Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning everyone. I hope you have had a lovely weekend. Xxxx

    It looks like the sun is appearing today at last .. it will be very welcome.. the constant grey days are tiring.

    Its been a naughty eating weekend.. lots of crusty seeded bloomer loaf and doughnuts and wine.

    I was up 2lbs this morning from Fri weigh. Its quite alarming how very quick it amounts up .

    Its funny as it always seems a struggle with carb overeating just before Christmas.

    Well in the famous words that have been said on here over many years .. A line drawn under .. It s a new day and week. Is anyone going to join me in push from now till Christmas.. Xx

    I really want to be my best weight by beginning of December to find a lovely outfit for going out for lunch this year. ( Charity shops ) lol I just fancy something different a bit more flamboyant for me.. .. lol

    How has everyone else’s weekend been.. did you stay on track or drift off like me lolol.

    Have a lovely day everyone. It’s Never Too Late to Live a Healthier Life.. Xxxx

    I’m with you Hemmy,a push until Christmas. I’ve no been really bad but could have been better. Going bowling at 12-30 it’s quiet nippy so I’ll take a hand warmer. Speak later.

    Afternoon All…
    A good walk with Natalie… Charlie has a face on don’t know what’s up with him!

    I have been to shops and started filling up my freezer, I have some leek and potato soup cooking, my last batch was really nice, hoping this is good to.

    Looking at prices on the Aldi Xmas leaflet , prices are a lot high than last year!!

    Sorry to hear your mums not too good and she’s getting muddled up, this dementia isn’t good at all. Hoping you all get over dad’s anniversary and mum too.

    Enjoy your bowling… keep warm chilly today…

    I need 4 lbs off for end of year weigh in, I believe I was 1 lb up last year I shall check…
    Get yourself glam for going out at Xmas lunch.
    We are going out with the boules crowd I think only about 12 of us…
    Shopping today..Pork, ham and I bought a large chicken I cut that in to 2 halves, chicken wings too I like them spicy .. started filling up the freezer…

    Jean x

    Soup delicious!


    I played really well today, it was a beautiful day had to take my coat off it was too warm. If I could play that well all the time I wouldn’t lose to many. Chloe didn’t waste any time up on the sofa next to me. Will just have a cuppa then take her out. Let all the kids get out of the way.

    Very chilly out on our pm walk…. Heating put on…
    Well done on your game

    Hemmy- only a couple of pounds up, you’ll soon get that gone! Hope you can find something glam to wear!
    Jean- so you didn’t have a power cut at all then? Wonder why Charlie was in a grump?! Good idea to stock up, like you said, if the farmers do some blockades…I’ll support them too…
    Dave- well done with your bowls today, stews sound a good idea!
    Had a better day today, got Mum’s cake iced this morning as I was up early, we took her out for lunch with my sister too. Hemmy, I had a carby day too, there was nothing on the menu I could have that was keto, so had a yummy poke bowl, then a tarte tatin, followed by birthday cake back at Mum’s 😂 One cheat day will do, nice to have a treat but that’s enough, back to it tomorrow.

    Had a good day today I’m 30 calories over my lower limit so happy with that. Egg and bacon tomorrow and chicken stew Wednesday. Might start having porridge, I’ll start with the ones in a tub where you just add water

    Good morning everyone…Xxxx. The sun is just peaking though .. hopefully it will dry my line full of washing.

    Back to healthy eating today.. yesterday ate up bits left from the weekend.

    Back to crispbreads instead of the crusty bread which is my down fall. Just started the day with 3 Ryvita with sliced banana .. a satsuma and a milky coffee.

    Brads .. That was a good day yesterday for you.. Porridge is a good filler and healthy too.. Well done on yesterdays bowling.

    H H … Your treat day sounded lovely.. Its good to have those days else it gets boring. Hope Mum enjoyed her birthday cake .

    Sym.. I like the sound of your Leek and Potato soup.. do you have a recipe to share or do you change it around every batch. Do you freeze it in separate portions.

    Nana .. hope all is well with you.

    Not sure what I am doing today .. will make a plan while walking.. I do have lots I can do Just need to get motivated. lol

    Its a shame we lost Steve .. also miss Kay.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. You can’t have a rainbow, without a little rain.Xxxx

    Dave- don’t buy the porridge pots, make your own, way cheaper & healthier! I bet they have loads of e numbers…
    Hemmy-well done earning up the bread & back to ryvita! Hope you found something good to do today & you kept the sun …
    Showery here, got wet walking Xena, needed to clean my car inside as it’s off for a service & MOT tomorrow, dodged the rain so it’s done… can’t believe how mucky it gets from Xena!
    Good news this afternoon – youngest son has been accepted into Essex fire service subject to his medical! So pleased for him, he’s over the moon, 1,000 people applied! They had a Feb start date & a June one, hope he’s on the Feb course…
    Back to keto today.

    Evening All…

    A chilly start again but improved..early walk with Natalie…

    Took Charlie to sort Steve out, brought his trough home. We went to garden centre for some winter violas and had cake and coffee while there.
    Will do them tomorrow..

    Cleaned the car inside, 2 hours and my Dyson emptied three times…the fur is unbelievable!

    Your cake sounded delicious hope she was pleased with it… hope she managed through the week with your dad too.
    Really good news for your son, congratulations to him to compete with all those other candidates.

    I joined you with porridge this morning. Getting into winter I need more thought on what I am eating.

    My soup is in my head..I bought two leeks, 2 medium onions, 2 or 3 potatoes ( usually 1/4 potatoes to 3/4 leeks), 3 veg stock cubes, 1 1/2 pints of water ish, tiny bit of salt and pepper.
    Chop it all up simmer about 15 mins. I blend it all up nearly to a puree with a few big bits in, up to you.
    I made 6 portions I put in flat lock zip bags, 3 ladles in each bag. Cost about £2.

    Have a good evening.
    Jean x

    HH every time I buy porridge to make I end up chucking it.If I buy some more Denise will crown me. Which is the best porridge to buy just out of interest. Just been out with Chloe and she had her hat on today because it’s getting cooler. Two police women were laughing their heads off at her hat. She dosent bother just walks around as if she’s not got it on. Going bowling again today that’s it for the week then. It’s 5°C so got my hand warmer charged up.

    Morning All..
    Chilly here.. wrapped up for our walk.

    Busy cooking Charlie’s veggies and I do pasta swizzles too, just a few, apparently he can have them a few times a week and white rice.

    Potted my pot and Steve’s trough up, might pop by the butcher for some shin beef. It was mentioned farmers to take action for a week so not sure that would mean .

    I just buy oats or jumbo oats from Tesco only about £1 for a big bag, could be a kilo. Their own make.
    I have about 45 grams in your serving dish add milk about 190 mls. Give it a stir, put in microwave full power for 3 mins, stir, put on again for 3 mins, or less. Keep watching as when it starts bubbling over stop and stir, continue it will bubble again stop and stir .. you can see when done.
    5 or 6 mins top…

    Enjoy your bowls .

    Jean x

    Dave- we just buy supermarket own brand like Jean says, definitely use milk, follow the instructions ( in our house it’s two thirds of the Bob the builder cup of oats to one & a bit Bob’s cup of milk, so that’s not very helpful 😂) Depends on whether you like it thick or runny…I always do mine in the saucepan, bring to the boil & simmer a few minutes.
    Jean- not had any soup yet this autumn, will have to investigate some keto recipes…I never fancy it once I’ve frozen it though, it lurks in the freezer for years 😂 Well done getting the trough planted up…
    Hemmy- what have you been up to today?
    Nana- don’t forget to pop by!
    Busy day, out early with Xena, took my car in, they were really quiet so had it done in a couple of hours. Did our shopping on the way home, made cheese scones & a Biscoff tiffin loaf for pudding tomorrow, our Dutch friends are coming for lunch. Picked the car up, did some cleaning…salmon & veg for dinner tonight so that was easy, most of our meals are now! Can’t believe I used to spend a couple of hours cooking when the boys were at home. Feeling a bit bloated today, just one day off keto feels like it’s had a big impact!

    HH I do my porridge in a pan. I’ll have a look for porridge on Friday,I like the Nairns porridge if I can find it.Proper Scottish porridge.I enjoyed my chicken stew, definitely have that again. Maybe a beef stew as well. Thinking of making meatloaf, I’ve never had that but looks nice.

    Morning All..
    We going to the nature reserve with Andrea ( Natalie’s mum) and Oreo . It’s easier as she is tiny and he can go off lead from the car.

    Hygienist pm

    I made 10 meals for the freezer yesterday, 4 pork chops in an apple and onion gravy and 6 beef, carrots, mushrooms in gravy. All nice and easy to do quick.

    Have a lovely time with your dutch friends, these years come around very quick.
    I try and clear my freezer out and then fill again so don’t have many things I throw, I do throw some things.

    They are Scottish oats I buy, don’t just pay for the name.. at least have a practice with the cheaper.
    We all like it different I would never let anybody make mine😂 Goldilocks and all that!
    My beef thing I suppose is a bit stew/casserole.

    What have you been up to? Reading?

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone. Xxxx

    It looks a grey day so far .. hopefully some sunshine again today.

    I am trying to get the garden put to bed all tidy for winter… Things are still very green and growing especially the grass. very wet though.

    It s a good week with eating and drinking.. now after cutting out all rubbish .. I have gone back to feeling full all the time.. It seems to be that when I cut the sweet stuff out I am not hungry at all… Like I have said before it must be very additive what goes in this stuff. Plus the wine.

    Dave.. I have been eating the instant porridge sachets too .. so will try the plain oats as instructed by Sym and HH. .

    H H .. Well done to your son.. with so much competition for the job he must have stood out ..

    With cooking .. if you stop too much you don’t want to do it anymore .. lol Well that’s what I have found. Mind you I expect with your sons and Mum always some baking todo.

    Sym.. You were busy with your cooking . it all sounds so tasty .. I hope the hygienist goes well they can be quite heavy handed at times. .. always nice to be finished. .

    Enjoy your day everyone… Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.”Xxxx-

    Just waiting to go to dentist I hate these late appointments …
    She is a new hygienist she seems a better than most. I have it done by hand instead of the ice cold jet wash they usually do.. my teeth are very sensitive in places..

    Did you get the grass cut.. mine is growing and very wet.. I might try and get it done but not today.
    Very chilly here.

    I did well on my batch cooking.. that’s it for now.

    Jean x

    Sym …

    Do you go to the hygienist every 3 or 6 months. I am going to change my next appointment to 8 months. I feel its just money making as the dentist check was always enough for many years.

    Its turned cold here now after a lovely sunny morning… late lunch now then cleaning brass.. not my favourite job.. then write out 6 Christmas cards trying to do that everyday.

    Fish fingers for dinner with a few little potatoes with a bit of mayo grilled tomatoes and peas.Xxxx


    I had a sachet of porridge this morning.My only problem with having porridge is like any other food once it have some I want more. So I had a sandwich for dinner,I told them at MoreLife that I’m always hungry after a meal, she said it’s a Leptin intolerance.

    I go to the hygienist every 3 months, dentist every 6 months.. I thought of changing and thought I have been doing it for over 50 years why change now..
    She was very gentle…next cataract on Wednesday at 9 am 😬
    Good idea on the cards, I don’t send many now maybe post a dozen and a few around the village.
    Someone was telling me about fish fingers from Lidl or Aldi, 6 for £2 but very long, she said excellent, she makes a nice sandwich.

    What’s a Leptin intolerance , never heard of that..

    Jean x

    Jean- have you stocked up much because of the farmers action? Listening to a farmer online, sounds like they’ll stop supplying supermarkets next week so could get short of stuff quite quickly… Good doing lots of batch cooking…I had dentist too today!
    Dave- I was always hungry after meals too, but with keto is much better…
    Hemmy- our garden is still growing & very wet too! Well done getting back to plan & controlled!
    Had an appointment with a new dentist today, have to sign up to a plan, £11 per month, get 2 hygienist visits & 1 dentist a year for that- he seemed nice but almost disappointed that my teeth were okay! Had a lovely catch up with our friends, a bit of food left over, took some over to youngest as he’s on call & couldn’t come.
    Anniversary of Dad passing tomorrow, so will see Mum…

    The freezer wanted defrosting and a few bits throwing out… I feel the farmers are going to hold their ground so that’s why I have filled it up. Making it easy if I can’t drive after operation to.
    The supermarket shelves will clear quick if the farmers start.
    It seems a good deal at the dentist, I pay about £37 a month.. it’s getting expensive now…
    Hope all goes ok tomorrow.. time does pass quick.

    I’m glad I am NHS for the dentist I just pay for treatment. Think it’s about £24 for a checkup and dinner I bought the pic machine I’ve not been referred to the hygienist. Said I’m doing a good job. Had my homemade chilli last night added a red chilli and some peppers too it. Denise did the portions and put it in freezer bags, it was a cow pie size portion,I would have got 2 meals out of it😱.

    Afternoon everyone, my weekly check in.
    A nice week which involved donating my 85th pint of blood on Monday, visiting my sister and brother in law for lunch on Tuesday and enjoying our usualWednesday lunchtime meet up with friendin St Ives. Won’t be visiting our Friday night friends this evening though as one of them is poorly. Could be good and not have a takeaway but will be ordering a home delivery kebab 😋
    Weighed myself this morning and have lost half a pound it might not sound a lot but every loss counts and it’s going the right way.
    Hedgehogs thinking of you and your family today.
    Dave you’re really getting into your cooking. Cooking from scratch is always the best option when possible.
    Jean you’re very organised with getting your meals prepared in the event of shortages caused by panic buying as a result of actions taken by the farmers who I think are justified in their actions living in the fens as I do.
    Hemmy you’re very organised getting started on writing your Christmas cards. OH and I have decided to only buy presents for the youngest members of our family this year, however,ww will be giving something to out adult grandsons though.
    Still keeping on with my way of eating.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Hi Everyone. Xxxx

    It s been a sunny morning. but all change now and dark and chilly.

    A good walk saw lots of pheasant I expect the ole farmers will soon be out with their Christmas shooting party’s.. A shame because they are beautiful birds.

    This mornings weigh in.. and just 1 pound up now on my best weight. A good week ..will hopeful continue now till Christmas.. with no wine and treats. Cutting out the bread and wine makes such a difference.

    Dave… that made me laugh about the portions.. at least Denise wont starve you lol.

    Nana.. Well done on your loss this week .. You do so well… I think everyone is cutting back on pressies this year. I support the farmers too. This government is very worrying to good hard working people. .

    HH Hope today is not too sad for you all.. These anniversaries do take their toll. Xx

    Sym..You will be all stocked up and prepared for the farmers strike. .. I had turned off my boot room freezer .. just running the kitchen one.. I must get that filled. Just bought salmon and mince reduced at local coop… will freeze.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone. Happiness is a day. It’s called Friday.Xxxx

    Evening All..
    Lunch out with my boules friend..
    Spoke to both grandsons in Australia for quite a while… a bit of a read..

    I have had two pic’s I found they didn’t last long.. have you had yours a while?
    Well done on your batch cooking…

    Well done on all that blood, saved a lot of lives.
    A busy week enjoy your night in..
    I am backing the farmers too..

    Always nice to pick up bargains for the freezer. I am still running two freezers, Charlie has two drawers..

    Hope your day went well and mum managed too.. memories and sad times.. lots of good times to remember too.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon it’s definitely getting cooler, Chloe’s had her hat on again, it brings a smile to people who see her. They say we could be in for dinner snow in the next couple of days. We get very little snow here, the pennines stop most of it.Having pork chops for tea with rice. Never had them before didn’t fancy them but nicked some of Denise’s last week and it was nice.

    Nana- well done with your half pound off again, you’re so consistent! It definitely does all add up …
    Jean- good idea getting a few things in after your surgery too, how long is it before you can drive? They’ve got you in quickly…
    Hemmy- really well done with your weight! Lots of shooting in the distance when I walked Xena this morning, I don’t agree with it but at least the birds have been free range, & they do get eaten…
    Dave- well done doing your cooking! You should override Denise with the portion sizes though! It probably hasn’t got too many calories though, it’s whatever you eat it with!
    Yesterday was fine, thanks everyone, Mum was very calm & distracted by a trip she’d been on the day before, so that was good. But she is moaning alot about everything, she called me a bully, I’m taking her to get her hearing aids checked next week as she’s been complaining they’re not working, she doesn’t want to go but I’m making her 😂 Been into town, then delivered some books to a lady collecting stuff for a cats charity sale. Now can have a quiet rest of the weekend, I can happily put my feet up, it’s been a busy week!

    Morning All…
    It feels very chilly this morning…

    I popped to see Jacqui and Phil yesterday for lunch just took it steady, I felt the pull on my eyes as I got about 10 mins away.

    My teeth seem hurting a bit after my clean hope they soon settle.

    I don’t mind a pork chop. I only eat rice with Indian food. It’s just a change. I have got my over trousers out to keep me warmer later when out.

    I can drive when I feel comfortable, a couple of days? The problem is my glasses, as one side will be too much prescription, everyone will be different. New glasses after 8 weeks, then I need my other eye doing so another 8 weeks, so 3 or 4 months..
    A bit of cleaning for me today if I can be bothered.

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone. Xxxx

    Its been a mixed day with the weather .. sunny till midday then its been drizzle rain.

    Did a big stock up at Tesco and it seemed lots of others had the same idea lol.

    I expect anticipating shortages re the farmers. So I got milk for the freezer.

    I have plenty of eggs in.. and veg.

    A salmon steak for dinner .. I am trying to eat more fish .. I like smoked haddock.

    Dave.. how were the pork chops.. are they on your menu now..

    H H .. I hope you managed to put your feet up to day .. you are always doing for others.

    Sym.. How is your day going.. I expect you will be glad to have eyes underway to being sorted now. .

    Enjoy your evening friends

    Sunday is a day to be grateful for the little things, the quiet moments, and the people who bring joy to your life❤️Xxxx

    I enjoyed the pork chop Chloe as the crackling. Got soaked going for our walk this morning, Chloe held a taxi up We was walking down there street when Chloe pulled to go in the road for a poo, got her trained so she dosent do it where people walk. The taxi driver laughed then changed the way he was going to go. Had chicken for tea and I made some homemade chips in the airfrier, they were delicious.Crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside.

    Evening All…
    A big change in the weather very chilly.

    Trying to think of my op as going to the dentist !
    Short and quick…it’s about 30 mins but I am there for 3 hours.
    Think I shall pop to Tesco tomorrow for a few bits.

    Chloe is naughty! Upsetting the traffic.
    Steak and chips for me tonight if was like butter delicious..

    Jean x

    Hemmy- didn’t seem to be too many stocking up in our Tesco, although some fruit was quite short…we but smoked Basa instead of haddock, much cheaper & we have it with a cheesy lemon sauce so can’t taste it too much! Yes, I did put my feet up today!
    Jean- will be a little while before your eyes are all done then…glad your steak was good, hubby had the same tonight.
    Dave- the crackling was the only bit of the pork I liked! Chloe is a funny thing, doing her business in the road. Xena will only go on grass.
    Watched a few farmers on YouTube today, saying they’ll stop supplying supermarkets but want people to buy local instead, we do have a few farm shops around here but they tend to be really expensive, maybe that’s more the true price it costs to produce rather than what supermarkets pay them? Now it’s just the 2 of us we probably could pay more for better food, we eat less than the boys did …we might try it for a bit. Eggs we get from local farms and no more expensive.
    I’m a celebrity starting, that’s the count down to Christmas!

    Good evening everyone Xxxx

    Its been mixed weather here ,, cold but sunny and dry till late afternoon then the rain came..

    Its been a busy lovely day .. early walk then at midday went to Leamington Spa with Pam … A nice tasty fish and chips for lunch then charity shops.

    Lots of nice things.. for both of us. I got the rest of my cards .. so will finish writing them this week.

    So just some fruit and cheese this evening.. easy meal.

    Dave .. You cant beat homemade chips.. but there again homemade anything is better. than mass produced.

    H H … I think the farm shop produce is so much tastier and better for you.. as Kristy always tells me.. its not expensive if you stop buying the other stuff.

    Sym… Did you go to Tesco today.. I have just read that Good Housekeeping has voted Aldi top for Christmas goods.. .. beating .. Sainsbury and M&S .. Just goes to show.

    I must go back there haven’t been for ages.

    Nana hope you are having a good day.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. Monday is a good day to put right the weekend wrongs. Xxxx

    Sainsbury’s for us, Been bowling today it was absolutely freezing, couldn’t feel my hands after an hour. Egg and bacon tonight not had anything all day. My son keeps nicking my food so no beans, will buy a few tins tomorrow. Do just poached eggs bacon and sausages. Will have toast with it.

    Had trip to youngest’s today to drop off washing, poor love is stressing in case he doesn’t pass the fire service medical, shouldn’t be a problem but until it’s all definite he won’t relax…Caught up on some jobs, still doing 18:6 & 2 meals a day, except for Sundays, I think because it’s quieter I can’t distract myself. Sister’s coming for coffee tomorrow 😃

    Good morning everyone it’s Chloe’s birthday today she is 7. Will buy her something nice at Sainsbury’s for a birthday meal. It’s only 1°C here at the moment so she had her hat and coat on when we went to the park. A woman stopped me she was walking her dog and said she loves Chloe’s hat. Then we seen two big dogs coming so we hid behind bushes until they passed. Another dog which we know came up to her a boxer called Chester it doesn’t upset Chloe but she’s on guard when it’s near. I just got the results of the scan I had on my lungs and there is no sign of lung Cancer,I have another appointment in 2 years. They said they’re is coronary calcification which is normal for over 55s. I’m already on statins and won’t smoke again. I’m losing weight and do her exercise so I’m on the right track.

    Morning All…
    Snow over night and very cold… I have had my heating on for 36 hours now, just ticking over.

    Popped out for some Xmas cards, a bit of shopping I have got my beef for Xmas day…

    Our farm shops are lovely but very expensive. Just got a bit of food in just in case I can’t drive..
    Fingers crossed all goes ok for sons medical it’s always worry waiting.

    Yes popped to Tesco, I do go to Aldi too for my main shop. Fish and chips lovely ours are nearly £10 now definitely a treat.

    I am glad all ok on your lung follow up. It’s good they are keeping on top of things..
    I would love to see Chloe walking up the street with her hat on.

    Just having a cuppa, resting today.. I wanted to cut the grass but definitely not today ..

    Jean x

    I’ll try and get a video of Chloe in her hat and coat. Only 36 days to Christmas.Beef is expensive now just got a piece for Sunday, cost £18.My son is doing Garlic bread 🤮🤮 hate the smell of garlic.Having a chicken stew tonight for tea. Got Chloe done mince for her dinner and bought her a big chicken chew which didn’t last long.

    Good evening everyone. Xxxx

    Its been a cold day .. woke up to quite a layer of snow.. .. it was so pretty over the fields lots of pheasant .. it looked like Christmas had arrived early.

    I never felt like doing much of anything today after yesterdays shopping trip.. So I sat and finished all my Christmas cards this afternoon. ..

    Brads.. Happy Birthday to Chloe .. I bet she has been super spoilt today and rightly so too. lol

    H H .. Hope you had a nice catch up and coffee with your sister. .. I expect you will feel more relaxed when all the tests are completed for your son.

    Sym.. I think I will leave the grass now for this year now we have had snow and frost forecast this evening..
    Yes Fish and chips is quite expensive now at the chip shops and in the restaurants.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. “The best things in life aren’t things They have 4 legs”. Xxxx

    Dave- happy birthday to Chloe 🎂 Very glad your lung check was all clear!
    Jean- hope all goes well for you tomorrow, will be thinking of you 🤗
    Hemmy- well done finishing your Christmas cards, you must be pleased!
    Had a good natter with sis, keep dropping hints about keto hoping she might try it, she did well on Atkins years ago, now she’s at home & not working she’s baking & eating more, not good… Cooked shepherd’s pie for hubby & one for mum- took it round for her & couldn’t make her hear! Ended up unlocking the door, still didn’t hear when I kept calling her so left it on the doormat, her TV was so loud! And she tells me she can hear okay & doesn’t need her hearing checked tomorrow 😂 It will be a fun trip…

    Sym… Hope all goes well for you today.. Take care.

    Been bowling again, not as cold as it was on Monday. Took Chloe out in her hat and coat A man from Poland asked if he could take a picture of Chloe to send to Poland. Winter is definitely on the way. Snow looks nice but not good for waking the dog especially when it goes all slushy and freezes.

    Jean- thinking of you, hope your eye heals quickly & you’re okay 🤗
    Very cold here today, no snow though…took mum for her hearing test, gone down quite a bit since 2 years ago. She did get nagged about wearing them more to stop it getting worse. Took her for a cake afterwards, I resisted though 😇 Been hungry today so did have breakfast, maybe the cold weather? Going for an early walk with my friend & Juno tomorrow, her ankle is better, hope it’s not icy…

    Operation done but can’t see without glasses.. patch coming off later hope I can get glasses on .. it feels sore this morning.. I am having tablets which isn’t me…
    Jrean x

    Good morning everyone. Xxxx

    Its a cold one again today.. roll on Saturday when the temp goes into double figures again.

    I made my best crock pot meal yesterday .. with minced beef and veg.. I had been lightly frying everything before going into cooker adding some liquid .. Yesterday guided by a friend I just put everything straight in..2 oxo cubes .. and herbs .. it was lovely so tasty and plenty of juice .

    A quiet few days now at home.. all Xmas cards done .. I am going to try to do the jobs I dont like .. brass cleaning and cupboard and draw sorting.
    The problem with these very cold days after my walk I don’t fell like doing much.

    Dave… Be careful walking as when the snow goes slushy then freezes its lethal.

    H H .. Hope your walking wasnt too icy its nice to walk with a friend and chat. Well done resisting the cakes.
    Sym… Just take it easy now.. rest up and relax Be kind to yourself listen to the radio or some nice music .. feet up. Xx

    Enjoy your day everyone.. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. Xxxx

    Morning All…

    Cleaned my eye and put my drops in.. feels much better.. I am wondering if sleeping all night and it wasn’t moving makes a difference.
    A bit uncomfortable but not too bad.
    I can see with half my glasses, just about. Reading glasses are a bit off the prescription.
    I was only going on a small walk but did a full hour, he has been on lead, I couldn’t climb the bank for his poop so kept him near me.
    Going to rest up for a couple of days while it’s very cold except for walks.

    Hope Mel, Kay and Dave feel much better….

    Good you have your cards done.. I should have done mine before my op.
    Your meal sounds tasty..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon I had porridge for breakfast but I am extremely hungry now. Beef casserole for tea but that’s a few hours away. Will have a cuppa and a nutty biscuit. It was minus 4 last night, brrrrrr.Casserole is on now, should have done it in the pressure cooker.Amazon prime week starts today.

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