First two fast days: meal spread

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lany36 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Everyone needs to find their own best approach for meal spread on fast days. On my first fast day, I tried to save all calories for one big evening meal. Despite my best efforts of staying hydrated, I felt awful and had a terrible headache, and I didn’t enjoy the meal at all. Today I tried something different where I stayed fasting until 12:00 noon when I had my first meal, then a second meal at 6:00pm. I also had an apple around 9:00 so I don’t go to bed hungry. Everyone is different and things can even change over time, I’m just so grateful that there is flexibility in this lifestyle.

    I do better with spreading my 500 calories across the day. Everyone is different and eating 3 small meals + a snack works really well for me. Yes, the flexibility of this program is one of it’s best attributes!

    I’m so glad someone else is doing it this way. I’ve been skipping breakfast every day and fasting until about 2pm on my two fast days then eating about 250cals with another 250cals at dinner time around 6pm. I find this really easy but was worried about timing two meals close together. I have lost about 1kg in my first week so it seems like my approach is ok but it’s reassuring that someone else is doing the same.

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