Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon All..
    Just two good walks and nothing else.. just resting and snuggling with the boy.
    I feel much better now, at least I can see. My op eye is still quite foggy, apparently for up to a week.
    I can get half my glasses on I seem to be fine. I popped my lense out, I have to wear sun glasses over the top.

    Casserole sounds tasty…

    Jean x

    Hello all!
    Jean- glad you’re able to see a bit better & have been okay with walking…take care & enjoy a few lazy days 🤗
    Dave- hope the casserole was good! And Hemmy, I hope yours in the crockpot was good too…what is the difference between a stew & a casserole I wonder? 🤔
    The car was frozen when I went out this morning but the paths okay- got cold right through though as we didn’t walk as fast as I do on my own. Went to a Christmas shopping event at Snape Maltings, it’s a concert hall near us but has upmarket shopping outlets, homewares, galleries, food etc My nephew’s gf works there so gave us tickets to get 10% off today, but when we saw her she got the bits from us & used her 25% staff discount! No food, but got a little lighted reindeer…
    Have been very lazy this afternoon & sat reading! Extra hungry again …

    Good morning everyone it is a bit slippy outside, got my sketchers non slip shoes on but don’t know if they are any good for ice. They are brilliant for normal slippery surfaces.Chloe had her hat on when we went out for a walk and a workman said it’s the best thing he’s seen all week. She always gets lots of smiles with her hat on. Should look for a Christmas hat maybe🤣.

    Good afternoon every one. Xxxx

    A much better day here, sunny and just a tad warmer… Double figures tomorrow thank goodness.

    I am a lb up on my best weight.. Happy with that just need to be careful this weekend.

    I haven’t achieved much today ..it s been quite a lazy week.. after walking in the intense cold I haven’t wanted to do much of anything.

    Just had crispbreads cheese and Garners original picked onions. for lunch … They are quite pricy compared to others but soo tasty just like my Grans . Egg chips and beans this evening.

    Dave.. I bet Chloe looks lovely.. what’s your meal today .

    H H Its reading weather.. I have just started The Summer Seekers By Sarah Morgan and hooked already. .. What’s your menu today.

    Sym.. How are your eyes today.. did you sleep ok. Good it hasn’t affected the walking for Charlie.
    Just off out in the garden for a walk about with Pip.

    Enjoy your afternoon all … When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Xxxx

    Evening All…
    Just having lazy days and sleeping a lot.
    Walked Charlie on the riverbank as much easier to walk on grass too slippy out.
    I am feeling much better, my eye is still foggy, could be up to a week or a bit longer so no worry.
    A pain doing drops every 4 hours, I do 2 different ones 5 mins apart… I have my phone alarm set as my antibiotics are very important.

    Nice to get into the Xmas feeling, looking around the shopping area.
    Katie is still pending on her job, no news as yet, now chasing another one she has had a second interview. That one is looking after a fleet of private jets. She thinks it will be exciting, different.

    A lovely Xmas hat for Chloe sounds good. She will definitely get noticed.

    I feel much better, seem to be having a lot of extra sleep and still sleeping through the night. It maybe takes a lot out of you. Managing to walk ok, nice for a bit of fresh air. I do enjoy going out walking.
    Your weight is stable no worries… I totally forgot this week… I am not too bothered for a few weeks see how I go….

    Jean x

    Jean- glad you’re getting plenty of rest, lots of eye drops to fit in! Hope Katie hears about a job soon, looking after private jets, very flash!
    Hemmy- well done with your weight! Not heard of the book you’re reading, will have a look. I read alot of psychological thrillers usually.
    Dave- a Christmas hat for Chloe would be good! 🧑‍🎄 Hope you don’t slip over…
    Woke up early, so didn’t weigh, might’ve woken hubby up, & was too cold to strip off later! We had a bit of snow here, very cold wind so didn’t walk too far with Xena. Took mum for her haircut as it was slippery. We did some shopping, no Tesco’s, we went to a little greengrocer, & got a few other bits we needed from a nearby Co-op. Did some cleaning & finally got warm after that! Did hubby Chinese style lemon chicken tonight, & I had one of my favourites, a raw kale salad with a tahini dressing.
    Mum’s still trying to have a big clear out, took a TV off her hands as my friend’s son’s one has just broken, they’re chuffed, will take it round tomorrow.

    Good evening everyone. Xxxx

    Ohh what a day looks even worse tomorrow. .. We did manage to get out for an hour this morning before the heavy rain.

    Went to the village shop and got my Saturday crusty long roll and sliced roast beef oh and 2 iced buns. lol So that was lunch and will be dinner this evening, Easy no cooking and a treat.

    H H .. Does your local Coop now have the special 3 deals at a very good price per week.. Ours does and this week I got 9 AndreX loo rolls for £3 ,,

    Dave… How is your day going .. did you manage to get out walking. ..

    Sym.. I would imagine sleep is really good for you as its resting your eyes. How is your day going.

    Enjoy your evening everyone .. Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. Xxxx

    Evening All…
    Drenched twice today decided on sending for a plastic coat to go over my main coat.. especially on these really heavy rain days…2 coats for £6
    Another walker had one on today so she was thinking on my lines.. cheap so not too bad to waste if they don’t work.

    Jacqui and Phil are coming up tomorrow for a visit.

    Drops much better today I am laying down flat.. from throwing Charlie in a flap ( no they are not for you) he comes and sits on the settee very near me watching ..they are funny.
    Katie has done corporate/private jets before at emirates , for a while so a bit of experience.

    Good buy on the loo rolls.. just sat watching the tv, cooked Charlie’s veggies… trying not to text too much and I am not reading yet.
    Just resting but must start moving a bit on Monday.. might have a go driving??.. if I get to the shops I will look for some over the counter readers.
    Think it best to rest and heal them..

    Jean x

    Jean- poor you getting soaked twice! Lots of dog walkers round here have the dry robes, don’t think they’re really downpour proof but look nice & warm! None of my coats are totally waterproof now but at least I usually go out for one long walk & then a short walk last thing, wouldn’t do that if it’s pouring though …Have a nice day with Jacqui and Phil tomorrow.
    Hemmy- 2 iced buns?! Nice to have an easy cooking day! Didn’t see that offer in our Co-op…
    Dave- quiet from you today, busy with your new tech stuff?
    Not too wet on our walk this morning, but very blowy- saw a chap with 2 muddy working cocker spaniels, he was wearing white trousers, not really the weather for it! Very windy here…Took the TV from mum to my friend, then saw Mum this afternoon, she was trying to give me all her board games today 😂

    Good morning. xxxx

    It s a very dark windy day .. I will be glad to see the end of this storm.. At least its very mild ..

    Scales were ok this morning after yesterdays carb overload.. I must admit though I never slept well and feel sluggish today. So healthy eating called for today. .. Not decided what as yet.

    H H … Sounds like your Mums is having a good clear out .. good you can recycle it.

    Sym.. Its funny how the dogs really notice any change in routine… lol I expect they are always on their guard. Its lovely having them sitting next to you.

    Dave hope all is well with you.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. Its a day for doing all the things that bring you joy. Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    Fair weather for the village fete this afternoon.. I have not bothered this year.. sometimes it’s very pricey.

    Damp walk this morning not too wet… river is high and fast flowing..somewhere has had a lot of rain.

    I have had a clean through up and down, I think I have done too much feel an off now.
    Jacqui and Phil on their way going to pick her dad up from airport. He’s fallen twice while being in Tenerife and has come home a week early.
    Coming here for a couple of hours first.

    My plastic coats have arrived , I shall give them a go.. I haven’t opened them yet. My main coat is very good it doesn’t let water in but it’s getting it dry after a good soaking. I can’t find any better at the moment.
    Mum likes her board games why give them to you.. you will be stealing them before you know it!!

    Yes it was very mild this morning. I feel Charlie is looking after me.. funny little things. I haven’t been on the scales, get myself right first.

    Jean x

    Jean- hard to rest if you can’t read much I guess, but don’t overdo things! Shame Jacqui had to go to the airport, hope you had a nice visit…good Charlie is keeping an eye on you 🥰
    Hemmy- I did always feel rough after too much sugar, pretty much like a hangover! Suddenly back to mild again here too ..
    Dave- what roast have you done today?
    Avoided too many trees as it was pretty windy this morning, Xena had a good run on a heath near us. Did Church & then reading this afternoon, nearly finished a really good book. Trying to decide how to decorate my Christmas cakes this year, I’m not planning to do one for me though, I don’t want to have too many non keto treats!

    Good evening, late today. I’ve been reading Atomic Habits.Another book recommended to is the Chimp Paradox so I’ve got that as well. Had roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, it was a giant Yorkshire pudding and was beautiful. Doing what Hemmy said just one or two chapters and let it sink in. Ordered more tech stuff, still not sure if I will be able to put it all together.

    Hello I’m back again. A nice sunny day today, going bowling this afternoon.8°C here so still a bit nippy. Just had a cuppa so will take the beast out for the first walk of the day. I have to drag her around, they’re is no way I can take her where I used to take my other 2 dogs.I used to walk a few miles with them but Chloe would happily have a wee and come back home, she’s always behind me unless there are kids or dogs behind her then she fly’s past me. I think she would have been trained to walk to heel when she was racing.I can’t imagine her racing she walks so slowly.

    Morning All..
    A good walk a long one as I kept chatting to people! Beautiful day.
    I have decided I am not fasting this week until I feel 100%, still a bit tired…

    I am missing my reading…hope your Xmas cake decorating is getting sorted.

    You do do a good Yorkshire pud.. I shall be having beef on Xmas day this year. Always lovely and tasty..

    Hoping to cut my grass…

    Jean x

    We are having chicken for Christmas dinner,we get the roast from farm foods 3 for£10 so Chloe gets plenty. The Yorkshire pudding yesterday was about 8 inches high😄😁😃. I’m definitely going to make the Tata ash in a Yorkshire pudding, looks lovely.My friend is next to me on the sofa and rolled onto her back so I rub her belly. It strange but when we are walking home we go past the house where my mate lived and sadly passed away this year. Chloe always puts a spurt on and her ears stand up. Psychic Chloe.

    Good afternoon all. Xxxx

    Its a lovely sunny day after the last few stormy ones.. looks to be a lot of flooding about here . Especially Banbury .

    Just got a savoury mince out of the freezer to put on a Jacket potato for dinner. No more treats or carb overload till Xmas.

    Dave… The yorkshire sounded good… I always put some mustard in mine ..plus 2 eggs instead of one.

    H H.. Have you decided on your cake decorations .. do you do royal icing or peaked.

    Sym.. Very sensible not fasting… When tired best just to rest up .

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone. It only takes one person to make you happy and change your life: YOU. Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone, a much better day here today than yesterday. My weight stayed the same when I weighed myself last Friday can’t believe that this coming Friday will be the last weigh in for November.
    Jean glad you’re recovering from your eye operation it must be difficult putting the drops in yourself.
    Dave that Yorkshire sounded good, are you still cooking from scratch.
    Hedgehogs your very busy as always, my late mum always made our Christmas cake for us and I’ve tried to make ours but I’m nowhere near as good as she was.
    Hemmy hope you don’t have any flooding, your evening meal sounds nice. I’m also trying to be good in the run upto Christmas.
    We’ve only got one Christmas meal before Christmas and that’s with my old workmates on 5th December.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Nana- well done keeping your weight stable! At least not too many extra meals out before Christmas for you …what will you do for Christmas this year, will your daughter be with you?
    Jean- I have eye drops 4 x a day, but they’re okay just going in the bottom lids so quite easy, does it matter where yours go? Good idea not to worry about fasting, you need the comfort 🤗
    Hemmy- not good if there’s flooding near you, looks awful in Wales 😢 I used fondant icing for my cakes, easier to get smooth than royal icing, I’m going to do something totally different for Christmas cakes this year & will do drip cakes I think.
    Dave- more tech stuff?! Can’t be much left to get 😂 Nice that Chloe is so affectionate…
    Youngest son has ordered a table & chairs from different places, the chairs came at the weekend so we took them over…got home & the table arrived a few days early so made another trip back to take them up, he’s put them together already- he does prefer to eat at the table but his gf took theirs. Took Mum’s watch in to get a new battery fitted too, then when we got home hubby’s watched stopped too! So he had to go back again! Managed just one meal today, so will do that more often now…

    Hemmy I use 3 eggs because there are 3 of us. I used half milk and half spring water, the water helps it rise and makes it crisper. We had hailstorm while we was bowling today so called out a day. We did play two games so not too bad. I’ve got a roll of sausage meat in the fridge so might make a pie.

    Morning All.
    A dry day again. We have been lucky with the weather. A couple of very wet days but no flooding. The river running high.

    I think I shall take the car to Lidl, see how I go, about 20 mins away. I feel trapped! and a bit flat.

    I did facetime call with Chris yesterday, her son Richard was there and he called me. She seems just the same but asking when I was going. She doesn’t understand.

    Your Christmas dinner planned too..3 egg pudding is a good size, I put 4 or 5 in when I make them for the freezer. I must check on how many I gave left.

    Is Kirsty coming for Xmas? Jacqui is coming on Boxing Day. I was a fed up yesterday, I can’t read, it keeps me busy, you can’t do jobs all the time. Your dinner sounded nice.

    I am still missing my drops sometimes, I just do again, Charlie doesn’t like it at all he is very upset. You always seem busy, you do well loosing weight at the same time eating out..

    I could put drops in when I had contact lenses. These just seem so awkward. The antibiotic’s as soon as you tip the bottle the drop is ready to go.. the dry eye you press and press, wait, press, wait it must take 20 secs at least.. you move to look and it drops!! So stupid.
    Your cakes sound lovely, I used to make a good Xmas cake, icing just basic royal icing. I stopped making them as it put stone on! I do like them.

    Jean x

    I’ve never liked Christmas cake or pudding.Denise as a little pudding from the supermarket.I have sticky toffee pudding or lemon sponge pudding. Lots of custard preferably thick custard.Denise likes watery custard 😩.House is full of cables, must find a way to tidy them all up.

    Good evening everyone. Xxxx

    Its been a lovely sunny blue sky day.. a nice morning walk .Ohh about 3pm it started getting really raw cold.. I was chopping down some garden bits.. my hands were frozen. .

    A good start to the week.. Often hard with my sweet tooth after indulging at the weekend. . Once I get over a day or too I am ok. .

    This evening is M&S curry and rice.. .. found in the freezer.lol

    Nana .. Well done on your loss.. not easy I imagine when you socialize you do so very well.

    Dave.. You can get a sleeve thing from Amazon to put all your wires through. They are about £6 keeps them all tidy.

    H H .. I haven’t actually made a Christmas cake since school. and VERY long time ago.. I used to enjoy the M&S ones but found recent years they have got too sweet. Plus not mad on the icing. ..Years ago Gran made hers months before and ” Fed ” it with port.

    Sym.. Did you do your test drive.,, To Lidl. I expect you did feel a bit trapped especially at this time of year .. summer you could have sat out. Hoping today is going well for you . Xx

    Enjoy your evening all .. Happy Tuesday .. be your best inspiration. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    Tomorrow is when I had my op it does pass quick…

    I did drive out I took my sun hat with me to use while I was driving, it was very bright. I went to Lidl and then to my freeze shop for Charlie’s veggies. Walked to a shopping centre for some Xmas cards.
    I managed very well my eyes seem very good.
    It’s been a lovely mild day.

    All those puds are my sort of thing and plenty of good custard.

    Jean x

    Jean- good you could drive okay, no fun being cooped up every day…the drops sound very tricky, hopefully you’ve been able to get enough in!
    Hemmy- nice to still get out in the garden, we have lots of leaves I should clear up but our garden is so shady & damp this time of year it’s not appealing!
    Dave- I do love sticky toffee pudding, but it’s got to be with ice cream! I’ll either make that or chocolate fondants for the others again, I do like Christmas pudding but don’t know if I’ll bother making one this year…
    Nana- did you buy much at your village fayre?
    I’ve lost a pound, half a pound off the total. Rang my HomeStart family but she was juggling lots & lost her purse 😢 Was going to see a friend but she had a hospital appointment changed so had to cancel. Eldest son popped in for a surprise visit, he had a day off so came to see some friends, then needed the loo so visited us! Nice to see him anyway & he took some more of his stuff back with him! Went to buy some more dog food & got Xena some treats for Christmas 😊 Have been given 4 orchids from a lady who didn’t want all the hassle, will give a couple to son’s gf. Have just had the one meal again today & wasn’t too hungry.

    Hemmy I have one of them tubes, and some various ties plus other things to keep them tidy. But I’ve got to sort everything out first.For some reason my telly s gone into safe mode never come across this before.

    Morning All…
    Damp walk as the rain started while out…
    I think it might be Xmas card writing a few little jobs to do.
    Charlie’s bed needs stitching it came back from Fays totally bottomless, they did stitch it but it’s not good, that might have to wait.

    I am getting the drops in but if I miss I do again.
    It strange how you feel restricted, I don’t really do much but I miss not being able too.. if that makes sense.
    Surprise visits are always nice. Orchids are so pretty, I was told one egg cup full of water per week…

    I have never heard of safe mode on a TV… have you found out why?

    Jean x

    I’ve managed to get safe mode off my TV. Been bowling this afternoon it was lovely and sunny.I took my coat off because it was too warm. Still not sorted my tech out yet will do it tomorrow when I have all day. I might try putting all the cables in a cardboard box if I can. That would be neater. Just made sausage and mash with onion gravy,I enjoyed it so may have it again.

    Jean- do you have to go back for a check up or anything? I agree, knowing you can’t go out if you wanted to would really niggle, I’d be okay reading & stuff, but no fun if your eyes are sore too …
    Dave- not heard of a TV being in safe mode either! Good job you got it sorted! Sausage & onion gravy sounds nice, hubby’s having sausage & mash tomorrow but he’ll just have bisto with it 😂
    Hemmy- have you had a good day?
    Woke up at 4am today, couldn’t get back to sleep! Ate a bit more than the last couple of days, but still under with the carbs. Horrible weather here, got drenched taking Xena out. Not as bad when we went shopping, bought a few presents, youngest son keeps moaning about how he hates having to buy practical things like loo roll, so we’re going to buy him some for Christmas, & I’m going to do a sort of chocolate arrangement like I did for Mum but with a loo roll as the base instead of oasis! He did buy himself a huge box of shortbread they’ve got on offer in Tesco’s though! Hair cut & colour here tomorrow so made sure the kitchen is clean & tidy!

    Eating too much, must pull my socks up, can’t see it being a good result next Wednesday.

    Morning All.,
    Awake early and very frosty here .. white all over .. so cold…

    Made a cuppa, Charlie potty and back to bed!

    I go to my optician on the 20th for check up and sign off.. then I can make the hospital appointment for next eye.
    My eye isn’t sore it’s my reading prescription is wrong, the over of the counter glasses don’t work either.
    I did laugh over the loo roll arrangement, James is also complaining about buying household stuff.. as we say it’s life!

    Hope you sort your wires out, it is something which niggles me. I am eating too much too..

    Jean x

    Jean you can buy glasses that are adjustable you just wind them up or down, might be good for the time being. It was below zero last night, Denise is still sleeping downstairs so I have Chloe with me. I made an hot water bottle and Chloe had her head on it most of the night, it’s got a cover on it so you don’t get burned but she sleeps on top of the duvet and had her head on it most of the night. It was still warm this morning. I’m going to try and sort out my smart home now after I take Chloe out. If you Google Home Assistant Green that is what I’ve bought and I’m trying to set it up.

    Good evening everyone. Xxxx

    Brr what a freezing cold day here and really raw now

    After walking went to Bicester to pay some bills at Post Office…. traffic awful.. just did P O and Lidl then came home.. too cold for messing about in the shops.

    I really cant get into thinking about Christmas .. 2 of my friends are decorated up already .. I seem to feel less inclined every year to get the tree and all the bits out. lol

    I am soo glad we are going out for our Christmas meal to The Green Man Inn. Late get up for me Kristy will walk Pip.. Then just glam up … we are doing presents later in the day this year shaking it up a bit from old ways. lol See how it goes..

    Dave… I will google Home assistant later .. you do make me laugh with all your gadgets .. good for you.

    H H Lol what a good idea re the loo rolls .. good fun. .Will your boys be home for Christmas dinner. . What do you cook.

    Sym .. How is your day going.. What’s for dinner. It s good Charlie goes back to bed.. bless him.

    Hot garlic prawns and a crusty roll for dinner .. not had much today so far.

    Enjoy your evening all.

    “One small and positive thought as you arise can set the tone for your whole day Xxxx

    Dave- poor Denise, rotten she can’t sleep upstairs, is it her knees & her back as well still? Are you in Christmas eating mode or just can’t get motivated? You were doing so well …
    Jean- going to be a pain with reading glasses until you get your second eye done as well! I went out early with Xena, the windscreen was wet but as I wiped it, it froze over!
    Hemmy- nice to do something different for Christmas, does Kristy not mind spending it away from her partner?
    Eldest is seeing his gf’s parents Christmas day, they’ll come on Boxing day, youngest says he wants to be on call again as some of the others have children so won’t be on, I said we’d take him a dinner over & be with him but he said no, we’ll see! So not sure if we’ll see mum, we quite enjoyed being on our own last year, did nibbles & no cooking! Plenty of time for Church & celebrating ‘the reason for the season’ …
    Had my hair cut & coloured today, poor hairdresser was saying she’s had quite a few customers either cancel with no notice or let her cut their hair & tell her they haven’t got any money to pay for it! It’s rotten as she has money worries herself & works really hard. Spent an hour in the garden clearing up leaves so it looks better now, braved the cold & damp! Got all the ingredients ready for the Christmas cake making tomorrow.

    I don’t know what you mean with the glasses.. Charlie finds my hot water bottle too and lies on it on top of the duvet ..

    Haddock and chips for us in the car, damp cloth and tea towel across my knee..
    Your dinner sounded nice…
    I have got half my cards wrote…like you undecided about bothering with the tree.. lot of bother for a few days…lovely to go out for Xmas dinner that’s one thing I have never done..

    We walked the river bank stops me slipping, very cold and icy.. all posh with your hair sorted are you pleased with it? Christmas cakes lovely. 😋

    Jean x

    I don’t know what you mean with the glasses.. Charlie finds my hot water bottle too and lies on it, top of the duvet ..

    Haddock and chips for us in the car, damp cloth and tea towel across my knee..
    Your dinner sounded nice…
    I have got half my cards wrote…like you undecided about bothering with the tree.. lot of bother for a few days…lovely to go out for Xmas dinner that’s one thing I have never done..

    We walked the river bank stops me slipping, very cold and icy.. all posh with your hair sorted are you pleased with it? Christmas cakes lovely. 😋

    Jean x

    Sent you a link Jean for the glasses. Cold here just took Chloe out with her hat and coat on. She makes me laugh with her hat but she dosent try to take it off until she gets home.

    Sent you a link Jean for the glasses. Cold here just took Chloe out with her hat and coat on. She makes me laugh with her hat but she dosent try to take it off until she gets home.

    Sent it twice don’t know why it does that sometimes.A nice sunny day here and 8°C so not too bad. They’re are lots of inflatables appearing in the streets around here, Santa’s and Snowmen. One snowman is 10 foot tall. Halfway through techie stuff Hemmy it looks simple when they say it’s plug and play but you have to add things to it and they are definitely not plug and play. A nerd on YouTube explained how to do it and it took him 20 minutes explaining it. Chloe’s next to me again just for a change. Proper Black Friday today it sends to go on for ever.

    Afternoon All…
    A lovely walk a better day, wrapped up but not too cold. Walking the river bank a grass cutter was cutting non existent growing grass they could get an extra cut in through the summer!! It would be more helpful.

    Finished my other half of cards so all done now.

    Going up to see Jacqui tomorrow, I have some things for her school fete, I have 26 bags of biscuits for sale…I took some and they have been sold for a charity at school, so I have done some more.

    I am not sure on the glasses as my eyes are blurry it’s different from just magnifying.
    I have just over two weeks to wait…
    We have 5 Xmas trees up in different houses for over two weeks in the street.

    Jean x

    Afternoon All…
    A lovely walk a better day, wrapped up but not too cold. Walking the river bank a grass cutter was cutting non existent growing grass they could get an extra cut in through the summer!! It would be more helpful.

    Finished my other half of cards so all done now.

    Going up to see Jacqui tomorrow, I have some things for her school fete, I have 26 bags of biscuits for sale…I took some and they have been sold for a charity at school, so I have done some more.

    I am not sure on the glasses as my eyes are blurry it’s different from just magnifying.
    I have just over two weeks to wait…
    We have 5 Xmas trees up in different houses for over two weeks in the street.

    Jean x

    Got my Christmas cakes made, thought there was far too much mixture but it made the 3 deep cakes I wanted. Mum came over this afternoon so I could keep an eye on them, we played a game, she’s good at it round at her house, but finds it hard when she plays it her, strange!
    Jean, yesterday I’m pleased with my hair. Fish & chips sounds good, that’s something I’m missing!
    Dave- good Chloe doesn’t mind her hat on!
    Hemmy- what have you been up to today?
    Lots of decorations up around here, I think we’ll get ours done soon…

    Yes will get ours done soon as well. I bought 100 batteries to power the Christmas lights. Only Amazon basics.I bought a small crockpot on Amazon only£13 but big enough for 2.I can do my own meals in it. Got some sandpaper I might try sanding my bowls and re varnishing them. Had it done professionally it cost£80 and now it’s beginning to crack the varnish and it took them 8 months to do.

    Morning All…
    Wet start. Going to Jacqui’s for lunch and a few hours.
    I have had a stiff neck for a couple of days don’t know what I have done…

    Hedgehog.. well done on the making three Xmas cakes, do you always make them this late.. I thought I used to do them in October.

    Hemmy.. what are you up to.. Black Friday shopping ? 😂

    Dave..cockpot sounds good, you are joining hemmy she will give you ideas.. 100 batteries I use electric 😂

    Nana.. how are you doing?

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone .. Xxxx

    Its a mild dry day as forecast at 14 deg .. dull but nice without the intense cold.

    The time seems to just have flown the last few days.. I have been trying to get things done as Kristy coming Thurs -Sun . Its nice to be up to date with job so.. so I can relax while she is here and will do all the Pip walking a nice break for me.

    Weight back to my best … not having wine really makes the difference to not eating rubbish.

    Dave.. Well you have enough batteries to keep you going lots more gadgets called for I think lol.

    H H .. I bet those cakes smelt wonderful .. nothing like home baking. Did your Mum do lots of baking too.

    Sym… Enjoy your lunch .. will Charlie go too. Maybe your stiff neck was caused by tension.. Damp and cold weather is no help. Deep Heat cream is very good for aches. I have used it for years.

    Nana .. How is your week .

    Enjoy your day everyone.

    “Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.”Xxxx

    Not told Denise I’ve bought the crockpot, she’ll go mad but it was only£13 Black Friday deal and got great reviews.I have the batteries for garlands we hang on the walls, the tree lights are electric. Warmer today Chloe’s in her usual place 😁.I think the crockpot is big enough to do meals for two so what do you do in your Hemmy?

    Evening All…
    I did 4 hours a Jacqui’s, nice lunch she had baked a lovely Victoria sponge cake, l brought a piece home it was delicious…
    Weather much better today but in the house still only 13 degree so heating on a bit.

    Charlie stayed behind she has two cats…nice to have Kirsty coming for a few days.. it’s funny a visitor coming soon gets you moving to get things to scratch again, we are all the same 😂
    I wonder laying down, up and down doing my drops I have pulled something it’s quite sore.

    Good luck on the crock pot… it will be interesting..

    Have a nice evening..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone got a leaky roof, the bed is wet so moved it out of the way and put a bucket to catch the drips. Wish we had a new roof but it would be expensive.Lots of tiny things causing me stress at the moment I’m normally stress free. The scales will be bad when I eventually get on them 😮😦 Hope it stops raining soon.

    Good morning everyone Xxxx

    Its a mild damp morning here .. not sure which I prefer Dry and intensely cold or damp and very mild. lol

    I had a good day yesterday for a Saturday no rubbish at all sweet tooth much better now.

    Think I will get Christmas cards posted today as December always seems to fly by. Try to get a few decorations out at a time then trim the tree after Kristy has been this week.

    Dave.. I make chilli .Curry and stews.. in my crock pot ..

    H H Is it a busy weekend for you.

    Sym.. There is nothing like a home made Victoria sponge .. one of my favourites.. I wish I could get back into baking..

    Have a lovely day everyone..

    The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Xxxx

    I like stews and chilli, not a fan of curry,I can eat them but they all taste the same, just taste the curry powder and Denise can’t bare the smell. Must admit I don’t like it either. It should come today. Roast lamb for tea tonight, not a massive piece but cost over£16.So expensive now for meat, Denise said we’ll have to go veggie 😁. Not good for me I don’t like many vegetables.My dad used to grow every veg under the sun on his allotment.I used to like digging up the spuds😁.He would go mad if he stuck his fork through a potato 😂. I’ve gained 4.5lbs in the last month so got to do better.

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