First week

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  5-2Dave 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi Im a 57 year old male that needs to lose weight so iv started the 5-2, it seems like a doable diet especially for someone who loves food and has never dieted before. All my weight is around my waist im fine everywhere else, im on my second fast day now im doing tues and thursdays, when im hungry I eat but im not happy with my weight and something needs to change before I have some health issues.

    Im 6ft tall and 15st 7lb, to me its a mind game and my stomach is aching for food at the moment while im sat here typing but im not giving in to it, hope to to be a stone lighter in 2 months or so.:)

    Almost at the end of my first week (6 days) and I feel less bloated, Iv cut down on a lot of bread which was major weakness, impressed so far as Iv lost 4lbs.

    Well done Dave! Bread was one of the first things I cut out, too many unnecessary calories. The next thing to get rid of is sugar, especially in drinks. All fruit juices contain added sugar and you would be much better eating the fruit anyway. Diet drinks should be avoided too.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the encouragement and extra advice Applepie

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