t know if that works for everyone, but that’s the great thing about 5:2 – flexibility. It’s second nature now to me, like 800 days are easy, 1700 days are easy. Honestly my “cheat” days I rarely ever even hit 3000k (I am still a 28 year old dude, and I can eat a LOT of food, so this is progress).

    Good luck to anyone reading this. You CAN do this! It will be the best thing you can do for yourself, and it’s SO worth the period of difficulty until you get used to it.

    Terdferd, that is fantastic! Great job losing 41 pounds and continuing to lose. What do your NB friends think of this? We summer in PEI, where people seem skeptical about the reason for weight loss. I bet NH is the same. You can be a shining example of how well 5:2 works and of its benefits.

    Congrats! What an amazing progress! Very inspiring. Good for you.

    I have been doing ADF since January 6th–a slightly different approach than yours, but I’m enjoying the journey and remain motivated and optimistic.

    I was just thinking today that my goal is to be back on my old thread in January of 2020, reporting success. It was really awesome to read your update tooday. Keep it up!!!

    Greetings from NS!

    Good luck to you, 165gw, up there in NS. keep at it.

    Terdferg, how are you doing?

    Hey thanks so much for the encouragement guys! I keep setting this site to notify me when people post in this thread, but I never receive notifications! And greetings East Coasters, and others all around!

    My NB friends are proud of me, but they think what I’m doing is impossible… still I try to stay understanding – I would have, and DID, think the same thing too my whole life. They just haven’t found the right perspectives yet that speak to them personally.

    So a lil check up on me:

    I don’t do 5:2 at all anymore. 5:2 was the rewiring that my brain and body needed. Had to do it to reprogram how I thought, and felt about food. It was the best thing for me that kick-started this whole process. The concept is soooo easy, it REALLY appealed to me (heck, still does!).

    Slowly over the course my time doing 5:2 (one year basically to the day), I ended up doing what I *didn’t* initially want to do – LEARN ABOUT NUTRITION.

    The body is so complex, I love food so much, metabolism, I love food so much, carbs vs protein, I love food so much – that mentality held me back from considering the nutritional side of things. The misinformation out there, and the misinformation in my head was REAL.

    But little by little over time I learned a few things, here and there. Every time I lost 5 lbs I got a little more curious about *how* exactly it all worked, and more specifically, why it didn’t sometimes.

    Right now my lifestyle is basically somewhere between OMAD and Warrior (One Meal A Day. 20/4 fasting, respectively) most days. Some days where I eat a little more I’ll try to so 16/8 at least, and of course once a week (well… ideally) I jsut eat whatever whenever. Over time my cheat days have become more and more tame because I just don’t want to over eat.

    Since my one-year check-in I’ve lost an additional 24 lbs. This means my rate of losing has increased since shifting from 5:2 towards what I do now.

    So my total weigh-loss since March 8th 2018 is 65 lbs. From 278 to 213. Now I only have 35 to go to my goal of 178 (really want to say that I lost a hundred pounds haha).

    It’s far from the fastest weigh-loss story, but it’s real. It’s achievable. I know I hammered out me “perfect and ideal” food regime, but don’t be fooled by myself – those are under ideal conditions. In reality I still love pizza, I love chocolate, I over-eat all the time. And honestly, that’s fine. I’m always going to love food. This way I can still say yes to going out with friends, do all family holidays and never turn away a food opportunity. I just know how to work hard to make it up – and still lose the weight.

    What a rant!

    Good luck everyone with all of your goals. YOU CAN DO IT!!

    I’ll leave you for now with the one piece of inspiration that I personally needed to hear to start loosing:

    “A year goes by so fast. Like too fast… A year ain’t that long. What do you want to look like next year?”

    So, a week ago today, I began keeping track of my diet. I began out at 147 lbs and am 5’6″, so I’d like to shed roughly ten pounds. I’ve been aiming for about 1500 net calories each day, and this week, I worked out most days. This morning when I stepped on the scale, it read 141. That worries me somewhat since, according to what I’ve read, two pounds is the maximum weight one should maintain for health.

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