Feed, Fast, HIIT – April 2014 ♥️

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  SAMM 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • A new beginning or continuation,

    Goal for this month:

    Starting Weight:

    Tracking Weight:

    Feed, Fast, HIIT:

    Goal for this month: 185 lb

    Starting Weight: 195 lb

    Tracking Weight: 195 lb

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: Stairs climbing (36 floors), and strengthening.


    Start Weight: 170 lbs (01-Jan-2013)
    Weight on IF beginning – 166 lbs (10-Mar-2013)
    Goal Weight : 142-144 lbs
    Goal Date : 01-May-2014
    Weight: 151.2 – gain of 4.2 since 03/24

    No exercise, business travel and no fasting contributed to this 🙂

    About the stairs. How long does it take to do the 36 stairs and how long do you rest between if you do sets? I love doing HIIT and resistance (weight machines) on the off days.


    “How long does it take to do the 36 stairs and how long do you rest between if you do sets?”

    My entire workout is about 30 to 45 minutes. Once I get to the top of the 36 floors, I usually pause to meditate, which actually allows me to rest, then I go down the floors to the health club. I’m too focused on the workout to time myself.

    ” I love doing HIIT and resistance (weight machines) on the off days.”

    I do time myself on the HIIT for sprinting with the smartphone. With the improved weather, I’ll do outdoor training and rekindle the joy of brief spurts of the workouts.

    Glad that you love it.


    Start Weight: 170 lbs (01-Jan-2013)
    Weight on IF beginning – 166 lbs (10-Mar-2013)
    Goal Weight : 142-144 lbs
    Goal Date : 01-May-2014
    Weight: 150.2 – lost 1 since 04/01

    Dumb bells, running, 5 Tibetan Rites (The Eye Of Revelation by Peter Kelder – published in the 30s)


    Great plan and hoping for great progress for you.

    “Dumb bells, running, 5 Tibetan Rites (The Eye Of Revelation by Peter Kelder – published in the 30s)”

    I’m curious about this book and how you will use it?

    I’m developing a workout strategy that I’m hoping inspires me to succeed.

    I’ll put it together this weekend and I’ll report back.

    Start date of fast diet: 3rd September 2012

    Start Weight: 15 stone 11 lbs
    Height : 5′ 4.5″

    Weight loss/gain: loss 0.5 lbs

    Current Weight: 12 stone 1.75 lbs
    Exercise: none
    Feed/Fast/: 4 3
    Loss to date: 51.25 lbs

    @ fast for life

    You’re on a steady, consistent path.

    So am I and adjusting my habits accordingly.

    With the improved outdoor weather, I’m making plans for additional physical activities and movement.

    I purchased a scooter to allow my wife and I to frequent other areas of our city.

    We jokingly have said that we need to keep in “ebike shape” so that we can get around easier.

    Especially going up the ramp as we finish our ride.

    I’ll be mixing up my workouts and restarting my HIIT training.

    I noticed that it’s quiet in most of the HIIT discussions. Not much is said on the Fast Exercise also. I did discover the other website on this https://www.fast-exercises.com

    Could it be boredom has set in?


    It has for me.

    So, I have renewed my resolve on HIIT sprint running and I will test this out soon.

    Additionally, I’ve ordered a speed bag for cardio and coordination training.

    I’ll soon find out if it’s a fad or fan workout when it arrives.

    How’s everyone else doing with their HIIT?

    I’ reversed the order of my workout. I have been doing my cardio first, followed by my strength training, then my HIIT sprints.

    By reversing this approach, I’m hoping to still complete all of it, but doing my most important components first.

    I did my HIIT sprints and too fatigued to do my longer star climbing cardio workout.

    Shortened my workout time and I’ll check for any improvements.

    Let me know how your routine works for you?

    7 days until the end of this month and I’m going to miss my target goal.

    Cramming does not seem to work for fasting.

    It used to work when I was in competitive training with others to provide support.

    Is it possible to create the environment for fast weight loss?

    Still no physical progress.

    However, progressing better in all other areas, including my newer Faster identity.

    How do fasters think?

    I’ve started to stop eating earlier at restaurants and take some home for later.

    Long Term 4 year goal: 100lbs fat loss to 174lbs by age 50 September 2018
    IF Starting Weight: 274lbs 3-4-2013
    IF Restart Weight: 247lbs 3-7-2014 27lbs lost 
    Weigh In: 4-6-2014  242lbs. 
    Weigh In 5-2-2O14 241lbs

    Feed, Fast, HIIT: 600cal semi-fasting Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
    -TDEE non- fasting weekdays 1740 calories aim.
    All calories consumed Noon-5pm weekdays. No restrictions Sat or Sun.
    Jumprope 3sets 10min after meals & before bed. JumpingJacks if winded.

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