Fear about not losing any weight

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Fear about not losing any weight

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ICU812 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi, I’m new to this forum. I have just started the 5:2 diet and have read the book cover to cover at least twice. It sounds so encouraging and positive about weight loss. I have been impressed about what the fasting diet has achieved in so many people yet I doubt it will work for me – nothing has for any extent of time. The only thing that has is an extreme low carb diet. I still carry a lot of those practices with me. I’m not very overweight, there would be about 8-10kgs in it. I have thyroid issues, menopause about to knock on the doorstep and take medications that are notorious for weight gain. I feel I’m winning a losing battle. I eat relatively healthy diet mostly low carb. I really just need some encouragement but I also fear I will not lose a thing. My body seems to be resistant to weight loss even though I go to the gym 3 – 4 times a week doing intensive exercise. Sigh

    Hello, I hear your fears. I began this diet the first week of January,not as a resolution but just because that was the timing. I am 53, female, post menopausal and did not have too much weight to lose, but lots of flab that seemed to creep up these past few years.

    I stuck to this diet faithfully although I was very discouraged as I would read posts here about people losing all sorts of weight. I had not lost an ounce, in fact, I even gained about 2 pounds during one weigh in and – get this – some of my pants were too tight. These were pants I wore ALL THE TIME. I whined to my friend who told me about this diet. I went on this forum and I whined here. Whining does not help. I decided to stick with it.

    I did not lose an ounce until March. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Today is May 2. I did a weigh in yesterday and I am officially down 6 pounds from the start and I have lost more than 4 inches in belly fat. My clothes fit better than ever, except a favorite pair of dress slacks that were way too loose this weekend. I am happy with my weight right now and will maintain this diet, as I find it works well for me. I like to envision an internal de-cluttering of all bad cells during my fast days. I may venture over to 6:1, but too early to tell.

    So, what I am saying here is that we are all made up of hundreds of different variables and for some of us – me, you, the person reading this – it may take awhile to see results. but stay with it if you can. let us know how it goes. I am rooting for you!

    Hi and welcome,

    5:2 works if you follow it properly but it isn’t a quick fix and you have to be patient.

    As for exercise, it does not make a significant contribution to weight loss. I’ve been reading a book called The Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung and he says “weight loss is 95% calorie restriction and 5% exercise” and I think that is a good thing to keep in mind.
    I do a fair amount of exercise and I look on it as something that makes and keeps me fit and tones my body. I also enjoy the way I feel after working out, but I do not do it because I think it’ll increase the rate of weight loss.

    Low carb and low sugar seems to work really well and it also allows your body to stop craving food when you don’t really need it. Fasting is a very powerful tool that we can use to lose weight and make ourselves healthier and it is free, no gimmicks, no special foods/supplements/meal repacements.

    Despite your medical issues it will work but as juno says it might take a while to work.

    You can do it!

    Good luck 🙂

    Thanks for your encouragement. I am trying to look at this positively and am planning my fast days. I am also planning to eat the foods I really enjoy, low in calories and are a bit filling. Today is my fast day and I ate 170 calories for breakfast – 50gm of smoked rainbow trout and 100gm creamed cottage cheese. It was really good, except the cat was on high alert. I also became a bit obsessive about weighing in which to added to my distress about not losing weight. I have now made rule for myself to only weigh in on Wednesdays.
    Thank you. I will be patient. I am eager to follow the fast days faithfully. See what happens

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