Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • HH I have had 3 dry walks yesterday so can’t complain. Just hope I don’t catch whatever my son as got. Not looking forward to going to MoreLife today. Put to much weight on šŸ˜©.I will have to pull my socks up in the coming weeks and see what I can lose by Christmas.

    Another dry walk but rain is not far away.I have lost 7lbs since I came back from holiday.So getting back on track.Still got another stone to lose to get back to where I was.I hope to lose the stone plus more by christmas.17 stone is my main target then if I get there who knows.

    Really well done losing 7lbs Dave!
    Had more rain here…did our shopping & went out for more dog food for Xena, not quite flooded there but the ducks were enjoying the river being high! Made toad in the hole for hubby tonight but resisted any šŸ˜‡

    Morning All..
    Feeling awful come down with sore throat , cough and runny nose .. wazzing head yesterday too. I got up last night took paracetamol, found my vick and half a mug of hot whisky.. my nose running big time.. after a couple of hours I did sleep. Very croaky voice now.

    Walking Charlie after my cuppa, must move, I seem to feel better in the fresh air.. itā€™s chilly out this morning.

    Good getting 7 lbs off a good amount.. mine is going in the right way not been on for a few days. Weigh in tomorrow.

    Our river has been very high, flooding and paddling through water.. I did put my wellies on. Dry this morning..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone dry here again. Going for flu and COVID jabs at 1pm then off to Leicester at 3pm for speedway. It takes around 3 hours to get there. Hope my arms are not aching too much after the jabs. It won’t be a low day today will have to eat junk food at the speedway and I’ll have a butty before I have the jabs. Not used my electric throw yes, it’s so soft, I probably won’t need to turn it on it’s that lovely.Chloe was sniffing at it and I bet she will want to be on it before I get the chancešŸ˜šŸ˜‚.

    On the coach going to Leicester, just passed Sheffield . On the M1,had my flu jab but the COVID one was not available so will have to go again for that. Quiet busy the M1.

    Poor you Jean, I hope you feel better soon …maybe you picked up covid on the pane home last week, I think it has a week incubation time…šŸ¤—
    Dave- enjoy the speedway, hope you win!
    Hemmy- hope you’re having a lovely week with Kristy…
    Another damp morning here, sunny this evening though, a bit late then! My sister came round for a catch up, & I popped in to our neighbour who was poorly last Christmas. Her poor dog not getting walked much, she can’t get him brushed properly but has got a mobile groomer coming…not happy about paying for things, gardener, alarm pendant etc, but it’s that or go in a home! She should be paying for a dog walker too šŸ˜”
    Had a bit of a hungry day today, not sure why…

    Morning Allā€¦
    Still coughing good.. the only time I feel better is when I am out walkingā€¦

    My new lenses have arrived for my glasses, I shall see if I can go for them today or Monday.. maybe straight after my walk.

    My 5 lbs I put on in Texas I have lost it all.. I am very pleased, a small bit more too but not quite another pound.

    I thought Covid but itā€™s just a heavy cold, chesty cough, throat, ears all togetherā€¦keep on with hot whisky toddyā€¦
    Shame on your neighbour hard on your own.

    Enjoy your trip with your son.. a good win !

    Jean x

    A great result last night at the speedway.I think there was more Aces fans there then Leicester fans. It’s been a beautiful day here today warm and sunny. Only one bowls game left to play this year and it’s the cup final on Monday. We play the team that finished top of the league so a difficult game, we get 7 start so not much.

    Good afternoon everyone another nice day here. Chloe is hard work when we go for our walk.Her top speed is 1mph and she’s always behind me, my other 2 dogs used to pull me all over but not Chloe. I suppose she was trained to walk this way when she was racing but I have to drag her round, if I let her off the lead she is still there same,she dosent run off, just walks in the same place as if she was still on the lead šŸ˜. What you all doing?

    Jean- hope you’re feeling better & can get your glasses sorted. Really well done with the weight off šŸ‘
    Dave- good you had the speedway win, it sounded a long day…
    Hemmy- hopefully having a lovely few days?
    Nana- you’re quiet!
    Yesterday was busy with a trip into town for some presents & saw mum in the afternoon. Quieter day today- it’s been nice so did some gardening, a lazy afternoon as I have a bit of a griping stomach… finished one book, I have a pile to get through over winter!
    Have a good weekend everyone šŸ„°

    I can’t get back into reading,I used to enjoy it at work, I days on own, had my sandwich and a drink then read a book. Cooked tea chilli and chips then did Denise pork and new potatoes. Washed the pots now sat down to watch the telly.

    Morning All..
    Still not very good a bit better, still coughing and and loosing my voice. I did some house work yesterday and I was very tired, I think itā€™s been Covid the fatigue shows that.
    I have collected my glasses and they are not right whether itā€™s the cataract or if the the lense can be improved I will have to see.

    Going on the riverbank with my wellies I always feel better after my walk.

    I have ordered some new dog walking muck boots ( wellies)ā€¦ I keep looking begrudgingly paying Ā£145ā€¦it flashed up on an email itā€™s their birthday 25 % off everything .. so ordered some paying Ā£108. They are so warm and comfy, well worth it. It goes off tonight at midnight if anyone is interested.

    Hope you are feeling much better.

    Chloe is such a slow roach I thought how lazy Charlie is, such a sleepy boy but loves his busy walks.

    Hope you are enjoying Kirsty timeā€¦

    Have a nice day.

    Jean x

    Morning everyone,it’s a while since I’ve posted. I’ve only had a chance to read the last few comments.
    Sorry to see that you’re feeling unwell Jean, apparently Covid is on the rise again. OH and I had our flu and covid vaccinations on Friday the only side effects were a mild headache and achy arms yesterday. We both feel fine this morning.
    Hedgehog hope your tummy is feeling better today.
    We enjoyed a lovely week’s in holiday in Sheringham which also was hosting a 40s weekend which we didn’t know was happening. It was a wonderful atmosphere with everyone dressed in the clothes of the time and 40s music being played everywhere. The weather was kind to us and we enjoyed some nice walks and managed to have three picnics on the beach over the week. Managed to gain 3lbs on holiday and managed to lose it last week, however, we’re off on holiday to Norfolk tomorrow until Friday so will probably regain it again.
    Hope everyone on here is keeping well.
    Will post again in a weeks time.
    Nana xxx

    Not sure about 40s music Nana,I do like 50s music. It’s raining now fortunately already took Chloe out. If it’s raining when we go again I may try and put my rainhat on her, that should get plenty of attention šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜. Roast beef and all the trimmings today and I’m making it.Denise can barely stand up she’s in so much pain so I’ll look after her.Waiter service until she’s back on her feet.

    Good morning everyone a nice sunny day at the moment last game of bowls today and it’s a cup final.Denise is still bad , I’ve made her breakfast and coffee,Peter will be home before I go out so she’s in good hands. The cat is back and Chloe walked up too it, she got close then it moved back,I think she would be ok with cats but no plans too get one.

    Good morning everyone a nice sunny day at the moment last game of bowls today and it’s a cup final.Denise is still bad , I’ve made her breakfast and coffee,Peter will be home before I go out so she’s in good hands. The cat is back and Chloe walked up too it, she got close then it moved back,I think she would be ok with cats but no plans too get one.

    Good afternoon everyone xxxx.. What a lovely sunny warm autumn day .

    It was a lovely week with Kristy .. we had a lot of meals out . spoilt ourselves..I weighed this morning and only a couple of lbs up .. I did notice I eat a lot less now.. no puddings after meals and limited snacks.

    Kristy said i am at my slimmest she can remember. .. She is too. lol

    Using up bits and pieces this evening for my meal. ..

    I hope everyone who is under the weather feels better soon..

    “Day one” is so much better than “One day”

    Been a lovely day here today. Going to speedway tonight the last one of the year. It’s the Colts tonight not the aces.Head down now and try to lose some weight.

    Evening Allā€¦
    Still feeling under the weather lots of coughing and then loosing my voice if I talk too much..

    Two walks and a quiet day, all jobs done, quiet reading.

    My new lense isnā€™t right I have to wait till a week Tuesday as heā€™s on his holiday. See if he can tweak it or maybe the op is nearer than I think.

    Enjoy your holiday I canā€™t keep up with you. Make the most of it while you can.

    Glad you had a good week with Kirsty the few pounds will soon be off, enjoy the moment.

    Enjoy the Colts tonight. Hoping Denise soon feels better.

    My new wellies are on the way must leave my garage door open in case I am out..

    Jean x

    Jean- hope you feel better soon, rotten when you’re tired & coughing alot šŸ¤—
    Hemmy- sounds like a good week, well done not putting much on… lovely that Kristy can come so often šŸ„°
    Nana- have a lovely break in Norfolk!
    Dave- poor Denise, good you & son are looking after her. Will the cat come in again I wonder?!
    Tummy was better by the next day, I seem to get a gnawing gastritis sort of pain with all sorts now… Did some cooking yesterday – a pasta dish for youngest son & Mum. Went to youngest’s today with his washing – he’s got an interview for Essex fire service on Thursday, I did offer to test him on some questions he’s found online, but he’s getting a bit stressed about it, he’s usually very confident with interviews…did some cleaning & a short workout, trying to get fitter again!

    What do you do HH on your workout? Bowls and walks with Chloe are my only workouts. And with Chloe is more pulling her along, she’s the slowest dog on earth.So much for being the fastest breed in the world.

    Good afternoon everyone. xxxx

    Awful weather here .. very dark and wet .. not good walking weather. Hope its better for you.

    I had two people to quote for cutting back some very tall conifers .. be interesting see how they compare.

    Its jacket potato this evening with some homemade savoury mince from the freezer.

    How is everyone today.. ..

    Sym… Sounds like you should be resting up.. Its harder to get rid of germs in this very damp weather.

    H H I think Kristy likes to get back into the country life she can rest here.. Its very full on with work events. She works lots of weekend s so its time off in the week..

    Hopefully all goes well for boy on Thursday.

    Dave.. Bowls and walking is good exercise.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. … Happiness is a ” Wet nose” Xxxx

    Dave- yes, you do plenty of exercise with your bowling, not with Chloe though by the sound of it! I do a very easy sort of Hiit workout on YouTube, just trying to ease myself into it!
    Jean- how are you feeling today? Have your new wellies come? Hope you don’t need them for a bit though!
    Hemmy- shame about the weather for you, we had a wet morning but beautiful this afternoon. Hope that the quotes aren’t too expensive for the conifers…
    Nana- hope you’re having a lovely break!
    Had a rotten night, I was awake at 3am! Son’s friend’s baby had been taken to hospital with a febrile convulsion, it was on my mind, silly really as I only know of them! Son had been to a fire in our village & his friend had been called home…went into town & met my friend I walk with, she’s broken her ankle so not able to dog walk. A quick shopping trip on the way home, eldest son is popping in tomorrow, not sure if he’ll have time for lunch, he has a hospital appointment & then he has an interview too. Been good though foodwise, normally when I’m really tired I would crave sweet stuff but not eaten too much today at all.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Still pushing on, coughing well and still fatigued in an afternoon.

    Walked with Natalie this morning I havenā€™t seen her for over a month, seeing her again tomorrow.

    Louise stated yesterday sheā€™s coming up and bringing up Steveā€™s sister tomorrow, so I wonā€™t be fasting.
    Itā€™s 4 years tomorrow since I lost Steve, itā€™s been slow sometimes and also has passed very quick. I still miss him so much, he picked me up and made me strong again, I got my confidence back.. he would be proud of me, I know.

    I donā€™t seem to do much before feeling very tired so sitting now.

    Hope your price for your trees was fair.. Katie had some tall trees pruned it was costlyā€¦

    Wellies have arrived , seem a bit strange but walked in them this morning.. getting the balance of two pair of socks right. Very supportive around the ankles.
    Hope the baby is a lot better a worry when they are tiny.

    Enjoy your bowls..

    Jean x

    I played for 2.5 hours, didn’t think we would play at all with the rain but it stopped. Took 2 painkillers because I’ll be aching later on. Had to put up with Chloe the last 2 nights Denise can’t make it up the stairs. Need to win the lottery and buy a bungalow.Chilli for tea tonight I’ll have to see what Denise wants, I’m the chief cook and bottle washer.

    Jean- hugs for you…you have coped amazingly well I think, you’ve been so strong, I’m sure Steve would be very proud of you…I hope you can share some happy memories tomorrow as well as tearsšŸ¤— Baby Amelia is fine thankfully!
    Dave- good you could go bowling after all. Poor Denise, sounds like she might need to go back to the GP & get some tests done on her back, maybe physiotherapy? I’ve talked to hubby about taking stronger painkillers but he doesn’t want to take tablets, says they might have side effects šŸ˜¬
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day?
    Nana- hope your holiday is going well!
    Eldest didn’t have long when he called in- he wasn’t impressed that he’d waited so long at the hospital, he’s not been before, didn’t realise that’s standard šŸ˜‚ Got quite a few jobs done, popped to see mum- difficult with her at the moment, she’s getting really stressed about wanting to clear things out ‘to save us doing it when she’s gone’, but she’s giving everything to us to get rid of anyway! & because she’s not managing to clear stuff out & cope with every day stuff as well, we’re having to help her with all that too, it’s so sad seeing her getting worked up like this šŸ˜¢
    Didn’t need lunch today & left some dinner, felt full which is not like me! Got a conference tomorrow, but there will be lots of food there, probably all carby stuff, so will have to see how I manage, if I can be strong!

    Good afternoon everyone,sorted my EE account out. Made breakfast and lunch for Denise, She’s still hobbling around the house and can’t get up the stairs to go to bed. It’s a dull day today and getting colder. The new electric throw might get an airing tonight, see how it goes. Denise wants sausage and mash tonight I’ll have egg and bacon.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxx

    Its a lovely sunny dry day here a nice change after all the rain. .

    After walking went to Bicester .. as it was dental Hygienist today. Traffic is awful all around .. road works and accidents .. So many at the moment and these vehicles getting too big for our roads. ..

    Its now Ā£65 for hygienist .. so I asked to book me in 8 months not 6 . I wouldn’t mind but she only cleans them an gives you a couple of little brushes.. 20 minutes at the most. Work the dentist always did years ago.

    A bit naughty but stopped at the bakery cafe ..and had a lovely coffee with marshmallows on top and a big iced fresh cream bun.
    It was Mum and I`s stop after Friday shopping for her.

    How is everyone today.. Xx

    Nana … ..Enjoy your away days.

    Dave.. You are a busy bee looking after Denise.. Hope she feels better soon.

    H H … Oh I hope Mum settles down again soon.. I expect its hard to know what todo or say for the best.

    Sym..I hope today is not too sad for you .. its hard I know any ammount of years and
    it doesnt seem to make it any better .. Thinking of you Xx

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone.. Happiness starts and ends with how “WE” think. Xxxx

    I think Chloe and I are joined at the hip.She is always by my side, on the sofa now and no doubt in bed tonight.She sleeps over 20 hours a day and does next to nothing when she’s awake. A real lazybones. Football on telly tonight England v Greece so that’s a chunk of the evening taken care of.

    Evening All..
    I have had a nice day with Louise and Sheila. I have felt ok today, I think of him every day so it wasnā€™t so different for me. They seemed to be more upset. Sheila brought a photo album from when Steve was born to about 12 so that was nice.
    Charlie went absolutely barmy when they arrived.

    No fasting today.

    I was a mess when I met Steve he made me strong again..give me back my confidence.
    So sad with your mum getting so upset about things.. hope your conference goes well tomorrow.

    The prices are high at the dentist, I pay monthly and thatā€™s creeping up. Cafe sounded nice a nice treat. Howā€™s Mr Pip these days?

    Denise sounds in a bad way sheā€™s naughty not going to the doctor.

    Jean x

    Jean- glad today wasn’t so bad, as you say, it’s every day you miss him šŸ¤—
    Hemmy- nice to have a treat after the hygienist! I think I’m going to sign up with a dentist & pay monthly, you get the hygienist included then, I have to see the dentist to get checked up before I see her anyway! Sympathise with the traffic too!
    Dave- frustrating & upsetting for you seeing Denise with so much pain & she won’t go back to the doctor’s…
    Hubby’s shoulder & neck is really bad, he’s been back to the osteopath & seen the doctor today, going to try & get a referral for an MRI to see what’s causing it. The conference was good today, some interesting workshops. I resisted all the food- wasn’t that appetising anyway, lots of beige! Youngest son said he thought the interview was okay, loads being interviewed though so won’t hear for a couple of weeks…

    Good morning everyone, very cold today, Chloe had her hat and coat on. It always brings a smile when they see her with her bobble hat on. Maybe I should get her some boots šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Had to many calories yesterday so better cut down today. Maybe a salad for tea.

    I’m not surprised people smile at Chloe all dressed up! I needed my hat today, we had a frost last night…caught up with some jobs, did our shopping for the weekend & next week – hubby’s birthday on Monday, the boys are coming for lunch on Sunday & then we’re going away for a couple of nights on Monday.
    Hubby saw the physio today, a different one & this one wasn’t very impressed with the treatment (or lack of!) he had, said his arm has got quite weak, sending him for an x-ray & going to try some other things…he’s a bit happier than he was this morning.
    Hope everyone is okay šŸ„°

    How he is ok HH and they get to the bottom of the problem. Very cold tonight so Chloe as got a snood,hat and coat on.Give it another 30 minutes and she’ll wine for some chews. Does it every night.

    New thermometer add arrived, Denise says she freezing, it says 25.4Ā°C so not that cold. My broadband is not fast enough so I called EE and they are sending an engineer round a week on Monday. It’s still fast what I have but not as fast as it should be. Just put Denise’s pork on so I’ll put my chilli on in a bit.

    Dave, you are keeping busy cooking Denise’s dinner as well as your own, I guess her back’s no better? Does a hot water bottle or ice pack help her at all? Very hard for both of you šŸ¤—
    Had a busy day doing some jobs & cooking, made sticky toffee puddings for tomorrow, did a half recipe & made 4 individual ones, so I won’t be tempted & spoil my keto! Doing roast chicken…
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

    Morning All..
    A lovely day here. Grass could do with a cut itā€™s getting bit wet now.
    A bit of ironing to doā€¦ these days get very ā€˜sameā€™

    My cafe boat is 30 mins away, I might go up for coffee with the boy, although next week she will move closer about 15 mins away. Itā€™s nice to give her some custom. Keep her going.

    Goodness is 25 degrees in the house, you need to get some clothes on! I am at least 10 degrees lower.
    Denise seems in a bad way you are good doing all the cooking.

    Have a lovely family Sunday lunch. Jacqui really misses her boys a lot, she was so upset the other day.
    Sticky toffee puds sound naughty šŸ˜‹

    How are you doing ā€¦ getting in the garden as itā€™s nice..

    Have a good day everyone..
    Jean x

    Good morning everyone. xxxx

    Its a chilly start but at least dry here. .. good walking weather.

    Weight stable.. hardly moves either way these days which is a blessing. I still think its not drinking wine..it just triggers my sweet tooth lol

    Kristy is in Greece for a week and said its lovely to feel warm lol.

    Today after walking I will get the crock pot on .. mince and lots of veggies… I like it on a jacket potato . Easy .

    I need to cut the grass too but its very wet see how it is this afternoon. I go into the garden most afternoons .. combine some tidying with throwing for Pip as we only do one big walk per day.

    Dave.. I hope Denise feels better soon.. a worry for you I am sure. When do you get weighed again.

    H H ..Enjoy your family lunch .. and away days. Hopefully good weather for you. Have you baked hubby a Birthday cake.

    Sym… The boat for a coffee sounds lovely .. like something out of a book. Does she bake herself .. What about mid winter does she keep going or is it the first year.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. Sunday is the day for resting . Xxxx

    Hemmy I next get weighed on the 6th of November. Jean my new thermometer does a minimum and maximum temperature as well as giving the temperature and humidity.Last night the lowest the Living room temperature fell to with no heat on was 19Ā°C, when it’s 25Ā°C Denise is cold and I’m sat in just my boxersšŸ˜‚. But I have Chloe by my side she’s my hot water bottle šŸ˜šŸ˜. My son’s in London for the American football so he’ll be home later tonight. Probably have to pick him up from town.

    Just got a message from my son, he just about made the train home so I said I will pick him up from Piccadilly station.A couple pinched his seat on the train but he’s got a seat so he’s not too bothered. It’s nippy outside 9Ā°C so Chloe will have all her cold weather gear on.

    Evening Allā€¦
    A very lazy day I just couldnā€™t be botheredā€¦
    Seemed very chilly I still must be in Texas heat and I am cold.

    I didnā€™t get to the boat cafeā€¦ next week she moves closer I shall definitely go although I have a lot on.
    She bakes all her own cakes, toasted cheese sandwich, bacon buttys, lots of tea and proper coffee out of a machine. She just does Friday Saturday and Sunday weather permitting. She goes through the winter. Travels on the canals. You sit outside so you need to be wrapped up. Her two dogs are Ronnie and Mable ..sheā€™s a bit hippy but lovely.

    Thatā€™s hot for your house without heat, mine is about 14 then I put the heating on.

    Jean x

    Dave I would love the house to be 25Ā° šŸ˜‚ We’ll put a storage heater on tonight, will take the edge off for when we get back…
    Jean- the cafĆ© sounds lovely! I’ve seen a few round here that leave blankets out if people want to sit outside! I feel for Jacqui, I would miss the boys dreadfully!
    Hemmy- well done keeping off the wine! Hubby cut out grass last week but already it’s wet, it will need cutting again soon!
    Had a lovely lunch, the boys were laughing about the things they got up to & the fights they had, some we knew about but there were some weird didn’t! I avoided the sticky toffee pudding, not at all keto!
    Youngest rang when he got home, he’d got a puncture & can get it done tomorrow so wanted to borrow a car or he wouldn’t have been auto be on-call, so took it over! I like it when we can help them, nice to be needed sometimes! We don’t need to leave til after lunch tomorrow, can’t get in until 2pm…

    Afternoon everyone,a cold one here both inside and out as we’ve had some new windows installed. Window installers have just left so our heating is now put on and our woodburner is going well.
    A lovely few days away last week which we spent doing our favourite things which are walking, eating and reading.I had gained two pounds when I weighed myself the morning after we got home.
    No Wednesday lunchtime meet up for me this week as I’ll be attending the funeral of one of my late mums friends.
    Will probably be going out on Geraldine for a ride tomorrow weather permitting, also OH has now got himself an electric bicycle so wants to try it out.
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    Nana xxx

    Don’t get done for speeding you twošŸ˜‚. The electric bikes round here do about 40mph. They fly past you. I feel thinner but not getting on the scales until the 6th November.

    Good morning everyone.Xx
    its another grey day here. Where did lovely autumn days go too.

    I have put 2 lbs on the last few days .. probably the amount of mince pies I have eaten I love them with a cup of tea. lol So that’s it now.. no more for a while. Weight soon goes on with a few extra treats. Thats why I like to weigh every morning.

    Sym.. That sounds a wonderful life for the lady on the cafe boat. Lovely to support her while enjoying coffee.

    Nana .. You will soon get those lbs off riding your bike.

    Dave.. Its a lovely feeling to feel lighter.

    H H .. Enjoy your days away… Hope the weather is kind for you.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing.. Happy Tuesday.. Xxxx

    Good evening, it son goes dark, the clocks go back soon as well. Denise loved the sausage and mash in onion gravy so wants it again this week. I’m getting used to cooking every night now, I don’t mind doing it at all. Think it’s going to be wet tonight.

    Good morning everyone it’s wet here but not to cold. Supposed to be bowling today only practice but will see what the weather is like first. I think it may have stopped raining but will find out when I take Chloe out. It’s funny but if it’s freezing or raining Chloe seems to stop at every corner for a good sniff while I want to get round and back to the warm and dry house. Her absolute top speed is about 1mph I have to drag her around unless there are kids behind us then she moves fast, dosent like kids when they scream.

    Had a lovely, relaxing break, the place was beautiful! We had one walk in the woods, it was right next to a nature reserve, weird because I don’t think it was mentioned in the description at all! Weather a bit damp after that. Stuck to keto, even though hubby was tucking in to biscuits & birthday chocolate…back down to earth now, taking mum to get the paperwork signed tomorrow for her will & POA…

    Good morning everyone. xxxx

    Thankfully it looks to be a sunny few days after all the rain. Everywhere is absolutely soaking again. .. a very wet year from the start.

    I am still holding on to the 2lbs gained .. hopefully being out and about now it will go. I eat when bored like many others.

    Dave .. how is it going for you.. Do you think you will lose next weigh in.

    Nana.. What are up up to today.. out on your bike?.

    Sym.. Are you well now.

    H H … Well done sticking to Keto on your break.. ..Hope all goes well with Mums paperwork today.

    I am making a running to do list everyday of 6 extra things .. like cleaning cupboards etc this week 3 things I hate doing are still carried forward lolol hopefully done today.

    Have a good day everyone… ā€œDonā€™t count the days. Make the days count.ā€ Xxxx

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