Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Absolutely pouring of rain here and very chilly.

    Ended the week at 1 pound up on best weight so not too bad .. Start again next year.

    Just waiting for Kristy now.. then Christmas countdown can begin.. .. Salmon and prawns this evening mince pies and some wine. lol

    Enjoy your Christmas everyone.. Thank you for your company this past year on our weight loss journeys together .Xx Take care and Merry Christmas especially to… Chloe Charlie ..Xena and Pip. . Xxxx

    And a merry Christmas to you too Hemmy, and a happy birthday on Tuesday šŸŽ‚ Salmon & prawns sound lovely…
    Wet here too, not too cold though. Saw our neighbour for a cuppa & Welsh cakes, felt too polite to decline! So no keto today, but only one day..cut hubby’s hair, & saw Mum, she’s quite confused about being overdrawn, went through it all again, she’s more cheerful at least though & we played a game so felt a bit more normal!

    Evening ā€¦
    A very dark day.. as Dave says on the change soon.. I hate it so dark.
    I have had a few long days just feeling it at the moment, struggling to read. Might try some pod casts tomorrow.

    Itā€™s a good job you can help your mum I would struggle very much on my own when older. I quite fancy Welsh cakes they were making them on to last week they look easy.

    Have a lovely time with Kirsty hope she is feeling better now. 1 lb up is good I am 2lb up.. I am happy at thatā€¦
    Have a lovely Happy Birthday and a restful time.

    Merry Christmas to everyone and I appreciate all your kindness and support to me too over the last year.

    Love and take care..
    Jean x

    Merry Christmas to everybody and all the dogs as well. Chloe off her food today not had anything. It was late yesterday when she did have food. Maybe she’s fed up of the same thing each day. It worries me when she dosent eat but all dogs do it at sometime. Might buy a small chicken for her for Christmas.

    Good afternoon everyone wet again here and still no roof repairs.Difficult to get anyone at this time of year. Chloe had nothing to eat yesterday so I made her scrambled eggs and toast today, it didn’t last very longšŸ˜. Always a worry when they don’t eat, Don’t like December anymore because that’s when I lost Heidi,I still she’s a year or two for her. Best food I ever had but I must admit Chloe’s on a par with her now. Boots my collie was the most intelligent dog I ever had but he was more Denise’s dog. Got him as a puppy.Heidi was over a year old and Chloe was over 4. Had a few cats as well and various fish,birds and 3 tortoise šŸ˜. So a you can see I like having a pet about. Only 3Ā°C here and rain yet again. Weight is going on with all the naughty stuff but not bothering with any beer this Christmas. Might get some for new years eve. What you all up to?

    Jean- you’ve kept your weight really stable for a long time, well done! Let me know if you do try making Welsh cakes…have you made any of your usual goodies for Christmas? Your dates or trifle?
    Dave- hope Chloe is okay, greyhounds can’t afford to not eat, they don’t have anything spare!
    A lovely walk for Xena & I this morning, it was chilly but bright. Did our usual Church, have made some crackers for me this afternoon & some food for the birds, I bought a lovely china tea cup & saucer feeder for Mum’s Christmas present, so have filled that up. We had fish in a cream, lemon & cheese sauce tonight, lots of veggies too. I was half a pound up this morning after not sticking to keto yesterday, it doesn’t seem to be affecting me having the odd cheat day at the moment.
    Busy day tomorrow, have to do the last minute shopping & an engineer is coming out to look at the stairlift at Mum’s, plus bits to drop off at son’s!

    We’re going shopping tomorrow don’t want to be going on Christmas eve.Bowling in the afternoon weather permitting.Chloe as had plenty today so she is ok. Definitely not much meat on her.

    Morning Allā€¦
    All dry here I shall go over the river bank a different way. No shopping here itā€™s all done..

    A cleaning up day, I have been leaving it till now.

    Charlie wasnā€™t eating yesterday, I left it down as I was going out to Jacquiā€™s .. it was eaten by I was back..

    I shall be doing my special chocolate trifle tomorrow, thatā€™s all I have done. I have cut back on all my Christmas stash too. No special treats made. Just too many calories for one person.
    The bird feeder sounds very different, she will love it. Jacqui bought me a summer dress in the next sale itā€™s really lovely, it wasnā€™t wrapped as it just had arrived. I have other wrapped presents.

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone going to Sainsbury’s shopping and will pop in Specsavers to see if my glasses are ready, they are due in tomorrow but you never know. Would save me a journey.I expect it will be chaos shopping today so going early then bowling later today. Got my thermal vest on and will take my hand warmers to bowling. It was very windy yesterday have I missed a storm? The ice hockey team are Manchester Storm,wonder why.We all used to go and watch them every week,four of us. Not been for a while.Cricket team is called Lancashire Lightning, obsessed with weather up here.

    Afternoon everyone, stayed the same when i weighed myself Friday morning.
    Just want to say I hope everyone on here has a lovely Christmas. Ours will start tomorrow with our now tradional family meet up at my late mums favourite garden centre cafe for breakfast. A couple of visits to friends afterwards and then we’ll be spending Christmas Day and Boxing Day on our own as our daughter is currently staying up in Yorkshire with an old school friend for Christmas and New Year.
    Nana xxxšŸŽ„

    A nice quiet Christmas Nana.Denise as been called up for jury service, she’s not happy. I said she might be able to get out of it. My dad did. I am not sure if I have done it 4 or 5 times. I always said if I get it again I hope it’s a coroner’s court.I can’t see how Denise can do it she can’t climb stairs and whenever I’ve done it the judge was always sending us out of court for a point of law which meant we had to go down a flight of stairs and wait at the bottom.

    Nana- enjoy your family get together tomorrow, hope that you have a lovely Christmas, and your daughter too after the year she’s had ..
    Jean- have you tried on the dress from your daughter? Good idea to not have too many treats! I’ve not got many either this year, I found a 4 pack of mince pies, not made a cake or Christmas pudding this year ( first time in over 30 years!), and no stollen…not too many boxes of chocolates hopefully for presents…
    Dave- well done getting your shopping, and doing some bowling. I’m sure Denise will be able to be excused from the jury service, I would think sitting for long would be painful for her back too…
    Windy all night here as well, didn’t sleep much! We did our shopping too, very busy but a massive traffic jam going in when we were done & going home, so timed it right! Hubby found a nice trifle from M&S, he wanted one last year but they were out of date! Hope I’ve remembered everything…saw youngest son, my sister volunteered to go to Mum’s when the stairlift man was there, I popped in later though…she is so badly confused & losing everything, it’s such a worry, hope she improves after Christmas, it’s been so upsetting seeing her like this …made a cheesecake for me, & some other bits, lots to do tomorrow! Cooking all the meat stuff so it’s cold for Boxing day.

    Evening All ..
    A cleaning day and got bits and bobs out for tomorrow on the cooking side.
    A few long phone calls covered too.

    All the shopping finished and glasses collected all posh for Xmas.

    Hope your daughterā€™s ok across Christmas nice she is with a friend. Enjoy your day tomorrow.

    The dress is lovely fits well, good strong colour and length. I have already eating a few bits then there wonā€™t be much left.. as you I hope thereā€™s not too many food things wrapped up.
    Hope you got the stair lift sorted.

    Busy day for us all tomorrow, I possibly have the least to do..
    Katie sent me some beautiful flowers all reds.. roses, berries and tulips ..

    Jean x

    Going to make sausage rolls tomorrow going to do my own pastry so should be interesting. Only ever pasty once before and that was years ago. Hope they turn out or we won’t have any. Raining again here got wet on our last walk done 12000 steps today it does make a difference bowling. One of the blokes I play with is 85 and still going strong. I’m the youngest at 70šŸ˜

    Done the sausage rolls not tried them but Denise and Peter said they are ok. Were having a buffet tonight so that will add a few pounds to my weight. It’s allowed it’s Christmas. Will lose it next year. Might open the Bailey’s tonight for some ice in the freezer.I hope you all have a good Christmas.

    Evening Allā€¦
    All done and finishedā€¦.

    Merry Christmas to you all and have a great Christmas.

    Jean x

    Evening & a happy Christmas Eve to you all!
    Happy birthday Hemmy!
    Enjoy your buffet Dave, hope the sausage rolls are good- I don’t make pastry, it’s one of the few things I think shop bought is better than mine!
    Jean- enjoy your flowers, hope you’re okay, hugs to you šŸ¤—
    Nana- was your breakfast out nice?
    Very busy today, loads of cooking done, dropped presents off for Mum, putting my feet up now…

    Merry Christmas to you Allā€¦

    Day break is just happening, a shower and out for our walk. We are on our own this morning.

    Happy Birthday Hemmy I hope you had a good day yesterday.

    Beef out of fridge to bring up to room temperature.
    I have already spoken to James, heā€™s had a busy day at the hotel serving 5 course lunch to the visitors at Ā£250 a head!

    Have a really good day whatever you are doing.

    Jean x

    Happy birthday for yesterday Hemmy and merry Christmas to everybody today. The sausage rolls were lovely.Pastry was melt in the mouth so will definitely be baking again. Just took Chloe out very quiet outside.Got her a few treats. She got very excited when we fetched our presents in the living room so didn’t want her to be left out.

    Everyone busy, hope you have all had a great day.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A foggy start I hope it lifts with day light.

    Hope everyone had a lovely day yesterday.

    I shall have a re think over food next year itā€™s not really working here, I could feed a family of 6!!!
    My head is still in the past.

    Jacqui is coming up for 10.30 so that will be nice..

    I wasnā€™t busy hereā€¦a few phone calls ..

    Have a good day.

    Jean x

    Morning Allā€¦
    A foggy start I hope it lifts with day light.

    Hope everyone had a lovely day yesterday.

    I shall have a re think over food next year itā€™s not really working here, I could feed a family of 6!!!
    My head is still in the past.

    Jacqui is coming up for 10.30 so that will be nice..

    I wasnā€™t busy hereā€¦a few phone calls ..

    Have a good day.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone.Ā  i hope you are allĀ  enjoying this festive break. Xxxx

    Thank you all very much for my Birthday wishes.. Xx

    It’sĀ  been lovely having Kristy ..enjoying theĀ  chatĀ  Ā and company .It will be nice alsoĀ  nowĀ  though to get back to mine and Pips routine.Ā  Ā 

    Far too much food ..as we went out Christmas eve and againĀ Christmas day.Ā  Ā  Christmas cakeĀ  and mince pies not openedĀ  Ā Like youĀ say Sym… .we are still inĀ  quantity .mindsetĀ  of past years.lolĀ  Will freeze things.

    Christmas day meal out was lovely.. soo nice just getting up later dressed up and going out to a lovely meal and setting..

    We are thinking it could be a new tradition with us now.

    I am on food and drink holiday now tillĀ  Jan 1 .. so far a 4 lbs gainĀ  so if I can stick to that amount by N Y . lol.Ā 
    EnjoyĀ  your day my friends. What are you doing ? .Ā “Boxing Day is all about relaxation, so enjoy the day, unwind, and embrace the festive spirit!” Xxxx

    I have had my daughter here today, we have had a lovely day. A lovely cooked dinner some from yesterday but she doesnā€™t mind that. It was very tasty.
    Thinking of school fair for next year trying to make money, both coming up with ideas. Looks like I will be knittingā€¦after my eye is sorted.

    It is nice having company but we are so used to being on our own, I think we can get selfish just doing what we want.
    Nice starting new traditions nice not having to cook.
    I havenā€™t been near the scales but I havenā€™t eaten too much.. up to now.

    I am full from lunch so will wait and seeā€¦.

    Jean x

    I reckon I’ve gained 8lbs so far. Back to 19stone mark. I’ll shift it next year. My target is 17 stone.I would be very happy with thaty daughter is coming round tomorrow so that will be good.

    Good morning everyone Claire not feeling well so she might not be coming roundšŸ˜”, Got to take Denise to the doctor’s at 10-30am. She won’t say what’s up other than it’s her legs. She as got called up for jury service but there is no way she would be able to do it.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Its a grey mild day here ..my first walk for nearly a week.

    Oh blimey my legs do ache . this happens every time I have a break when Kristys here.

    I was pleased to see I had lost a pound this morning of the 4 lbs I had put on.
    I hardly ate much at all yesterday ..just a cheese and pickled onion sandwich. To day just had cheese and biscuits for lunch .. I still have about 18 mince pies .. I think I will freeze them individually .. its what I did last year nice to have one per day. with a cuppa after walking.

    I have declared myself on holiday till Jan 2 .. just doing basics. A lovely treat eating and drinking what I fancy and do lots of reading .. going to look out some poetry books I used to love it .. all the old classics.

    It s been a sad year in general.. I have soo missed my loved ones more than ever.. This is going to change. Its Carols year for embracing new things and a new chapter Yay. lol

    Nana .. are you visiting today or lunching.

    Dave..New year new broom .. enjoy the Christmas food moments. . Poor Denise hopefully the Drs will be able to help. There is nothing worse than pain. I Hope your Claire is feeling better soon.

    H H .. I hope you are enjoying the festivities with your family.

    Sym.. It sounded like a lovely day with your daughter yesterday .. what are you doing today.

    Enjoy your day dear friends Xx You cannot change what you are, only what you do.” Xx

    Evening All..
    A very foggy day again, I donā€™t think Charlie likes it he keeps quite close, unusual for him. It was quite heavy on the riverbank.

    A quiet day a couple of films watched. I have put 2 lbs on this morning, I am not really weighing just a hop on and off.
    I am fed up of eating, my heartburn which is uncomfortable just too much food. Most of the chocolate things back up stairs just a couple of things opened to finish down stairs. Last of food things to eat tomorrow then throwing, Charlie to finish the beef.
    I have two Xmas cakes to eatā€¦ a bought one and a homemade one.

    Hoping Claire and Denise soon feel much better. Your weight will soon come off in the new year.

    Hoping I can join you with a new chapter, itā€™s hard to leave things and memories behind. I am wasting my time and life but unsure what to do to improve things. I must think it through.
    We must bounce things off each other.

    Jean x

    Have had a lovely Christmas, lazy day Christmas day, busy Boxing day with the family round…I didn’t eat too much & stuck to keto on Christmas day but had some mince pies & pudding yesterday, back to keto today but have eaten a bit more than normal. Managed to give away quite alot of food! We didn’t get anything like as much as usual, & only got bought one box of chocolates. Not sure if eldest & his gf will come new year’s eve, he usually goes to a friend’s party but that might not happen this year … won’t know until last minute though! Then youngest has his birthday on Jan2nd, I doubt he’ll want a cake …

    Good afternoon everyone I’ve gained 8lbs in the last fortnightšŸ˜± so decided l start now on the weight loss. I’m determined to get to 17 stone next year, I can remember being 17stone and I felt alright at that weight. I’m 6 foot and a big build so 17stone is ok. When I get to that weight then I’ll see where I go from there. Jean would it be possible to meet up with Hemmy just once a year? Would be really nice and something for you both to look forward to. You world have so much to say to each other. Maybe arrange a date in the summer when your eyes have been sorted. Just an idea.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Its a grey damp mucky day here .. chillier this evening but Is to be expected now.

    I am having a lazy day chatting on the phone… Cheese and biscuits for lunch and mince pie… I have got a casserole pack out of the freezer so will do a jacket potato and a few Brussel sprouts .A change from rich food.

    I defiantly don’t feel like eating choc etc. Xmas cake still in the box.

    This mornings scales were still 3 lbs up. I am drinking wine and Port though. Hopefully I can get out of this next week with less increase than the 5lbs last year.

    Nana.. hope you are having a lovely time.

    Dave.. You will soon get your extra lbs off .. being tall you can get away with a lot. Are you doing anything for New Years Eve.

    H H .. What have you been doing today.. How is Mum? .

    Sym.. It is hard to leave memories behind .. It will be 13 yrs May 1st when I lost Andrew .. I seemed to have coped better in the earlier years .. Maybe time to change things up a bit in the cottage ..empty the workshop. etc.
    What have you been doing today?

    Enjoy your evening all ā€œCelebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings.ā€ Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Its a grey damp mucky day here .. chillier this evening but Is to be expected now.

    I am having a lazy day chatting on the phone… Cheese and biscuits for lunch and mince pie… I have got a casserole pack out of the freezer so will do a jacket potato and a few Brussel sprouts .A change from rich food.

    I defiantly don’t feel like eating choc etc. Xmas cake still in the box.

    This mornings scales were still 3 lbs up. I am drinking wine and Port though. Hopefully I can get out of this next week with less increase than the 5lbs last year.

    Nana.. hope you are having a lovely time.

    Dave.. You will soon get your extra lbs off .. being tall you can get away with a lot. Are you doing anything for New Years Eve.

    H H .. What have you been doing today.. How is Mum? .

    Sym.. It is hard to leave memories behind .. It will be 13 yrs May 1st when I lost Andrew .. I seemed to have coped better in the earlier years .. Maybe time to change things up a bit in the cottage ..empty the workshop. etc.
    What have you been doing today?

    Enjoy your evening all ā€œCelebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings.ā€ Xxxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    Two good walks, a trip to shops really just for milk but picked a few bits up.
    Watched a bit of tvā€¦

    All my things are finished now in the fridge .. clean sweep now.

    Planning aheadā€¦ I have said I will make finger puppets for next Christmas Fair for Jacquiā€™s school, so a few, each month a pattern is on its way to start me offā€¦searching for my knitting needles no idea where they are.. I shall buy some more.
    I was looking at doing Tai chi in the village hall but I have done a 5 min workout on UTube this afternoon and I am shattered šŸ˜‚
    13 years is a long time since Andrew I bet it doesnā€™t feel that, itā€™s my 5th Christmas on my own. I really do miss him.
    My 2 lb up is now down to 1/2 lb up .. I have two small Xmas cakes not opened yet.

    It would lovely to meet anyone on here, we are just too far away. It was lovely to meet up with hedgehog and her hubby with Steve on one of our caravan trips.
    Hoping the antibiotics kick in for Denise and it soon helps her feel better.

    My meat and trifle all finished nowā€¦ get back to normal ish againā€¦chocolate upstairs to have occasionallyā€¦ I do nothing for new year.. it would be nice to have your boys with youā€¦

    Jean x

    I forgot to say I bought some chicken and made schnitzels for the freezer.. all bashed down and ready to go, just needs dipping in egg and breadcrumbs..šŸ˜

    I will try that myself Jean.

    Jean- yes, it was lovely to meet up with you & Steve, & Charlie šŸ¤— I do chicken like that & then melt mozzarella on top for hubby. Youngest likes hunters chicken, BBQ sauce, bacon & cheese.
    Hemmy- that is a long time without Andrew šŸ˜¢ Does sound like changing a few things would be good for you…
    Dave- hope Denise’s legs get better soon, is she going to say she can’t do jury service?
    Nana- hope you’re okay…
    Woke up really late this morning, 9am! By the time I’d walked Xena & washed the kitchen floor it was time to go to Mum’s… she’s still not great, hopefully when she gets back into her proper routine she’ll improve. Her laptop wasn’t connecting to the internet again but managed to sort that again. Managed to resist most of the goodies about & have given some away, did have the last bit of sticky toffee pudding tonight as hubby had had enough! Been looking at somewhere for a short break around my birthday, but it does often snow in January…

    Rare we get snow here. Denise will tell them she can’t do it but it’s then up to them. There is no way she could do it. Forever walking up and down stairs in the court.Dry today so far and not too cold. My daughter’s birthday today but she’s not feeling well so cancelled all her plans for the day. Made a change yesterday not too have any chocolates, feel better for it. Don’t think I’ll bother next year getting any.

    Afternoon All..
    Good walk nippy around the earsā€¦ washed my dog walking coat and reproved it.. hope it works. Dripping on the line looks like it will go in the wet room later to continue dripping !

    Xmas is over here everything down and put away.

    When is the first fast day of the year? Possibly 6th Jan for meā€¦

    Hope mum gets back to normal soon and not gets so upset. William leaves Thursdayā€¦GF apparently had got a new flat so itā€™s a definite leaveā€¦

    Hope the jury service gives her grace not to go.. we never get snow eitherā€¦

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    I have only just had lunch at 3pm not even my favourite crusty baguette with cold roast beef hit the spot today.. I feel soo full.

    We had a lovely walk with with MaryAnn.. the sun shone for a short while .. the first sunshine for days.
    Being in the Thames Valley we don’t get much snow.

    Another easy day here ..lots of reading and listening to music .

    Dave.. I am sure Denise could get a Drs note re her not attending court. I too wont be getting the tins of chocolates next year .. I have been eating them mindlessly.

    H H .. It will be lovely having a holiday break to look forward to in January Will you take .Xena .

    Sym ..It sounds like you will be busy with your knitting.. The walking gear does get quickly mucky in winter ..

    Enjoy your afternoon every one. “A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.” Xxxx

    Hemmy I took a leaf out of your book and had a crusty baguette with beef on it šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹.Roast beef tonight just peeled the spuds and have already made the Yorkshire pudding batter, so well organised.

    Strange how you go off food after eating too much.. I like the feeling of emptyā€¦
    Coat still wet but not drippingā€¦left it in the kitchen. Itā€™s been a productive day.

    Enjoy your beef and Yorkshire puds..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone, hope you all enjoyed Christmas. Our family get together breakfast on Christmas Eve was good fun with lots of laughter. Later in the day our daughter whose staying with a friend in Yorkshire face timed us which was nice.Very quiet for us Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
    This afternoon we’re going to another family group get together,these are the family members who I went with to Disneyland Paris in 2022.
    I weighed myself yesterday and was three pounds up since I last weighed myself before Christmas.
    Dave I hope Denise is starting to feel better, and it seems there’s no way she can do jury service.
    Hedgehogs we’re going away to Norwich mid January for a short break, even though we’ve been so many times before we still enjoy going. We only have a couple of things that might mean cancelling as OH is waiting to hear an appointment date for an MRI scan on his back and secondly his cousin passed away a couple of weeks before Christmas and a funeral date has still not been made.
    Jean I’ve still got my tree and decorations up as I love looking at my tree in the evenings.Has your Grandson returned to Australia now ? Also how is the other one getting on there now ?
    Hemmy a long time to be on your own. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas though.
    Happy New Year everyone, we’ll be staying at home, gone are the days when we used to go out on New Year’s Eve and not get home until two or three in the morning and then have to go in to work before it was made a bank holiday.
    Nana xxx

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    Hi Everyone.. Its a chilly day here but at least dry.

    So pleased as a pound down this morning.. so just 2lbs gain now. Feeling tired though

    My New years resolution is going to be eating properly .I did it after last Christmas and felt so good I am feeling tired .. not eating enough veg.. keep it simple like last year protein and veg and cutting out bread.
    My weight is always good now I don’t eat large amounts of anything but its not a healthy diet I am eating. Yay all change from Jan 2nd.

    What’s everyone elses resolutions. lol Xx

    Kristy Phil and Teddy dog off to Dorset tomorrow for a week its lovely out of season.

    Enjoy you day everyone.. Just off out in the garden with Pip then feet up and reading my book Glass of wine. lol

    “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” Xx

    Hemmy- sounds a good new year’s resolution to eat healthier, & Dave’s going to make 17 stone next year, so that’s you two sorted!
    Nana- nice you’ve had a good get together with your family, I thought you might’ve seen your Friday night friends tomorrow? Nice you have a break planned to Norwich!
    Jean- that’s too early to take the decorations down! I like to still have ours up for new year … I don’t envy you knitting, I’ve never been any good at it!
    2lbs on over Christmas for me, I’ve been very restrained so just from 2 days not eating keto ..
    I will make a resolution to get fitter, I’ve done a couple of easy workouts over Christmas, I know a couple of ladies the same age as me who go to the gym every day! I wouldn’t want to spend the money on a gym membership though…
    Busy day today, gave Xena a longer walk as it’s finally been sunny, we dropped washing off to youngest, went into town to the bank, did a food shop, then hubby had to do some DIY, so I took Xena to the park, feet ache now!

    Good morning everyone a dull day here. I played well at bowls yesterday. Going shopping soon expect it will be packed out, all the muffins will have gone. I might buy some crusty bread if there is any left. I do like the bread we have, Warburton original seeded batch loaf šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹ do be getting it Hemmy or you won’t be giving up bread. I fancy doing stuffed peppers not done them before but they look very appealing.Not decided off I’ll have a drink tonight or not, never had anything Christmas eve.

    Good afternoon friends. Xxxx

    It s a windy dry cold day here .. A lovely walk seeing lots of regular walkers.

    I am amazed how many peeps are just staying at home this evening.. Years ago NYE used to be a big celebration on par with Christmas. I expect drinking and driving laws have made a big difference and rightly so.

    Well I do have to laugh at myself .. lol I said right Carol you can have anything you fancy for lunch and dinner today .. so I had a fried egg sandwich for. lunch and this evening its a jacket potato with garlic prawns and brussels sprouts lolol and a few wines then an old favourite saying on here over the years ..”A line drawn under” lol .. Does anyone still stay in touch with Audrey. I think it was her saying. lol

    H H… Do you have any plans for this evening.. Will the boys sister or Mum come round.

    Dave.. That is a lovely bread my favourite very Moorish though lol. What are you cooking up today.

    Sym…and Nana . What are you up to today .

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone..

    “Hereā€™s to a bright and hopeful New Year. May all your dreams come true!” Xxxx

    Hemmy we are having a buffet, Chloe’s making the most of it. I bought 4 bottles of beer. On my 3rd one now might have a Bailey’s nearer to midnight. Happy new year everyone.

    Cheers Dave.. Here’s to a peaceful happy healthy New Year for us all.

    Happy New Year to everyone, letā€™s hope itā€™s a good and healthy one..

    I have been out with William and Jacqui, coffee and cakes.. William leaving Thursday so I wonā€™t see him now.

    I have been out and bought wool for my school fair.. I have made a baby octopus .. it said 20 mins it took me 3 hours šŸ˜‚ hoping I get quicker itā€™s a while since I have crocheted. Very small and fiddly. I might go up a hook size.

    Lovely to have breaks booked something to look forward to.
    William is very sad with the breakup, she has a new flat so itā€™s definitely over. James was near the Sydney bridge watching the fire works, itā€™s all cordoned off and he canā€™t get home so staying at his hotel overnight, in staff rooms,heā€™s working at 6am.

    Jacqui took her tree down before me.. hers was a living one and it was getting upset so she took it out into the cold weather, itā€™s got its colour back.
    2 lbs on is good for Xmas soon be off.

    Itā€™s very quiet here, no partyā€™s or fireworks as yet.
    Nice to have what you fancy before the healthy eating startsā€¦I really should look at my food tooā€¦

    Enjoy your buffet and drink of beer. I am in bed nowā€¦

    Jean x

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