First day done :-)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  arbed01 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Well I did it, my first day of fasting :-), i’m not going to lie I didn’t find it a breeze, my worst time was around 3.30 – 4.30pm as that’s when I normally used to pick n snack (all the wrong things of course 🙂 )… I just hope that it gets a little easier… I really need to loose about 3 stone but i’m doing it more to feel good on the inside and i’m sure the outside will catch up.. onwards and upwards…Good luck to everyone out there…Have a great

    Well done arbed01 you did it !

    Now you know when your low point is you can prepare for the next one. Simple things like a large glass of water or hot drink or even ensuring you are really busy at that time can work. I take a handful of mange tout and sugar snap peas with me in case of emergencies and if i don’t need them they just get used for dinner instead.Eating them raw makes you chew them properly and quickly fills you up. A friend of mine has an emergency apple.There is always the chance that next time will be just that bit easier.

    Anyway well done and enjoy the day knowing your body is that bit healthier today than it was 24hrs ago.

    I have an emergency banana – I am glad I am not the only one who does that 🙂 Heehee. Well done!

    Its my first day as well, I started with a boiled egg and had chicken salad for evening meal, feeling a bit hungry but not enough to eat anything, I didn’t decide until this morning to start – Fingers crossed!

    Hiya … I started yesterday and went to bed hungry last night convinced that I would be having a “horse and sauce” for breakfast this morning!!!

    Nope instead, cup of tea and some Belvita biscuits and have kept relatively “normal” all day. Am already loving this way of eating and now looking forward to the weight loss as, like you, i also want to lose 3 stone.

    Hi All, thanks for all your support and comments it REALLY does help…LOADS… started my 2nd fast day today, the last thing I ate was at 7.30pm last night so i’m going to try and last for as long as possible without having anything until 7.30pm tonight..GULP!!! at the moment haven’t had many hunger pains, if I do I just keep sipping my water, i’ll let you know how I get on…I have with me my EMERGENCY BANANA, thanks for tip Maxwell 🙂 .. Good luck today everyone have a great one.. 🙂 xxxx


    Just promise me if ever you do have to eat that emergency banana DON’T beat yourself up.Smile instead.

    It happens and some days don’t go to plan.

    It was a non fast day for me yesterday and it was a bit of a celebration event within my family so i ate way more than i ever should have done but hey ho its fast day today and i have no plans to step on the scales for a while so keep chilled, best of luck and pat yourself on the back if that banana becomes part of breakfast tomorrow. 🙂

    Thanks Maxwell :-),
    i’m getting confused, (doesn’t take a lot mind 🙂 I had my emergency banana at 1.00pm and I don’t intend on having my chicken till 7.30pm all within the 5oo cals…does it then mean that my fast ends at breakfast time tomorrow? or after 7.30pm tonight? apart from the banana my last meal was 7.30pm on weds night ARHHH :-{… I know this probably sounds mad just wondering if anyone can clarify for me…. Thanks guys… 🙂 xx

    Yesterday was my first day. I don’t think I did that well. I had a granola bar and water for breakfast and another granola bar and more water mid-afternoon. For dinner I ate baked cod (breaded) with veggies which included potatoes. I don’t eat chicken or meat but I do eat fish and seafood. I need help with menus.

    Hi ccrlee, i’m only on my 2nd fast day so i’m no expert, but from what I understand your ok to have 2 granola bars and then your meal as long as you’ve stayed within the 500 cals :-).. well worth buying the fast diet recipe book though or surf the net.. I got quite a few recipes for 500 or less cals from

    Good luck and welcome to the club…Lol… 🙂 x


    Pick a 24hr period that suits you and within that period eat 500 cals in either one go or two.

    I too started my fast at 7.30pm weds night, my last mouthful, so we will break our fasts at breakfast time Friday.

    Don’t eat it in more than 2 goes as that defeats the whole object of this way of eating. Its not about just eating 500 calories in one day its about going for as long as you can without eating to give your body optimum time.

    Have another read of the book if you are not sure. In particular the first chapter and the sub heading “Is it just calories?”

    “…all the time you are eating your insulin levels are elevated and stuck in fat storing mode.”

    Makes you think doesn’t it ?

    Thanks Maxwell that was really helpful 🙂

    I’m really starting to feel the benefits even though I’m just starting my third week, I find the support and info you find here is invaluable, thank you to everyone :-)..

    5 pounds lost so far 🙂 it just seems so natural now to fast and the beauty of it is that if I crave something chocolaty (i’am only human you know 🙂 ) I just say to myself tomorrow you may have that, and normally by tomorrow comes it looses its importance…

    I’m truly converted… xxxx

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