Feeling Weak and Hungry On Non Fast Days

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Feeling Weak and Hungry On Non Fast Days

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  keyz_b 10 years ago.

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  • Hi All,
    I started fasting for the 1st time last week and am looking to follow the 4:3 fast beach approach. I have found my fast days whilst admittedly tough to be quite bearable but its the non fast days that I am struggling with. I went to the gym this morning and had some fruit and porridge when I got to work but it felt like I hadnt eaten a thing. I feel weaker than on a fasting day? Is this normal? I’m trying really hard to make this work as I am getting married in July and currently my wedding dress no longer fits! I am planning to stick to 1250 cals on my non fast days and I am also going to the gym 3/4 times a week – is there something that I am doing wrong cus my body feels like I’m running on empty?

    Hi Keyz_b,

    I don’t know too much about the mathematics behing it all, but 1250 calories on a normal day sounds pretty low, I am not surprised you are feeling weak!
    Don’t starve yourself, maybe your goals are set a bit too high for now.
    4:3 is already tougher than 5:2 as well.
    But please have another read about the method and ask others for advice.

    Good luck!

    Hi belgianbeer
    I’ve calculated that my BMR is 1467 and my TDEE at 1761, to ensure I’m losing weight what do I need to stick too on my non fast days? I’ve read a load of posts saying you need to reduce it for optimum weight loss so I guess I’m a little bit confused!

    Hi keyz_b, I think you need to have some protein. I have experienced the same as you and noticed that weak feeling often happens after a particularly strict fast day. Our body uses fuel during the night and I have found by adding some protein to my breakfast it stops that weak feeling. I add things like yoghurt to my porridge or peanut paste to my toast. That’s all I have to do to fix it.

    Hi Carolannfud
    Thank you! That does make sense! Maybe I should start a non fast day with eggs etc just to give myself a boost 🙂
    I am happy to be really strict with myself as I actually do well following set guidelines. I just want to see results so I’m anxious to get it right.
    Do you eat your 500 cals on fast days in 1 meal or spread over the day?

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