Feed, Fast, HIIT – October 2013

This topic contains 48 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  rockyromero 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Goal for this month:

    Starting Weight:

    Tracking Weight:

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:


    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 180 lb

    Starting Weight: 188 lb

    Tracking Weight: 188 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2, strengthening, stairs & sprints


    checking in ready for this months progress.

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain:

    Current Weight: 12 stone 9.75 lbs
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 43.25 lbs

    total loss for september 4.25 lbs

    Hello fasters,

    Checking in on floors:

    (731 floors total) 120 – 36 = 84 FTG (floors to go)


    Strengthening at the end only. Unable to do sprints because all the treadmills were occupied. I missed doing those sprints!


    I had hoped to start with the next virtual mountain in October. Oops.

    @ fast for life
    “Loss to date: 43.25 lbs
    total loss for september 4.25 lbs”

    Great steady pace!

    Will October be another 4.25 lbs for you?

    Thanks rocky i do hope so, but its no big deal if its less, ive been tracking my daily weight for a few weeks now, its amazing how much it changes from day to day, good luck to you for october xx
    i do hope others will join us in tracking progress this month.

    Hello fasters,

    Checking in on floors:

    (731 floors total) 84 – 36 = 48 FTG (floors to go)


    Strengthening at the end with my sprints this time. No one else on the treadmills! Amazing how sometimes the workout area is overcrowded and same time on the next day: empty.


    Following up with the next virtual mountain soon.


    Hi your doing well. Guys I’ve been on diet for 5 weeks. 0_4 weeks lost 4 kg.. now on 6 weeks no weight loss.. I go to the gym 4x week..I’m on the 4’3 diet. On non fast day stick to 1200 calories.. I should be looking weight but I’m not..help pls guys advice much appreciated.

    “I’ve been on diet for 5 weeks. 0_4 weeks lost 4 kg.. now on 6 weeks no weight loss.. I go to the gym 4x week..I’m on the 4’3 diet. On non fast day stick to 1200 calories..”

    Have patience with the 4:3. Although it’s been 6 weeks, you seem to be doing the right fasting strategy.

    Your exercise strategy may need adjusting.

    “I go to the gym 3x week. Body shape and spinning ”

    Consider HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training) at the end of your workouts or more frequently. If the body shaping involves weights, then do slow repetitions and increase the weights for muscle growth.

    I recommend the Tabata method for results and time compression.


    Track your workout progress and let us know how you’re progressing.

    What is your target goal for October?

    Hi Rocky I would love to loose 4lb or more this month as last 2 weeks I’ve lost nothing..my weight goes up and down. I also do body shape 3 x week and once a week spinning. My gym days fall on non fast days..shall change them so my fasting and going to the gym. I also do long fast where I just have one meal that the evening. What shall I do guys ? Need your opinion.

    ” I would love to loose 4lb or more this month ”

    Good target to go for.

    ” also do body shape 3 x week and once a week spinning. My gym days fall on non fast days..shall change them so my fasting and going to the gym.”

    This makes sense. Here’s what MM recommends:

    “There is good evidence that people who exercise in the fasted state burn more fat. In one study men who exercised before breakfast burnt more fat than those who exercised afterwards. Exercise can also be a useful distraction if you begin feeling peckish. Don’t, however, attempt to do a lot of endurance training on a fasting day and if you feel uncomfortable, stop.”

    Stay with the rest of your fasting strategy.

    Check in weekly?

    Thanks Rocky will do..

    Hey guys.after 2 weeks i’m finally loosing weight according to my scales.. I’ve made few changes..first I’m changing my fast day to my gym day. Hopefully will kick start metabolism. Today I got nice complement from college at gym. She said your looking slimmer.. I thought yes finally some one noticed that I’m loosing weight. Well good luck will let you know how next week goes.

    ” I thought yes finally some one noticed that I’m loosing weight. Well good luck will let you know how next week goes.”

    Yes, great to get acknowledgement!

    We will also be checking in over the weekend.


    1st weeks results

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 8.75 lbs
    Exercise: one hours dance class
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 44.25 lbs

    hi guys, good luck for this weeks results x

    @ fast for life
    “Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb
    Current Weight: 12 stone 8.75 lbs
    Exercise: one hours dance class
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3”

    Great, steady progress!

    I had a week of meetings and I’ll check in after this weekend with results.

    Hello fasters,

    Checking in on floors:

    (731 floors total) 48 – 48 = 0 FTG (floors to go)


    Strengthening at the end with my sprints this time. I did my final floors afterwards to complete this mountain!


    Heading on to the next virtual mountain floor climbing.

    It’s great steady progress!

    congrats on reaching the top rocky well done you. x

    @ fast for life
    “congrats on reaching the top rocky well done you. ”

    Thank you for your kind thoughts, fast for life.

    It’s great to connect with you here.


    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 180 lb

    Starting Weight: 188 lb

    Tracking Weight: 186.3 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2, strengthening, stairs & sprints (3), finished floor climbing a virtual mountain


    Hola chicos and chicas,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1607 – 41= 1566 FTG (floors to go)


    Strengthening at the end with my sprints again this time. I did my laundry also.


    So how’s the view on this mountain?

    New faces and climbers that I’m participating with this too.

    2nd weeks results

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 7.75 lbs
    Exercise: Two hours dance class
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 45.25 lbs

    good luck to everyone on this weeks results x

    @ fast for life
    “Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb
    Current Weight: 12 stone 7.75 lbs
    Exercise: Two hours dance class
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 45.25 lbs”

    Great, steady results.

    I’ll post mine after the weekend.

    There are tech gadgets and trainers to help us reach our goal.


    We each have our own methods, and new ones seem to continue to appear.

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 180 lb

    Starting Weight: 188 lb

    Tracking Weight: 189 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2, strengthening, stairs & sprints


    I’m on a plateau for my weight, however my trend still directs me on my path.

    I was on a weight plateau for a month but lost 7 inches.

    “I was on a weight plateau for a month but lost 7 inches.”

    Yes, I find that my clothes are fitting better. I use my clothes as measurement.

    Still, I do have a target to hit.

    Hey guys

    If I do the fast diet 3 days on the trot is that good or bad ? Last couple of weeks have been up and down for me. Sometimes I go over my calorie. 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with infection in my right shoulder which will stop me from doing body shape and aerobics. My doctor recommend 3 months rest.. no use of my right arm. Which is a bummer. I feel so venerable now I think I might mess up my diet. Please help guys. I having lost any weight in since 2 weeks which make s it worse.

    “I having lost any weight in since 2 weeks which make s it worse.”

    Let us where you are at:

    Goal for this month:

    Starting Weight:

    Tracking Weight:

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:


    Starting weight 75 kg 24 August 2013
    Weight today 69,4

    My aim is to loose 500he a week. Having lost any since 2 weeks.

    Hi, fellow fasters, I am quite pleased with my progress. Started August 12, 2013 at 250 lbs, now at 231 lbs. Doing 45 min walking at least 4 times a week and light weight lifting. My problem is my wife is also doing this. She lost quite a bit of weight( how much is a state secret, LOL) the first 5 weeks or so, now she has gained 3 lbs over the last 3 weeks and is not doing anything differently. She is very frustrated. Any suggestions?

    “I am quite pleased with my progress. Started August 12, 2013 at 250 lbs, now at 231 lbs. Doing 45 min walking at least 4 times a week and light weight lifting. ”

    You are showing steady progress. How are you tracking it?

    “after 2 weeks i’m finally loosing weight according to my scales.. I’ve made few changes..first I’m changing my fast day to my gym day. Hopefully will kick start metabolism. ”

    You thought this was making a difference for you?

    Hello climbers and fasters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1530 – 36= 1496 FTG (floors to go)


    Strengthening at the end with my sprints. Getting much easier after a longer time away.


    Steady progress.

    hi guys good luck to all with this weeks results,x

    3rd weeks results

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 1.25 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 6.5 lbs
    Exercise: none this week due to being unwell
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 46.5 lbs

    @ fast for life
    “Weight loss/gain: loss 1.25 lb
    Current Weight: 12 stone 6.5 lbs
    Exercise: none this week due to being unwell”

    You continue steady progress and hope that you recover well soon.

    My workouts have been minimal this week and will report after this fasting weekend.

    It helps me to stay accountable on this thread.

    Hello climbers and fasters,

    Checking in on floors:

    Mt. Vinson (1607 floors total) 1496 – 41= 1455 FTG (floors to go)


    Strengthening at the end with my sprints. Getting home cleaned while working out. Great deal.


    Anyone else doing floor climbing or tracking their workouts?

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 180 lb

    Starting Weight: 188 lb

    Tracking Weight: 184.6 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2, strengthening, stairs & sprints, less activity this week. More distractions, however, stopped lunchtime on feed days & gained more time.

    I also noticed that this trend chart estimates that based on my progress it would take 8 more months to hit my target weight.


    It helps me rethink being on a plateau.

    Top fitness trend: High-intensity interval training


    There’s a lot of interest in getting results quickly.

    Hi all,
    Just started.
    Weight 17 .9lb, enjoying so far……wish me luck:)

    thank you for the well wishes rocky, im feeling much better but still hanging onto a nasty cough,
    my plateau lasted 3 1/2 months, i dropped 3 dress sizes during that time so i now welcome them!

    welcome Optomist, good luck, having a place to share your journey will help keep you motivated, and its good to be able to look back on progress,

    weigh in day tomorrow for me, bring it on! x

    Hi hardjudge and welcome
    sorry i didnt reply before now,
    “now she has gained 3 lbs over the last 3 weeks and is not doing anything differently. She is very frustrated. Any suggestions?”

    maybe keep a record of her non fast days, keep within recommended daily cals, there is a calculator under the *how* section, x

    @ fast for life
    ” im feeling much better but still hanging onto a nasty cough,…weigh in day tomorrow for me, bring it on! ”

    Glad that you’re recovering and eager to continue.

    I’ve slowed my exercise regimen this week. I’ve had business concerns and life getting in the way.

    Essentially, I didn’t want to work out.

    The weather changing may be another excuse for me. Rekindling the motivation is where I need to start.

    Glad everyone is here for mutual support.

    Counting down motivates me to complete successfully.

    As of this moment, there are 6 days, 15 hours, and 35 minutes until the end of this October.

    Stay hungry, be foolish, risk often intelligently, and finish well.

    4th weeks results

    Starting Measurements:

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb

    Current Weight: 12 stone 5.5 lbs
    Exercise: 1 hours dance class
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 47.5 lbs

    as there isnt another saturday in this month my total loss for oct 4.25 lbs
    very pleased with the progress, still feel as motivated as i did a year ago when i first started this journey,

    ” Rekindling the motivation is where I need to start.” Rocky i find looking back at how far ive come is a great motivator, and knowing that with this plan our goals are achivable, the only question we cant answer is how long it will take us. good luck for this week xx

    @ fast for life
    “Weight loss/gain: loss 1 lb
    Current Weight: 12 stone 5.5 lbs
    Exercise: 1 hours dance class
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 47.5 lbs
    as there isnt another saturday in this month my total loss for oct 4.25 lbs”

    You are back to dancing!

    Great steady progress and inspiration to me and others.

    I’ll check in after this weekend and at the close of this month.

    ⚫️ Goal for this month: 180 lb

    Starting Weight: 188 lb

    Tracking Weight: 188 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 5:2, strengthening, stairs & sprints


    This has not changed since I started, although I went lower in weight briefly.

    Hi Rocky, how long has your weight stayed the same, how close are you to target?
    i would imagine you are converting fat to muscle, and the fat loss is being hidden by the muscle gain, just my thoughts looking at the amout of exercise your doing. x

    @ fast for life
    “how long has your weight stayed the same, how close are you to target?”

    Lowered my weight by 3 pounds, and now back up to my starting weight for the month.

    My clothes fit well, just doing more 6:1 and my cardio is not as frequent.

    I’m targeting for November to reach my target.

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