First time 5:2 – a couple of questions?

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  • Hi everyone,
    I’m from London. New to 5:2 but not to counting calories or IF!

    I’ve been on a huge health journey for a couple of years now and just about to reach my 66 lbs weight loss. I’ve mostly been doing 16:8 since I’m a night person and I don’t like to eat too late and I always skip breakfast anyway.

    This is my first time trying 5:2, I’ve done a fast day here and there in the past, mostly on days I didn’t feel hungry anyway.
    But a couple of days ago I decided I’ll start 5:2 the next day. I did my HIIT session the night before, small meal after and that was meant to be it. The next day I woke up and had my 500 calories throughout the day, I also did LISS (a long walk), but come evening time, just over 24 hours since I started my fast, I got hungry and ended up consuming 200 more calories.

    I’m sure it’ll get easier but I realised one thing I’m uncertain of – is a fast day meant to be 24 hours? Or 36 hours? I read conflicting reports! 🙂

    And I tend to do HIIT 2-3 times a week (would never do it on a Fast Day), but then I do LISS about 4-5 days a week (normally just because I have to be places and I walk everywhere), and I find it consumes a lot of energy too. How do those who work out regularly handle it?

    Thank you all and have a great day

    Hi. I’ve recently read the 5:2 book and MM suggests 36 hours. So for instance last meal on a Monday at 6pm. Fast day Tuesday eating 500 calories women or 600 men in one of two small meals, then assuming you sleep getting up after 6am on a Wednesday would mean you have faster for 36 hours. I do however believe there are various regimes you can follow. I don’t work out as such but swim 2 to 3 times a week and walk a lot but no HIT for ms. I’ve swam on a fast day no problem.

    Thank you for your reply!

    I must admit I’ve been doing 4:3 instead but have been finding it really difficult going over 24 hours.
    I ended my last meal yesterday by 7pm and then had my 500 calories spread throughout today until 7pm, but by 9pm I was hungry and ended up consuming 200 more calories again!

    Similar things happened on all my previous fasting days. I’d lasted about 26-28 hours before getting too hungry and eating over the 500 calories.
    I do take those calories off the next day (on non-fasting days I eat 1500 calories so tomorrow I will have 1300 instead since I count tonight’s 200 calories in there).

    Quite annoying, but I must admit I’ve managed to lose quite a bit of weight already (1.5 kilos in a week). I just wonder how many benefits I’m losing cos of this 🙁

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