First week…think I made a BIG mistake?

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First week…think I made a BIG mistake?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  NAley 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hello everyone!

    This is my first week (2nd day of fasting) and I think I have a made a mistake….

    I’m so nervous and have already upset myself as I’ve gone into this thinking I will be the only person attempting this to fail.

    I got through my day with Weetabix (136cals) and milk (50cals) for lunch as I am not a breakfast person (plus no time taking care of 7 month old!)

    Anywho…for dinner I decided to have half a pot of a Waitrose soup which equates to 131cals. As by this point I was ready to eat my sleeping baby, I decided to heavily dilute the soup with around 200ml of boiled water.

    Now, call me silly, but although I’m aware water has no calories, by adding it to a chunky soup, have I significantly increased the calorie content?


    I eagerly await your response and appreciate any feedback….

    Don’t fret…adding water (0 calories) to any food will not make it more calorific, just more diluted. But, be aware, that it won’t make your food any more filling in any meaningful way. You could have had the other half of the soup and still have been within your 500 cals.


    Thank you Kitty, I thought as much!

    Within minutes of posting my husband walked in and laughed at me for about 5 minutes…

    I officially retract my question and hope you are doing well with your 5:2 goals :o)

    No problem 🙂


    NAley – Good luck with your 2nd week. Am sure you will gradually relax into it. Thanks for the laugh you gave me when you said you were ready to eat sleeping baby 🙂

    Evilkitty – what a FAB name! 🙂

    Keep on keepin’ on!

    Today is my very first day and I’ve just had a small juice(home made veggie and fruit) 25 cal and now I’m facing what to eat. I have a busy day so hopefully it will get me through til tea tonight.

    I am starting today too. I had greek yogurt this am because I take medicine in the morning that requires food. Now, I am feeling very hungry.

    I don’t think that you can make that big a mistake. From reading other people’s experiences, there is some tweaking involved to make the fast days work for you. I am looking forward to figuring it out.

    Take care and keep it up!

    I started yesterday. one cup of Bovril and a very small portion of homemade stew for tea. I do feel good but I did overdo the black coffee throughout the day. I had 6 cups which is more than I ever drink. Eating normally today but just having water and green tea to drink.

    This is going to be a lifestyle change so perhaps it’s better not to think about short term weight loss for the moment. There will be times where it goes wrong but it’s easy to get back on track.

    Sounds like everyone is doing so well :o)

    I can now say that the fast days are getting easier in that I don’t think about food all of the time. It’s hard when I have to do a 11pm, 3am and 7am feed for my daughter and the cookies are taunting me, but I’ve surprised myself by downing a glass of sparkling water instead.

    I’ve also found that my approach to food on non-fast days is changing. I thought I would lose control and load up like the cookie monster, and I mean I’ve had the odd slice of dessert, but don’t feel I’ve ruined my progress.

    Bootsy Badger – thanks!

    dougv – not heard of Bovril before, sounds interesting! I also overdid it on the coffee so am trying fruit teas instead which are 2 calories per teabag.


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