First week

This topic contains 10 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  xMommyBearx 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi all

    Well week one of fasting and cutting back on the alcohol has resulted in 5 lb lost which is brilliant. I didn’t expect to lose so much weight in my first week and certainly don’t expect this to be the norm but it is a good boost to get started. I didn’t feel hungry and had a sunday lunch and biscuits on my non fast days. Today is a fast day and I really looking forward to my weigh in next Tuesday. I will keep you all posted.

    Hi Sona,

    just wondering how you are going with your journey? Today is my first day ever and finding it sort of hard but should be interesting in seeing my progress!

    Keep us posted

    Hi all this is my first week I have done only 1 fast day which I found quiet easy and lost 2 lb. But last night went to a fireworks display with friends and drank and ate to much and as a result have gain this morning. But I am still 1 lb lighter than before I started. So this morning I am having a low cal breakfast and lunch, and later on a long walk with my dogs.
    Think I will cut out alcohol for a while maybe a treat on a Friday night. My next fast day will be Monday so I will keep you all posted.

    Best of luck everyone

    Wow this is pretty great to report, I have lost 1.4kg 3 pounds since Sunday (3) days amazing I have only fasted one day and will be fasting tomorrow, so easy well not the fasting day I did struggle with my first day hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Hope everyone else is going ok as well

    Well my first week trying this..I lost 3lbs. So for me …I am excited. I have tried a lot of other diets…and nothing works/.

    Absolutely over the moon after my first week on this diet! I couldn’t quite get my head around how it could work (still being able to eat ‘normal’ foods 5 days a week sounded too good to be true!) but after witnessing an ever-shrinking colleague’s success I decided to give it a try and can’t believe the scales this morning – 5lb in a week! Definitely spurred me on for week 2!

    I am new to the 5 2 business. Have read the books and done 2 weeks (3lbs gone) – easy enough but I have 3 stone to go to my ‘ideal’ weight. Can’t believe I am this heavy. One of my main additional concerns is that I am prehypertensive…whereas I used to have a BP 110/70. Has anyone found that their BP lowered as they lost weight? Wish me luck and good luck folks too.

    This is my first week too. My second fast day is tomorrow, so I’ll be weighing myself Sunday morning, hopefully with a loss! I went a little overboard yesterday with my feast day, but reigned myself in today and am counting calories using Lifesum so I know exactly how much I can eat.

    kildarekate, my blood pressure dropped a lot when I both lost weight and started exercising regularly.

    At one point I weighed over 190lbs, and I remember the doctor telling me I had high BP and was just barely below the point where he would put me on meds to control it. I forget the actual numbers now, but it was somewhere in the high 140s over something.

    That (and being fat) scared me back to the gym and regular exercise. As of today, I’m at 147lbs with a resting heart rate of 45bpm.

    Last time my blood pressure was checked it was 117/70, which was fine by me.

    Just finished my first week, lost 4 lbs, Can’t believe it…I have 3 weeks to holiday and I hope I can keep this up. 4 x 3= 12. I combine 4:3 with 16:8. I don’t even feel hungry any more, I know I have to eat but my appetite has severely reduced. Just thought to share my progress.

    This is my first time doing a diet like this. I was at my heaviest back in January. I put on 4 stone due to not smoking, its my own fault! But now I’m determined to lose the weight I put on! Since January I have lost 18lbs.( 1stone 4lbs) I’ve done my own diet and exercise plan and it worked for a while but then I gave up! I want to be how I was before I had my daughter. I will be doing my fast days over the weekends as this is the time where I put the weight on. I tend to weigh my self everyweek on a Monday morning. I have cut down on so much fatty foods and started exercising more. How much weight can you lose a week doing the 5:2 diet. What kind of foods can you eat whilst fasting? It is best to have the full 500 calories at dinner time or can you so it it into 3 small meals?

    Any advice will be helpful. Xx

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