First day of fast diet.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sylvestra 11 years ago.

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  • I’ve had an apple and some steamed vegetable so far and that’s it.
    I’m curious if there is a style of eating that I should be following on the fast days? Paleo? Vegan? Vegetarian? Gluten Free? Should I be paying attention to my Fat, Protein and Carb ratio?

    Also.. can I still take my vitamins on fast days?


    Won’t my body think its starving and then go into starvation mode?
    so when I finally do eat .. won’t it ‘save’ everything?

    I don’t understand why that wouldn’t happen.

    @thatgirl_kelsey welcome to 5:2. Can I suggest that you read the ‘why fast’; ‘how?’ and ‘faq’ links at the top of the page. You’ll find the answers to all of the questions in those links as well as other information.

    5:2 is not Paleo/Vegan/Vegetarian/or Gluten Free particularly but if you choose to eat any of those ways,you can incorporate that into 5:2.

    Your body will not go into ‘starvation mode’ fasting for 2 non consecutive days a week it take long term calorie deprivation for that to happen. Nor will your body ‘save’ from the other days. Michael Mosley explains this in the ‘why fast’ and ‘faq’ links.

    It’s all about doing this the way it works best for you – beyond eating up to 500 calories on your fast days and eating WHATEVER you like but NOT HOW MUCH you like on non fast days, ‘shoulds’; ‘musts’ and rules are kept to a minimum. That’s what makes 5:2 so easy and so sustainable.

    And yes you can still take your vitamins if you want to.

    As I said if you read those links, and the book if you have it, you’ll get all the information you need. If you need any more help you’ll gets loads on the forums. Just ask and anyone here will be glad to help you.

    Good luck


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