Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • My crockpot as come, just washed it. Might try a chicken stew first. It says put the veg on the bottom and the meat on top of it. Will look for recipes online for other things.

    Dave- I’m sure you can lose the extra weight quickly if you can get back into it…not good having a leaky roof though, can you get someone to patch it?
    Jean- poor you with your neck, could be that you’ve done it putting the eye drops in as you said…good you had a nice visit to Jacqui’s. I never make my Christmas cakes that early, only because I don’t get round to it!
    Hemmy- nice to see Kristy again! My mum didn’t bake much- chocolate chip or fruit buns, jam tarts, that was it! She always says she doesn’t know where did & I get our cooking talent from, she’s never really enjoyed it.
    We went to a Christmas fair in a nearby village yesterday, and put our decorations up. Made stuffed 4 cheese mushrooms last night for dinner, they were so nice, no recipe, I made it up! Usual Sunday, Church & reading, did pop to Mum’s, she’s got really confused about buying a present for my aunt- it’s so hard, talk her through things but she’s forgetting straight away, she’s definitely got worse 😢

    Morning All..
    A wet start, miserable and dark.. a cuppa in bed.
    Neck still sore and stiff, a little bit better ?? Did sleep better but a restless night.

    Glad the sweetie things have stopped, I must try harder! My cards will go today, get organised.

    Dave ..
    Hope the leak has stopped that’s the last thing you want.

    My mum was ‘in service at 14’ so a good cook and baker. I think it rubs off.. both girls are in different ways. Jacqui more like me, Katie goes more for dinner parties and entertaining.
    It’s hard with mum..

    Jean x

    Good Morning everyone xxxx

    Its A dull dark day again .. rain but again forecast was dry till afternoon.

    So very glad I got out of the weekend with no blips.. I really want to stay at my good weight till Christmas then relax.

    I really must try to get into the festive season.. struggling more each year. Maybe age or missing loved ones It all seems to be getting so gimmicky .. no true spirit.

    Dave.. Hope you can get your roof sorted.. That’s all you need now.

    H H ..I expect with all the Xmas stuff going on.. it gets overwhelming for Mum. Is she with you for Xmas day.

    Sym.. Do you have a tree .. lots of my friends don’t bother now but I always have.. Next year I really must change my way of thinking that things have to remain the same.

    Enjoy your day everyone Either you run the day, or the day runs you Xxxx

    A walk with Natalie and Oreo it’s a while since we have been together, both were fussy with each other and us too.

    Posted my cards off and delivered the local ones.
    I was going to post three to Australia with Moonpig they were going to be £9 each.. so popped the the shops bought the cards and posted them. They were £2.80 each plus the card £1.50.. made a difference.

    Yes my tree went up yesterday, I haven’t done the garland on the mantelpiece this year. A few Xmas ornaments about. I am doing a lot less of buying this year, a couple of boxes of chocolates and I have bought a bottle of baileys.
    Xmas is so different on your own I have to push myself.

    I am fasting today must try and move a few pounds before end of year weigh in.

    Dark here and raining….

    Jean x

    I can’t imagine how it is on your own at Christmas, thank heavens for dogs. The most amazing creatures on earth. Got too try and find a roofer now, not easy.I go to MoreLife tomorrow not not done well this month.I derby a message to one of the women on the course, she said she’s been on holiday and can’t stop eating. I’ve not been logging my meals this month. I think that’s made a difference and not a good one. I’ve downloaded a British cookbook for the crockpot so that gives me a few ideas .

    Jean- hope your neck gets better soon 🤗
    Well done getting your cards done & tree up…
    Hemmy- well done to you being careful this weekend, I’m sure you’ll be on track til Christmas, as long as the mince pies don’t tempt you! I definitely feel very different about Christmas now, like you say missing loved ones, & now the boys are older. Sis & I will sort out when we see mum, each will have her one day.
    Dave- hope you find a good roofer!
    Just had the one meal today, a bit hungry but not too bad in the day. Got quite a bit done today, have seen youngest for his washing, got a new net curtain sorted for the kitchen, ironing & wrote my Christmas cards…going to leave the ones I put a letter in until we hear definitely for youngest & the fire service, he has another fitness test this week & a medical with Occupational health next week 🤞, he should be okay. Have got most presents now, just a bit left to do…

    Good morning everyone a dull day here, got to take Denise to Spanish lessons and Chloe to the park then come home, go back for Denise then go too Sainsbury’s shopping, then home again then take Denise to a Spanish restaurant, she is meeting up with the rest of her Spanish crew for a meal. Then pick her up after the meal also take Chloe out in between so my day is all laid out in front of me.

    Afternoon everyone, a lovely sunny day here and the sun is making my Christmas tree decorations sparkle.
    A good week weight wise last week managed to lose a pound making my total loss for November three and a half pounds.
    A Christmas meal out on Thursday evening with my old workmates, usually we also have a meal out with our Wednesday lunch friends but it’s not happening this year as one of them is starting chemo treatment for bladder cancer and another is still recovering from the stroke and gets tired very easily.
    Dave hope you can get your roof sorted out soon, not the expense you need at this time of year. 🤞its not that bad for your weigh in tomorrow.
    Jean hope the neck soon begins to improve and it must have been difficult putting the drops in your eyes yourself,hope the follow up appointment goes well for you.
    Hemmy I agree with you Christmas doesn’t have the same meaning as it you used to, however, I’m now starting to enjoy seeing our step great grandsons getting excited about it.
    Hedgehogs 🤞for your son. We had a Christmas tree lighting ceremony on our village green on Sunday and Father Christmas arrived sitting in the fire engine from the next village, it arrived with blue lights flashing the children loved it. Every child got a mini chocolate bar from him after he switched on the lights.
    Have made us a shepherds pie for our evening meal and OH has asked for Yorkshire pudding to go with it.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Good evening everyone to top things off my toilet seat is broke so had to go and get a new one,not a great start to December. Things can only get better.Amazon rang the doorbell and left 2 packets on the step and drove off.Fortunatly we were in so I got the package and one was not even for me it was for someone 15 houses up the street. I took them their parcel it was a young polish woman.A bit later I presume her husband came round asking where the other 2 parcels were Denise told him we only got the one for them , don’t know if the other 2 were inside the parcel I gave them, not been back so must be ok.I put in the Amazon app where it asks how was your delivery not good was my answer

    Evening All..
    A lovely lunch out we were chatting for 3 1/2 hours.. a toasty sandwich and salad, baileys cheese cake delicious and a couple of lattes.
    Lovely catching up with Natalie and Sam together both lovely ladies.
    Very cold this evening, heating on to warm through.

    Hope you can find a roofer to sort your leak out.. I think it’s hard to find people to repair things.

    Neck is a lot better but still sore got my hot snake around my neck it does help. I did sleep better last night.
    Christmas is so different so busy when the girls were at home, then different with Steve we always started Xmas on the 1st of December waists increased substantially 😂as extra chocolate was bought.

    A good loss for the month, so hard when you have all your meals out. Shame on your Wednesday meal out a lot of poorly people. Did you make Yorkshire puds?

    Has Kirsty arrived yet are you all ready …enjoy

    Jean x

    Nana- well done with your weight loss for November! Shame about your Wednesday friends …I not surprised the children liked the fire engine & father Christmas, I’ll suggest it to my son! He had to give a talk & a demonstration to the local Beavers group at the fire station on his own last night, none of the others could make it! He enjoys all that … Very nice to be seeing your step great grandsons, especially this time of year!
    Jean-glad you’ve had a nice lunch out! How is Sam, didn’t she have breast cancer? Did you see her one Christmas?
    Dave- very busy for the Amazon drivers now! Hope nothing else breaks for you, & hope Denise has a lovely evening!
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day…
    The nextdoor app has lots of freebies & things to sell, I might have to stop looking 😂 Bought some bargain tea lights today! Rang my HS family, got jobs done & a few Christmas presents bought, I keep forgetting some! Just the one meal again today…

    Good morning everyone. Xxxx

    Its a welcome bright morning here .. we need some sunshine..

    Ohh I am tired today and annoyed with myself as yesterday I worked non stop after walking an hour and a half.

    Got tree up and all decorating done… I heard old Mum say ” Carol just do a bit at a time you will wear yourself out ” lol Bless her she was so right though and I don’t learn .

    Looking forward to Kristy coming as I do have a rest then from walking .

    Nana .. Oh well done on your monthly loss a very good amount .. careful now with all the goodies about. Xx

    Dave. Any luck with the roof.. its always double worry at holiday times getting trades. . we have had soo much rain. .
    These deliveries are a nuisance they seem to be just dropping them anywhere now.

    H H ..I am sure it will be a relief for your son when all his tests are ok.

    Well done on your one meal.

    Sym.. A lovely lunch for you with nice company…. You cant beat it

    Enjoy you day all

    Peace, Love, Health, Comfort, Joy ✨- all the rest is nothing Xxxx

    Good morning I get weighed today but have gained to much so not good. They kept going on about having breakfast and then I won’t feel hungry during the day so I’ve been having porridge for breakfast.it as the opposite effect on me.Once I eat I feel hungry,I did tell her this but at least I tried to do what she said. The outcome is gaining half a stone 🤪. I’ll go back to no breakfast. December is not a good month or January for that matter for losing weight.My son’s and daughters birthdays in December and Denise and my birthdays in January.My son has put some polyfilla on the ceiling finding it difficult to find a tradesmen. We had it done before and he charged over a thousand pounds it was ok for a year or two then we got a leak. Got another roofer in and he says the previous one has broke lots of slates in half and put them back on the roof and charged us for new ones. So taking our time finding a new one. The last one was good but unfortunately have lost his card that he left us.

    I gained 5lbs but feel confident I’ll lose it and more, maybe not at Christmas but in the new year. They was talking about exercise so maybe I’ll take Chloe out for 4 walks instead of 3. She won’t be happy, likes the warmth and the sofa to much 😄😁.

    Shame about the weight gain Dave, I do agree & I’m the same, hungrier when I used to have breakfast, it is much better on keto though. Have you got a local FB group or the neighbour app, often members mention local tradespeople who are good…
    Hemmy- hope you can take it a bit easier tomorrow & get some energy back!
    Jean- how’s the neck doing, any better?
    Nana- I keep forgetting to ask how your auntie is?
    Did some shopping today, got some presents wrapped & posted. Dropped shopping off to mum, she has a rotten cold, but not going in to see her as I don’t want to catch it & give it to hubby. Sorted out with my sister & she wants mum to go to them Christmas day, so she can come to us Boxing day. Can start to plan food now! Got a HomeStart course tomorrow, have made a salad for my packed lunch, hope I can resist the biscuits!
    Lost half a pound this week.

    Evening All..
    A busy washing sort of day, wet washing all over.. bed changed.. some ironing done.
    Charlie’s dinners made..

    Sam is well now, just check ups now 6 monthly I think.
    Shoulder still sore but much better, it’s very stiff and into my neck. She did come to me my first Xmas in Covid.
    Good you have sorted Xmas out with mum.. Jacqui is coming to me Boxing Day.

    Enjoy Kirsty for your few days.. you can rest up let her take Mr Pips out… we seem to work too much then have to rest!!!

    You will have to give the walking a go it does you good. Soon have the weight off..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everybody a dull day but not too cold. Still looking for a roofer,my son as our polyfilla on the ceiling.I think we may get a new roof in the new year.I imagine the present roof is over 100 years old. And what the last roofer told us there is no membrane there, didn’t do it when the house was built. So that will cost a few thousand. It’s just started raining so timed our walk well. It’s hard work taking Chloe for a walk. She walks behind me most of the time and if I walk to fast she pulls on the lead. Only goes at one speed which is 1mph😂. Having chicken stew tonight but it won’t fit in my crockpot so will do it in the stockpot I bought because all three of us are having it. Will do one in my crockpot when it’s just for me or the two of us.I was looking on YouTube at doing Tai chi, there was a video of a lady doing it and it’s aimed at the older generation.20 days until Christmas. Soon be here.Got my smart home mostly setup.I can turn the kettle on either using my watch or asking Alexa to do it. The same with the Christmas lights on the tree once we put it up. Can turn on the room lights doing the same.I could get sensors so that the lights turn on when I enter the room and turn off when I exit it, not got that far yet but simple to do.

    Jean- miserable having the washing hanging about, ours dries nicely in the spare room now with the dehumidifier, not as much to do! Good Sam is okay…
    Dave- expensive job a new roof, don’t envy you that! I tried Tai Chi classes before, I couldn’t do it, holding the poses wasn’t good for my neck, hope you can do it…are there any walking football clubs near you, I keep trying to get hubby to give it a go!
    Hemmy- enjoy your company 🥰
    Walked the Xena in the dark this morning, then went to my course- it was actually really good, it was about empowering families to identify & use their own support networks, so when ‘professional’ support ends they can manage, HomeStart are terrible with feeding people, so there were biscuits, chocolates, mince pies…resisted it all & had a salad for lunch 😇

    I think they’re will be walking football about. The bowling club has a few different groups, one is man sheds, another is cycling, plus Debdale Ramblers.I think there is another walking group that the captain of the bowls does. They walk so far then call in a pub for a pint. It’s difficult to make the time even though I’m retired. In the summer I play in the bowling leagues on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.I take Denise to Spanish lessons and then go shopping on Tuesday and shopping again Friday . So that only leaves weekend.Forgot I also go to speedway on Mondays and Friday evening.

    Afternoon All..
    Dry walk this morning chilly around my ears.
    Popped out for shopping and garden centre for wreath, compost and more plants for Steve. I called at the cemetery and an animal has eaten all his plants!!

    A surprise on the scales, I have been on Dave’s mode a chocolate diet and not going on the scales.. 2 lbs off.. no idea… I expected 3 or 4 lbs on ??

    Dave ..
    That’s going to cost you a lot in the new year a few thousand for a new roof. Glad all the gadgets are working.. it’s ok but if you moved you would burn more calories !!😂

    My dehumidifier has arrived just finishing my duvet cover off.. my neck is still sore I hope it’s not a trapped nerve very painful… it is a lot better maybe it’s just time. Well done keeping off your nibbles at the HS course…

    Jean x

    I have my dehumidifier on in the bedroom where the leak is. It’s collected some water. Jean if I’m too loose weight walking I would have to walk much quicker than I do with Chloe, walking is only good if it gets your heart beating fast. It’s still good exercise but not for losing weight. Been out twice with Chloe she’s not so keen to go out in winter but I put key hat and coat on and she gets lots of “isn’t she cute”she makes me laugh with her hat on dosent bother her at all.

    Not used my crockpot yet going to do sausage casserole on Saturday but it’s too small for the 3 of us.I might buy a small joint of beef and try doing that in it. Not sure how long it would take in the crockpot. Any idea Hemmy.

    Dave- I don’t think you’d burn any calories doing Tai Chi either, it’s very slow…I used to do a liver & sausage casserole, MILs recipe, but they all went off it!
    Jean- poor you with your neck 🤗 Great with the 2lbs off, so strange!
    Hemmy & Nana hope you both have a good weekend 🥰
    Awake early so went out with Xena & saw the sun come up…popped into town, got given a sample Starbucks hot chocolate, took it forgetting about keto, had 2 sips & chucked it, it was so sweet! Cleaning done this afternoon, keeping away from mum for a few days as she’s still coldy …
    Have a good weekend everyone 🥰

    Evening All..
    I have dehumidifier now, I had it on two hours and no water… so not sure.. I am on the fence at the moment…unless I have not put it on properly.
    You do an awful lot you wouldn’t have time for walking groups.
    Hope you get the crockpot working..

    I think my neck and shoulder will take a while to mend. I am nearly managing to lift it up without my hands helping. If I go on the side I can now get up normally. Very painful.
    Hope mum get better soon, lots around here. Trying to keep away in case my op comes up.

    Are you out and about shopping with Kirsty enjoy your time with her…

    Jean x

    HH the tai chi is not for weight loss more for all the aches and pains, it’s supposed to make you feel good if you stick to it. Saying that not done it today. Will try and fit it in tomorrow. If I can get used to it it could be of great benefit.

    Good afternoon the storm is bad in Wales, Not too bad here wet and windy. Will test the crockpot out later, doing a sausage casserole.My son as gone to Newcastle today so the crockpot will be big enough for the two of us. Must look up a good recipe.

    I’m doing Dublin Coddle in the slow cooker. So fingers crossed it turns out ok. Doing it quick, 3 hours.Left some ingredients out and added some of my own. Rain started again a real miserable day outside. Feeling hungry so hope it’s alright.

    Afternoon All…
    We had our morning walk but I think I shall miss this pm, it seems to be better safe. It’s very windy out, we have a fair few large trees down in past windy days in the village.
    Dark and dismal here.

    Hope everyone is keeping safe.

    Hoping your son’s ok doing his travelling up north.
    Good luck on your Dublin Coddle 😁

    Jean x

    Just had a look at it, potato still firmish butty got at least another hour to go so should be ok. Getting hungry now after giving it a stir. We take Chloe out around 5 pm then again at 10 pm will keep away from the trees though.

    Dave- hope your stew is nice! Hope you don’t get too wet…
    Jean- poor you with your neck, hope it improves soon 🤗
    Hemmy- enjoy your weekend, poor Kristy if she’s doing the walking in this weather!
    Our plumber said he’d pop in today as our sink is playing up again, he’s really good but quite disorganised, he’s not turned up & I put off doing my Christmas cakes today so I wasn’t in the way! Feels like a wasted day, but I did make snowflakes for the top, & got some letters done for the Christmas cards. Horrible weather here too, I think tomorrow is going to be bad here again. Sis & I have been despairing with mum, she seems to be quite a bit worse & getting in such a muddle… she’s had a bad cold so I’ve had to keep away, it’s hard to talk on the phone rather than in person.
    Making some brownie Christmas trees to take to son tomorrow for the firemen…

    Denise said I’m getting good at cooking, the food was nice. So the crockpot as been christened. Don’t know what to do next maybe tata hash. And put it in a Yorkshire pudding. Really blowing outside just took Chloe out, it’s pouring down as well. Kept well clear of trees.

    Good afternoon everyone a bit calmer now. The food in the crockpot was good. Just about enough room to cook for two. I’ll try a beef joint in it this week hopefully, I’ll sneak out and buy a small piece of beef and cook it slowly. Do roast potatoes cabbage peas and Yorkshire pudding 😋😋😋.Better not do a dessert. But will make a dessert when I can find the right one to do. Can sponge pudding be done in a Crockpot I wonder.

    Afternoon All..
    We walked this morning, still windy with flowers pots blowing about, no trees down this time.

    A few jobs done but not much, I am going in the garage shortly to do Steve’s flower trough, the rabbits have eaten all the ones I put in about three weeks ago. I will take that and his wreath possibly tomorrow when the weathers calmed down.

    My neck and shoulder are feeling much better not perfect yet. Hope your plumber got back to you.

    You are getting adventurous with your cooking. You could do a sponge pudding in the microwave and then custard.

    Well better get this trough done…

    Jean x

    Not got a microwave, never got it fixed. Been using the airfrier.I don’t use the oven anymore, Denise and Peter do but I just use the airfriers.Roast chicken tonight having airfrier chips with it Chloe’s on high alert. All the dogs have been the same when chicken is about 😁😄

    Dave- you could one of the liners & cook a pudding in the air fryer? I’m sure you could find a recipe for a pudding in the crockpot, but not going to help the waist!
    Jean- naughty rabbits! Hope you get to take the new plants tomorrow…Glad your neck has improved a bit!
    Hemmy- & Nanna hope you’ve both had a good weekend…
    The plumber never came, a bit frustrating…had a visit from eldest son & his gf after they’d been to the pub with friends this way, she had made me a beautiful wreath for the front door & they brought that! Waiting for it to calm down before I put it up. We were up early, so windy overnight & Xena kept barking! Did Church then made some brownie Christmas trees, decorated with chocolate for the firemen tomorrow, really pleased with how they turned out. Dropped one off for Mum, she’s getting lazy about going out if it’s miserable or cold, but then cries because she’s not seeing anyone all day, very frustrating!
    Seeing son tomorrow & then got a HomeStart meeting in the afternoon.

    Good morning everyone.. xxxx

    Oh what a stormy weekend. Seems to have been all over the country…

    A lovely time with Kristy.. we never let the weather deter us at all. Saturday we went shopping .. then Sunday we had a wonderful Roast dinner at our favourite Red Lion inn .
    Still got some presents to get. so hopefully nearly finish this week.

    Weight up 2 lbs this morning .. so end of wine and treats till Christmas Eve my Birthday.

    Hope everyone is well .Tomorrow is another day. Xxxx.

    My son’s birthday tomorrow, he always gets the day off,39 makes me feel old. Not too bad a day so we’re going bowling at 12-30.All Christmas shopping for presents done. Cards wrote, glad I’m not working at royal mail anymore it’s mad at this time of year. Just been out with Chloe a woman shouted down the street that Chloe is so cute with her hat on, always brings a smile to someone 😀.

    Been bowling but it was very cold, had 2 games then called it a day. Playing a friendly match on Wednesday weather permitting.Soon be Christmas. Not dived into the chocolates yet😇😇.I buy a tub of roses give Denise all the fudge of which there are a lot and my son the double deckers,again lots of them, then I buy boees of lindt,toblerone and maltesers to fill it up that way I like everything that’s in the tub.Undecided about buying any beer. I have a bottle of Bailey’s in fact I have 2😁😁.

    Afternoon All..
    Two reasonably dry walks a bit of drizzle, chilly.
    Took my trough and wreath to the cemetery, then a bag of grass to tip and onto shops .

    Hope you chased the plumber up. Always baking I used to be like you maybe not so much. I will do some for Xmas.

    A nice meal out with Kirsty and a bit of shopping . I just give money now I never know what to buy people, the children have everything..it’s a cop out I know… I just hate shopping.
    I have Louise my step daughter and Steves sister coming up for the day on the 17th, something to look forward too, booking in at the pub.

    I have dived in twice and replaced the chocolates..😬 a bottle of baileys bought ….

    Jean x

    I’ve still to buy my tub of chocolates, see if they go cheaper in the next week or so. Have been sorely tempted to dive in but do far resisted.I an getting weaker but will try and see if I’ve lost this Wednesday, hopefully I will have lost a pound.

    Evening everyone, what a horrible weekend weather-wise, no damage here luckily hope it’s the same for all of you.
    I enjoyed a nice meal out with my old workmates Thursday evening which meant I’d gained a pound and a half when I weighed on Friday morning.
    Hemmy glad you had a nice time with Kristy and didn’t let the weather spoil your plans.
    Jean I’m giving money instead of presents this year at least the person can then buy something they want.
    Dave no tub of chocolates here either,however, an Aldi shop is planned for tomorrow so will probably get a tub then.
    Hedgehogs how lovely of your sons gf to make a wreath for you. I remember we had a lovely natural wreath one year but within a day the blackbirds had eaten all of the holly berries on it. Thanks for asking after my auntie, she’s still getting on well.
    A busy week of eating out ,alongside our usual Wednesday lunch and Friday night takeaway we’ve had a nice lunch today with our widowed friend and lunch on Friday at another friend’s home but she said she’d only do something light as she’s aware of our Friday night takeaways.
    Have a good week everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Nana- sounds like you have a nice week ahead, you won’t be losing this week!
    Hemmy- glad you had a nice weekend with Kristy, you’ll soon lose those 2lbs, they’ll probably be off tomorrow 😂
    Dave- I thought you weren’t going to buy too much chocolate this year? We’ve bought one tub, hubby chose Roses, I’m not so keen on them so hopefully I can resist them. I’ve bought a small packet of low carb peanut butter truffles, & might make some chocolate brazils…I’m not surprised people smile at Chloe with her hat on! Lovely to cheer people up!
    Jean- I think money is fine, especially for teens, the stuff they want is so expensive, so they can put it towards something, better than getting them something & they don’t like it…will be nice to see Steve’s sister & Lou!
    Had a nice walk with Xena, we saw a lady with a teeny chihuahua puppy, she didn’t know what to make of it!
    We dropped off the cakes with son- they had a call to a big fire this afternoon, then training night straight after so I’m sure the cakes will be a good reward! The HomeStart meeting was good, there was so much food, but resisted it all 😇 A lady I was talking to had lost 9 stone, she said she’d just cut down & started exercising more!

    I already have the things to put in the tub, had them weeks and all still intact. Will try and start on them Christmas eve. That will be a record if I manage it.

    Good afternoon, Denise is at Spanish lessons then they are having a sort of party. They have all took some food so she should be just starting three food now ,I’m starving. Got an appointment at the opticians at 2-10 this afternoon.I used to go every year but for some reason they have now made it every 2 years so I reckon I’ll need new glasses when I go today.

    Dave- our eyes have always been 2 yearly, hope yours are okay…
    Rubbish night & not much sleep, up early to walk with my friend and her dog, a Christmas treat bag for the doggos- I found some pigs in blankets lurking in the freezer so that improved Juno’s recall! Rang my HomeStart family, & have done some cleaning, now putting my feet up for a bit …have been hungry but still sticking to keto, when I’m tired I crave biscuits!

    I had a test every year because my dad has glaucoma. That was the done thing but they have changed it or maybe it’s Specsavers.I used to go to a private opticians because Denise worked there. Always went every year there. So now Specsavers at Sainsbury’s so Denise will go round and do the shopping while I’m having my eyes tested

    Afternoon All…
    A dry day but chilly around the ears when walking…
    A lazy day, Charlie’s veggies cooked, a bit of washing done..tray of eggs collected.
    I have got a book off the shelf see if I can read it with my glasses… I am missing not reading.

    You are doing really well resisting the chocolates. Steve always was checked for glaucoma every year, his mum had it.

    Mine usually save their money for the sales. What a busy week you have. There will be no weight loss.

    Hope the fire brigade liked all the cakes, they will get to expect treats. I seem to be having a good week.. no biscuits opened they are my downfall..

    Jean x

    I had the scan what you pay for and that was all clear. Near vision as changed so got a new pair on order. I pick them up Christmas eve.£315 so I’ll never be rich. Could have had 2 pairs but only wanted one so they knocked some money off, originally it was over £400.I always get transition lens, they come in handy when bowling.

    Good evening everyone.Xxxx

    Oh a very cold day but at least dry … A good walk ..then a coffee with my neighbour..

    It seems to take ages to wrap gifts but I expect I mess about far too much . lolol I can see the logic in giving money but I never have, .. I enjoy the gift thing.

    Kristy s birthday boxing day so lots of gifts to sort .and wrap. I am nearly there now . Mainly ordered from Amazon.

    Still 2lbs up this morning…. not eating rubbish but eating a bit more

    Dave .. well done on resisting the choc ..Fingers crossed for your weigh.

    Nana.. Enjoy your social life .. you can soon lose any surplus lbs..

    H H .. Well done staying away from the biscuits.

    Sym… How is it going now with reading.. Nothing like a good book

    Enjoy your evening everyone.

    There is always a rainbow after the rain. Xxxx

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