First attempt at 5:2

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  • Hi everyone, i am 51 and seem to be putting the weight on , all around the middle , and i now feel myself wobble …i hate it , so its time to do something about it instead of moaning !!! so tomorrow will be my first day of 5:2 . I would love to hear from people in the same situation and maybe we can help one another on . In an ideal world I would love to lose a stone in weight . Thats my goal right now . I have the will power of a squashed gnat ,,,,and thats the problem , but im gonna try my hardest to sort this out once and for all . Jill x

    Hi jill,
    Tomorrow will be my first day of 5:2 as well!
    I’m 47 and have just booked my holiday for the summer and would really like to get back in a bikini for it. It may be the last holiday with my two teenage kids and I don’t want to spend another one wishing I’d made more effort to get ready for it.
    I probably need to lose three stone, though I’d settle for two. Heck I’d be thrilled with one!

    I’d be grateful for any help too.


    Hi Helen
    great to hear from you, well im not putting such a huge goal ahead of me to start with , im hoping that might help lol . All my life i have been slim until i hit about 40 slowly it has gone on , and ive gone through years of having mad diets , that last a week then backthe weight goes back on , so i just really feel so horrid about how i look and feel this is the time to motivate . it would be great if we can share a little blog with what we have eaten on our fast days , we might get some ideas lol . and some support πŸ™‚ XX

    Hi, I’ll be starting tomorrow.
    I’m 29 and not completely unhappy with my weight but would like to lose those last few pounds to tone up.
    I lost 8lbs on a detox diet at the beginning of Jan but despite “being good” it is creeping back on so am going to give 5:2 a try

    Hi All, I’ve decided to give 5:2 a try to see if it will help me lose my spare tyre. I have always been very fit and still train 5 or 6 times a week, but once I hit 40 my waist steadily increased and here I am about to turn 45 with a real belly! I don’t like diets, but having seen the 5:2 documentary and seeing Michael Mosley’s own results, I feel inspired to give it a go. I am not overweight, so I’m not shouting about this to my friends, but I do believe this will help me lose a few pounds and finally shift that belly!

    Well that is great! All us ladies (I presume, apologies if not) in it together!

    I have to confess to not having done any prep other than browsing the internet today, but i have tomorrow off work so i’m going to do a meal plan for my fast days and get some shopping as appropriate. Im afraid my weight has crept on since the day I got married 25 years ago. I’m at my heaviest I’ve ever been (including during my pregnancies eek!).

    Unfortunately I have had to spend a lot of my adult life running around after one sick relative after another. But the last one died (at 101) just before Christmas and I feel like this is finally MY time.

    My kids are dreams so I have no issues there, and my husband is supportive and needs to lose a few pounds himself.

    So i’m off to have my last supper of pizza with the kids and then tomorrow the fun really starts!

    Hi book and welcome:

    Never presume:

    Here is the basic information you need to start and be successful with 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Thanks for that’s simcoeluv, your posts are really informative.

    Starting the first day today. Cup of black tea so far (always drink it black so no change there).

    Went for a drink with a friend last night who started 5:2 last week and is surviving on her fast days on cuppa soups. Bleugh.each to their own.

    Hello, I am 50 and started the Fast Diet on the 6th January. I have about 1 stone to lose. Although I have lost 5lbs, which I suppose is good, I feel progress is slow and I am suspicious of it! When I eat normally and weigh myself the next day, 1lb is back on, which leads me to think the weight-loss associated with fasting is just because my stomach is completely empty. Put some food in it and I am heavier again so it’s not real weight loss. My waist measurement also increased by 2 inches which I hope is bloating!

    Finally, I never feel well on the fast days – exhausted and sore throat, with a funny taste in my mouth. Is this a normal experience? Does it pass?

    I wonder what other people are experiencing? Thanks!

    Starting my first day!
    Having hot lemon water instead of tea which is a challenge as I love a cup of tea.
    My meals for today are:
    Lunch -porridge and grapes
    Dinner – tuna salad

    I wasn’t sure if skipping breakfast would be a problem but I couldn’t fit that under 500 calories

    Hi Laura

    This is my second fast day, feeling excited but likewise I had similar questions.

    I think ) from what I have read ) missing breakfast is ok as long as you stick within the 500 calories .

    Your meal plan sounds great, I’ve done the exact same thing and replaces my cup of tea with hot lemon and I do feel energised already


    Hi Topcat,

    I’m in exactly the same place as you. Where I have always been fit and healthily I’m not telling my grinds because to them I’m ‘fine as I am ‘ but my tummy has got more wobbly and my thighs are bigger since I haven’t been able to due to hurting my back at Christmas. I like being able to feel in control again. I also really liked that we cooked dinner for a birthday last night, chilli with turkey mince and I have cauliflower rice and I didn’t feel guilty for having two after eights aswell ( instead of desert) as I knew it was within my TDEE and I would be fasting today 😊


    What does TDEE mean please? Total Daily …. ??? Thanks!

    lovely to hear from you all, i think we are all in the same boat here. like many of you im not making a big thing to everyone that i am on a diet , i think by doing the 5:2 it gives you more control , and it doesnt have to be the same days every week , so if you do a have a night out you dont have to miss out . Sarah Christie – i think we share the same problem , i would be happy with that initial stone off , and mine is all round the waist as well , i feel bloated and look like a pygmy !!! uggg and its the wobble !!!so today im limited to 2 cups of tea with a tad of semi skimmed milk , lunch is going to be a low cal yogurt with a few grapes and dinner tonite is a tesco low cal lasagne 340 calories & just water with a dash of lemon . what are your meal plans everyone ?? I think i am going to aim for Mondays & Thursdays , but it is ok to swap . Weighed myself this morning and have done all the horrid measurements so lets see what happens , good luck all and dont forget we are here to help each other πŸ™‚ XXXXX

    Hi Gilly, glad I’m not alone!
    Just a point I’m noticing on the forum – many people seem to be following the 500 restriction but not the lengthy fasting bit. I’d read that WHEN you ate was as important as WHAT.

    I’ve been fasting for 24 hours (for eg. last meal Sunday night @ 7.30pm, not eating until 7.30pm Monday night and then only having upto 500 cals (usually a lot less). I wonder if that’s why I’ve not been feeling too clever on fast days (see another of my posts on a different thread.) I’m also fasting for 3 days this week because I’m eating lunch today and Saturday with friends and don’t want to push my luck! But tomorrow I will try Michael’s approach of a small breakfast, 12 hour fast, small supper, 12 hour fast.

    I’ll let you know if that makes me feel better. My first day of fasting is a breeze but it’s the 2nd day that makes me feel ill.

    Totally feel supported right now, it’s great. To me that’s the hardest thing when making a lifestyle change, the loneliness of not telling people. So I love I can chat away here.

    Sarah- TDEE you can workout once you hdvf keyed in your height, weight, exercise etc. I could be wrong , but I believe it’s the indication as to how many calories you can healthily consume on your non fast days, taking into account of your Basal metabolic rate and the other factors xxx it’s on the wrbsite( just can’t remember where ) xx

    It’s my 2nd fast day of my first week and so far so good. I am a late 30’s male who has seen a slow increase in my waist and weight since my early 30’s. I have always been a gym goer training with weights and am typical of a lot of men out there who train hard, lift heavy but have never been anywhere near toned enough to look great without clothes. The eating or dieting part of any body changing exercise routine is always the hardest so I am hopeful that the 5/2 will help me lose around 1 stone (primarily fat) so I can start to get the shape I have always wanted. I have trained whilst fasted and found I actually had a more intense workout than ever but I’m not sure if that was due to plenty of stored glycogen due to it being my 1st day…let’s wait and see.

    Hi Sara,

    Ah right, thank you. I’ve done that already somewhere on this site. I just wondered what the acronym stood for! I think my daily rate is a measly 1733 or something hideous!! x

    It stands for total daily energy expenditure.

    Mine is 2100 which sounds far too high, I’ll go for less to start with and see how it goes.

    Sarah Christie, I used to use my fitness pal and would only have 1200 a day, I lost a stone doing that before I reached this plateau. It does seem small but if you just swap some of the high calorie stuff for fruit veg etc you’ll see that the calories can go a Long way. X

    No probs 😊 Gosh 1733 sounds great to me as for the last few years I have tried to stick around 1400 per day but actually really like the idea of having , what now feels like ‘treat days ‘ . After a fast day if 500 calories it feels like such a treat to have breakfast, lunch and dinner I kept hold of that feeling and when I hit today to fast, I’m so looking forward to my weekend away as I can have around 1600 each day and when you eat healthily and good source of protein you get so many nice things to eat😊

    The scales haven’t moved for me yet πŸ˜”But after chatting on here, I’m not losing hope as when I ran the marathon I barely lost a pound or two in the whole training but my waist shrank .

    Hearing that weight training on a fast day could be good for hitting glycogen stores, I’m feeling rally motivated for when I am allowed back at gym .

    Age 33, 68.5kgs and struggling with ligament damage in my back. Gosh feeling rather old at mo! Lol, but then the way I feel after fasting, a just great xxx

    LOL – now I feel better! I keep reading the “average” woman burns 2000 cals a day so I felt rather cheated! I already eat well – my portion sizes are too big, so on the non-fast, 3 meals a day, part of my week, I will continue to eat salads and fish/chicken. My challenge is to move more! Thanks Laura, for the TDEE explanation.
    Good luck everyone! (By the way, I’m 50 and have lost 5lbs since the 6th January so it can be done!)

    its so nice to know we are not alone , i wont be doing my 2 fast days in a row , i am spacing mine out and i am making a bigger effort cutting down on my red wine ….:( my only vice lol , im not cutting out apart from the fasting days but cutting down . I am pretty active , i walk everywhere and have a mad french bulldog who needs walking , and i work from home . So good luck to you all on here , keep us posted i shall soon be off to eat my low cal yogurt 60 calories and lasagne tonite with a bit of salad , and i think an early night lol . Good Luck and hang in there all XXX

    I’m on my second fasting day and it feels harder than the first! I’ve just eaten my 500 cals and now I’ve just got the rest of the evening to get through – lots of drinks I think πŸ˜„
    I’m in Africa, so am probably on a different time zone to many of you, hence the mention of “evening” even though it’s only mid-afternoon in the UK.

    Sar1982 – none of my friends think I need to lose weight either, but they aren’t the ones struggling to fit into my jeans! I just need to feel better about myself and it’s none of their business, frankly!

    Hoping to see good progress.

    Well I’ve made it so far. Banana for breakfast, egg on toast for lunch and I’m going to have a little chilli with salad for tea.

    I don’t feel particularly hungry but I am FREEZING! I’m hoping the spices in the chilli will help with that.

    Not as hard as I expected the first day to be.

    Hi Sarah and welcome:

    This link defines and, more important, explains TDEE:

    Good Luck!

    Thank you, Simcoeluv, that’s very kind of you.

    Yes, it all makes sense. I must admit that, now I’ve written on this forum, I realise I have lost 5lbs in 2 weeks which is pretty good. I am careful to stay within my TDEE on non-fast days and I’ve upped my walking to 10,000 steps a day which is earning a few more “credit” calories which I don’t use. But my nerdy side does like to understand the detail, so your post was very helpful Simcoeluv – many thanks again!

    Hi Sara:

    You’re welcome.

    Here is some information that may help you as you go forward with 5:2. ‘Warnings’ outlines the basics, ‘Really’ addresses inconsistent weight loss, ‘Plateaus’ shows what to do if you hit one, ‘Easy On’ talks about quick weight gain/loss and ‘Calorie Restriction’ addresses some variations of IF:

    Good Luck!

    Oh my word, you are the God of the 5:2 Fast Diet!!

    Hi Sarah:


    I’ve looked around and see neither throne nor scepter. I’m just here to try to help newbies understand 5:2 and not quit because of their fear of the unknown or unreasonable expectations, or get off track and quit because they fall victim to some common myths or misinformation that run rampant in the diet world. Being successful on a diet is hard enough without having to make it more difficult or impossible by falling victim to inaccurate information or unfounded beliefs. If you read enough of my posts you will see my beliefs are very basic, and can be summed up in this phrase:

    The less you eat, the more you lose.

    Until someone comes up with a magic weight loss pill, I believe anything more complex is not helpful and can lead to failure. That is why I believe 5:2 is a good diet. Each week, you eat less than you need to maintain your weight. You lose slowly, but you lose and continue losing until you reach your goal weight. And along the way 5:2 has a way of teaching you about food any your relationship to it, without preaching about low fat or low carb or any one of the uncountable methods and foods diet books have trumpeted as weight loss miracles. You learn at your own pace what works best for you just by eating less twice a week. Amazing.

    Good Luck!

    Hi, everyone! I was reading your posts here, so excited for the beginners, recalling when I first started. TDEE frustrated me too, and I used simcoluvs guide to get me through the first stage when I was stuck.

    When I came back recently to lose the last 20 lbs, I calculated using the weight that I WANT to be (which made more sense to me..why eat the calories of the weight I AM?)I also, as simcoe said, use the lesser activity level (even though I have a very physical job, I claimed completely sedentary), and something I have never done, I measured my height! How long has it been since your height was measured?? I always just blurt out what I have always said: 5’6″. To my surprise, I shrunk an inch in the past 35 years (surprise, surprise…..NOT!) So that dropped the bottom out of my TDEE! Compared to what it was before, it is about 300 lbs less, plus I’m doing 4:3, with low carb, so it’s melting off pretty good.

    Hope you guys all stick together and do great! It sounds like you are all a super team! Keep up the party!

    well first fast day over and i still havent felt hungry this morning and having eaten anything just 2 cups of tea. And I did sleep quite well apart from sneezing all night . My next fast day will be monday , have a day out on sunday for my mums 80th , but i am going to make an effort to cut down during the rest of the week , and try to limit my love of red wine & see how it goes . Good luck all , I am aiming to you weigh and measure once a week XX

    Hi everyone – after over 20 years of yoyo dieting (mainly with weightwatchers), I;ve finally tried the 5:2. I was sceptical and I appreciate its very early days but I’ve managed to successfully complete my first week. Day 1 is Friday and first fast day is Monday and then Thursday and then weigh Friday. I do have a lot to lose but happy to report that i lost 5lb on my first week.

    I read up a lot before I started and decided to skip breakfast and had fruit and small sushi for lunch with chicken and veg for tea and the next fast day had the same lunch with half a cheese spread and salad sandwich for tea!

    on normal days I’m eating between 1600 and 2000 cals and using MFP to track everything. I’ve not really felt hungry and had wine and biscuits etc as well.

    I’m going to try to have a similar week and will be pleased with 2lb if I can.

    Good luck to all of us! πŸ™‚

    Well done Fernyb, that’s a great result for your first week! Keep it up! πŸ™‚

    Hi everyone.

    That’s week one over πŸ˜€ and a loss of 4lbs, so I’m pretty pleased. I don’t expect to lose this much every week and don’t need to, but I am pleasantly surprised so far. Yesterday’s fast day was tough, but I am continuing to train despite the lack of calories, so that’s probably why it was a struggle.

    I have been eating my 500 cals in one meal instead of spreading them throughout the day, but I might mix it up over the coming weeks and see how I fare.

    Just been out for pizza and it was lovely, friend’s barbecue tomorrow, fast again on Monday. Feeling positive πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    So how are we all doing today? I’m finding today easier than last week. So far I’ve had half a carton of soup so that’s 100 calories. Trying to save the rest for some haggis later but doubt I’ll be able to have more than a mouthful!

    The 5:2 pattern does get easier as you move along the path. However I would caution against getting complacent. For the first two months adhere strictly to the way 5:2 is written.

    The one area you are free to choose is what to eat and when during your fast days as long as it is within 1/4 (25%) of your TDEE. You can eat it all in one meal or choose to not eat anything and having zero caloric intake on your fast days. Personally I’ve found it much easier to have nothing than to try to stick on 500 calories, that miserly portion just makes things worse. It is purely a personal decision and you should choose what is doable forever.

    Best of luck on your journey through 5:2

    I had a bit of lentil curry in a tortilla wrap at about 5pm, so that’s it now till 9am tomorrow. I feel good though, not really hungry.
    I’ve decided to be really relaxed and not stress about whether I’m eating within my calorie allowance on my non-fast days. I’ve used fitness trackers in the past and did find it interesting, but I got sick of having to track everything I ate and drank. Plus I travel a lot and eat out a lot and it’s just a pain in the @rse tbh! So I’m not a slave to the tracker anymore πŸ˜„

    I hope my positivity continues – got a ladies lunch on Wednesday, then going away for a few days for my birthday (which should be a fast day!) Got to keep the will power!!

    Good luck everyone xx

    I had a great week last week, 3 fast days down ,and 2 pounds down. I seem to be getting more interested in low carb recipes, and just more interesting food in general, which I think was part of my overall problem. I got tired of eating the same boring food day after day, with no thought to it, no spice or flavor. so much packaging and preservatives. Learning how to cook more flavorful meals has made me so much more satisfied on non-fast days.

    Also, I realized that if I make myself, for example, a small but time-consuming desert like chocolate cake in a mug, with homemade whipped cream, I tend to not do it so often!

    I have done 6 fasting days in the last 3 weeks, and I haven’t noticed any weight loss at all. So not sure if my scales are reading wrong, or if I just haven’t lost anything.

    I am now calorie counting my non fast days (NFD) and trying to stay keep may calories at the BMR figure, and now I’m not sure if I’m doing it right or not.

    I have just come off the Atkins diet where it was little or no carbs, heaps of meat and cheese. I have now introduced bread back into my NFD’s so I am wondering if this is hindering any weight loss.

    Should I just go back to no carbs? I really need this diet to succeed for me!

    Hi Santony and welcome:

    If you were doing Atkins and have now started eating carbs again you will gain quite a bit of water weight. This water weight gain will probably offset your fat loss on 5:2 for awhile. If you stop the carbs, the water weight will come off. If you stay with the carbs you will start losing as soon as your water weight stabilizes. In any event, we are talking water weight, not fat weight so it will be what it will be.

    Here is some information that might help as you go forward with 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Thank you simcoeluv .. even though that was a little confusing, I got it!! And thanks for the link – I have now saved it to my favorites to refer back to.

    It was good to read about the TDEE because I didn’t understand that. So Fast Days, I eat 500 cals, and Non Fast Days I eat TDEE or less. I’m not a fan of counting cals, but if thats what I have to do, so be it. I don’t understand how the BMR comes into it, but I will go back to that link and research.

    Good to have these forums to read and see others in the same boat as me!

    Hi Santony:

    BMR does not come into it. It is not relevant. The only number you have to watch is TDEE.

    Good Luck!

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