First week hard

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  saz123 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Surprisingly I found both fast days in the first week really hard, thought as it was a new regime I would be buoyed up by that – wrong. I really struggled. Have decided to be aware of what I am eating on non fast days too. Bit fed up that even though fluctuated day by day through first week (this is state norm I know) but at end of week I was no better off.

    start of second week I am not feeling the lack of food too difficult at all, maybe I am more determined I don’t know.

    I am a vegetarian and I think that in some ways that can make it easier as i have no need for meat etc so a lot of calories come from veg etc anyway so don’t feel I am missing anything. i do find going without carbs difficult but when I do indulge it is always brown rice, pasta and bread but would like to cut down on those generally anyway so hopefully the 5:2 diet will encourage that.

    I have just started this plan last week and the rest of the time i’m trying to stay under 1800 calories. I am on my second fast day today and had my first one on Saturday. It was hard but mostly not from hunger but the internal struggle I had with myself for not eating. When lunch time came, I almost panicked coz I ouldnt eat… will be interesting to see how today goes, I am at work again til six so hoping distractions will keep me going.

    Good luck for your next fast days!

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