First Time Dieter

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Applepie 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • So, I’m a teacher at a university in South Korea. 35 years old and have always been overweight, even since primary school. I never done anything about it and this is the first time I have ever taken a diet seriously. Why? Well the final straw came when I went to put one of my polo shirts for the first time since last summer (Korea gets really REALLY humid in the summer) and it simply would not fit. I heard of this diet, researched it and decided it was the one for me.

    My first fast day was May 21st, my second; May 25th and my third will be tomorrow; May 29th. The first day was tough, but I planned it well. Had an apple for breakfast, raw carrots for lunch and chicken for dinner. Second day I had porridge for breakfast and chicken and veg for lunch and dinner, and it was much more bearable. For my third fast day I’m going to repeat the second day.

    I’m under no illusions that this is going to be a quick miracle weight loss program but I’m here for the long haul but when I got on the scales before I started I was 108.7 KG, today I was 107KG!

    I’ve got some of the side affects that I’ve heard about, headaches and some difficulty sleeping but they are pretty minor. Another thing that has happened me is that on non-fast days I don’t really have that much of an appetite! My TDEE is 2415 and today I could only manage around 1300 calories, and di not feel hungry afterwards!

    Anyway, thanks for reading if you did, wish me luck and I’ll be checking back in here reguraly


    Hi Their…. thank you for your post very encouraging … I am just about to start this diet xxxx

    Awesome Eileen, let’s do this!

    Hi and welcome. Your TDEE seems very high. Many people prefer to use the TDEE of their goal weight not their current weight. Maybe you could check that out?

    The best tip I can give you is to cut out sugar from your diet. No more sugary drinks, cola, fruit drinks or even diet drinks, they can be even worse than the sugar! No yogurt with sugar, no canned sauces. Can you get greek yogurt? that is really nice and you can add your own fruit. Eat lots of vegetables.

    Try to watch the film / documentary “Fed Up” it should help you a lot.

    Wishing you the very best of luck, and I hope you enjoy the journey to the new you.

    Hi Applepie and thanks for the advice. Didn’t realize about the TDEE, so I redid it and it’s about 2200 calories now, however, I’m not going near that on any day, staying well below 2000 with no trouble at all.

    Good advice on the sugar, haven’t touched a soft or fruit drink since I started, however, I have had a kit Kat and twix, need to curb that as well.

    Thanks again

    Edit: yes, I have got Greek Yogurt, it’ so’s good

    Hi Sean, your TDEE still seems high, are you tall? I am only 5’2″ so my TDEE is a lot lower.
    A little chocolate now and then is not so bad, you need to enjoy this.

    Greetings from sunny Spain

    Thanks for this advice Applepie, I have redone mine and it’s now 2793. I have a feeling that it will be tough going in the summer here, its almost 45 C now, so dehydration will be a problem. I am just at the end of my first fast day and it’s been fine. My boys made trifle, which was quite hard on me, but I have managed to stick to 600 Cal!

    Applepie, I’m just above average, at least for an Irishman, 5’11

    Update, I have lost almost 4kg since I started

    That’s brilliant, well done!!

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