Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,327 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  hedgehogs 1 hour, 3 minutes ago.

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  • Just back from the last walk of the day, my other dogs never went out this late, I don’t like going out at this time myself but Chloe won’t go down the steps at the back like the other dogs did so I have to take her out. Don’t feel safe going out this time of night and Chloe would run a mile if anyone came near me. Heidi would guard me with her life.

    Morning All..
    Up shortly to see Natalie and Oreo, last walk as she will be working the rest of the week.
    Going out with the Petanque people for catchup lunch, I think about 11, men are joining us.

    Struggled with the book my eyes were tired I managed 3 chapters, felt it in the evening.
    Your weight will soon will stabilise, it’s just nice to do and be with people.

    The glasses are very expensive, I shall have to buy more after my second op.. I have already paid £425 for my lenses which didn’t work! a couple of months ago.

    Jean x

    A very dark one here today but at least dry.

    I seem to have caught up now.. I just need to find a nice front door wreath. Tomorrow I am going to Aylesbury with Pam so maybe find one there.

    As so many shops closing down I seem to be buying more and more on the net. It snice to see things though.

    Nana .. Is it a lunch out today.

    HH .. Are you still baking Christmas bits.

    Dave.. Yes its not good going out after dark.. you could trip up . Do you have bright torch.

    Sym.. Enjoy your walk with your friend.. then have a lovely lunch.

    Have lovely day whatever you are doing..A very dark one here but at least dry.

    ” Whoever is happy will make others happy too .” Xxxx

    Had a good game of bowls today, a proper game only a friendly bit nicer to play.Hemmy I have a good torch and Chloe as a flashing red light on her collar. Been busy buying smarthome stuff, if I can set it up right when I walk in the kitchen a light will come on and go off when I come back to the living room. I’ll also put some on the stairs so if anyone comes down in the night it will be bright enough without putting the lights on.Bought som Christmas decorations for the window that are battery operated. They turn themselves off after 6 hours and then come back on 18 hours later. Waiting for them to turn on now.

    Quick post, busy day … plumber came early and hopefully has sorted the pipe, the house absolutely stunk afterwards, had to have windows & door open! Went out for a late breakfast, then did some shopping. Went to a couple of farm shops but couldn’t get much there. Made some more brownie trees to take to my friend’s tomorrow. We had good news again today, youngest son has got on okay with his occupational health assessment, that’s the last thing done now, hopefully he’ll get his contract through to sign & he can celebrate!

    Great news about your son HH.A nice sunny day today nice to feel the sun on you. Less than a fortnight to go to Christmas. Going to Belle Vue soon to get season tickets for the speedway. Could do it online but we meet two friends from Crewe who sit next to us. Was talking for an hour last year when we joined.The Aces manager came over to us and we was talking to him for 30 minutes.

    Afternoon All…
    Walked in the country park this morning with Andrea, it’s easy as Oreo can go straight off his lead. Andrea is so tiny he is very strong for her, meeting up there tomorrow too.

    Xmas lunch was ok, very busy over a hour to wait, it was all pre ordered so it should have been quicker.
    I have booked premier inn for Louise and Sheila for lunch on Tuesday but I am going to cancel and I will do something here. The food is not good when it’s gets so busy, you forget.

    I have been shopping got some more Xmas bits, Charlie’s frozen veg stuff, grouse whiskey .. few things for when Sheila and Louise come.
    Veg very cheap at Lidl next week .. 15p a bag of most veg.. looks like Charlie shopping again!!😂

    Hope you find your door wreath, I like to look really, on line you never know the quality you are getting. Enjoy your day with Pam.

    Hope you get your season pass and meet up with your friends.

    Hope your son soon gets his contract, it would be nice before Xmas.
    Sounds like he found your sink problem hope it’s sorted.

    Jean x

    Been to speedway for season tickets, met up with friends. Then took Peter to Sainsbury’s to buy Christmas presents for Denise as got Christmas film on the telly just for a change 🤪🙄 Sometimes I get hooked on them 😄.

    Dave- nice to have the speedway season ticket bought, & you can look forward to going again next year! I love Home Alone & the Die Hard Christmas film, but that’s it, haven’t watched any others…What did you get for Denise?
    Jean- shame about your Christmas dinner! It’s nice to not have the work but I’m sure your food will be nicer when your visitors come.
    Hemmy- did you find a wreath? And hope you had a nice day out…
    Had a lovely catch up with a friend this morning, popped to Mum’s to drop cake off expecting her to be out, but she was in tears, missed a Christmas meal as she couldn’t get a lift, we would’ve taken her, she usually goes with friends! She’s got so stressed over everything but finally let me help her, so we got her cards all sorted, she seemed better by the time I left, it was really upsetting seeing her that bad though, I wish she’d accept she needs some help 😢
    On a positive note, I’ve lost another half a pound, & missed lunch as I was so busy with mum!

    You’re doing great on keto HH.I got Denise a big jewellery box and a nice necklace to go in it. It’s her birthday soon so got those presents as well. Must write the cards and give the Christmas one to her. She’s complaining her tray for cooking a bird in is too small. I threw the big one out. So I’ve just ordered a large tray and it comes with 3 smaller ones that all fit instead it. I’ve got the job of doing the roast potatoes at Christmas they all seem to like them.Not long to go now.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Another damp dark one here today … at least its easy to get about with no ice or snow. .
    Looking forward to the 21st when the nights start getting lighter.

    A nice day out yesterday .. I think I have all the presents now . Will just do a big shop next week .. We are out Christmas eve for my Bday meal then again Xmas day. .then Kristy will go home boxing day as its her Bday
    I am not bothering with cooking a ham this year .

    I am still hanging on to the 2lbs from last weekend. Better pull my socks up. lol

    Dave… Lovely gifts for Denise she will love them.

    H H ..Well done on your loss this week.. .. not easy with treats about.

    Nana.. Hope you are having a good day.

    Sym ..Never found a wreath .I might just get one from Tesco and add too it..I have plenty of pretty conifer in the garden. ..Yes lots of disappointing eating places now.. It s best to just stick with a few tried and tested ones.

    Enjoy the rest of the afternoon… just going in the garden to play with Pip its getting darkish already.

    “Friday is nature’s way of telling us to take a break and enjoy life.” . Xxxx

    I did get weighed on Wednesday and have lost 1.5lbs. Going to be difficult to keep it going especially at this time of year. Still got 3 boxes unopened but the hardest thing to resist is orange smarties.😋😋😋.

    Dave… Its very hard now.. .. I think its best that we all just enjoy what we want to eat don’t beat ourselves up and enjoy it .. and start again In the new year.

    We all know we can do it when we put our minds to it. Just having a glass of wine and crisps .. It is Christmas but once a year thank goodness lolol Xxxx

    Dave- you are good at choosing presents for Denise, I’m surprised you’re not cooking all the Christmas dinner! Well done with the weight loss, sorry if I missed that! Can’t stand orange smarties!
    Hemmy- lots of birthdays in your family over Christmas! Enjoy a few treats, you’ll soon get the couple of pounds off…
    Jean- hope you had a good walk again today?
    Decided to have a day off keto today, I wanted to get the marzipan on the cakes & I love that! We’ve been craving fish & chips too…got alot done as well as the cakes, all the presents wrapped, have done hampers for Mum & youngest son. My sister had fun with Mum today, she was all tearful again, she managed to get mum out & get her organised with buying cards… it’s so upsetting seeing her like that, my turn tomorrow…

    HH I may well cook it all, give Denise a rest. Hemmy is very tempting to eat and start again after christmas.it was my son’s birthday this week and my daughter’s birthday a few days after yours. Then Denise as her birthday the first week in January and my birthday is at the end of January. So it’s difficult to lose weight the next month

    Hello 👋
    Dave- you’ve done so well this year, hope you can keep strong!
    Woke at 4am, quite worried about mum at the moment, I’ll read the Contented Dementia book again, see if any of the helpful strategies might work… seeing her this afternoon. Had a productive morning, a bit of keto baking, did some extra training & a game with Xena, ironing, & sorted out my wardrobe, which has been on my list of jobs to do for ages 😂Couldn’t find my winter polo back tops to go under fleeces, & now have more than I thought!

    Afternoon All..
    Up and out early.. I stayed the same this week, a few ounces up.
    I went for lunch there were three of us, very good food and very comfortable today with who I was with. I wasn’t looking forward to it but all was well.. we had a good talk about these ‘secret’ groups.

    Shame on finding a wreath but hopefully you can make one. You are very busy with eating out over Xmas but making it very easy. I have never done a meal out on Xmas day.

    Well done sorting through your clothes, Katie has been going through hers too a suitcase full up to now. A big worry with your mum, just take a day at a time.

    Well done on loosing, difficult when you have a lot of birthdays and Xmas… just start again when you are all clear, or push a few fasting days in were you can. I love my orange smarties.. I haven’t seen any this year.

    I can’t believe a month is nearly up since my op hoping to get the all clear on Thursday…🤞🏻

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone .Xxxx

    .A beautiful morning and early afternoon. pure blue sky and lots of sunshine.. . hope it was your sky too. Xxxx

    A lovely walk with a very funny lady from the village . she is soo much fun and outrageous a colourful life lol. Good job the fields don’t have ears lolol.

    Just finished a yearly job I really hate doing.. accounts for the end of tax year on my rental place.

    Dave.. Just choose what you really like as Christmas treats and stick to them. ..All the orange smarties. lolol

    H H .. Do you think its all the Christmas hype making your Mum worse..Lots changing all the time too .. so much to keep up with. Plus its always a sort of sad time missing loved ones more.

    Sym.. I think I shall enjoy getting dressed up and going out.. It has seemed sad at Xmas sitting at the table without Andrew then Mum. We will see. Really I could have done without going to lunch on Xmas eve as well for my Bday. Too much really but Kristy booked it.

    Nana hope all is well with you.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. .. Health is wealth. Xxxx

    Just got drenched taking Chloe out, she’s stopping at every lamp post and corner.Always does this when it’s chucking it down. I’ll try and leave the choccy alone but getting weaker by the minute 👿👿😈👿😈.

    Hemmy- it must be nice to do something different at Christmas when you miss loved ones, it’s hard with the memories, I don’t enjoy Christmas so much now without dad…Yes, Mum is definitely worse because of Christmas, overwhelmed with it all, even though she doesn’t have too much. Just hope that she improves after, it’s been a bit like that other years.
    Dave- what roast are you having today? Xena sniffs all the lamp posts last thing at night too, she doesn’t in the day time, too excited to get somewhere better! She knows the night walk is boring, just round the block!
    Jean- are you okay to go for your checkup next week, or is it a long way? Will be nice to get that out the way, & hopefully a date for the other side!
    Going out to watch the tractor Christmas lights parade coming through the village shortly, they’re very vague about the time though! Will be a late dinner though…

    Evening All..
    Two good walks a good dry day, temperatures up a bit.
    Cleaning and faffing before my visitors Tuesday.

    Your lady sounds fun, nice walking with different people. Good you sorted your tax returns not a good job to do.

    You have had the bad weather we have been lucky..

    My checkup is at my own opticians 4 miles away I will drive..then I will sort a date out for the other.
    The light parade sounds lovely, enjoy.

    Jean x

    Evening All..
    Two good walks a good dry day, temperatures up a bit.
    Cleaning and faffing before my visitors Tuesday.

    Your lady sounds fun, nice walking with different people. Good you sorted your tax returns not a good job to do.

    You have had the bad weather we have been lucky..

    My checkup is at my own opticians 4 miles away I will drive..then I will sort a date out for the other.
    The light parade sounds lovely, enjoy.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone, feeling under the weather today. Feeling sick and I was sat on the toilet with a bucket on my knee. Not had anything to eat had a cuppa but that made me feel sick. So just water don’t know if I’ll try food later. I will take Chloe out she’s not been yet.

    Morning All…
    A mild day not cold… a late walk, I went on the river bank this morning, I didn’t wake to till 8am very unusual for me.

    Popped to shops I needed dry eye drops I have finished them from the hospital. Got a few top up things.. Tesco dated things are up to 25th today so I will buy cream and things on Friday.

    Making pastry for visitors tomorrow, I didn’t have my glasses on decided to do in grams?? Why!.. what a piddly bit..washed everything up I had to get it out again and make more… I usually do ounces!!

    Grandson William on his way home from Perth for holiday, spilt up with his partner. They have been together for two years lived together for 8 months. My daughter has planned things to do as she has been upset about both boys away. Xmas dinner out, coming to me Boxing Day, going away for the night on 29th, other things too.. see how it goes.

    I am fasting today..

    Dave ..
    Sorry to hear you are under the weather lots of bugs about. Just seen on local news our large hospital are making people use masks again.

    Hope every one else are keeping well..

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, not too bad a week for me last week as I managed to lose half a pound.
    We we’re supposed to be going to visit our Newmarket friends for a curry this evening but my OH is unwell with an upset stomach so we’ve cancelled it.
    Dave hope you start to feel better soon.
    Jean it’ll be nice for you to see William over Christmas hope he’s able to fit in with the plans in place.
    Hemmy I’ve never eaten out on Christmas Day other than at family members homes. My sister always eats out at a favourite pub near to her.
    Hedgehogs it’s so sad how things are with your mum, Christmas can be a stressful time can’t it.
    Enjoy your evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Posted a few Christmas cards stamps cost a fortune. Over 20 quid for a few stamps and they were second class. On feeling absolutely lifeless.No energy at all. Managed to take Chloe out twice one more to go. Might be an early night tonight.

    Poor you Dave, I hope you feel better soon, an unexpected FD 🤗
    Jean- have a nice day with your visitors tomorrow…very annoying with the pastry! I do some new recipes grams & some old ounces, can’t convert one to the other very easily though! Poor grandson, is he really upset?
    Nana- hope hubby feels better soon too, shame to miss your meal tonight. Is his back any better?
    Hemmy- what have you been up to today?
    The tractors were brilliant yesterday, very late though! Have been to see youngest son today, & got the Christmas cakes iced, will leave that to dry for a couple of days & then decorate them. Going out early tomorrow with my friend & her dog.

    Good evening everyone.. .. the days are going on wheels now..Xxxx

    Another very mild day. hopefully it will last a while yet I dont like snow and ice.
    After walking did a shop at Tesco.. cheeses nuts and other bits..

    I was pleased this morning to see I had lost a pound of the two I had put on. Hopefully the other one gone by Friday.

    Dave… I wonder what caused you to feel so ill. Did you eat anything that might have been suspect.. ..Hopefully it s just a 24 hr bug.

    Nana.. Well done on your loss. Hope hubby is feeling better soon.

    H H .. Its no wonder Mum is stressed .. there is alwasy such a lot of rush and pressure at this time of year.. You can feel . plus a sad time for many.. missing loved ones. Christmas never seems to get easier .

    Sym… Hope your fasting is going well. Are you all pastry ready now for vistors tomorrow.

    Enjoy your evening everyone Peace, Love, Health, Comfort, ✨- all the rest is nothing.. Xxxx

    Well done on your half a pound off, you are so regular with it.. hope hubby soon feels better and you don’t get it…

    Hope you are soon feeling better.

    My pastry was balanced both ways so I joined it together, it should be ok.
    His partner did this about 6 months ago, no one knew and he was very upset, she came back after a week. She left this time and told him she would tell him Friday if she was coming back or not. He got the first flight out. He won’t be taking her back. He is already planning ahead .. he would like to go to the mines to work for a year, make some money and come back home UK and buy a house. Still things change.
    I don’t like Christmas any more, I had such fun with Steve over Xmas. I can understand your mum especially when she’s not good either.

    Well done on your pound off you do really well. I have had a good fd not hungry at all.
    All ready for tomorrow, quiche to build and bake and trifle topping to go on.. pastry all well, resting in the fridge. I will do after walk..

    Jean x

    Good morning I feel much better today. Hemmy well done on the pound loss and Nana, you both do well. Got lots of smarthome stuff to play with, thermometers for each room which also tell the humidity as well. Sensors to turn on lights when I enter the room and turn off when I leave the room.If I can work out how to do it 😁.Smart plugs that tell exactly how much electricity you have used to whatever is plugged into it.All can be done from my phone. I can get Alexa to turn the telly on and off and even change TV channels so no searching for the remote.Denise used to call all the smarthome stuff but when the internet was down one night she was moaning because she had to get out of bed too turn off the light😀😃😃

    Good afternoon everyone.Xxxx

    Its a very dark day here but at least dry for walking Xxxx

    Feeling tired today and I cant be bothered with much I will be glad to see lighter nights again.

    Tomorrow Chris and I are going to Banbury for a light lunch and M&S for some last bits. Just got my clothes ready .. bright red sweater and jacket hopefully cheer me up. lol

    It will be lovely to see Kristy on Saturday till Boxing day.. ..have a nice rest from walking although at the moment she looks full of cold .. hopefully though its just being non stop busy with Xmas events.

    Nana .. How is hubby ..

    Dave.. Lol Lovely to hear you back to your gadgets .. you must be feeling better.

    H H .. Did you have an enjoyable walk with your friend. How is Mum .

    Sym.. Hoping you are having an enjoyable day .. I bet that quiche is lovely. I haven’t made one for years.

    Enjoy the afternoon everyone.. Just going in the chilly damp garden with Pip..

    Not being lazy, just being in an energy saving mode Xxxx

    Dave- glad you’re on the mend today 🤗 I’m not keen on the gadgets, although I like my phone now I’m used to it!
    Jean- hope you’ve had a good day, must be a long way for them to come just for a day? Poor grandson, good he’s got ideas for moving on though. Jacqui will be pleased to see him I’m sure but not the circumstances…
    Hemmy- well done with losing a pound. No harm in taking it easy, you deserve some lazy days! Hope Kristy gets better before she visits, & have a lovely day out tomorrow!
    Nana- hope your hubby is on the mend too…well done with your loss, forgot to say yesterday!
    My friend was poorly so walked on our own, had set the alarm too, a beautiful sun rise though! Rang my HomeStart family, that’s it now until the new year. Picked up the Christmas tree, did a big butchers shop, then found the lady had forgotten to put the adapter in so had to go back for it…did more cake decorating this afternoon. Have been quite hungry today, but just had the 2 meals.

    Evening All..
    I have had a lovely day with Louise and Sheila, the food went down well. I have got out of the entertaining mode…

    William is home he goes back on the 2nd January, I am going up on Saturday to see Jacqui so hoping he is in.

    Good you are feeling much better. Lots of smart stuff it would be too much for me.

    It all went well.. I make a mean quiche most people enjoy it. Bright and cheerful for tomorrow.. I like red, possibly more a mucky red as I call it 😂
    Enjoy your day.

    Yes all happy in the Jacqui household, tricky getting home on the train he thought a suicide on the track, over 5 hours to get home from London, usually a couple of hours.
    Good you have got your tree, get you in the mood…

    Jean x

    Just a quickie.. lol xxxx

    Just saw this on Facebook .. and thought I would share and what are your thoughts.Xx I feel like trying it with a small gammon joint.

    Best. Gammon. Ever!
    Cup of brown sugar at bottom of slow cooker, place gammon joint on top, another 1/2 cup of brown sugar on top of joint.
    Cook on low for 8 hours.
    Just trust me – you’ll never do it any other way again.
    And before anybody asks me the same question 100 times. NO you do not need to add any liquid. As it cooks the sugar draws out the salt from the meat and creates its own gorgeous juices which make a nice gravy!
    This will be served with egg and chips 😉
    Enjoy all 😘

    Hemmy it sounds very sweet 😬 I will let you have a go first!

    I usually I bring mine to the boil twice throwing the water and foam away after each time, then bring to the boil and simmer until cooked, then leave in hot water let it cool down.

    (If there’s fat around the edges I take it off while it’s hot and put back in the water to cool down.)


    Hemmy it sounds very sweet 😬 I will let you have a go first!

    I usually I bring mine to the boil twice throwing the water and foam away after each time, then bring to the boil and simmer until cooked, then leave in hot water let it cool down.

    (If there’s fat around the edges I take it off while it’s hot and put back in the water to cool down.)


    I would try it for Denise I don’t like gammon myself. Had a couple of hours bowling today. Had a drop off rain but not too bad I did get soaked this morning taking Chloe out though.Cant believe how soon it goes dark. Three more days then it will start getting light again. Roll on summer.

    Good evening everyone a wet one here again. Its been so nice having the dry days

    A lovely afternoon in Banbury.. A light sandwich lunch at M&& .. always so fresh.

    Got some last minute good buys .. I think The White Company must be closing down as 50% of all stock.. Found a lovely sweater for Kristy

    Feeling tired now.. when I got back at 4.30 I had to go straight in the garden and play with Pip as he had been such a good boy… really though could have put my feet up with a cuppa. lolol

    I have just had fish and chips from the van that comes to the village.. So not a brilliant eating day lol.. But you have to sometimes don’t you.lol

    I really wish I could get into the spirit.. I will have to pull my socks up.lol

    Nana what are you up to today.

    Dave.. I used to do the gammon years ago in the oven.. But covered it with a mix of honey and mustard .. I think that probably is nicer. Denise has her very own chef..

    H H How is Mum.. Lovely to have a break now from Home start till New year.

    Sym…Glad all went well yesterday its different entertaining alone .. Lovely to see your Grandson I bet.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. You’ll get there, just keep going Xxxx

    Good evening everyone a wet one here again. Its been so nice having the dry days

    A lovely afternoon in Banbury.. A light sandwich lunch at M&& .. always so fresh.

    Got some last minute good buys .. I think The White Company must be closing down as 50% of all stock.. Found a lovely sweater for Kristy

    Feeling tired now.. when I got back at 4.30 I had to go straight in the garden and play with Pip as he had been such a good boy… really though could have put my feet up with a cuppa. lolol

    I have just had fish and chips from the van that comes to the village.. So not a brilliant eating day lol.. But you have to sometimes don’t you.lol

    I really wish I could get into the spirit.. I will have to pull my socks up.lol

    Nana what are you up to today.

    Dave.. I used to do the gammon years ago in the oven.. But covered it with a mix of honey and mustard .. I think that probably is nicer kept basting it with the lovely juices.. Denise is soo lucky . that she has her very own chef..

    H H How is Mum.. Lovely to have a break now from Home start till New year.

    Sym…Glad all went well yesterday its different entertaining alone .. Lovely to see your Grandson I bet.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. You’ll get there, just keep going Xxxx

    Morning All.,
    Very chilly out..

    I am going to the opticians later hopefully to be signed off .. I then can ring the hospital and sort my next appointment out.

    Going to Jacqui’s for lunch on Sunday and will be seeing William which will be nice. Swapped my day as he’s going to footy on Saturday.

    I do enjoy haddock and chips, I have to go lunch time as I am still not driving at night.

    Have a good day all..
    Jean x

    I love haddock and chips and the chippy I go to also does a lovely cod or plaice.Denise like plaice best. It a great chippy but it’s a 10 minute drive.There is normally a queue down the street to get in depending on the time but still get served very quickly. There are about 5 people serving you. So done in no time. They do chilli,I keep saying I’ll try it one day. Only problem is it’s about 1000 calories for fish and chips so don’t go very often. Andy it’s not like your used to be years ago a cheap meal.

    I love haddock and chips and the chippy I go to also does a lovely cod or plaice.Denise like plaice best. It a great chippy but it’s a 10 minute drive.There is normally a queue down the street to get in depending on the time but still get served very quickly. There are about 5 people serving you. So done in no time. They do chilli,I keep saying I’ll try it one day. Only problem is it’s about 1000 calories for fish and chips so don’t go very often. Andy it’s not like your used to be years ago a cheap meal.

    Good afternoon all.. it s cold windy damp day here.Xxxx

    We were out 2 hrs walking over the fields.. so not much else will be achieved today.

    I still cant get into the Christmas mode.. everyone I meet says the same this year. maybe come Saturday when Kristy arrives I might.. At the moment though she has a cough and cold.

    Egg chips and beans this evening

    Dave.. No Fish N chips not cheap now.

    Sym… Hope all went well at the opticians and you got signed off.

    H H and Nana .. hope you are having a good day.

    Better get on and do something lots to do really. lol

    There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” Xxxx

    Evening All…
    I got signed off on my eye, I am above normal on my sight in my op eye. Rang the hospital but have to ring back tomorrow, I am in the system and it needs to be seen before a time is given.
    There are dates for the 2nd and 3rd jan hope they are still available tomorrow.

    I was a bit cheeky.. I was reading on a leaflet he gave me, about a three month guarantee on glasses and service… I rang back after getting home and told them about my £415 lenses which were no good because of my cataracts.. they have refunded my money for me well worth the ask…

    Two hours walking is a long time, I don’t think I could do so much in one go. Hope the Christmas feeling comes back..

    I shall be declaring Christmas tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Jean- that will be lovely to see William! Well done getting your money back & good you might be able to get the other side done quickly…
    Hemmy- I don’t feel very Christmassy either! I think that the weather being so mild doesn’t help, it doesn’t seem like winter! Hope that Kristy’s cold is better before she comes…well done with the bargains too!
    Dave- if we have fish & chips I have either rock or fishcakes, don’t like haddock or cod…
    Nana- hope you’re okay, did hubby keep his bug to himself?
    Re gammon, my dad used to make a lovely coating with brown sugar, not sure what else! When I went veggie I really missed it…Mum still in quite a tizzy, we’ve done some jobs for her, been busy & finished the Christmas cakes, saw a friend today, she gave me some lovely picture frames she’d upcycled. Took the freebie tree to son’s as well, he’s pleased with it. Need to do some cleaning tomorrow!

    Good morning people.Another day another dollar, well not really😁. It is 4°C so a little more like winter.Denise is still sleeping downstairs so Chloe’s making the most of it. It was cold last night so I made an hot water bottle.I woke up this morning and Chloe’s sleeping on it it’s under the duvet and it as a fur coat(the bottle) so no body gets burnt. She’s been with all night now she’s next to me on the sofa, I love it😁😁. Going to Sainsbury’s soon it will be packed out.Hope all the tills are open.

    Morning All..
    A very chilly walk. Heating kicked in over night it must have been cold only second time this winter.

    Operation booked for 3rd January 8.30 so I am pleased with that and with the same surgeon.
    So now I am keeping away from people as I don’t want any bugs! Just seeing William on Sunday.. might take my mask in case anyone else is there!

    I am ready and waiting now, everything to do with Xmas done.. I might fast Monday I will see.
    Nice you can move on the old tree and picture frames sound lovely. Poor mum she sounds quite bad hope it passes after Christmas. I have just cancelled the Christmas Eve carol concert it gets very busy, can’t get bugs..

    It’s funny how they find the hot water bottle even under the duvet, Charlie is never far away from it.
    Poor Denise not getting to bed.. do you have a downstairs loo?

    Hoping Kirsty is feeling much better and doesn’t pass it to you…

    Hair cut at 1.15…

    Jean x

    Yes toilet is downstairs fortunately. Got loads of batteries so will definitely last over Christmas.Now Jean as declared Christmas I can relax a bit. Won’t be losing any weight till the new year.Nobody having turkey for Christmas.Unheard of years ago. It’s not my favourite turkey it’s ok but no more than that. Bought some quality street 😋😋😋 they won’t last very long.

    Dave- poor Denise, probably doesn’t help her back on the sofa every night…hubby doesn’t like turkey so always do him chicken.
    Jean- good you’ve got your other eye booked in, will be nice to get through that & get it all over with! Hope you keep clear of bugs- it was at our Church carol service our neighbour caught covid last year…
    Hemmy- hope you have a nice few days with Kristy!
    Nana- are you having a takeaway tonight?
    Have cleaned the kitchen & the oven, the bathroom & cloakroom, & delivered a couple of the cakes today, very busy! Mum was much happier, she’d had a nice Christmas party yesterday & was full of that. Unfortunately has managed to go overdrawn with one of her accounts but wasn’t bothered!
    Easy dinner tonight, I’ve done enough!

    I’m having waggy burger tonight for tea. Shortest day today so it gets lighter each day after today.A nice thought , don’t like it being dark so early.Chloe keeps pinching our woolly hats😁. Soon be Christmas.

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