Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,327 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  hedgehogs 10 hours, 8 minutes ago.

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  • Good afternoon everyone. xxxx

    Its a dry day dull with splashes of sunshine et times..

    A lovely walk.. then coffee with my friend. she is so very talented she can draw a brilliant picture from any few squiggles I make for her to work on. A true artist. I am back on watering duty from Fri for 10 days. Lots of things over now though and I am not expecting a heat wave now.

    Not sure on what to have for dinner nothing much I am fancying.at the moment.

    Dave.. well done on your pound loss.

    H H … I think that is it .. when not catering for other peeps you do simple meals.
    I am really going try an d cook a small roast this weekend I do miss them on a Sunday .

    Sym… I think as time goes by we do get quicker with our regular walks… these walks keep us fit too.

    What colour are your nails.

    Enjoy your day … Dont ever lose your sparkle. Xxxx

    I had scrambled eggs, bacon and beans for tea😋😋😋. Ginger a bit over because I had toast but should still be ok. I’ve lost 6lbs going of their records in the last month, do can’t complain.I told them I’ll be heavier next time because of Benidorm 😁

    I do think the walking keeps us fit. I am not too bad for my age really..🤞🏻
    My toe nails are like a denim blue with all sparkles on, look good in the sun…

    I just saw your quote.. that’s definitely me 😂🤣

    Well done on loosing 6 lbs it moves it a lot.
    We will both be fighting the weight when back 😂🤣it will be worth it..

    Jean x


    Dave- well done losing a pound! Does Denise pack all your clothes for you then? I do get stuff out for hubby but more to remind him…
    Jean- very nice, sparkly nails! You & Hemmy are doing well with your walking, I have slowed down, my legs are stiff & painful, hoping that the keto will help with that, they’re definitely better than they were…
    Hemmy- your friend sounds very talented indeed, I can draw copying stuff but not otherwise! (So no talent here!)
    Had an early walk with my friend & her dog this morning, it was lovely & warm. We went & picked up a big sack of manure later for my veg beds, had my hair coloured & cut, then did our weekly shop. Just an easy dinner tonight, my kale salad & cheese. Bet Dave would love it 😂 Not doing any fasting yet but having 2 meals most days.

    Afternoon All…
    A good walk then I have cleaned well upstairs, spraying all my bug stuff about for the September spiders.. I am terrified of them.
    A lot more packing done…checked all my hand luggage documents.. money etc..still more to do..

    Why have you got the pain in your legs? Jacqui is very bad she has pain all over, her legs looked bad as she got out of the car the other day. Is it an age thing? Hope it soon improves for you.

    Jean x

    Yes Denise does all three packing, she says I would just throw it all in if I did it 😁 your salad sounds 🤮🤮🤮 HH. Will have to do some fasting when I get back from Benidorm.Anything under a stone gain and I will be happy. Chicken stir fry for tea, Denise is doing it now.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    A windy damp day here today… Luckily we managed a dry walk.

    Shopped at Tesco .. very quiet today the weather keeping people in.

    No cooking today roast beef slices in a crusty roll.. fruit.

    Dave …well done losing the 6 lbs last month.

    H H …Why does the Keto help with the stiff legs. I suffer from them too at times.

    Sym … I don’t mind spiders its the thought of mice that terrifies me lol

    Enjoy your day and create your own happiness. Xxxx

    I’m not sure why my legs are stiff & painful, I keep putting off going to the GP, I don’t rate ours much…I’m thinking maybe thyroid 😕 Keto helps often with joint pain etc because of cutting out sugar, it can be quite inflammatory…
    Made a banana & chocolate chip cake for hubby today, I can resist the cooked cake quite easily but not licking out the bowl was hard 😂 Mum popped in for a cuppa (& cake!)
    I don’t like spiders when they run, I’m okay catching them in a duster or under a glass & letting them go outside if I can…when we had our caravan the really big ones would come in & wasn’t too keen on them!

    Peppermint and water mixed then sprayed around the windows and doors is supposed to warn of spiders.I don’t mind spiders and mice don’t scare me.But I don’t like them.I feel very cold tonight roll on getting to Spain and some sun

    A beautiful sunny day today, perfect for bowling, one game left on Mondays,three on Thursdays and four on Fridays.Unless we progress in the cup.I think Chloe could set the record for the slowest greyhound on earth,she walks that slow I’m dragging her round halfthe time.If I let her off the lead she still walksby my side as if she’s still on it. Never seen her run apart from her race on YouTube in Ireland which sheet she won by a mile.She was like a rocket that day. Her grandad won the British greyhound derby 2 years running so she must have been expensive when she was a puppy.On Facebook theteate a group who trace greyhound results and they said Chloe was almost always in the first three and won a lot of her races.She won her very last race then was retired.

    Very warm here today! Poor Xena, we were out later than normal & she was too hot to run about much even in the woods…she made up for it when hubby took her to the park, her friend Max was there so she ran loads with him, hubby had to stop her in the end, she’d have kept going!
    Did lots of digging in the garden, have bought manure for the veg beds, too hot for it really. Dropped son’s washing off to him, he was yawning, he’d been out for 4 hours on a shout in the middle of the night!
    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Good morning everyone not as hot as yesterday, it was hotter than Benidorm here yesterday, hoping it will be sunny there when we go. We lost at bowls yesterday 6-2,I didn’t enjoy my game.I won 21-2 but prefer closer games.Getting the holiday feeling but trying to resist it.Chilli for tea tonight with rice. How you all doing? Can be very quiet on here at weekend.

    Afternoon everyone,a fairly busy week again.
    I tried not logging my daily calorie intake this week and as a result I’d gained two pounds when I weighed myself yesterday morning, despite me thinking I’d eaten carefully so it’s back to logging everything.
    My other half has installed pedal assisted battery on Geraldine as I was finding it very hard to pedal due to it being a bit heavy. We went out for a trial ride yesterday morning and ended up doing ten miles, other half was exhausted and I was fine with just a slight twinge in my knee that’s affected by osteoarthritis.
    Another lovely day here again.
    Hope everyone is keeping alright and that you enjoy the weekend.
    Nana xxx

    Well done Nana, we’ll get you in the velodrome, it’s less than 2 miles from where I live. I’m lucky where I live because football is a mile and a half away speedway is under a mile and cycling is 1.75 miles.Cricket is 5 miles so plenty of choice. American football and basketball is under a mile away, rugby is the furthest about 9 miles. I’ve had a beef butty for dinner so I’ll be a wee bit over today, was going to buy a bar of chocolate but thought better of it. Denise is packing and found some new shirts in my wardrobe that I’ve never worn, couldn’t get in them, now they got fine so I’ll take there off then. Pierre Cardin ones. I gave 5 of them to the charity shop didn’t think I’d ever get in them. I could probably get in trousers 2 sizes small now🤪🤯.

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely 4 hours with Jacqui and Phil, I shared my marmalade we got 5 jars each.
    Two good walks and that’s my day…..

    Roast beef baguette sounds good nice and easy. I don’t mind mice, I can cope with spiders if they don’t run.
    I will be spraying downstairs tomorrow…

    Xena seemed to have a good busy day. Love to see them run and have fun.

    You have worked hard to go down your sizes… you are beach ready 😊

    Glad Geraldine is making life easier for you. Your 2lbs on will soon move. I must get focused next month.

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone XXXX

    It looks to be a sunny day again after overnight rain … some rain forecast this evening again. .

    I am hoping enough rain so not much watering needed at my neighbours today.

    Weight very stable.. strange that after all these years I seem to be exactly the same weight within 2 lbs permanently.

    I expect I eat similar things .. eating more for necessity now and feeling healthier as no sugar cravings at all. Wine was definitely the trigger..lol

    I need to do a shop today Sunday seems a good day for me. Tesco I think.

    Nana .. You will soon lose the 2 lbs on Geraldine .

    Dave.. What a lovely boost for you finding the shirts and going down sizes.

    H H… Its good to see the dogs enjoying them selves… Pips not bothered about other dogs .. all he wants is for me to be throwing for him.

    So lovely your son lives nearby does the other one too.

    Sym.. I bet that marmalade is so tasty being homemade and all natural..

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone.. Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. xxxx

    Good afternoon,Hemmy are you having the odd drop of cider? In hoping to be having some on my holidays,I like the kopparberg cider.Very refreshing.Raining here thankfully Chloe doesn’t mind it,some greyhounds won’t go out in it. A girl a few house’s down from me always says that she wishes her dog was well trained like Chloe😁 I’ve not trained her at all she just walks by my side or behind me even if she’s off the lead. I love dogs so much,if only all humans were as good. She’s looking at me so better take her out.

    Afternoon All..
    Drizzle start but dry since.. went to Goole 4 miles away shopping and some horrendous puddles in the road they obviously got the lot….

    Weighed my case nearly 21 kg so just 2kg to go… bought my packing up for the flight, lots of nibbles also I will make ham with mustard in bread cakes. Might make them before bed on Tuesday and put in fridge.
    The food is awful not my taste at all.

    Cleaned up downstairs ready to bug spray before bed tonight send Charlie up first..

    You are very stable with your weight, I am still 4 lbs up for me.. I put 7 lbs on when I was on my cruise I can’t move it.. well 3 lbs has gone.
    Marmalade is very tasty , Phil was pleased with his 5 jars.

    Chloe is such a good girl you have been so lucky with her. Charlie doesn’t mind the rain. I must get him a thin coat for the summer..like a cagoule type material.

    Well sat sitting ..floor is wet so taking a rest..
    I have got some cooked mince out of the freezer for tonight might do a jacket to go with it.

    Jean x

    Dave- well done resisting the chocolate, & brilliant you have found new stuff to fit into! I have a fat wardrobe & a slim wardrobe of clothes- in the fat one still 😂
    Jean- hope the bug spray works, we had a huge 🕷️ on the wall yesterday, hubby woke me up (& put it outside!) I’m the same- okay if they don’t run …
    Hemmy- well done keeping your weight the same, wish I could do that, maybe with keto if I don’t relax on holidays I might manage it!
    Nana- great you have extra help with your bike now! I’m sure you’ll soon get the 2lbs off…do you pen & paper write down what you eat or log it on an app?
    Went to a farmers market nearby yesterday for cheese & olives- doesn’t look like the company are about now that did my favourite smoked ones. Funny I love them when doing keto but wasn’t bothered afterwards, too busy eating sugary stuff probably! Saw mum in the afternoon, it was a lovely day but she wanted to stay in & play a game as usual, so I beat her! Today started off nice, have been going to a new place on Sundays as the road there is quieter but they’ve got stuff ready to do some felling, it makes it too muddy so won’t be going there for a while 😕 having a lazy day…

    Good morning everyone does the tour of Britain pass by your HH and Nana? The sun is out but it’s chilly today, looking forward to seeing the sun soon and warmer weather. Bowling this afternoon a cup match as the league is over on Mondays.

    Dave, it went close to us, decided not to go & watch in the end as I’d have had to drive there the same route & might’ve got caught in the road closures – other years I could find out exact timings, but couldn’t see anything online, only that there might be delays for several hours! I missed it all on TV too…
    A wet start today, gave Xena a long walk, did some inside jobs & we repaired one of our raised beds, runner beans all finished now so took them down, they were very poor this year…bacon & eggs for dinner 😋

    My friends on the bowling all grow runner beans and all hash a bad crop this year. I’ll go to bed at 1am and try to get up early so I will get some sleep tomorrow. Got to be up around 3am Wednesday morning.

    Good morning I was up early but lazy bones Chloe stayed on the bed and didn’t come down. Got to be up at 3am tomorrow morning 🤯🥺🤪. Very windy outside I’ll need my hat on, just shaved my head so bald as a coote , Easier to put suncream on my nogin😂. I’ll take Chloe out now she’s up then so the weekly shop at Sainsbury’s.

    Good afternoon all..Xxxx

    A dull day here with rain forecast within the hour.

    Ohh just finished making cottage pie.. I do 3 layers in clear dish .. Peas and long stemmed broccoli at the bottom then the mince.. topped with potato .so dinner in one dish . A lot of messing though and half way through I thought . Oh just buy.one. lolol

    Anyway .. cottage pie this evening.

    Just had a mail from Pam..they should be flying back from Kefalonia Greece today..but are delayed with high winds. .. vouchers for food .. but just want to get home now been up since early hours.

    Dave.. Yes.. I am drinking 2 large wine glasses of cider every night. Just supermarket brand 4 % alco. You sound all ready for the off.

    H H I am on watering duty and was told to have any runner beans.. but TBH i am finding them tasteless this year. What is on your menu today.

    Nanna .. hope your day is going well… is it a visiting day.

    Sym.. Sounds like you are all ready for the off.. Years ago food on the plane was lovely..that and just being in the airport felt like the holiday had started. I expect everything is so costly now for the airlines.

    .Its dark here and just started raining so no watering will be need in neighbours garden. today.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone Smile it suits you. Xxxx

    I’ll be going to bed in three hours🤪🤪🤪.I won’t sleep, might get a couple of hours if I’m lucky.I wonder what Chloe will do.

    Dave- hardly worth going to bed for you! Glad I’m not the only one with a rubbish runner bean crop, the dwarf ones did okay in the end. Hope you have a great holiday, Chloe will miss you! 😎
    Jean- hope you have lovely time with your family too…safe journey 🍸
    Hemmy- I make cottage pie for hubby, I do a big lot & freeze it, it is a faff. He only has carrots in his, no other veg…at least you haven’t got to water today!
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good day…
    Rang my HomeStart family today, had a cuppa & a catch up with my sister, the lovely Paddy is such a pickle, wanting lots of attention! He’s 18 months now, so a teenager…
    Hubby had tuna & cheese baguette & salad for dinner, I made an extra one for Mum. I had a keto version- mozzarella slices, tuna in the middle & fold the cheese over, then melt it, really yummy. I weirdly fancied spinach with it though, so had a big helping of that as well 😂

    I’ll miss having a cuppa, can’t make one in our room😩 Chloe was in shock when I took her out at 3am.Hotel is nice were on the 7th floor.

    Good afternoon everyone I hope you are having a lovely day. Xxxx

    This morning was beautiful lots of sunshine .. until about an hour ago and it absolutely poured in torrents ..I had a nearly dry line full of washing out..all soaked now. Its strange weather this summer..

    Dave… Glad you arrived safely.. enjoy yourselves.

    Sym.. Hope you had a good flight .. lovely to see your family. Xx

    Nana .. how is your day going.

    H H .. Cottage pie was tasty some more for dinner today. .. It s been funny weather this year for the garden crops and flowers. Hopefully not a bad winter .. chilly here today at 13 degrees.

    Enjoy the rest of the afternoon everyone..hopefully a dry one for you.
    “An attitude of gratitude brings great things.” Xxxx

    Dave- did Denise not pack a travel kettle & tea bags?! I couldn’t do without my tea first thing…hope you have a lovely time & enjoy the good weather!
    Jean- safe journey, hope you’re not too tired…
    Hemmy- our weather today has been the same as yours, I did get the washing in before it rained though. Glad the cottage pie was good.
    Nana- is it your usual St Ives lunch out today? How are you getting on with your bike now it’s power assisted?
    Had a longer walk with Xena this morning, legs were feeling good! Did the shopping, then have played about with silly jobs this afternoon – emptied the grounds out of my old coffee pods & sprinkled that over some of my plants, washed some indoor bunting, have bought some artificial plants for a dark corner of the kitchen so cleaned the shelves for that…
    Missed lunch again today, didn’t need it.
    Have a good evening 😍

    Thinking of buying one here, can’t be doing without a cuppa.unless I have to drink dirty beer🤪😁

    Still not found one, and it’s getting hotter, 32°C today so plenty of lager needed to cool me down,not found anywhere that sells draft cider so I’ll stick to lager.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Brr its a cold one here today. sunny this morning at 15 deg ..then rain again this afternoon.. Down to 2 deg tonight.

    A late lunch because it was a long walk with MaryAnn .. so not much motivation this afternoon..lol

    Not sure what to eat this evening ..as eating later .. maybe boiled eggs or omelette.

    Dave.. Hope you are having a lovely time.

    HH .. Glad your legs are feeling better .. we need our legs and feet in good order for all the walking. lol

    Nana… is it on your bike day today.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone doing things that make you happy. Xxxx

    Envy you the heat Dave! Hope you find a cuppa somewhere, go easy on the lager 😂
    Hemmy- very cold here too first thing, has been sunny then heavy showers, more like April!
    Having home made veggie scotch egg & salad tonight, hubby didn’t want a meat one … Will be having soup soon if it stays cold! We went into town, ordered a Karen Rose book, one of my favourite authors. I usually buy 2nd hand, but still haven’t spent all my vouchers I got for my birthday in January! Found some garden ones too, I must go somewhere for a look, the smaller garden centre we use regularly doesn’t take them …
    Have a good evening everyone!

    I’ve gone on the Cider Denise is on a drink called Tropicana Very alcoholic and fruity. She’s had 3 up to now so that’s a lot for her. We are in the hotel so not far too stagger. Just up to the lift. Got a kettle so will be having a cuppa when we eventually go up to our room.

    I’ve gone on the Cider Denise is on a drink called Tropicana Very alcoholic and fruity. She’s had 3 up to now so that’s a lot for her. We are in the hotel so not far too stagger. Just up to the lift. Got a kettle so will be having a cuppa when we eventually go up to our room.

    Night All just going to bed…

    A good flight and settled in now. Just popping about locally.
    We visited a small tourist I suppose village, a couple of coffee shops, a few eating bar type places. Quite a lot of quaint shops. I couldn’t really understand it as there’s no tourists here !
    It was interesting in its own way.

    Katie and I went to the High School football match, lovely to see it all, they had the Band, High Steppers and Cheerleaders, they know how to put on a show.. Highlands our team won too..so noisy and exciting.

    I took my watch to be serviced, hoping it’s ready for collection tomorrow ..in the UK it was going to take 6 to 8 weeks. Katie found a lovely watchmaker. He told me there’s hardly any in the UK it would have been sent away. It took him 9 years to learn his trade.

    A lazy family weekend, BBQ Saturday …

    Hope everyone is well I can’t reply to all..

    Jean x

    Sounds good Jean enjoy. I feel a little sunburnt, must have missed a bit on my shoulder when I put the cream on. Put extra on today because it’s going to be hot again. We have entertainment on in the hotel every night so we have been going to see it. It’s been ok plus we don’t need to get taxi home 😁.We have a cat art our house, it’s been there almost a week and for some reason stays outside our house,my son rang the cat protection league and they said they would come round and scan out but wouldn’t take it away. They said don’t feed it but the poor things had nothing all week so my son bought it food and gave it a drink. It’s been cold at night in Manchester so he was going to bring it in last night, don’t know if he managed to do it. I’ll ask him later.

    Sounds good Jean enjoy. I feel a little sunburnt, must have missed a bit on my shoulder when I put the cream on. Put extra on today because it’s going to be hot again. We have entertainment on in the hotel every night so we have been going to see it. It’s been ok plus we don’t need to get taxi home 😁.We have a cat art our house, it’s been there almost a week and for some reason stays outside our house,my son rang the cat protection league and they said they would come round and scan out but wouldn’t take it away. They said don’t feed it but the poor things had nothing all week so my son bought it food and gave it a drink. It’s been cold at night in Manchester so he was going to bring it in last night, don’t know if he managed to do it. I’ll ask him later.

    Morning everyone, have had a good week and managed to lose one of the two pounds gained.I would’ve probably lost two but I enjoyed a meal out Thursday evening with my old workmates.
    Hedgehogs I have a book that I record my food in daily , wish I didn’t need to have to record daily but it seems I do.
    Geraldine is a lot of fun to get out on now ,last Wednesday it was quite windy but with the pedal assist I just pedalled along as if it was a calm day – OH really struggled and not surprisingly has decided that he needs a new electric bike for himself and to be fair his current bike is over 10 years old. As he’s 76 and I’m 73 we really want to enjoy being able to cycle and enjoy it still.
    Dave and Jean sounds like you’re both enjoying your holidays.
    We’re off to Sheringham on Friday for a week we’ve been going and staying in the same accommodation twice a year for getting on for 10 years which some people might think is sad we really enjoy ourselves there. Plenty of nice walks which we both enjoy except my left knee which starts to give me a bit of grief after a couple of days but hopefully a one off prescription of strong painkillers given to me by our practice nurse at my doctors will help. I was having my yearly medication review with her and asked what I could take as paracetamol wasn’t very effective. We shall see.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay and that everyone enjoys their weekend.
    Nana xxx

    I’ve got to book myself in for a yearly MOT at the doctor’s when I get home, dentist first three day Surrey I get home. It’s very hot today we are both drained with the heat. Had 1.5 hours on an open top bus all around Benidorm.It pulled up way past where we wanted so stopped off at a bar and had a couple of pints and some food. Hoping to go back there tonight the best way the best I’ve had and so was the food.

    Jean- lovely to be seeing the family, sounds interesting at the football game…have a good time!
    Dave- sounds like you’re enjoying your holiday too! Nice to go out & about…good you can have a cuppa now! I wonder if the cat will stay with your son?
    Nana- well done losing your pound! I’ve kept pages from writing down my food too…Not at all sad going to the same place, we go back to Sheringham lots, we love it there! I hope the painkillers help your knee 🤗
    Hemmy- hope you’re okay?
    Been chilly here but sunny, had nice walks with Xena, cleaned my car inside & out yesterday, Xena makes such a mess in it! Did some cleaning today, & saw mum this afternoon, she’s put on every one of her storage heaters, it was sweltering! Good job she doesn’t need to watch the pennies…
    Keto going okay, don’t feel as if I’ve lost any more, but if I can reset my metabolism I don’t mind!

    My son is trying to lure the cat in but Chloe keeps whining, don’t know if she to protect the cat or she doesn’t want it to come in.

    Good afternoon everyone just having a break from the sun, I looked at my door bell camera and it’s pouring down in Manchester.Roasting here. Been round the local market this morning then went for a picnic on the front.I am amazed how many mobility scooters there are here. Outside the market there must have been 100 of them all parked up.Everytime I go out 10 or 20 pass you on the pavement. Their are not cheap, something like €40 for 4 hours.

    Good morning everyone.. and what a beautiful one again.. Xxxx

    It s been a busy weekend .. thank goodness neighbours back after 10days of me doing green house duty..

    I have started changing things around for Autumn .. changing cushions etc for a warmer look… from yellows to reds..

    Weight is good .. hopefully it stays like it for the colder months when we feel like eating more. xx
    Its some garlic prawns tonight on a Jacket potato .. simple but tasty..

    I hope everyone enjoys the sunshine today whether home or away. .

    𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 xxxx

    Good morning another scorcher today.Missing Chloe now but will see her Wednesday so not too long. My son keeps sending me pictures of her😁.I think we’re going into the old town today.i bought something to clean my glasses and it’s really good, never had the lenses so clean and you even get a little screwdriver with it. Might buy another so impressed with it.

    Morning All…
    Having a relaxing time…
    Weekends can be a busy and stressful but it’s not been too bad. I suppose you forget the comings and goings of teenagers..

    House all quiet two gone two to go…

    Cole is working in a workout food health shop, he lifts weights so knows all about it. It’s not very busy so he can study and do homework as and when. Katie didn’t really know if it would work but his grades are exceptional, he worked 10 hours on Saturday. He likes his own space.

    Quiet time now with Katie not sure what we are doing today as yet..

    34 degrees each day very hot for me, I sit under a pagoda in the garden under a big fan reading which is nice. Each day hoping for clouds 😂

    Some lovely photos of Charlie he seems fine.. I am missing him.
    I walk Maxi everyday going on a different route this morning having a nosey looking at some lovely big houses. It’s lovely here as there’s paths we share with bikes and joggers, off the roads and under trees, very much like Germany, they go for miles.

    Well number three is up I shall go make a cuppa, then go out with Maxi.

    Jean x

    Dave- glad you’re having a good time, how do you manage going to bed earlier & getting up early too?! Have you & Denise hired a scooter or is she managing the walking? I wonder how they all find the right scooter if there’s so many 😂
    Jean- enjoy the heat, it’ll probably be really chilly by the time you come home! Nice you can have a peaceful walk with Maxi! Sounds like Cole is doing really well, does he know what he wants to do when he graduates?
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a lazier day after your busy weekend! Nice to change things about with your cushions…I have done a mini makeover with the kitchen, very pleased!
    Nana- hope you had a good weekend, not long til your holiday now, can you keep on track this week?
    Had a quiet day yesterday, busier today- dug over the veg beds & dug manure in, had a catch up on the phone with a couple of friends which was lovely…youngest son rang too, he’s been to Essex for his fitness & aptitude tests today, passed that okay, hopefully interviews in a couple of weeks 🤞

    HH all the scooters have a number on them. It’s Le Mann’s with them all lined up outside every hotel, done even have their own carparks😁 Time to move going on a trip.

    Good evening everyone.. Xxxx

    What a beautiful again…. a lovely walk then it was the monthly meet up at the Buckingham garden Centre with Chris for our catch-up .. lunch and natter .. lol

    Road works here are horrendous at the moment..no pleasure at all in driving now.

    The lunch was lovely as per usual .. and OMG all the Christmas stuff is out and its only mid September lolol..

    Dave.. get on that scooter .. Glad you are having a lovely time.

    Sym.. So nice to be spending time with your family .. would you like to stay and live the life.

    H H .. you have been busy in the garden digging it over..Its always a shame when the gardens ” Go to bed for winter ”

    Nana .. Hope you are having a good day.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. Be genuine. Be kind. Be true Xxxx

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