Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening!
    Dave- hope you’ve had a good last day, safe journey home tomorrow…Chloe will be so pleased to see you šŸ¤—
    Hemmy- nice to have had your lunch out! Awful all the Christmas stuff out already, 100 days to go I think, or 99 now…
    Not all the garden is put to bed yet, two veg beds still have a few beans & courgettes coming. Covered in bites today šŸ˜¬ Rang my HomeStart family today, took son’s washing round, got jobs done this afternoon… tomorrow we’re picking up a table eldest son has seen for sale near us before shopping.

    Evening All 9.30 pmā€¦.

    A very hot day again and humidā€¦ we had the three monthly bug man this morning and running late a bit, we had to pick Zack from school for the doctors , he had a bad football crash with another player and needed a doctors all clear to play again.. itā€™s a states law.
    We managed a quick lunch out.. hopefully an us day Wednesdayā€¦just a very busy time for me as they are all getting older, homework, trying to find uni places for Cole.

    I collected my watch after a service and that isnā€™t quite right so took that backā€¦

    They asked me to sell up and come out but the medical would be too high and to be honest itā€™s just too hectic here you forget what itā€™s like. They do have the room.
    I donā€™t like the food either.. they may speak English but are totally different. Best meal of the day is cornflakes and my berries!!!

    I am joining you in the bites I have loads. I have loaded up on spray and antihistamines.. itā€™s all Halloween here Katie says how tatty it is, she wonā€™t participate in it.. just a few pumpkins nearer the time.

    The holiday week has passed quick.. safe flight home..I am half way nowā€¦

    Jean x

    Jean- they do sound particularly busy, hope you & Kate have a nice day together today, & you get your watch sorted šŸ¤ž
    Dave- I bet Chloe was over the moon to see you home šŸ„°
    Hemmy- have you had a good day? Fed up with roadworks here too, they have been doing them most of the time since Feb to get out of our road, building lots of houses on a field just outside the village. It floods badly too so wouldn’t want to move there!
    Nana- did you have lunch out today?
    We picked a table up for son & gf this morning, it’s a good solid (heavy!) one…did our shopping afterwards. Made a puff pastry salmon thing for hubby & Mum, & a goats cheese keto tart for me, the most cooking I’ve done for a bit šŸ˜‚
    Hubby is going out to meet a friend tomorrow, so I’m going to have a browse round Hobbycraft on my own šŸ˜ƒ

    HH Chloe went mad when I came through the door, she brushed past everything and jumped up on me. She’s been on my knee 3 times tonight. Just put jeans on feeling the cold after wareing shorts all week. It was lovely and sunny when we got off the plane but going colder now.

    Evening All..
    I have had a lovely day with Katie lunch at Lake Conway. Lovely country and western music playing, cowboys in full gearā€¦ we have been to some charity shops much better than the uk, bought about 4 blouses and a rolled neck top.

    Busy day feeling tired its horrendously hot and humid, much worse than other years. 34 degrees.

    Tomorrow going with Cole for uni stuff then lunch out againā€¦my weights going up nicely!!!!

    Katieā€™s always very busy she is on their backs for homework.. she expects more than 80% in weekly reports. Itā€™s very hectic..! I enjoy being here but itā€™s not a holiday cruise!

    Glad you are home safely and Chloe is happy to see you..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone.. its going to be a lovely day again.

    After we have been walking it will be lawn mowing time.. I really wonder what I do with my time in winter. lol

    Dave.. I bet Chloe was pleased to see you back.. extra spoiling now I bet.

    H H ..Yes these roadworks are horrendous everywhere .. its so hard to judge now how much time travel to allow to get to an appointment .

    Your pastries sounded delicious.

    Sym.. Lovely to be among the younger people .. You will soon get any extra weight off when you get back.

    Nana … Is it a day out for you today.

    Have a lovely day everyone… Beauty is in the little things .Xxxx

    Good morning everyone,I woke up with Chloe on my legs, couldn’t move, she lies across me at a right angle and pins me down. She’s a big lump to move. Sunny today I brought the weather home with me. Dentist check up later then bowling this afternoon. It’s a big game if we can win I think we will be promoted. Then we have a cup semi final on Monday.

    They told me at bowls I can have a lettuce sandwich filled with lettuce šŸ˜I gained 20lbsšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±. I’m confident I’ll move it given time.Jean you won’t gain anywhere near as much as I did. Going shopping after I have a cuppa.

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