First day of fasting

This topic contains 4 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  biscuitsrivermir 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi guys so today is my first day of 5:2! So far the morning has been ok but now its lunchtime I am actually starving, just got an oxo and a can of diet coke for lunch, Anybody have tips for coping with the hunger, I feel a bit sick!

    Hope your all going good x

    Hi Gem, I hope you get through the day okay.
    Drinking plenty of water is my best tip. Distraction (go for a walk?) when the hunger is strong (it comes in waves, so just wait for it to pass). And remember that hunger is a sign your body is doing all the good things.
    A bowl of low cal veggies with a small drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice is also a good solution if you are feeling sick. You probably also need to add salt when cooking the veg.

    Hi everyone it’s my first day today to fasting and I was abit scared and anxious but I’m almost through the day and I have just been drinking plenty of water and I had coffee so feeling pretty proud of myself and am not feeling like I need to rush home and eat everything

    yep the hunger is worse when you start… keep going! It will decrease or at least the hunger will start not to worry you..well done on starting!

    My first day of fasting – feeling hungry ALL THE TIME, it never passes. It’s a proper hunger, not just being peckish. I have a headache all the time and sometimes nausea. Is that normal or is it a sign that I’m harming myself?

    Wasn’t brave enough to enter the world of fasting with a full 24 hour attempt so am doing 16:8 starting today. To celebrate the new me I had Chinese Takeaway last night and have swore not to have another for a full month. Hoping with a daily 1600 calories and the exercise regime I have that I can lose some gut fat. How horrible does that sound – Gut Fat lol.

    My plan is that if I manage a week of this I will add in one full day fast next week and two the week after. Found all the information around fasting made a lot of sense, just a bit concerned about how much energy I’ll have for training.

    I guess that the best tip is no drink water – your brain thinks that you put somethng in the mouth and probably this is food

    I started 5:2 fasting last Wednesday and did it yesterday (Monday), which I’ve found not too difficult. I’ve decided to embark on the IF because both my blood sugar level and cholesterol level are both higher than the ‘safe’ range even if my diet is healthy and I do lots of excercise.

    Although the ‘First Diet’book convinced me of all the merits of IF, I am wondering if my blood sugar goes up sharply after fasting and this ‘yo-yo’ movement of the sugar blood is obviously bad for the health, isnt’ it? If anybody could comment or counterargue on this point in medical terms, I would be grateful.

    Congrats on starting 5:2 – it’s a great way to get healthy and look after yourself. You are totally entitled to be feeling hungry! Try to stay hydrated with plenty of water and see if you have anything on hand to snack on. You could try some low-calorie snacks, like apple slices, celery or boiled eggs for a little extra something. A lot of people find that having a hot drink like herbal tea can help keep those hunger pains at bay.

    For me, I find that it really helps to keep some sugar free gum on hand for whenever I’m feeling super hungry. I also love to purposely plan activities so I’m not just sitting here thinking about eating. So far it’s been going ok for me, but everyone’s different.

    You can do it – it’ll be worth it at the end.

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