First Fast Day Done and Dusted

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First Fast Day Done and Dusted

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  catinhat 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi Fellow 5:2ers,

    Yesterday was my first fast day and woo hoo I completed it with no crafty snacking. Feeling pretty good about myself.
    Breakfast was a cup of tea with poached egg, spinach, grilled tomatoes and mushroom from the Fast Diet recipe book and dinner was meatballs with silver beet and a squeeze of lemon, which was a lovely touch. My kids had the meatballs with spaghetti and my daughter’s comments were ‘Wow this doesn’t taste healthy at all and oh, by the way I don’t want the green stuff.’ Ah well you win some, you lose some!
    Drank plenty of water during the day. The evening was finished off with a cup of peppermint tea.
    For my husband and me this was a great start lets hope it remains that way.
    Good luck everyone

    Well done! I’m glad your first day went well, keep us posted on your progress.

    Good Job!!

    I am in my second week and on my 4th fast.
    All of them have been good but today. I tried something new.
    I usually don’t eat breakfast. I wait till noon and eat then and then at dinner.
    I was ok till noon, two and then at three o’clock. I brought out the baby carrots. That seemed to have worked for a bit but then around 4:30 I was hungry again.
    I got out the Cheese it’s and went to town. I started out with a count of 25. I enjoyed each and every one of them.
    I got out 25 more.
    I know you can eat what you want, just watch it. Watch it closely on Fasting Days. But they also say, it’s ok to “give in” as long as it’s not that bad. So I did.
    So next week, I’m back to what I started with, waiting till noon to start.
    I don’t know if I’ve lost anything yet, weigh in is next Monday but I can tell my pants feel better.
    Again Miranda, good job and keep it up!!

    Well done for keeping going. I really don’t think I could do this without a decent breakfast in me. The recipe book has some tasty looking breakfasts in it.
    For many of us this ‘journey’ is a learning curve in which we will find what works best.
    I am aware that although yesterday was a success I am fully aware that I may come up against blips that will try to thwart my goal, but I’m not going to beat myself up about it as should nobody else. After all we’re only human.
    I’ll keep you all posted on our progress and good luck with the weigh-in on Monday, SanDiegoUbermom.

    Good for you! You’re on your way, one step at a time! I think you are right that we each find a version of this that works best for us, makes sense with the rest of our lives, etc. I wish you all the best!

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