Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Yes unusual for me not to post. Did the shopping at Sainsbury’s work my son, Denise still can’t get around. I’ve ordered a stock pot so I can try and do chilli con carne, I’ll make 4 portions and freeze 3 of them so fingers crossed it works, it’s being delivered later today.I thought about doing it in the pressure cooker but I think it will be better if it takes a couple of hours. Got to buy some spices too go with the chilli. Don’t usually have many spices because Denise doesn’t like them.

    Morning All..
    Annoying eyes cancelled going again Tuesday..
    Optician told me I was going to Willerby, hospital confirmed 8.15 on the 30th…when I got there I was booked into Leeds.!!!

    I was up walking Charlie at 5am not happy at all…

    A quiet day for me watching the budget to see how much skinter I am going to be!

    Have a good break away..

    Good luck with the cooking do it slow in the cooker, it works well..

    Jean x

    Got my new pan will buy the spices and try next week to do chilli. Had a couple of hours bowling today so my back will be aching tonight. My four legged friend is by my side as usual. Even Heidi wasn’t this friendly with me.

    Jean, poor you, all that hassle & they messed up the appointment! Will Faye take you next week? Didn’t watch the budget, it’s just depressing…
    Dave- hope the chilli turns out well if you’ve bought a saucepan specially!
    Nana- have a lovely break!
    Hemmy- what have you been up to today?
    Had a nice walk with Xena at a heath we’ve not been to for a bit- the wildlife trust had goats grazing there until recently. Did our shopping & some cleaning this afternoon. Made some cauliflower cheese fritters tonight but it ended up more of a hash, tasted okay though!

    Morning All..
    A lovely walk with Natalie and Oreo.. quite mild out very pleasant..

    Feeding my neighbours cats only saw one this morning, they have 2. She says don’t worry they come and go, no cat flap if they are out they out or in they are in… I think both out at the moment.

    Jacqui will take me to hospital I might have to wait for collection as she and two staff are on a computer course. She won’t know the time till Monday, she’s paid £400 so she must do it.

    The pot will be useful, I love mine it cooks a chicken lovely and moist. Low, long and slow .

    I was annoyed but it’s how it is, a new app apparently! Jacqui will take me.
    Wild life area sounds nice, what did Xena think of goats? Charlie chases them although our two baby goats are getting big now they will probably turn on him 😂

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone.. Xxxx

    It was lovely in the sunshine this morning but its now turning cold.

    A busy day yesterday I went to Bicester to the Post office to pay bills .. and decided to do a big shop at Lidl . I have been shopping at Tesco for a while but I must admit Lidl was soo much cheaper.

    Checked the charity shops but nothing .. I am going to Leamington Spa on Monday with Chris.. we thought a good idea to get out and about before the weather changes.

    It s the 4th day with just 3 meals a day.. I bought lots of nice fruit yesterday and nuts. Just drinking tonic with lemon in the evening. I think I slept better than for a while.

    Dave … You are really into your cooking .. when they enjoy it I think men are brilliant cooks.

    H H … What are you cooking up today. I bet the fritters were tasty. Our local bakery sometimes make cauliflower cheese pasties .. soo tasty,

    Sym… Its annoying getting these appointments at different places.. Its stressful enough going to them. without them being changed.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. We are what we eat. Xxxx

    Good evening, had a chicken stew for tea, Denise made it. She’s walking about very slowly but it’s good to see her up on her feet. She may make it too Spanish lessons next week.

    Evening All…

    I am feeding two neighbours cats they keep running away from me.. they have had no food today.. I might have to leave it on the step…they won’t come in the house..

    You always seem to get more for your money from Aldi and Lidl although I go to Tesco on the things I can’t buy at the others.
    A lovely mild day for us.. it’s a bit noisy out with Halloween tonight..

    Glad Denise is feeling a bit better and moving a bit. It’s so hard for her.

    Jean x

    Forgot to post yesterday…
    Jean- tricky for Jacqui to get time off work, I’m so lucky to be able to run mum about any time. No trick or treaters here, it was very quiet outside. Hope the cats come in for their food…
    Hemmy- hope you find more things at the charity shops next week! No Lidl shops near us but we do go to Aldi sometimes, it’s cheaper but do always end up going to Tesco’s afterwards as we can’t get everything in Aldi! Nothing exciting cooked last night, hubby had a tuna & cheese baguette with salad, I had the tuna & cheese! I used mozzarella slices, melt them a little & fold into parcels with tuna inside 😋 Tonight I’ll do Chinese style orange chicken for hubby & a tofu stir fry for me…
    Dave- good Denise is walking a bit more, can she get upstairs? And she cooked dinner, a night off for you!
    It was lovely here & felt very energetic so did lots of cleaning, some gardening & a short workout!
    Half a pound down this week…still enjoying keto & no carb cravings, hope it continues 🤞
    Took mum to get her ears syringed again, she was fretting about it & moaning about how unlucky she is to have trouble with her ears, so we stopped at a bakery on the way home to get her an almond croissant to cheer her up 😂 Sorted her Amazon account for her, she keeps getting put on Prime & not realising, has been paying for it for a few months! Then took her to a garden centre to get winter pansies, have been asking her if she wants to go for weeks & she’d said no, then today she said she really needs to get some & would I take her soon 🤦
    She’s been wearing the same clothes all week, which is not like her…

    Good afternoon everyone.. Xxxx

    It a a very dark day here ..you feel winter is in the air now. Mind you two days never seem the same..

    A longer walk than planned as we met up with MaryAnn and Lorna Wes and Freddie.. the 3 dogs get on well together. .

    Only just having lunch as I came back late then and made up meat sauce for lasagne … It s a Gary Rhodes recipe I made years ago.

    I have lost a pound this week .. so 2 to go.

    H H well done on your loss .. Xx

    Dave… So pleased to hear Denise is improving.

    Sym..Its always a worry feeding other people s animals.

    Better get on… I want to hoover upstairs before going in the garden with Pip.

    Its more important what we eat …rather than how much we eat.

    Good evening I think your right Hemmy winter is around the corner.I got all my spices this afternoon from Sainsbury’s, also got the mince dip been make my chilli whenever I want, probably next week. Four legs is by my side as usual. I let her off the lead and she just walks by my side until we get home then she waits in the doorstep for me

    It’s tricky Jacqui has got a zoom training meeting, on Tuesday… after my 2 hour appointment I might have to wait another 2 hours to be collected. She can’t get into her diary in Texas all her times are jumbled up with the time zone. I looked at getting a taxi its £45, I paid Fay £50 the other day for time and petrol.
    I hate to be dependent on people but I can’t drive after the appointment.

    Well done on the pound off I stayed the same, I was a pound down, then I had a blow out.. my fault but well needed.
    Still no sign of the cats.. a few hard biscuits eaten like yesterday but not many… the daughters back tomorrow pm hoping they come back for her.

    Nice to get your recipe in the pot hope Denise likes it.

    Have a good weekend all..

    Jean x

    Denise will definitely not like it,she doesn’t like spicy food. I’ll make enough for 4 servings and freeze 3 of them unless my son wants one. I’ll leave out the garlic,I could possibly eat it but it stinks. When I was at work a lad used to have it all the time and even though garlic pills,we made him sit on his own away from everyone 😝.A cloudy day here but still not that cold. Soon be winter though.

    Afternoon All..
    Quite mild here the last few days have been very nice walking…

    I don’t know why but feel shattered I have had a couple of hours sleep hope I sleep tonight..
    I think my eyes are making me tired, I was looking for my glasses and I had them on!!! Blurry on or off!

    Half a dish of food has been eaten over night hopefully by one of my cats, just been over nothing touched in 5 hours… the daughter will be home this evening.. I am glad.

    Good idea to freeze portions even for you if Denise doesn’t like it…
    Roast beef for me tonight it’s going in shortly I have just got my roasties ready…

    Hope everyone’s day is going well..

    Jean x

    Get the Yorkshire puds on 😋😋😋. I’m having chilli tonight not homemade though. Feeling peckish now. So looking forward to my tea. Just took Chloe out for the second walk. She’s having her food now We have to wait until she gets in her bed then give it to her.Lady muck 😂😂.

    Hi Everyone. xxxx

    For the most Its been a sunny day here today.. A good early walk. Then came back and mowed lawns hopefully for the last cut… a lot of cuttings surprisingly.

    Funny as I often wonder in the winter . what I do with time I spend in the garden during spring and summer lolol.

    I am tired tonight .. tomorrow I must glam up for Monday and Leamington Spa..lolol Day of rest tomorrow .. just reading.

    Chilli on a jacket potato for dinner ..grapes.

    Dave… Well done on your cooking homemade is so good for you as you have control My Andrew loved cooking. .. he experimented with everything never stuck to the recipe. The worse thing I remember him doing was honey added to beef stew lolol Awful. lol .. Chloe sounds a darling.

    Sym.. I expect its making you feel tired worn out not only with not seeing properly but the worry of it all.

    I really feel for you. Xx You will feel better after your appointment .. I know how you feel re having to rely on people ..no easy.

    Ohh your roast sounds wonderful I could just eat it lol.Xx

    H H … I hope you are having a lovely day. Xx

    Have a lovely evening everyone.

    Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.Xxxx

    Hi Everyone. xxxx

    For the most Its been a sunny day here today.. A good early walk. Then came back and mowed lawns hopefully for the last cut… a lot of cuttings surprisingly.

    Funny as I often wonder in the winter . what I do with time I spend in the garden during spring and summer lolol.

    I am tired tonight .. tomorrow I must glam up for Monday and Leamington Spa..lolol Day of rest tomorrow .. just reading.

    Chilli on a jacket potato for dinner ..grapes.

    Dave… Well done on your cooking homemade is so good for you as you have control My Andrew loved cooking. .. he experimented with everything never stuck to the recipe. The worse thing I remember him doing was honey added to beef stew lolol Awful. lol .. Chloe sounds a darling.

    Sym.. I expect its making you feel tired worn out not only with not seeing properly but the worry of it all.

    I really feel for you. Xx You will feel better after your appointment .. I know how you feel re having to rely on people ..no easy.

    Ohh your roast sounds wonderful I could just eat it lol.Xx

    H H … I hope you are having a lovely day. Xx

    Have a lovely evening everyone.

    Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.Xxxx

    Jean- wish we were nearby & could help you out! Hard to have to rely on others, neighbour asked if we could take her for her next hospital appointments, 10.30 & then 1pm, but it’s Mum’s birthday & we’re taking her out for lunch, Kevin felt bad saying no … Ellen was fine about it, but taxis so expensive! I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your cataract, it sounds horrible everything blurry 🤗
    Dave- you’ll be sick of chilli! Spoke to a lady with her greyhound yesterday, hers runs if she gets the chance, not like Chloe! She was retired at 2, won half her races & lost half so the bookies didn’t like her, too unreliable apparently, so sad, not good when animals are just used to make money 😢
    Hemmy- ooh, glad rags out for Leamington Spa! Yuk, honey in stew, wouldn’t fancy that 🤢 My grandad took up cooking when he retired but his was awful, weird concoctions & curry powder in everything!
    Nana- hope you’re break was lovely!
    Good news last night- youngest passed the interview stage & is through to the next round of the selection process for the fire service, practical assessment next weekend 🤞
    Saw eldest & his gf today, their cottage is so chilly & damp but they had the wood burner going so that was nice! Had a lovely catch up with a friend on the phone this afternoon. Hubby eating chocolate tonight, first time that’s really tempted me, but did resist…

    Chloe was retired at 4 she finished in the first 3 most of the time and won a lot of races. Her grandad actually won the British greyhound derby 2 years running so she’s from very good stock. I’ve never seen her run apart from a video of her winning a race on YouTube. Took her out and lots of fireworks going off but she was more interested in sniffing the wall.

    Morning All…
    Awake quite early this morning just having a cuppa in bed…

    Still no signs of the cats.. they are arriving back home tomorrow they said Saturday but they got mixed up…I will be glad to pass it back to them.

    Jacqui is on her way back from Texas they have had a lovely busy time land about 9.40.

    Nothing planned for me.

    Nice to get glammed up, I usually do when I go out then fall back into dog walking clothes. 😂
    My grass could maybe do with a trim not really long enough ??
    I did managed to read yesterday I got the light right a few hours a bit of a break and a bit more…

    It’s lovely having the old cottages but they are built different, mum rented an old one the walls were 2’ thick it was warm but some could be damp.
    Glad she liked the pots of plants you took.

    Chloe could move in her time I don’t blame her taking life at a slow pace…cold beef tonight maybe with chips ???

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone. xxxx

    It looks like a mild dry but dull day here today. I think we will have an earlier walk today.. if we go later we meet more people .. its lovely to chat but it soo extends the time out.

    I am tired today .. so will just take it easy ..spent a good time in the garden yesterday..

    Not sure on food today just had breakfast and Breakfast is quite filling.. feel very full. 2 small slices of banana on toast .. a satsuma … mixed nuts and a all milk coffee.

    H H You are always so busy .. so nice your sons are in easy distance for visits… I bet your son was relieved to get through to the next stage of the interview.

    Dave.. Chloe thinks she is now in the very best retirement home with people she loves so has hung up those fast moving legs. Bless her .

    Sym… So glad you managed a read yesterday .. hopefully you can today too.

    I kept thinking about your roast yesterday lolol I must do one for myself as I will get out of the habit of doing one. The last few times Kristy has been here we have been out.
    When Mum was here weekends.. I made a Sunday roast every week .. I would plate us a dinner for Monday as well.. leave the gravy off.. Sometimes I thought it tastier the next day. lol

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone.. “A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.” Xxxx

    Hemmy- you must miss your mum so much on a Sunday, I feel for you & Jean too, Sundays are funny old days to be on your own 🤗
    Jean- glad you could read a bit & that the cat owners will be back. Poor Jacqui, straight back to work tomorrow & no time to sort the jet lag!
    Dave- what roast is it today?
    No fireworks here as the village fireworks show cancelled…much gossip about the cause, seems an admin error, given that the council pay an events organiser that’s not good! Hubby just spoke to some people when he was at the park with Xena who had driven over half an hour to see it, they were very disappointed!
    Our wedding anniversary today, 34 years, doing a nice meal tonight & then a couple of nights away at the barns tomorrow til Wednesday, taking Xena …will be full on when we get back for a week or 2 with lots on…self catering so hopefully can stick to keto!

    Good morning everyone. Had Chloe all night next to me in the bed or should I say lay across it🤪 now she’s on the sofa next to me. Will take her out in a minute, just done breakfast for Denise. She said she still feels wobbly on her feet, not sure if she will go to Spanish lessons tomorrow. Wait and see. There were some loud bangs last night when I took Chloe out, she looked up to the sky then started sniffing the grass. It’s the only thing she’s not scared off🤣😂.I suppose she used to live outside so got used to it. Heidi was terrified but she was found roaming the streets in November so it was a blessing when she went deaf.

    Afternoon everyone, a very dull day here and not very warm either.
    A lovely few days away and one day we were able to walk with bodywarmers on as it was nice and sunny with clear blue skies and hardly any sea breeze. We managed to walk just over sixteen miles whilst away and when I weighed myself on the first morning back home I’d gained half a pound which I blame on having an kit kat ice cream sundae but it was worth it.No more breaks away now until next year so really need to keep on top of my eating, however, were out for two lunches this week, one tomorrow and then our usual Wed’s. Will be using Geraldine both days to cycle to catch the bus.
    Hemmy hope you’re enjoying Leamington Spa.
    Jean hope all goes well for you tomorrow.
    Dave no fireworks here so far, maybe they’ll be starting next weekend.
    Liver and bacon casserole and baby potatoes for my evening meal need to get my iron levels up for blood doning next Monday.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Have some Guinness 😁 that will do the job. Been bowling this afternoon knees are knocking now😝. Been out twice with Chloe so one more to go. Walked 3.5 miles so far today. Not sure what to have for tea. Not had anything so far today.

    See if there are many fireworks left, proper night to do it, I bet some will wait until weekend. Seems never ending this year. I’ll try doing the chilli on Thursday so wish me luck. Can’t ask Denise because she dosent like it and as never done it.A dull day today but not cold. What’s you all up to .

    Hi Everyone.. Xxxx

    Its another very dark mild day here at least no walking in rain.

    We had a lovely day yesterday good lunch and shop.. being very careful today as a few treats yesterday.

    Tired again today..we had lots of walking yesterday . Easy day today ..just done normal jobs nothing extra. Out now in the garden for a play with the boy… then some reading.
    Egg chips and beans this evening easy.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.. Happiness is 4 legs and a tail Xxxx.

    Lots of fireworks tonight, took Chloe out early to try and avoid them but was greeted with a salvo of rockets, she just looked up at them and carried on waking. Bought some new shirts two sizes smaller than normal fingers crossed they fit.

    Evening All…
    Up at 5 am walking at 5.25… we did 55 mins.
    My consultation went well not as bad as expected..
    Tip… don’t look at Mr Google !!
    I have to have both eyes done first one on 20th November…
    Charlie was a good boy he was on his own for 5 hours.. a bit too long for my liking…

    I managed to finish my book but I felt it in my eyes very tired and achy.
    I haven’t done much housework I really must push on tomorrow.

    Jacqui full working not really noticed jet lag .. she was on a course on line, she picked me up and continued when we got back to her house. It was a zoom meeting. She blacked the screen, only 15 mins away.
    Have a lovely time away.

    Oh I can’t eat liver… so I won’t make your casserole..you sound as if you have had a busy time away.

    Well done on your smaller shirts you have done brilliantly… lots of fireworks here…

    Watching the elections tonight, I find them so interesting . I usually manage till about 4am..
    Good luck to my candidate…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, I’ve lost 7lbs so very happy with that. I can hold my head up when I get weighed again at the meeting today. One of the women texted me last night, I said to Denise I bet I get a text today off her😁, she always asks if I’m going. So hopefully I will keep going in the right direction. I’ll try one of my new shirts on today, not opened them yet. Hope they fit out I’ll have to grow into them.

    I tried a shirt on and they are still big, but I don’t mind lose fitting clothes, much better than tight ones. Will try the other ones on when I get home from MoreLife, just got here sat in the car park typing this.

    Hemmy I told the woman at MoreLife I’ve started reading Atomic habits, they recommended it and told me another good book to read. It’s called The Chimp Paradox. So maybe you might like it. We all lost weight at MoreLife so a good result all round. Denise is driving me mad with Christmas films every day. You’ve seen one you’ve seen them all.

    Hi everyone. Xxxx

    Its another grey ole day here but although damp feeling at least no rain.

    Been busy .. changed the bed .. hooved and polished.. did some shopping at the local shop. Will do a big shop at Tesco on Sunday..

    This evening its jacket potato with some prawns . and a bit of broccoli .. easy healthy and tasty.. a few grapes.

    I think Kristy .and myself are going out this year for Christmas dinner.. Get all glammed up and no work on the day. lol.. Her Mum will join us as I usually have her here much to my friends amusement ..lol ..
    Phil is cooking for his Dad and Aunt.

    What is everyone else doing for Christmas day .

    Well done you Dave on that massive 7lbs loss blimey thats half a stone.. wonderful.

    I will check Amazon for that book later.

    Sym… Oh soo glad you have a date sorted for your start of the eye procedures. hopefully all sorted by Xmas. .
    I would imagine you are tired as it must have been a mental strain for you worrying about it all. A relief now I am sure. X

    H H and Nana .how is your day going Xx

    Take care all .. Being kind is all that really matters. Xxxx

    Great news on 7 lbs off it’s brilliant..nice to have shirts still loose..

    You lost me a bit with Kirsty, I thought she was your daughter is she your step daughter..
    Lovely to go out for Xmas dinner, I never have…
    I shall be on my own with Charlie.. I shall not bother much this year.. not sure yet.
    I am pleased I am not waiting to long for the op, hoping I get the other quick too.

    Jean x

    You’ll never be alone with Charlie,I love dogs so much. Doing my chilli today so hope it turns out ok. I must get back to reading Atomic Habits.I find it difficult to read, the TV is always on and I don’t think I could read in bed.I used to do all my reading at work. Fireworks were still going off last night good job Chloe ok with them. Jean I expect it will be a few weeks before they do the other eye. Can’t remember how long my dad’s took. I go for a lung check up on Saturday afternoon in Tesco carpark.I was reading about it and they give you a catscan and you blow into something as well.I used to smoke 40 a day so it will be interesting what they find.

    Afternoon All..
    A misty damp walk more like November…

    A lovely hours chat with my grandson in Perth, he is trying to get a 5 year residency visa, goodness the English test is horrendous we were having a good laugh at his practice papers, he goes on Saturday to do it.

    Hair cut and blow… all booked up to Xmas next year.. she is very hard to get an appointment. She has very few odd cancellations.

    I wouldn’t know what to do without him, he is good company although he’s asleep most of the time 😂… the Xmas things starting on 1st November on TV no wonder no one want to know by Xmas.
    I shall buy a few bits but nothing like I usually do.
    It’s good going for checkup appointments hope it goes ok it will be interesting what they do.
    My countdown on my two weeks has started, it will soon be here.

    I am fasting but I am struggling on nfd.. I can’t seem to get my head in order with it..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone Xxxx.

    Its another damp very dark day here .. will need to go in the garden earlier today..

    I have got the crock pot on with some chicken breasts .. bacon and lots of veg and lots of herbs .. I have covered them with a can of chicken soup .. never done it before ..
    it is smelling lovely.

    I set off the alarms.. when frying the bacon.. poor Pip hates them wanted to go outside. bless him. So windows had to be opened so much for my saving heat lolol

    Dave… hope your chilli is a good one..I am always reading a book but with self help ones like Atomic Habits just do a couple of chapters and let it sink in.

    Sym… Lovely to speak to your Grandson.. and a nice new hair do .. a good boost to a grey Thursday. I will be good to get your eyes done
    Yes Kristy is my stepdaughter she is 45 .. I ” adopted ” her since she was 5yrs old
    she lived with her Dad . .. its only later years her Mum has become more involved. Kristy says she has 2 Mums lol. It all works well she lives a few miles away. . we are two entirely different characters.

    Hope everyone is having a good day. We are going into the garden to play now..

    What ever you decide to do today, make sure it makes you happy. Xxxx

    Chilli was nice, might have some of it on a baked potato next time. Hot enough left over for 3 or 4 more meals. Will put it in freezer bags, flatten it then it will fit better in the freezer.Quiet pleased with the chilli considering it’s my first attempt.I can remember years ago I would have been about 8 years old and it was Christmas time. My mother was ill so I made lots of different tarts, made the pastry and filled them all, under supervision. They all came out well my dad loved them😀. Do I have always liked doing things in the kitchen. I’ll try and do more meals from scratch now while I have the bug😄😄

    Evening! Back from our break, I forgot to post yesterday…
    Jean- good that you don’t have to wait too long to get the first eye done! Fingers crossed for your grandson with his test, he obviously loves it there!
    Dave- well done with the chilli, better than a ready meal…
    Hemmy- I’m glad you’re so close to Kristy, nice if you can spend time at Christmas with her other mum…
    Nana- knuckling down til Christmas now?!
    I used to make liver & sausage casserole for hubby, his Mum’s recipe, hope your iron levels are good enough to give blood!
    We had a nice couple of days away, stayed in a lovely cottage & were lazy apart from walking Xena. Stuck to keto again. Youngest son rang while we were there for a chat, he had a difficult job for the fire service & then had to go straight off afterwards for his day job, we popped to see him again today so he could get it off his chest…
    Have got quite a few jobs done since we came back, a busy few days coming up next week, Mum’s birthday & the anniversary of when Dad died, our Dutch friends are coming to visit as well…

    Evening All…
    Meeting a boules lady for coffee in the morning third Friday on the trot, she is always so busy but nice when she can.

    You use your crockpot a lot.. I have never had one.. sounds so easy.
    Changed my hair a bit, I have it in a bob. I have had it the same but chipped in a bit but not layers it looks nice see how I feel when I have to deal with it!

    Grandson has enough points to stay but can pickup another 10 points with the test , I have no idea why he says it looks better on the form.. nice to have a good chat.
    Glad your trip away went well you find some special places. You will be looking forward to your Dutch friends coming over.

    You do a lot of cooking it’s nice sort of hobby. I hoping to bake some oaty biscuits tomorrow might throw some coconut it too.

    Jean x

    I’m on my way round Jean, love coconut and oaty biscuits. Going to Sainsbury’s soon so I’ll look out for frozen chillies,if I have to buy fresh I’ll wait until Tuesday. The sun is out today but it’s gone a little cooler. Hemmy they were showing crockpots and slow cookers on this morning TV show, also soup makers🤮🤮🤮. I’ll look at doing more meals from scratch, not sure what to do though.

    Good afternoon everyone xxxx

    Another grey day. But it doesnt feel so damp as of late. At least a dry walk but it ssoo dark.

    I am just one pound over my target weight now.. obviously I have been doing something right this week. lol I reckon a bit of a naughty day tomorrow is called for lolol….

    This evening its crock pot chicken breast and veg .. it turned out soo tasty adding the chicken soup can .. it made a lovely tasty thick sauce.

    Dave…I think once you get into cooking its very enjoyable. I used to loved it. .baking cakes and pastry .. but lost my interest when just catering for me.
    I have just come back from my neighbours.. she is always cooking or baking absolutely loves it. .. she is a writer and artist and says cooking is an art.. putting flavours and colour together ..

    H H .. Your away time sounded lovely and peaceful nice to have got a break before the Christmas rush.
    Your sons have got a wonderful Mum.

    Sym..Did you have a nice coffee and chat .. Your hair change sounds lovely..I bet you will soon get the hang of the new style. Nice to change it up a bit its easy to get stuck in the same old look.

    I have had my shoulder length hair up in a twist with combs for about 2o yrs lolol ..I keep thinking I should go for a short cut.

    Nana.. is it Geraldine today.

    Take care all. Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. Xxxx.

    Evening All..
    Coffee and tea cake with my friend or should I say 2 coffees nice catch up..

    I didn’t get them made maybe tomorrow…

    1 lb away is good, I am staying the same but 4 lbs up. I need to get it off for end of year weigh in.. I don’t feel on the ball at the moment fast days are good it’s the inbetweeners !

    Jean x

    Jean- oaty biscuits sound good, will you make them tomorrow? Hope you can get your hair looking good when you do it yourself 😃 I’ve had the same style for quite a while, long hair doesn’t suit me, mine’s too fine! Nice to have a catch up with your friend 🤗
    Hemmy- well done with your weight! Your stew sounds good, dad used to put soup in to thicken a chicken stew, I was vegetarian by then though so never tried it, looked much more appealing than Mum’s horrible watery version 😂 He loved cooking once he retired …your friend sounds very interesting!
    Dave- try cooking any of the meals you have ready meals of, they’ll be healthier? I’ve been doing Chinese style chicken for hubby, with either lemon, pineapple or orange sauce, really easy, he loves it.
    Nana- hope you’ve had a nice takeaway tonight…
    My weight was the same this week, very pleased after our break. Rang my HomeStart family today, have finished making Mum’s chocolate bouquet, pleased with how it turned out. Went to the hospital this afternoon for hubby’s hearing test, he needs one hearing aid, made him feel old!
    Have a good weekend everyone 🥰

    Morning All..
    A bad nights sleep awake from 2.45 I did eventually go over again.. possibly just too tired.
    A wet start but not raining.

    Must move soon I should be up 😂

    A planned power cut on Monday morning so I have bought a single camping stove all built and ready to go. I shall go out and look for a cheap kettle and a pan. The ones I have are a bit heavy. We have a local family chain of shops, the shop, if you want anything they will have it.. cheap too.

    You know me and my oats, I do like anything made with them, hopefully I will make some.
    I like my hair, it will be hair wash day tomorrow. Mine is thin I have to use products to make it easy and straight!
    Your chocolate cake sounds lovely hope mum enjoys it and has a nice birthday.
    It’s better hubby can hear you than not, still he might think different! 😂🤣
    Steve had selective hearing as Charlie does! Maybe a man thing!

    Jean x

    Denise said I have selective hearing, especially when she wants something doing.I have to go for my lung check-up this afternoon.Didnt ask for it so will see what happens, it’s supposed to take an hour. I like chicken so will look into some chicken dishes.A few stews done in the pressure cooker, only takes an hour in that, probably less but I give it an hour.

    Good afternoon everyone watching remembrance Sunday parade. Keep saying I’ll go to the local one but Denise can’t do it this year maybe next year. I think it’s started raining so we timed our walk well. Must look into what meals I can make instead of buying ready meals. Will be more healthy no processed food hopefully.

    Afternoon All…
    A better drier day no mist…long walk then watched remembrance parade.

    I decided to defrost my freezer and sort it out. I am transferring my meat to the inside freezer odds and ends to eat up. Both freezers are quite empty Hemmy will be pleased with me 😂 as we both go on a mission to empty them.
    Thinking on the farmers I think they will go on a go slow or strike action.. I back them completely. If they do start the shelves will empty in about 4 days, so I am preparing for it. I shall start stocking up again. Meat, veg and dairy!!

    I shall start my dinner batch cooking, more soup as I like it. I need to sort my outside freezer out, it doesn’t need a defrost so the easier one to do. See what I have in that one.
    Batch dinners do make life easier, you should buy some skirt beef, cook with onions and mushrooms if you eat them, I cook on 160 degrees for 30 mins and drop it down to 130 degrees for about 21/2 to 3 hours, at the end put some bisto in to thicken and season..
    You can have it on its own, shepards pie or make a pie crust..very tasty. (I buy 1kg)

    Jean x

    Busy couple of days, yesterday caught up with cleaning, had a doctor’s appointment as I have a lesion on my arm, saw mum in the afternoon & youngest popped round to talk about his practical fire service assessment …today had son & gf over for breakfast after his scan, then baked Mum’s cake- trying a new recipe for a brownie cake, but it’ll be too tall for a cake tub so will frost it tomorrow! Mum is driving us a bit potty atm, moaning about so many things, her ears, hearing aids, her storage heaters, trivial things, & it’s a difficult week as it’s the anniversary of dad passing so she’ll be upset about that … She keeps saying how awful her birthday is, but has enjoyed it the last few years as sis & I make a big effort to make it special for her 😢 I know she has dementia but it’s upsetting when we’ve gone to so much trouble…We’re taking her out for lunch tomorrow.

    I like mushrooms if I have egg and bacon with them otherwise I give them a wide berth. I can do the meat in my ninja it takes an hour because it’s also a pressure cooker. I’ll have a beef stew and chicken stew when it gets colder. Might make a pie not made pastry for a long time. Can’t do fish I only like it from the chippy.

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