Chloe’s enjoyed the buffet, she’s had more than me 😃. It’s like bonfire night at the moment but Chloe’s asleep dosent bother her at all.
This topic contains 36,364 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by Brads27 5 hours, 5 minutes ago.
Good morning everyone on this New years day . Xxxx
Very quiet here last night no fireworks at all. When I went in the garden with Pip at midnight all quiet in the village. Lots never saw the new year in I am thinking. So very different from years ago.
Feeling tired and back up to 3lbs gain this morning.. Its just going to be an easy day
I have the rest of the prawns left so will repeat last nights dinner. How is everyone else this morning ?
Its absolutely pouring with rain here .. so a later walk for us.
Dave .. sound s like Chloe had a brilliant evening. lol
Page has turned.
Enjoy your day everyone.. any resolutions made. “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” Xxxx
Good morning everyone it was like WW3 here last night, Chloe just slept through it all. Didn’t bother when the fireworks were going off on our walk. Totally different from Heidi who was terrified of them. 6°C at the moment but it’s going to drop to -3 tonight brrr.Hope nobody as got a thick head after the festivities. I’m lucky I never get a hangover mind you these days I don’t really drink to get one😄.I think Chloe had more of the buffet than we did.
Happy new year!
Dave, you’ve done so well with your weight loss overall! Hopefully not too much on if you go away this year…
Jean & Nana, what have you been up to today?
Hemmy- hope you didn’t get too wet walking Pip! A few lights on here when I walked Xena & took Mum home, no fireworks, like you say different to years ago, I remember when we were young people would go outside & call out happy new year to neighbours!
It stayed dry here to walk Xena, very blowy & has tipped it down since. Took our outside lights down before it rained, hubby decided to do the rest of the decorations so they’re all sorted, hoovered & dusted … Unfortunately quite a few bits left from the buffet which I’ve been picking at today, so not keto! Hopefully we’ll see youngest tomorrow as it’s his birthday, we were going to take him out for breakfast but he might be working now, has been offered extra pay if he does. Will make some malteser blondies although he didn’t want a cake…
Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx
Its been a pretty day with pure blue sky and sunshine although freezing cold.
I have started gradually taking down my Christmas decorations…. today all the cards a bit more everyday then Sunday will be tree dismantling day .
Weighed his morning was down to just 2 lbs Christmas gain now.. so a nice start.. Maybe just an omelette tonight.
Dave.. Good That Chloe isn’t upset by the fireworks .. she sounds a lovely nature.
H H.. Did you go to Birthday breakfast with your son.
Enjoy your afternoon all.. “Thursday is the day to level up and move one step closer to your goals.” Xxxx
Hemmy she is a beautiful dog, I feel sorry for her because she’s afraid of almost everything and everyone. She’s very happy when she’s home in the house. Daughter and her husband came last night and she kept an eye on them and let my daughter stroke her but not her husband 😄.Unless we give her human food she dosent eat until after 10pm each day.I think we have 3 or 4 more visits to MoreLife then it’s finished. It’s a pain getting to the meetings I have to drive through all the Manchester university buildings then I go into another city Salford and past their university.About a 7 mile drive.
Dave.. Was Chloe badly treated or are the breed in general nervous. What a precious loving loyal girl. You have been lucky having Heidi and now Chloe.
Mind you it s down to you too animals know kind people. What would we do without our dogs.
Its getting really cold now.. Just had a cheese and pickled onion sandwich for late lunch .. not feeling at all hungry now so may just have some soup.
I have just cut the backs from my Christmas cards . I am going to use them for “Todo” daily lists.
Whats everyone else up to . Xxxx
Evening All…
I have started my crocheting and it’s keeping me busy….
Floods this morning I had to go back home and put my wellies on, worse I have seen in a long time. Very high tides.
My op in the morning at 8.30 I am up at 5.15 to take my boy out, Jacqui is coming for 7.15. I need a cuppa and a light breakfast.
Glad to see the weights moving down, you do well. My decorations all down and cleaned up.
A new year and a clean start…
William has gone to London today heading home, Jacqui is very upset, angry and feels rejected. She just feels it’s such a long way away. I was chatting over a hour.
New year was such a big thing when I was younger, everyone out and shouting across in the street, lots of house parties.
Poor Chloe, she must have had a strange life before you, now she has to re adjust to your life. Even going for walks must be so different.
Jean x
Yes I think Chloe must have had a hard life she as a big bite mark on her side, one on her nose and her back legs are full of bites. When we first got her if I rubbed her back legs she would growl and snap. Now I can rub them no problem at all. She trusts us all but nobody else. When I took Heidi out she loved meeting other dogs Chloe is the exact opposite.
Sym.. hope all goes well tomorrow .. It will be lovely getting the other one done now.. You will be all set for the spring. Xx
Dave . what a wonderful match .. your family and Chloe.
Its freezing out there .. just been up the garden with Pip for what we call 9 o clocks . lolol
Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite lolol .. My ole granny’s favourite saying .Xxxx
Jean- nice to keep busy with the crocheting, will you be able to do it with your eye done? Hope that it goes okay tomorrow, will be thinking of you 🤗
Hemmy- well done getting your weight downwards already! Once I start taking down the decorations I like to get them all done & cleared up …
Dave- so sad what poor Chloe must’ve been through, it’s lovely that she feels safe at home with you but would be nice if she enjoyed her walks more 😢
Nana- hope you’re okay…
We saw son today but he’s a funny thing & didn’t want a fuss, I didn’t want to make him go out if he didn’t want to- we’ll do it another time! I bought him a huge sausage roll & he was pleased with that & the blondies I’d made…Did some jobs & a short workout, keeping my new year’s resolution so far 😂
HH Chloe goes bonkers when I say are we going, she leaps about then when I put the lead on her and open the front door she stands on the step and I have to push her off with my knee 😃 we do this every time. Then I have to pull her around until she starts to walk. She always walks behind me unless there is something behind us then she walks by my side. If I let her off the lead she continues to walk by my side as if she’s still on the lead. She make me laugh the was she walks on the odd time she walks in front. Her head goes from side to side, bit of a swagger 😀😀. Denise’s legs are still very swollen so hopefully she get into the leg clinic soon.
Hi everyone xxxx
Its a very cold day I think the coldest day I have felt so far this winter.
Just had some stilton and biscuits late lunch …
So pleased to see this morning I have won £100 on premium bonds a lovely start to the day.
Lots have flu in the village so will have to be careful at the shop etc.
Sym.. hope all is going well for you xx
Dave.. Hopefully Denise gets sorted soon its miserable for her
HH.. Well done with your work out
Nana. hope you are having a good day.
Back later as typing with Pip laid across me lolol. Bless him
“Live life to the fullest and focus on the positives.” Xxxx
Chloe fell asleep on my knee this afternoon ❤️❤️❤️. Going to do some decorating when I can get around to it. Getting old to be up and down ladders hanging paper but can’t afford to pay someone. They charge about £1000 to do a room 😱.If you ever watched Last of the summer wine the man who is the mechanic did our kitchen years ago, since then I’ve done all the decorating.I had stuffed peppers for tea, very nice.
Morning All..
I managed to walk Charlie a bit slippy in parts, a bit shorter than usual.
My eye feels sore, swollen and bruised, very different from last time. I have bathed it and put drops in they seem to soothe a lot. I have had a couple of paracetamol.
Hard I can’t really do much, to a point watch TV. I have to be careful on steps making a cuppa and using knives as my eyes are making me ‘out’ a bit.
Just resting up, not really fasting this week.. see how I go…
Jean x
Yes take it easy Jean, wait until your back to normal. Could get snow but keeping my fingers crossed that we don’t. Roll on summer.Posted Denise’s letter for the courts yesterday so will have to wait and see what they say. Nana will Geraldine be out much in winter? HH your always busy cooking and baking and helping people. Hemmy you live in a lovely part of the country, all I can see when I look out of the window is houses and dustbins.Chilli and chips for tea and chicken tomorrow. They have changed the clinician at MoreLife,we are going back to the girl we first had. Which is a good thing we all like her. They changed the time though so I’ll get caught in traffic coming home. There are only 5 of us left now, 4 ladies and me. And 3 of us have a birthday this month.
Jean- hugs to you, sounds miserable, hope it gets better soon…not nice being lazy when you can’t read or anything! Hope Charlie gives you snuggles 🤗
Dave- poor Denise with her legs, hope there’s no hassle with the jury service…how many sessions did you say you’ll have with more life? Did they all do okay over Christmas?
Hemmy- keep away from the fluey people! People don’t seem to stay at home with lurgies now, no wonder it’s all spreading! I love most cheeses but not the blue ones as much….
Nana – how’s your daughter, is she home now? I hope she had a good Christmas?
A frosty walk with Xena, up late, she got me up in the night, even though I walked her at 10pm! Have done some cleaning & a lazy afternoon planned my sister is seeing Mum. Have booked 3 nights in Cromer 13th-16th Jan, looking forward to that!
Enjoy your weekend 🥰
Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx
It s a cold dark one again.. It looks like tomorrow its milder thank goodness.
A later walk as I got all the decorations packed away for another year. Late lunch so will have diner later .
Kristy loving their break in Dorset.. its a wonderful old cottage with a wood burner all cosy, Its lovely being able to have vidio on the net going from room to room.
Nana .. Did you have a lovely New Years.
.Dave… If the courts don’t exempt Denise on health grounds maybe get a Drs letter.
HH …Lovely to have the days in Cromer to look forward to.. lovely at this time of year. Its a different feeling in winter out of season. I absolutely loved all the years in Feb at Exmouth.
Sym.. Just rest rest and rest . Mum used to say Sleep was the best body healer
Brr just going into the garden with Pip it will be a quick one as getting dark and sooo cold. Xxxx Enjoy the rest of the afternoon
“No medicine cures what happiness cannot.” Xxxx
Evening All…
My eye is feeling much better, 3rd lot of drops done. It’s funny being blind in one eye, although I can see shapes starting to come through. A bit more tomorrow hopefully. It took 4 days last time to improve to see, then improved daily.
Lovely to have a few days away booked. Fays just gone to Australia for a month, she and hubby are both going with a very bad cough they have had for two weeks, some lucky person will catch it!!
I hope Denise will get off jury service. She definitely isn’t well enough to go.
Yes I shall rest up for the week let everything heal, just walking get the blood circulating and fresh air.. that makes you feel good.
Kirsty holiday cottage sounds lovely.
Jean x
HH the women are all nervous about getting weighed on Wednesday.I think I have 3 more months but could be 4, definitely no more than that. Very rare we go away in Britain during the winter but did go to Burford on 40th birthday for a few days, coming home it was heavy snow so was glad to get home. Actually skidding on the road coming home. I remembered to always steer into the skid so straightened the car straight away. Was pleased with that. It’s the only time it’s ever happened to me.
Good afternoon everyone snow during the night and now it’s turned all slushy. Took Chloe out and she was ok but definitely not looking forward to going out late tonight if it freezes.I think the older you get the more worried you are about falling. One good thing with Chloe, she dosent pull. Heidi had me over twice in 50 yards when it snowed.If I fell with Chloe she would really panic and so would I, it’s difficult to get up off the floor.Since we have had the kitchen fitted a few years ago the fuses have gone 2 or 3 times. They went yesterday but my son sorted it out. The old wireing never seems to have any problems.I need a new wall socket putting on but the ones who put the existing ones didn’t leave much room behind the socket so I’ll have to see what I can do. Chicken for tea tonight what you all having?
Hi Everyone Xxxx
We woke this morning to quite a coating of snow.
I left it till noon to walk I wasnt sure whether to walk to a small field or take the car. Hardly any traffic.
Decided to risk it ..we got there slowly as its up and down hill lucky I kept Andrew trusty old 4×4 Kia. It never lets me down.
The cottage smells lovely as I have had diced beef and lots of veg herbs wine the croc pot for a good few hours. .. Not sure whether dumplings or mashed potatoes. . Lots to freeze.
Sym .. so glad your eye had started to feel better .. how is it going today.. What have you been doing
Dave.. I can completely understand your fear of falling while out.. I felt the eame today .. getting older sucks lol.
H H.. What have you been up to. Is Mum any more relaxed now the hustle of Christmas is over. . ..
Enjoy your evening all.. Make this the year you redirect your energy towards what matters most. Xxxx
Just a quick post while dinner is cooking, it’s a keto version of cheese souffle which hubby likes too!
Dave- I worry about falling over too, Xena pulls, slipped this morning coming round the back, naughty girl!
Jean- hope you can soon see better, good the drops work so quickly, be careful with your neck!
Hemmy- well done in the 4wd going out in the snow! Does Pip love it? Enjoy your stew … Mum’s still not doing great, her usual clubs etc start back next week, so fingers crossed! But she’s getting lazier & won’t go out if the weather is miserable, which isn’t like her…
Enjoy your evening everyone 🥰
Evening All..
A good walk along the riverbank this morning walking slow so didn’t go so far but out for the same time. A good 3” of snow Charlie was very excited the deepest he’s seen.
Through the day my eye is getting clearer, I can see the TV but still cloudy but better.
I am frightened of falling after the fall of a few years ago. It’s better on the grass for me not so slippy. I only have to do about 30 yards to the river bank. Glad your son sorted the electric out.
Your food sounds yummy, I do get lazy now. Go steady with the driving….
A bit naughty I have been crocheting, one octopus and two pop up mushrooms with eyes. Surprising what you can do with one eye 😂. Making them for next Xmas school fete.
Umm a cheese soufflé, I had one in Texas very nice. I do think before my drops I don’t want a bad neck again. Hope your mum gets to her clubs again it will be a shame if she doesn’t..
Jean x
Good morning everyone very wet here, all the snow gone. Going bowling if it stops raining.Must be mad it’s 3°C and a flood alert. Fell into bad ways having toast at night. I think I’m comfort eating because I’m worried about Denise.My smart ring is showing very high stress levels.I had to use my spray under my tongue last night. Was getting a pain in my chest nothing bad but I had it just to be safe.
Hi everyone. Xxxx
Snow all gone but again so sick of all the wet everywhere .I think damp weather is the very worst..
Left it till late morning to walk and it was just drizzling when we started.. but dry at the finish.
So far a productive day .. hoovered all through completely some washing done .. trying to get my motivation back I lost before Xmas.
I was back to 4lbs up this need to get back on track from today. First week in Jan always hard though as feels flat
I am having the beef stew again this evening. Will do a few brussels.
Going to Leamington Spa on Thursday with Pam .. lunch and charity shopping .. hopefully a dry day.
Dave.. Ohh stress is so hard to handle.. It must be so hard seeing Denise not well. The medical situation is really bad now.. years ago your local GP would soon have sorted it out. Good you got to bowls today will do you good.
H H .. Yes its good if Mum can keep her interest in things. I expect winter doesnt help though re going out. .
Sym… It sounds like all is going well again like the last Eye treatment. Yes sensible just eating how you feel this week one less hassle to think about.
Nana are you out and about.
Enjoy your afternoon friends,.. “It’s a good day to have a good day.” Xxxx
Dave- not good for you getting stressed, can you play on that & make Denise feel bad enough for worrying you that she goes back to the GP? Needs must! Hugs to you 🤗
Jean- good your eye is slowly getting better, take care of yourself & good idea to not fast this week. You’ll have a houseful of crochet creatures by the time the next fayre comes along!
Hemmy- nice you have a trip out planned later this week, such a dreary month otherwise!
I’ve not lost the Christmas weight yet either, have been more hungry, have done better today. Did a workout, just a beginners Joe Wicks one but did work hard! We went to get hubby’s hearing aids today, bliss now he’s not talking really loudly to me & the TV is quieter!
Morning everyone, a day late but here I am at last.
Dave sorry to hear that Denise is still having problems which in turn are causing you a bit of stress,hopefully the next lot of antibiotics will do the trick.
Hedgehogs our daughter was due back on Sunday but due to the heavy snow where she was she had to stay until yesterday and even then her train was delayed getting to her station due to more snow further up the line. We collected her from our station near to us late yesterday afternoon, she had a lovely time and is seriously considering moving up there later in the year.
Jean sounds like you’ve had a trying time with your eye operation but glad your vision is getting slightly better. I’m having an eye test booked for next week.
Hemmy we had snow falling and settling in the early hours of Sunday morning but it had turned to rain when I woke up again and all the snow had gone. Enjoy your day out Thursday.
I started back on my 18:6 1300 calories daily on the 2nd and so far not doing to badly, apart from my usual Friday night takeaway.
A dentist check up appointment for both of us tomorrow so wondering what to have for our tea that doesn’t include garlic 🤔 might settle for egg & chips.
Enjoy your day everyone.
Nana xxx
Good morning everyone, I’m thinking of egg and chips today if my order from Amazon comes. I’m fascinated by poached eggs. Tried lots of ways of doing them some are good and some not. I watched a video on YouTube a bloke from Yorkshire did them and it was the way they looked that appealed to me. Her shown 2 methods of doing them. The white was perfect and the yolk was just about runny.I would have liked it a bit more runny but at least the white was perfect.His airfrier chips were not as good I did some and mine were great lovely and crunchy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. I’m definitely improving at this cooking malarkey. We had snow again in the night not used to this snow.Denise is not going to Spanish lessons most have dropped out because of the weather. Slippy outside so I’ll have to be careful with our walk. My daughter sent me a photo of Chloe’s grandad Westmead Hawk.He is in Madame Tussauds in London. He’s very famous.
Hi Everyone. Xxxx
A beautiful crisp blue sky sunny day today.. lovely for walking..
I have noticed this last month since its been wet and colder not so many peeps walking their dogs.
Lol My Pip is sooo crafty lol … into his 14th year now. And I often think when we are at home.. Oh bless him he looks older… tired .. but OMG just get him over the fields and he runs about like a 2 yr old lol. I tell him typical male lolol. ( Sorry Dave )lolol
I think its eggs and chips here for dinner.. I should have gone shopping but will go tomorrow.
I am sorting summer clothes .. putting lots in the loft ..I will just keep them till summer then bin if not wanted.. Lots are as mum would have said ” Donkeys years old ” lolol .
Nana .. Hope your dental check up goes well tomorrow…. You will miss your daughter if she moves away. I do miss Kristy so much.. the week at Christmas was lovely.
Dave.. I think once you get into cooking it becomes addictive .. I used to watch all the cookery programmes .. hopefully get back into it. soon .
The grandad of Chloe was famous .. Chloe is a celebrity and requires to be fed chicken regularly lol Bless her
H H … Its quite early yet re losing weight while we adjust back to routine eating.
The exercise is brilliant if you can be disciplined .. I am useless . lol
Sym… How are you today is the eye ok. Xx
Enjoy the afternoon whatever you are doing ..Make today a good one. xxxx
Evening All..
A lovely walk this morning on the grass bank as it was slippy.. a few people saying very cold but I have plenty of layers on so I was comfortable.
Chilly this evening and more slippy…
A productive day cleaned house top to bottom, changed Charlie’s food order, updated holiday insurance. I had a lovely jug bought over Xmas thought I would wash it and put away, there were some bulbs and compost to plant so that was done too. 😂
Eye is nearly up to scratch now, very pleased.
Very cold for bowls you do well to play.
Hoping Denise soon feels better and you not getting stressed about it.
You will be upset if your daughter moves away. Will she have to change her job? Well done on getting back on board, I feel strange not fasting.
Mr Pip does really well for his age, Charlie will be 9 next week. I feel he is aging a bit now.
Egg and chips for a few of you 😋
I have not been on the scales, I have possibly gone back up a bit. I am still crocheting made quite a few now, they are all in a box so not sure how many. Well done on doing some exercise it’s remembering to do it…
Jean x
I always say donkeys years Hemmy, my little aluminium pots have come so I’ll do poached eggs in them sometime this week.More gadgets arrived, Denise goes mad when I buy them but I say to her I don’t spend much money on anything else and she’s got loads of jewellery so that keeps her quiet 😁😁😁. Chloe is fast asleep on sofa next to me. She’ll be snoring soon😀.Dogs are the best things on earth but really miss them when they are gone. I still get upset on the 30th of December every year.My first dog we had since I was married a collie was 15 and Heidi was 15 so hopefully Chloe’s got a few years left. Lassie my first ever dog was 19. The only time I have seen my dad crying was when she passed away. Think Chloe’s dreaming making funny noises.
Dave- I’m glad that Denise has got more antibiotics, hope this lot helps her 🤞
Nana- nice you have your daughter home again, she would miss the step grandchildren if she moved wouldn’t she? And would be hard for you too 🤗
Jean- glad your eye is improving! Nice you found a bonus with the jug, spring flowers are lovely!
Hemmy- Pip sounds a typical spaniel! He is doing well…hope you got your clothes sorted okay, I find it really hard to throw any away or give to charity, but I did have a bit of a sort out before Christmas…
Had a productive day after a late start (again, not used to sleeping this late!), took Xena to the park but she kept trying to pinch another dog’s ball, & didn’t want her own! We popped into town for a few bits, then hoovered the car, cut hubby’s hair & rang my HomeStart family. Too stiff to do exercise today! But have just had the one meal.
A big shop needed tomorrow…
Hi all FBBs. I am a grumpy 76 yr old man living in County Durham. Back around 2014 I started the 5:2, posting regularly and losing 23 lb over a few months getting down to 14st 3lb, (I am 5.9ins tall. For a variety of reasons my weight crept up until recently it once stood at 16st 13lb. I have several health issues but recently my practice nurse told me some tests showed my to be pre T2, high..ish ldl and high Iron levels. OOPS. The Iron apart, I know enough about the pre T2 and ldl to respond which I have done. I started a Diary on 2nd Jan setting out issues and targets using mainly the Fast 800 Blood Sugar Diet and low carbs, I have Michaels books. Thurs. 2nd Jan my first Fast day went well, 800 cals and low carb. Friday started well but on the evening shall we just say I “re adjusted” and had a bad day. Sat. and Sun. none fast days. Mon.6th back at it following a bad nights sleep, (Insomnia for over 25 yrs.) Decided not to eat until 6.00pm when I had a frozen home made bean veg ham and Turkey Broth. Estimated 500 cals and 20 gms of Carbs. An apple at 8.00pm. Tuesday, today 2 mugs of tea, splash of milk at 9.00am then water only until 6.00pm when I had a batch cooked bean veg and chicken broth. (Christmas left overs). Again an estimated 500 cals and 20 gms of carbs. An unusual TRE window but it worked. Will try for a 3rd day tomorrow but I do not yet know if I will try again for a long TRE window, I will go with how I feel. I actually feel fine and positive, both days have also seen a return to the gym, light weights Monday, 30 mins inclined walk today. A long post so will close. I look forward to being active on the forum. Good luck to you all out there.
Welcome to our group you are very welcome.. we talk about all different things..I think diet and grumbles come as a package, each go with each other.
Good luck starting again.
I have just had 2 cataracts removed so I haven’t started my fasting this year. I am missing it might give it a go tomorrow …I have been fasting for 10 years now.
Night from me..
Hello couscous I’ve lost 5 stone over a number of years still losing. It’s getting harder but still trying. Got sent on a year’s long course called MoreLife,I go tomorrow.I was doing great untill I went to Benidorm where I gained 1.5 stone in a week. I have another 3 months to go then will see where I am then. Do you like sport or animals?
Good morning everyone off to MoreLife this afternoon 2pm. Not going to be good news on the scales, to much Christmas chocolates. It’s sunny here today but minus 1.It was colder in the night so warming up. Was very slippery last night talking the dog out. So it will be just as bad now I imagine.I might be coming up to your party of the country Couscous I fancy going to Workington speedway some time this year, don’t know if your anywhere near there. Fancy going to watch ice hockey again but not sure if my son will come. Not going on my own.
Hello all, thank you for the welcome responses Symba7 and Brad 27. This is my 3rd FD in a row but my 4th since starting. Last night my last meal was at 6.00pm. I am going to see how comfortable I am during the day before my next meal but I will be eating at 6.00pm anyway. I have no doubt I will revert to a more structured ADF regime soon but the pre T2 has me really concerned hence my somewhat OTT start. The idea is that this long TRE start will make it easier to revert to a more normal Fast 800 system. My weight when I started on the 2nd Jan I was 16st 9lb.A sneaky weigh in this morning showed 16st 5 and a half. Mostly water but a start. Brad27, I am a rugby man, not a fan of dogs, my daughter has a 12 yr old Cockapoo which I am fond of. They are like babies, nice to visit and cuddle but also nice to return home from. Off to the gym to do my weights. Have a good day all.
Good afternoon all.. Xxxx
Oh its a freezing day here today….looks the same tomorrow. A cold walk..
Welcome to our corner Couscous ..
we are a good group and chat about everything lol. Good luck with your journey.
A cold walk and lack of dogwalkers in this very cold weather Kristy’s little dog Teddy just wants to go out do his business then back inlol .
Still holding 3 lbs gain over Christmas period .. still eating bits up. plus too cold. lol
Dave.. How was the scales today..
H H .. Be careful getting stiff with exercise .. do you do a warm up first.
Sym… You seem to be healing quickly.. It must be a relief to have got it all sorted now.
Nana.. how is your day going.
Enjoy the rest of the afternoon all .. just going out in the freezing cold to play with Pip in the garden
“If you take care of your body, it’ll take care of you.” Xxxx
Evening All..
A very cold day going to be -6 tonight.
Problem in my wet room with a dripping shower not the best of days to find a plumber. A friends hubby is looking at it tomorrow he only does easy jobs now as semi retired. I find it hard to deal with these sort of problems. I try not to worry as it will be sorted. So hard when Steve dealt with it.
Hope you are not too disappointed with your weigh in today. I am starting Monday not really in the mood this week, still eating Xmas cake!
Your name rings a bell from the past…
At least your weight is starting to move in the right direction..hope you can keep off T2..
most of us have dogs.
My eyes I think are back to normal today, the last bit of fog has gone.. I agree the dog walkers disappear this weather. It’s hard to get back in the swing, I must to get in my summer clothes for the cruise, 5 weeks to go 🤞🏻.. I think my 3lbs up will be higher now 😬
Jean x
I put on 8lbs over the last month so must pull my socks up. Couscous I’ve been to watch Salford in rugby league and Sale Sharks in Union. I’ve give up football it’s too expensive but do have a season ticket for speedway, mighty start going to ice hockey again and occasionally go to watch Lancashire cricket.I do like sport and go fishing as well.
Hi Couscous & welcome! Did you come on here before? I did the Fast800 every day for a couple of weeks, that was pretty hard going! Are you going to stick with a couple of days or Adf? I do ketogenic eating now, 20g or less carbs, I feel really good on it, quite a few people on the keto forum I’m on have reversed T2, hopefully you’ll do well!
Dave- shame about the Christmas gain but I’m sure you’ll soon get that off, just keep off the toast!
Jean- ooh, nice to have the cruise to look forward to! A good incentive to lose those 3lbs, hopefully you’ll be back to it next week when you’re over the eye op…
Hemmy- I do worry about all the poor doggos who don’t get walked when it’s cold or wet, but I guess maybe some don’t want to, like Kristy’s dog, I forget that as Xena is always up for a walk! Hope you have a nice day out tomorrow!
Had our plumber round to replace our kitchen tap, he was coughing really badly & has only just come back to work, hope we don’t get it! Did a big shop, spent a while cooking this afternoon, made a rice dish for son & Mum tomorrow, plus the veggies & tofu & no rice for me- it comes out quite high in carbs so won’t have too much else. Haven’t made it for a while for that reason! Went to Mum’s as well to look at her bathroom floor- she’s got some weird laminate tiles which are lifting up & we tried to stick them down but they won’t, think it might be a new floor needed 😕
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11:55 pm
31 Dec 24