First day

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Kirstya86 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone 🙂 today is my first day on 5.2. Im 28 and only 5ft 2 so im short. The past couple of years i have weighed exactly 140lb it never moved i was comfortable at this weight still a little curvy though not really overweight i could eat what ever i wanted and always stayed the same but the past six months my weight has gone up by 18lb and its a shock. I have never had a good relationship with food i have binged for years my diet was horrific so i am seeing this weight gain a good thing i can now try to break my bad eating habits and be more healthy. Im so excited to see how this could change my life and attitude towards food and im feeling inspired reading your posts. Its 8:45pm on my first fast day and im already feeling great knowing that i have made it this far into the day there is noway i will ruin it now 🙂 5.2 hell yea bring it on

    Kirsty. i am pretty much in the same position although I am 50. Binge eating is my problem , I eat really well and then sneak into the kitchen and eat the children”s sweets and biscuits. Am never hungry but eat out of habit and when I am stressed.

    Started 5 2 this week and it is really helping to get the binge eating under control. Have a friend who did this diet for the same reasons. When she first started she used to binge on the 5 days, but after three weeks she said her relationship with food changed and she just didnt feel the need to eat anything in between meals. Lets hope it is the same for us!!

    Kirsty we are around the same weight and height so I know how you feel. I’ve put the best part of two stone on in the last six months simply by eating what I pleased. I had a shock when I stepped on the scales although its plainly obvious I have piled the weight on. I had my first fast today and have done 5.2 before losing 20 lbs so I know it can be done, the trick is maintaining once I have lost the weight again. Good luck ladies.

    Just seeing your replies now. First fast day went really well easier than i thought and i woke up this morning feeling amazing. After i dropped my little boy at school i went shopping actually excited to buy healthy food. Walked there aswell which is unheard of for me. Feeling great. Fingers crossed ladies xx

    hi I’m also new to this. i found an article in my newspaper and thought id give it a try- does anyone have a timetable i could follow to get started including any recipe ideas for breakfast and dinner?

    Hi everyone,

    First day for me too – although I did have some success last year with the 5:2, I got a bit lost with it when we had a family bereavement. I’m starting again because I didn’t find it all that tough last year, and managed to lose about 11 lbs in 8 weeks, which is very good for me.

    I have decided this time to pay more attention to what I eat on non-fast days, as I think I would have done better last time if Id been more careful then.

    One thing I’m unsure about though is how often to weigh myself – I’ve always done it once a week in the past, but I’ve been thinking about weighing in less often this time. Reason being, if I have struggled one week and not lost much, or at all, it tends to throw me right off. And then I fall off the wagon. And my weight can fluctuate so it’s possible that I’m giving in even when I’m doing ok. I thought, if I weighed in once a month, there will almost certainly be a loss (fingers crossed), and then I will stay motivated. Anyone else not weighing weekly?

    Good luck to everyone else 🙂

    Hi all 🙂 Today is my first day and it’s just lovely to read all your stories and know that I’m not alone!!!

    I’m 50 next month (where have the years gone??!!) and need to lose 44lbs – not much when you say it quickly!!! I’ve tried so many diets it’s unreal but this 5:2 seems realistic and do-able. My husband is also considering doing this so I need to make it work 😉

    I’ve been for a brisk 6.2km walk this morning and this is my first fast day so at the moment I’m feeling very positive. I’m also wondering about the weighing – how often do you all recommend??

    Good luck to all of us 🙂 Take care x.

    Hey folks first week going well so far 🙂 second fast day tomorrow fingers crossed it goes as well as the first and im really happy with the choices i have made on non fadt days aswell. Purple Kitty you can weigh yourself as iften as you like i plan to only weigh myself once a month i have chose to do this because as we all know and have prob read through all the threads on this site that weight loss will be slow but i think thats a good thing i wouldnt want to lose a stone in a month i want to lose it gradually my goal is to be 2 stone lighter by July plenty of time to allow the plan to work 🙂

    I appologise my typing is awful lol really should spell check before i send

    Hi everyone, I started today, whoop, I’m 44 and haven’t dared the scales yet after Christmas. I was 90kg at some point and lost 5kg but may have put on some in the last few weeks (I ate far too much), I’m 5 ft 8. For me it’s not the weight as such (although I’m borderline obese which isn’t good in itself), but the fact that my waist has expanded and diabetes and heart disease is running in the family, I’m really worried about it, esp. as i’ve been diagnosed with cataract which may point to diabetes. I really should get myself tested… My main food issue is that I love sweet stuff, chocolate and cake and can’t really stop myself eating, I consume far too much sugar – but on the plus side I do like my veg and have a healthy diet minus the sugar. Very hungry as I’m typing this, so may just go to bed to sleep it out. Good luck to everyone!

    Cartside i know how you feel i love cakes and sweets and anything with chocolate i also love crisps or potatoe chips depending on where you are from. A tip i read on one of the threads which i never would have guessed was how low calorie some hot choc drinks are and did you know that 10 mini marshmallows is only 22 calories 🙂 so if you are really struggling on fast day for something sweet this might hit the spot.

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