Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good evening everyone. xxxx

    Its been a lovely weekend with Kristy .. We enjoyed a tasty Sunday lunch before she went back .. The weather has been brilliant.

    Its a busy few days now as out with Pam tomorrow. then Chris Tuesday its all or nothing socially. lol

    H H .. well done on your loss last week .. good luck this coming week.

    Dave.. Enjoy your beef bet Chloe will lol.

    Sym.. I hope you are having a relaxing day.

    Enjoy your evening everyone, Every small step you take now will bring you closer to your goal. So, never stop moving forward.Xxxx

    Glad you had a good weekend Hemmy!
    A bit damp here today, but dry for our walk…was going along in a day dream, looked behind me & there was a horse & rider, Xena pootling about round them, I was very apologetic but the lady wasn’t worried, was so pleased with Xena that she didn’t bark or be silly, I usually keep hold of her out the way! She had a big reward 😀
    Popped to sister’s after Church, took some books round for my great nephew who was visiting. Nice to see him again…
    I’m always hungry on Sundays!

    Good morning everyone a lovely sunny day here. I will be bowling at 1pm the two teams I play for are having a friendly against each other. Hemmy good you had a great time, HH I’m hungry all the time but still not had any bread. 8 days now and counting. I will try and cling on until Sunday without any bread. Much easier not having alcohol lost count how long it’s been but about 7 weeks or so. Jean the cows will soon be back. Nana how are you doing.

    Morning All..
    I am fasting, strange last week about a week off…

    Good walk with Penny, the boys were crackers doing zoomies!!!

    Just done an Ian of Charlie’s veggies and a batch of Yorkshires, much better than last time, to go in the freezer.

    At vets later, jab and KC, not keen on him having it but needs it for kennels, either for holidays or if I am ill.

    Enjoy your bowls weather getting better. Cows out on the 31st March, back to dodging them!!

    Good Xena with the horse, they surprise you at times. Charlie’s ok now with them, I usually sit him and we watch them pass. The only one if it’s tiny then I think he thinks it’s a big dog and he barks!

    Lovely to get out with Kirsty.. how nice to get out for lunch. Enjoy your trip out with Pam today.

    Jean x

    Had a good game of bowls in lovely weather. Lots of midges about will be a miracle if I’m not full of bites.I won my game 21-13 after being 5-1 down. Speedway tonight against the Witches so not sure what I’ll have to eat. Maybe something when I get home. Hemmy have you found any butter beans yet🤣🤣🤣

    Evening hope everyone is well.
    It’s been a lovely sunny day here after a dull start.
    Was pleased to see that I’d managed to lose the two pounds that I’d gained the previous week.
    A trying week for us as on Wednesday one of our neighbours fell over and her husband was unable to lift her up so OH and I helped pick her up, she ended up after going to Addenbrookes to be checked over having a broken nose and hairline fractures in her cheekbones. Whilst in Ely Thursday we got her a bunch of flowers and dropped in on her. We found out from her husband on Friday morning that she’d been taken into hospital Thursday night with Covid and that he’d also tested positive. OH and I tested ourselves with a home covid test on Saturday and we we’re clear so 🤞 when we test again tomorrow It’s going to be the same.
    Jean hope Charlie’s visit to the vet went well.
    Hemmy glad you had a nice weekend with Kristy and a nice couple of days with your friends.
    Hedgehogs what a good girl Xena was. Your busy as usual. Lovely to see the little one.
    Dave well done on not having bread, hope it helps with losing weight. Wish I could give up my white wine that I enjoy so much.
    Enjoy your evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Nana- well done with losing that 2lbs so quickly! Kind of you to help your poor neighbour, hope your test is negative tomorrow 🤞
    Dave- well done with no bread, I don’t miss it much … Enjoy the speedway! Are they doing any coach trips to see the witches?
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day out!
    Jean- well done fasting, hope Charlie is okay at the vets…KC seems pointless, it went round the doggy daycare here, all the dogs had been vaccinated but a different strain!
    Had a very lazy day, fasting & I felt really lethargic. Did do a new walk with Xena & a bit of cleaning, the site I moderate seems so busy most days so that took a while. Tried on some old clothes to give me the motivation to keep fasting 😂

    Morning All..
    Playing boules later, a few players who haven’t played for a while have put their names down..I hope everyone who wants to play gets a game. First 12 names play!

    Charlie was fine, I agree KC has different strains but I have no choice as he has to have it.
    Hope you are feeling better today..

    Well done on the 2 lb off. Hoping you don’t get Covid so sad for your neighbour a nasty fall.

    Loads of midges mean the weather is warming up…very nasty to play in. Well done winning.

    What are you up to today? Any buys yesterday?

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone. Xxxx

    It s going to be another lovely day. It was a long day out again yesterday for me after the weekends days out.. took Pip over the fields at 9am ..then out shopping .. never came back till 5pm..
    Today its early walk again then at the Garden Centre for 12…. I really just want to go out working in my peaceful garden with Pip and the birds. lolol

    At least no diner to get today lolol.

    Nana .. Oh very well done on your 2 lbs off that’s absolutely brilliant.

    Dave,, You are busy with the speedway and Bowls .. good to have things to occupy yourself. No sign of butter bean s yet. lol

    H H.. Yes old clothes are a really good guide on how the weight is going . . You are always busy and it can be easy to forget eating then suddenly feel starving and eat anything in sight.

    Sym.. Yes a few good buys.. another lovely leather bag for £10 ..a like new sweater in pink and cream lots of candles my favourite things lol. Its lovely getting back into your Boules competitive and social..

    Enjoy your day everyone “Joy is not in things; it is in us.”Xxxx

    Yesterday I had an old shirt on that even though it was old it had never been worn because it was too small. It is 2 sizes smaller that what I’ve been wearing. And my jeans were 3 sizes smaller than normal. So that was good. Going to the park with Chloe soon then shopping at Sainsbury’s later. We all seem to be doing ok at the moment. No sign of the roofers yet so if we don’t hear from them then it will go to trading standards and see what they can do.

    Dave- brilliant your clothes are so much smaller, you are doing so well! Hope the roofers get back to you…
    Hemmy- another trip out, you’ll be shattered! Enjoy your day…Well done with the bargains! I bought a charity shop jumper this winter & it’s been lovely, I’ve worn it loads…
    Jean- hope you got to play boules! Xena has to have KC too for going to the dog sitters…
    Nana- hope you’re having a good day!
    Still fasting, I had a sneaky peek on the scales & am now back into the healthy weight category according to the NHS app, half a stone more off would be lovely, we’ll see…My sister came for a coffee, nice to hear about her holiday although BIL was poorly, his colitis flared up so they couldn’t eat out at all…did a big pile of ironing after she went. Bacon, avocado & eggs tonight, they go down well after a fast .

    I’m having bacon, sausage eggs tomatoes for tea. Very hungry now day 9 of no bread so I’ll miss having toast. Trying to last out until Sunday.Lamb for tea on Sunday so I need bread with that. Cold today just took Chloe out again. Well done HH good your in the health weight. Don’t think I’ll ever get that far

    Good morning everyone.A nice sunny day so going bowling this afternoon need the practice. One more week to weigh-in at MoreLife, that will be the final one so hopefully I’ll have lost some more weight. I have been trying hard to do so.Day 11 without bread I think, getting really difficult but hanging on. How are you all doing?

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely river walk with Natalie, haven’t seen her in a while, busy flying.

    Popped out shopping, blankets on line. Debating on what to do…

    You got some good bargains, Katie has a thing about finding a good leather bags from charity shops.
    I never know what to do with candles, do you turn your lights out?

    Good game of boules.. won one lost two so not so good but was close.
    Good you have got in the healthy space, they are very long fasts!

    Well done on the smaller sized clothes, it always gives you a boost. Lovely lamb to look forward too always very expensive.
    You will miss the more life and the girls.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone.. Xxxx

    Its a lovely day again.. long may it last.. Still only March though.

    I am having a quiet day.. I needed to go to Brackley Post Office today but just fancied a quiet day so tomorrow will do

    I am 2 lbs up today..so will need to cut back a bit.. At least no wine. We did have puddings and cakes eating out.

    M&S Italian pasta today .. 3 for £9 they are tasty.

    Day 65 no wine.

    Nana . What are you up to today..

    Dave.. Enjoy your bowls.. Well done on day 11 no bread its not easy .. I bet it will have been worth it though when you weigh in.

    H H … Oh very well done getting into the healthy weight chart .. its a lovely feeling and well worth the effort you have put in. Xx

    Sym.. I burn candles all the time.. First thing I do at 6pm is light tea lights ..or sometimes a big candle also .. I don’t use centre lights at all in the lounge I never have I have 4 lamps around the room..plus candles.
    What have you been doing this afternoon.

    Enjoy what ever you are doing everyone …. Happiness is the very best medicine. Xxxx

    Had 2 games of bowls won both 21-19 and 21-20 so very close, also did 8000 steps. Only practice matches between the 4 of us. Beautiful day today so I’m ready for tea. The MoreLife ladies are pretty quiet,I always seem to start them off on WhatsApp then they come alive. One of them as been to Wales and is going to Blackpool at the weekend for 35th wedding anniversary.

    I have three wall lights but only use two..maybe have a think about candles.. do yours smell or just lighting.
    I did a big shop this morning. I touched up some paint on a wall in the back bedroom, I gave it a rub and the paint came off! I never liked that paint but I think it’s covered.
    Then cut the grass, I got my shorts on then sat and had a cuppa outside.
    Your 2lbs will soon move.. last week I had an eating week so will be up too.

    Well done on the bowls very close. We won one and lost two this week, again very close so a good game..

    Jean x

    Quick post, feeling a bit weary…we did a big shop, got the boys coming Saturday for dinner, then doing afternoon tea for Mum on Sunday. Hoovered & washed hubby’s car, youngest has been round for dinner. He’s had assessments all week but has done well.
    Catch up tomorrow!

    Good morning everyone. The sun is out again so it feels good to have some warmth. Hemmy,butter beans 😀. Would be funny if you like them. Hanging on with the bread it gets harder every day. I keep looking at it and drooling🤣. chicken casserole tonight I like bread with that so I have to eat it and wash the bowl out quickly so I’m not tempted. No speedway this week so my son is off to Southampton.A group all meet up from all over the UK and even Germany. That all listen to a DJ, she as even ginger him a lift back to his hotel once. I suppose you would call it a rave😀 goes on until around 3 or 4 am.Worring for me though one of his group seemed to have had his drink tampered with, luckily for him son stayed with him and helped him back to the hotel he was staying at. My son dosent drink alcohol only as coke or pepsi. So I told him to finish his drink before he goes to the toilet then get a new one.

    Good afternoon everyone. xxxx

    It s a lovely day again…. early walk in the sunshine. Lots of baby deer around. So very pretty.

    After walking it was off to The Post office to pay bills then decided as there is now 3 sets of temporary traffic lights at road works to Brackley I called in at Tesco and topped up for a good many days..

    Naughty day as I got Tesco sandwiches for lunch and a sell of curry for this evening.. I just felt I wanted some tasty easy food.. I will start again on Monday.

    Day 66 no wine. ( I am not bothered at all)

    Nana.. how is your day going..

    Dave.. Oh well done on no bread that is a really hard one… It s a good idea counting the days down I find.
    Still no Butter beans in Tesco.. I think that’s really strange. I forgot to look in M&S .
    It a worry this drinking spiking.. its easy todo I guess in a crowd.
    Enjoy your casserole one of my favourite meals..

    H H Oh a busy time for you.. I really dont know how you do so well with your weight cooking up that lovely food for others.
    Mind you my friend Pam is very slim and works with food.
    The tea for your Mum sounds a wonderful treat.

    Sym..I have 3 wall lights no centre light .. I never turn them on I use the side lamps I find them softer lights. I don’t like scented candles as I don’t think it good for Pip. I buy the big packs from Tesco for £4 ..
    Well done on your painting.. you are so good at handyman jobs.. I can remember you doing them with Steve. Xx

    Enjoy your evening everyone. “Every step counts.” Xxxx

    Good evening I ended up having a salad for tea. Will have the chicken casserole Saturday I think. Sausage and mash with onion gravy tomorrow, Denise as put her order in. Still no bread but extremely hard now. I keep looking at it🤪😬.

    Dave- well done without the bread, you are doing really well! Hope your son is okay when he’s away, a worry…
    Hemmy- well done without your wine! All these roadworks are so annoying, they’ve painted something at the end of our road so that will probably be dug up again! I’m not planning on sticking to keto this weekend though, will have a couple of cakes!
    Jean & Nana, hope you’ve both had a good day…
    Been beautiful weather here, we spent a while in the garden, hubby wanted to take out some hebe bushes by the front door, they are looking a bit scruffy now. We’ve taken one down but the stump is too big to get out in one go, going to take a while…I said I’d only let him take them out if we can shingle it all & buy some new pots, so will need a shopping trip soon! Popped into town to see my friend with Juno, she’s going away for a month to Malaysia and Australia.Just had one meal today- spring greens with walnuts in a blue cheese sauce, it was really good…

    Very cold wind here today. I had a sandwich for lunch so back on the bread. I won’t go overboard though. Chloe was glad to get out of the wind, fastest she’s moved for a couple of years. Bangers and mash for tea I’ll peel the spuds in a minute.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Its another lovely day bright sunshine although a sharp wind . its a good drying day… a line full of sweaters.

    Well my reward for a indulgent week was a 2 pounds gain this mornings weigh in.
    Its ok ..I did enjoy it lots of eating out.. t will soon come off . There are no treats around now and I dont need to shop for a while.

    Day 67 no alc

    Nana and Sym.. I hope you are enjoying your day.

    Dave…Enjoy your sausage mash and onion gravy ..Any response from the builders.

    H H.. Its the time of year to get the garden sorted ..you can kill stumps with natural remedies if you google.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone. Mistakes are proof that we are trying. Xxxx

    Still no news from roofers. Another week to wait then see what’s next. Back on the bread but not gone mad. 5 days to last weigh-in. Do don’t want to spoil things.

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