First Time Faster

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TishC 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Good evening all.

    So tomorrow is my first time fasting.

    I am combining the 5:2 ( although I am doing it 4:3 ) with the gym and also Kayla Itsines BBtG. I’ve got 9 weeks til my 30th and although I am not expecting miracles I am excited to see what my 9 week weigh in will be.

    I am currently 10stone 1lb and. 5ft 4inches so although this is in the healthy weight bracket for my height I want to feel slimmer and look good in my party dress.

    Because I am new to the 5:2 I am going to start off using protein meal replacements and also natural juices for my 500 cal days and then juices and clean eating on my 1200 cal days and allowing myself one day where I eat what I want but not over my top end of 1600 cals.

    How has everyone found it so far and what are people’s stories and results?!

    Did you ever get a reply to this post ? Even privately ? I’m curious as I seem to be wandering in the wilderness – it’s like it’s a ghost town – I am getting support on an active forum elsewhere – I just logged in to see if anyone had replied to me but nothing – extremely dissappointing 😶

    I did get a reply to my first post but I think I annoyed someone as I felt got at for doing a 2 day back to back fast – admittedly the words welcome, good luck and be prepared for my success ( in 3lb weight loss in 2 days ) to not continue or something like that – I was given a link to tips but I don’t believe the person giving them is an official moderator / forum admin –

    Some of the tips didn’t make sense, so I decided it would be less ‘ confrontational ‘ ie : less backlash if I just went elsewhere – other people seem to be answered but to see your post NOT answered on a ‘support and encouragement thread ‘ beggars belief – it’s put my first assumptions about the initial ‘ support ‘ I was given – ie: ‘ told off and sent packing’ into context – however, at least I have the books – not a nice experience so far – I think I might actually complain about this on the facebook page or Twitter – it must be putting a lot of people off and then maybe failing in their 5:2 diet efforts – – I wish you well with yours and hope you get a fab day out in that new dress !!

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