First day, have hit a low point!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  alfie2blue 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Went all morning without anything and managed to last til 12.45 when I had yog and blueberries. But they haven’t touched the sides and supper feels like a long way away!!

    hi Alfie2blue!

    you are doing so well, hang in there, try and drink lots of water or black tea/coffee… keep yourself occupied, are you at home? if so go do those jobs you have been putting off lol, or go for a nice long walk..i know and sympathise how hard it can be, especially in the afternoon/early evening… just remember tomorrow will soon be here!!

    hope that helps a little and good luck with the rest of your fast 🙂

    you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!

    Agree…lots of black coffee/tea or water (put a slice of lemon in it and pretend it’s a G&T)….and just keep telling yourself tomorrow I can eat that!! It’s take a few fast for your body to accept the changes and most of the time we eat out of habit not because we are hungry.

    You can do it …fast and lose!!!

    Help!! First day and ready to quit but past lunch point and have eaten a total of 260 calories! Evening will be hurdle as i will cook a meal for my family.

    hi there Gigimara!

    you are not the first one to hit that hurdle lol! I have many times.. right, so you have a total of 240 cals left, not too bad, lets not panic 🙂

    what sort of meal are you cooking tonight? if you know the cals amounts then make sure your portion doesn’t take you too much over the 500 mark, but then even a little over wont be the end of the world, stay strong, and tomorrow will soon be here!!

    best of luck to you, and just like Alfie, you can and WILL do it!!!!!! 🙂

    Thank you!!! Have made it through the afternoon. Now at son’s football class and will eat when we get home. It is true, I have felt fantastically hungry but not got the shakes or anything. So good to think tomorrow is a normal day!

    And WOOHOO I DID IT!! And it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Ready for the next one on Thursday.

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