First fast day yesterday!!

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First fast day yesterday!!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • A really positive start yesterday, coped on tea, coffee and water until dinner time then made a veggie curry which was nice. Felt a bit peckish later but had a fairly early night (also only had half a glass of wine which is normally my downfall!!). Did think about going for today as 2nd fast day but decided maybe not as its my first week!! Actually feeling proud of myself as I don’t usually have much self-discipline but like others it’s given me a sense of power in my future health so feeling very positive right now!!

    Well done Becster72 – after only 2 fast days I agree it is easier to hold out until as late as possible before eating rather than try to spread the calories across the whole day. And I am a person who never misses breakfast!

    Good luck and keep the positivity going 🙂

    Hi Becster. Have you got a receipe for that veggie curry or do you just throw it together? Goodluck with your next fast.
    One day at a time! (ooh, I feel a song coming on!).

    Thanks guys!! No Chrissie, started off with a slimming world green potato curry and ended up chucking in an aubergine and tomatoes too! Hadn’t realised how calorific rice is though so only had a little bit of that!! Only had my bowl of muesli so far today so thinking maybe I should’ve gone for 2 days straight…!! How’s it going with both of you?

    It’s going well although I’ve not been on the scales as I don’t want to be disappointed! I feel slimmer but if the scales say otherwise I’ll feel all fat and horrible again.

    No I’ve not been on the scales either – but on my two non-fast days this week I know I have been really thinking about what I eat in a way I definitely do not do normally. I am not counting calories (because to me that seems to be the joy of this diet!) – just really waiting to see if I am hungry before eating and then being careful with portion size. I am planning my first weigh in on Monday so I will try to be reasonable about what I eat over the weekend, but I am out tonight and then visitng my folks from Sat-Mon so I know there will be lots of temptation!

    Fingers crossed for a good 1st week weigh in for all of us 🙂

    Good luck with those weigh-ins! I never weigh myself till 2 weeks in just to make sure!! And in a way, if you’re feeling slimmer and healthier, that’s the best feeling ever!! Keep it up x

    First weigh in and down 3lb! Which considering I am sedentary (due to ongoing hip/back problem) and have rather unusually eaten out on 3 of my non-fast days plus got through a Bank Holiday weekend away, is amazing! 3rd fast day today and travelling to Sweden for work – so I am going to try not to eat until this evening.

    Hope everyone else did well 🙂

    Today was my 9th day so 3 fast days behind me. Lost 2.8kgs and hunger levels have decreased. It really does work! I am actually pleasantly surprised.

    Wow Cathy that IS amazing!! Well done you and good luck today in Sweden

    Thanks Becster.

    Did fine yesterday – made do on tea and water until the evening when I had a big prawn salad in the hotel – and I actually left some as I was full! Today managed a ‘normal’ day (I’ve made excuses to avoid having to eat with colleagues both nights) and I will be fasting again tomorrow – will be travelling home in the afternoon/evening so will avoid breakfast & lunch and eat when I arrive. Really feel a sense of achievement as I normally end up eating loads when travelling!

    How are you doing?

    I started yesterday even though I don’t have the book, and actually found I didn’t get too hunger til the afternoon. But I managed to hold out the dinner where I made soup, and a nice chicken salad.
    I had 500 calories but worked out today that my daily intake is 1662 so that means fasting day should be 415? Does anyone know if eating below 500 calories is okay?

    Hi betalean (won’t it be!!)
    Congrats on starting! 🙂 Sounds like you have made a great start too.
    I also began without the book; in fact, still haven’t bought it cos there is so much info available via this website and online in general, that I haven’t felt the need. (I feel a bit guilty for not supporting Michael and Mimi thru its purchase, tho.)
    It’s fine to have less than 500 cals on fasting days – some people actually don’t eat at all on these days, as they find it easier to manage than having a small amount of food.
    As you have inferred, a basic premise of 5:2 is to have 25% of your TDEE on fasting days, so for many of us this will be less than 500 cals. Some people are very careful about the exact number of cals they have, and that works well for them. I am a bit lazy and just calculate cals roughly. I know that some fast days I exceed the 25%, tho I have got better with time.
    Best wishes for your success 😀

    Hi Sassy, thanks for replying to my question. Just wanted to make sure I was on track and not going to fade away on less than 500 calories. I used to think 1200 calories was low for a day but when you eat the right foods and fill up on fresh vegetables its amazing what you can eat for under 500 calories! I hope you’re having success this week.

    I totallyagree betalean on your point regarding how much one can actually eat within 500cals!! Yes I find it hard still as I can’t graze, but it is rather surprising, and empowering for me.

    Regarding the other 5 days, I try to stick to around 1200. I have been a bit concerned as it has been so ingrained in my understanding that ‘my metabolism will slow down if I don’t eat enough’ but it’s only when 85cal biscuits get added in that it becomes harder to stick to my goal – and with the amount I can eat for 1200 cals! Well, with all that good stuff I am sure my body can’t think it is being stressed!!

    Thanks for your reply, betalean.
    I am in awe of you, iwant2Beincontrol, and others who can survive on 1200 cals or less every day. I eat, and have always eaten, lots of salad and other veggies, so need to look for ways to make them more interesting and filling!! 😀

    You guys have such high enthusiasm, it’s really motivating ^^
    I haven’t been losing weight so far with my previous low calorie diet, but I’m on my second day of IF so let’s see how it is in a week… I try to be around 1200 as well, even though the Fitness Frog (I believe it was called) says I have a 2000-2500 calorie burn a day… my body is weird.

    I love eating a big salad, but keeping it as healthy as possible. Just iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, corn, onion.. and if it’s the only meal of the day, some chicken or eggs.

    I can’t wait until tonight to whip this bad boy together!

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