Feeling cold and down in week 3 ??

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Feeling cold and down in week 3 ??

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bootsy Badger 10 years ago.

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  • Hi all I’m on my first fast day in week 3 and today I am absolutely freezing. Its not weather related I live in a hot climate and the AC is switched off. My head is also very heavy and fuzzy today and to be honest I could probably curl up and go to sleep under my desk.
    Anyone else experienced this? today I could just give it all up and munch something that isn’t part of my 500 allowance. But no must remember I can have it tomorrow if I still want it.
    Any ideas why I feel like this?

    Hi emmap,

    Sorry you’re struggling but well done for reaching week 3. I don’t know about your low mood today, but feeling cold is very common on a FD. Digesting food helps us feel warm. (That’s a very non-scientific description of the process, but it’s about right!) Maybe just go with how you feel, ie cold, and put on a jumper, if you can?

    Sounds like you’re at work. Would your job allow you to go for a brisk walk round the block, or do some stretches, or jump up and down on the spot, or something? (I am imagining some rather startled colleagues at this point!) Sometimes, just by doing something – anything – one can break the cycle. If you’re chained to your desk, try and find something to give you a laugh – that can be warming and it releases endorphins which might lift your heavy, tired feeling. How about one of the zillions of ‘cute cat’ videos on the web? Or have you got a friendly colleague you could go and have a chat with for a few minutes?

    Honestly, I hope this doesn’t sound trite. I’m just suggesting these things to spark your own problem solving capacity.

    Wishing you all the best – hope you get out of the doldrums soon

    Thanks Bootsy Badger, I went for a walk earlier just down the road and back. Its cleared my head a bit which is good and looked at a couple of cute baby goat videos on you tube which made me smile. So thanks for the advice much appreciated

    Hello emmap

    So glad you’re getting through ok. After about 6 months doing 5:2 I still find some FDs easier than others. It helped me to post to you, too, as I’m fasting today. The going got a bit tough during my usual mid-afternoon dip in energy, which I have whether fasting or not, but I have perked up again.

    I meant to say a hot drink is standard advice for warming up and feeling a bit fuller, too. I don’t like herbal teas but I have invented this concoction, from what I had in my cupboards once. It’s now a regular tipple on FDs.

    A cube fresh ginger, about 1cm x 1cm x 1cm
    A mace blade or 2
    2 – 3 whole cloves (the spice, not garlic!)
    2 – 3 pieces of cinnamon bark

    Infuse in an infuser or a pot for at least 5 mins.


    Could you post a link to the baby goat videos, please? I loooove goats!

    If you use facebook have a look at this link https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=726425710808255&fref=nf
    its been posted by a goat sanctuary in the uk called Buttercups. I would love to have a goat.
    In your tea ingredients you listed Mace I dont think I can get that here do you know of something else I can use or could I leave it out?

    Heee! Boing boing boing i are goat boing boing mehhhhhhhh!!!

    This goaty video also always cheers me up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpccpglnNf0

    Hang in there!

    Hi emmap

    Mace is the outer coating of nutmeg, so you could grate a little of that instead.
    It’s a completely ‘make it up as you go along’ recipe, so have fun experimenting, too!

    Just enjoyed the goat videos 🙂

    You’re most welcome to join us on this thread: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/who-wants-to-join-me-summer-pledge

    I’m guessing you might be in the Southern Hemisphere, so possibly you’re coming out of summer, but we’re a friendly bunch anyway and there are is a good mix of new-ish starters, like yourself, and more established 5:2 ers. (I’ve been going about 6 months.) Mogs posts on there too.

    Keep on keepin’ on!

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