Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening!
    Hi Sarah & welcome! If you haven’t already you could take some measurements, that can be encouraging if you don’t always lose to see those change…I’ve done the 800 cals for 2 weeks before- hard work so well done! We all help each other keep strong on here so keep popping in! We talk about all sorts on here, not just fasting!
    Dave- excellent needing new shorts!
    Jean- was Charlie shattered after his visit to the kennels? Glad he enjoyed it..
    Hemmy- hope it’s not been too hot for you & Mr Pips! Did you grow much veg this year, is it doing well?
    Steve- hope the new TV is good, if you can’t work it you’ll have to ask Dave- he’s the gadget man!
    Nana- hope you’re feeling better xx
    Another hot day here, walked Xena in the forest so not too warm, we did our shopping but resisted anything naughty … Painted the other side of the shed & some of the trellis fencing this afternoon, we had fish & veg from the garden with it, first time we’ve had enough beans for two, the veg has been so slow apart from the courgettes… hopefully a FD tomorrow, although I’m feeling a bit stressed at the moment, both the boys are worrying me with work woes!

    Good morning everyone the sun is out again must be a record. Got to keep low today and hopefully tomorrow.I start back at MoreLife next Wednesday for monthly visits. Not feeling confident but will see how it goes. Don’t know what to have for tea tonight any suggestions?

    Struggling with fasting today, I’m really hungry, a few things going wrong & I’m so cross with myself as I got stuck into jobs & forgot about ringing my HS family šŸ˜¢ She has cancelled 2 weeks running because of clashing appointments, & wouldn’t be able to talk for long with the children off, but I still feel bad! Hubby is out, I’ve run out of fence stain, hoping his memory is better than mine & he picks some up, I’m waiting to get on & finish!
    Dave- can’t beat a stir fry for a nice healthy but filling meal? What have you got at home or will you go shopping?

    Good afternoon everyone.. A beautiful day again.. looks like thunderstorms are on the way though.

    We had a lovely walk it was fresh at 8am there had been some rain..

    I have made some chunky soup .. using up bits and bobs.. its so very tasty you can taste the goodness in it. So my meal this evening with some granary bread and fruit .
    Sarah .. welcome Xx Its a good idea to report in here when you can.. It keeps you on track I feel sharing with like minded others

    H H .. No I haven’t grown any veg at all this year .The neighbour gives me loads for watering while they are away.
    Its a big plot here for one to tend lots of big old shrubs to keep trim . I do miss old Mum she was such a good worker lol.
    Are you growing a lot this year.

    Dave… Egg beans and a few chips is tasty filling and not bad on Calories.

    Page had turned over..

    Sym.. Steve Nana.. How is your day going so far. Take care all..
    ” Life is how you handle Plan B” Xxxx


    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Walk time again.. Everything on the line and now dried from this mornings rainā€¦
    Charlie has just eaten 3.15 pm , rice and scrambled egg upset tummy again.

    Fast day gone well.. been to dentist for checkup and hygienist so kept my mine off food.

    Charlie was tired and a bit sulky too after his kennels dayā€¦
    Good painting your fence mine needs doing too..
    Shame on HS family, never mind..

    You and I too ā€¦I donā€™t know what to have to eatā€¦
    You will be fine at your Morelifeā€¦

    I canā€™t buy granary bread .. I just eat it all šŸ˜‚
    Soup might be an idea tonight..???

    Go and close my windows and doors again. Ready for walkingā€¦

    Jean x

    I’m with you Jean if I buy crusty bread it goes in no time my son is like a Tasmanian devil with it and so am I. It was so hot a bowls, the poor chap I played collapsed had to pick him up and sit him in the shade and give him water. He couldn’t carry on playing so I win the game by default,he got his 11 points. I thought will I have to do first aid on him, it’s been over a year since I did the quick first aid course.But fortunately he was ok. Could well be egg chips and beans, I’ve not had anything to eat today.

    Wow Brads – FIVE STONE – that’s brilliant! My hubster already said (after four days) that I don’t look so swollen so that’s good – and then today he dragged me away from work into Waitrose before I’d had breakfast – idiot!!

    Thank you so much Hedgehogs šŸ™‚

    I will pop in often to see what you are all chatting about – until then I will just mention that I play in a Samba Band and we’re playing on Saturday in Brighton – it’s going to throw it down with rain – deep joy – just like last year!! hahaha

    Managed a liquid FD, yay!
    Sarah- hope you were restrained in Waitrose?! The samba band sounds really interesting, hope it doesn’t rain & you have a good time!
    Dave- that’s a worry, hope your bowling companion was okay…
    Jean – aww, poor Charlie, being tired & grumpy, sounds like Xena!
    Hemmy- nice if you can have veg from your neighbour! I’m getting lots of courgettes, but the beans are very slow this year. Hopefully I can harvest the potatoes this weekend if it doesn’t rain! Hope your soup was good…

    Good evening,Chloe as just started whining šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜she wants some chews.She does this every night.If we ignore her it gets louder and louder. She’s like a taking dogšŸ˜. It’s still warm got the fan on.

    Morning All..
    A very hot day again 26 expectedā€¦
    We will walk early againā€¦

    I have stayed the same this weekā€¦ push on and get through itā€¦.

    Itā€™s far too hot doing bowls in this weather especially for us oldiesā€¦our boules pitch is a sun trap at the best of times just too dangerous to play..

    Enjoy the samba band on Saturday it sounds very different.. hope the weather is kindā€¦( being ignorant.. is that with oil drums?? )

    Well done on your liquid fast..

    Have a good day everyone..

    Jean x

    Sarah we seen what I would call a marching band in Cardiff called The Samba Ants. They were good. Yes Jean is going to be another hot day for bowls but it’s better than rain. I’ll get my sun cream on. And it’s cooler wearing shorts. I’ll get weighed on Wednesday.

    I stayed the same this week too … We are trying to get our shed roof refelted today, it’s a really big shed, hubby has propped it up inside as he’s had to crawl about on the roof, had to hack down a mountain of buddleia from next door’s garden first as it had grown over the top. Very hot here again, but it seems to be either roasting or rain & can’t do it in the wet obviously!
    Been hungry after yesterday but I think we’re burning a few calories so not going to worry!
    Have a good weekend everyone šŸ„°

    Bowls was hot again, going to speedway tonight so should be cooler there. Only had a skinny chew today and 3 chips of tea. Will see what I’m like when I get home from speedway tonight.

    Good afternoon all

    It’s been a very overcast day here but stayed quite dry and even though it’s noticeably cooler than late it’s still a very pleasant temperature.

    My new tv arrived this afternoon so have been having fun trying to set it up still not convinced the picture is quite right but we will see get there.

    It doesn’t have a headphone Jack so looks like I’m going to need to invest in some bluetooth headphones for those times insomnia decides to hit.

    Enjoy the rest of the day and have a great weekend folks just incase I’m too busy playing with my new toy lol.

    Steve I use Bluetooth headphones and you can use your phone as a remote control as well. Some TV’s you can put a usb drive in and record on it.You should also be able to cast from your phone to your telly, all depends on your phone. I’ve been doing 1500 calories instead of 1700 what MoreLife recommended because I was gaining weight. Will see what happens on Wednesday.

    Steve- have fun with your new TV, do you have alot of trouble sleeping?
    Dave- hope you do lose, it’s low for your height…
    I didn’t sleep much last night, busy head as Jean says! So am having one of those days feeling tired & craving carbs! I was out at 6.30 for a walk with my friend & her dog, have done a big pile of ironing, we’ve put a new set of solar lights up now the shed roof is all done, I’ve ordered some bunting as well. Off to see mum shortly.

    The solar lights work, yay! They didn’t yesterday so that’s good…
    Have been doing some thinking recently & wondering about going back to doing keto, sugary stuff doesn’t seem to agree with me but I do love it…I’m an all or nothing person, so just going low carb doesn’t work for me! I stopped partly because when son went vegetarian I was cooking meals for him that I couldn’t eat because of the carbs, & I’d got a bit lax with it so wasn’t getting the benefit…made a chocolate & courgette cake today while I can still eat it!

    Morning All.,
    A lovely sunny day hereā€¦

    I really must get on board and get my head into the proper eating mode.. I am fine on fds, itā€™s the other days the problem. I am on holiday in 5 weeks and could really do with my few pounds offā€¦

    I am fasting today.

    Good luck with the TV hope you sort the last few bits outā€¦

    Are your solar lights on the fence or in the soil.. I fancy some to go on the fence..looks like we are both failing on the wrong food.. sugary stuff for me too..

    Hope the alteration in calories helpsā€¦

    Hemmy and Sarah how are you both doing?

    Have a good day all..

    Jean x

    Good morning Everyone. Xxxxx

    The weather is beautiful now.. ideal for in the garden.So much to-do keeping things trimmed down.

    Walking earlier and enjoying it.. I had my first blackberry yesterday .

    Finding it hard to think up meals at the moment I am not really a salad person. I don’t find much taste in it these days…

    Sym… I think its hard to knuckle down when you have a date like a holiday to work too. Always best to go back to how you first started 5 2 .

    Hope everyone had a good weekend ā€œNothing you wear is more important than your smile.ā€ Xxxx

    Hi Hemmy..
    Hope you get the garden trimmed back it does seem to grow quick..grass too.
    I will try and move a few pounds before September holiday ..back to basicsā€¦!!

    Have a good day..

    Good afternoon all

    It’s a wet day here but still quite warm so can’t really complain too much.

    It’s Monday so fasting today which I’ve been looking forward to after eating probably too much last week so due to that I’m not going to weigh myself until Friday so hopefully the scales will be kind to me.

    I think I’ve sorted out most of the kinks with the new tv and am very happy with it so far.

    Good luck to all those fasting today.

    Afternoon All..
    All seems to be well here just starting to feel peckish..
    Trying to sort my USA ESTA out what a faff, well itā€™s paid for hope itā€™s right.!.. taken my mind off foodā€¦

    Have a good fast hope it goes well..
    Samsung is easy so should be ok..


    Good afternoon I lost at bowls ,fed up of always seeming to draw their best player. The team lost by 1 point šŸ¤Ŗ Hemmy how about a nice chicken stir fry. With crusty bread.I wish I had done chicken don’t know what I’m having but it will be around 10pm before I have it. Speedway tonight. Hope the rain stays away.

    Dave- enjoy the speedway! Shame about bowls…I don’t think bread goes with a stir fry šŸ˜‚
    Jean- well done with your fast, your holiday will come around quickly, hope you can keep nonFDs under control…solar lights are round the shed & along some trellis by the patio, they look good!
    Hemmy- I do love salads, you could try some different dressings, balsamic vinegar is nice on its own otherwise & less cals than an oily dressing…
    Steve- well done with your FD, glad you’ve sorted the TV ..
    Nana & Sarah hope you’re both okay šŸ„°
    It’s been a lovely day here today so we dropped stuff off with youngest son & then went to the coast, had fish and chips, so not a FD! Did some gardening when we got back, it’s time to harvest the potatoes. Feeling very weary tonight šŸ„±

    Morning all!

    Well, what a first week!! Weigh in and measurement day was yesterday and I lost 10lbs, 2″ off my waist, 0.5″ off neck, 0.5″ off boobs and 1″ off my hips!! Woohoo!!

    Saturday was great at Brighton Pride, 17,500 steps – hard work whilst playing the drum and walking – I won’t tell you what my usual daily steps are (deffo under 10k – embarrassingly so), so pleased I can still walk!

    I’ve decided to do another week of Fast 800 but I know the weight loss will slow down pretty drastically so i’m prepared for that. Onwards and upwards! Now to properly include some exercise šŸ™

    Brads – keep playing – you’ll get there! Remember, it’s apparently all about the taking part and not winning – but i’m very competitive so would feel the same as you!!

    Hedgehogs – which solar lights did you get – are they on a string? My hubster keeps (twice) cutting through the cord on mine and I have to throw them out – my last ones were just hung on my garden office and ONE point on a tree and he still managed to get it!! I’ve told him that i’ll cut the hedges and to leave the garden alone!!

    Hemmy – I love my salads, especially as at the moment cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, peas etc are all coming out of my garden fresh – how about a spray bottle to put some balsamic in and I always add seeds!

    Steve – have you got your bluetooth headset for your TV yet? How does that work as I have trouble sleeping – usually from stress from work – I have no idea how I would connect them up to the TV!!

    Sorry if i’ve forgotten anyone.

    Have a fab day all šŸ™‚

    Sarah what TV and phone do you have, I have a Samsung TV and phone and it’s very easy to watch the screen from your phone on the telly and just connect your headphones via Bluetooth.I love technology, have seen the TV up so I just ask Alexa to change the channel on the telly without using the remote. You have done amazing on your weigh in.Another week and you will possibly lose 4lbs the second week. I’m playing bowls again today and we play the same team as yesterday I wonder if I’ll play the same bloke again or will be the third time this year if I do.

    Good morning one and all

    It’s another wet morning so far but the sun keeps trying to break through and bring us some sunshine.


    Im still deciding on which headphones to treat myself too i have a short list on Amazon but will be purchasing soon.


    I’m like you my phone and tv are both Samsung so that does make things easier. I do love technology but sometimes it doesn’t return the love especially when trying to communicate with my Alexa which doesn’t seem to like my accent.

    Only another hour until I break my fast with a very tasty bowl of porridge but don’t call me goldilocks.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A wet start but coming nice now.. off to boules in a hour, pushed myself but I will enjoy it when I get thereā€¦

    My ESTA came through and I have done my travel insurance for the year. Very surprised at the high prices, maybe my age is kicking in.. goodness what people pay if they have health conditions..

    I shall have a thoughtful day on foodā€¦

    Dave ..
    Shame on always getting the better players.. good on picking up on their tips.

    I must have a look at the solar lights.. we had some at the Bridlington holiday place I thought they were quite nice.

    Sarah VK..
    Congratulations thatā€™s a great great start maybe you need to tell me what to do šŸ˜‚.. glad the drumming went well.. I used to walk 18,000 to 23,000 steps a day .. itā€™s broken now and still do the same so not replaced it..Charlie my dally has his tracker so I work off hisā€¦
    I used to struggle to get to 4,000 I couldnā€™t believe anyone could do 10,000!

    Hope you enjoyed your porridge, I am particular how mines made, a bit on the loose side.. you Scotā€™s wouldnā€™t like my way !!šŸ˜‚

    Well better get changed and hope itā€™s a good game.. 7 of us one shortā€¦game of 3 and a game of 4 ??

    Jean x

    Well I got their best player again, don’t know what I’ve done to keep getting the top players, at least I gave him a game losing 21-19.a rest day tomorrow off to MoreLife, Thursday I’ve got to get up at 7-30 am that’s the middle of the night for me. Got to take the car in for a service. Then bowling Thursday and Friday.Friday will be an absolute nightmare the green is almost impossible to workout the home team never lose on it.

    Sarah- very well done, that’s a fantastic result! I did lose quite a bit the first time I did the Fast800 but not that much! We have some string solar lights, my hubby has also been known to cut through the string on them too, so this time we have some thicker ones, should be able to see these šŸ˜‚
    Dave- hope you have a good result on the scales tomorrow! You did well against the best player, a shame you keep drawing the top ones!
    Jean- well done sorting everything for your holiday, will the grandchildren all be back at school? You do alot of walking with Charlie, hope he enjoys the kennels when you go, or is he at Faye’s then?
    Stevie-locks- hope the porridge was good! I laughed at Alexa not understanding your accent šŸ˜‚
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day & enjoyed your garden…
    Nana- how is your friend getting on back at home now?
    Didn’t fast today again either- felt very hungry & grumpy for some reason! It was nice here so we cracked on with more fence painting, finished another tub with a 2nd coat still to do on some bits so will get more tomorrow. Had a baby pigeon in the garden so have to keep an eye on Xena- she was very interested!

    I’ll just came up on my watch congratulations you’ve done 10000 steps, not doing that for a while. Test day tomorrow, I’m pretty sure I will have put on weight when I get weighed tomorrow. But will start afresh from tomorrow.

    Morning All ..
    Looks like a lovely sunny dayā€¦
    Going into town to get some copying done at the library and some dollars bought a few bits for my holiday.. just getting organised..

    Debating where to walk this morning, very long grass and cows out we are struggling where to go.

    Dave ..
    Well done on your match.. we got absolutely slaughtered my worst game everā€¦well done on your stepsā€¦

    Grandchildren are back to school on Wednesday, they go back a lot earlier than ours.
    Charlie is going to Fays, no one walks him like meā€¦ the house sitters are bad too just like kennels.. lucky to get 30 mins a day.. I know they are both kind itā€™s the best I can do.
    Lights sound good.. hope you are in a better mood todayā€¦

    Jean x

    Morning All ..
    Looks like a lovely sunny dayā€¦
    Going into town to get some copying done at the library and some dollars bought a few bits for my holiday.. just getting organised..

    Debating where to walk this morning, very long grass and cows out we are struggling where to go.

    Dave ..
    Well done on your match.. we got absolutely slaughtered my worst game everā€¦well done on your stepsā€¦

    Grandchildren are back to school on Wednesday, they go back a lot earlier than ours.
    Charlie is going to Fays, no one walks him like meā€¦ the house sitters are bad too just like kennels.. lucky to get 30 mins a day.. I know they are both kind itā€™s the best I can do.
    Lights sound good.. hope you are in a better mood todayā€¦

    Jean x

    Good morning

    We had a very heavy downpour of rain last night I did think it was going to thunder but that didn’t happen.

    In today’s world goldilocks would have been arrested for breaking and entering and the grievous theft of the poor bears porridge and probably sent down for a few months in porridge.

    Enjoy your day good people whatever you’re doing.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    Its a very pleasant day for working in the garden. .. Still lots to trim back.. with all the rain we have had things have gone mad this year.

    Not feeling very hungry at the moment .. finding it hard to come up with something I fancy for dinner .. I definitely think its not having others to cook for. Kristys here next week for 4 days so I am going to take particular notice how i feel food wise. Its good for the weight anyway. lol

    H H .. How did the painting go . do you have much more fence to cover.. Are you cooking so much now its just you and hubby.

    Sarah .. Well done girl on your brilliant loss I bet you were thrilled. Do you have much to lose.

    Nana .. How are you.. is it a busy week..

    Dave… How was the weigh in today.

    Steve.. Lol Looks like in todays world .. just looking at the news.. re Goldilocks it would be just a normal day lol

    Sym.. Charlie will be fine.. he will be safe knows Faye fed and watered that’s the main thing.. He can be extra spoilt when you get back. Xx

    Have a good day everyone.. Never regret anything that made you smile. Xxxx

    The weight in I stayed the same so I can start again in earnest. Got all the technology.i sound like the 6 million dollar man, we have the technology we can rebuild himšŸ˜. Can start with 2 new knees šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. Going for a breakfast for my meal tonight, bacon ,black pudding, tomato eggs and toast.

    That’s the new headphones ordered from amazon and should be with me by Saturday.

    I used to love watching the bionic man when I was a kid but I wonder now being older would he have been better off with two bionic eyes just to even things out?

    Evening All..
    Two good walks..
    Sorted a few holiday bits.. got some dollars for birthdays and Christmas ( dare I say it)ā€¦
    Snacks for the plane as the food is awful..
    I got my printing done at the library..

    No rain here but cold and miserable ..

    Lovely to have Kirsty home againā€¦ cooking for two againā€¦I struggled with food just canā€™t be bothered I have never really enjoyed food.. I eat because I have tooā€¦

    Well done staying the sameā€¦

    I have started fasting from lunchtime, I ate quite a bit.. I will follow through tomorrow..

    Have a good evening..

    Jean x

    They recommended a book at the meeting today called the joy of half a cookie, it’s all about mindful eating. So I’ll have a look at it. I asked her to recalculate my allowance, she said she would do I’ll wait and see.

    Finished all the fence staining at last! We need to get rid of an old shed & replace it at some point, that will need painting too…Not sure when that’ll happen! Managed a liquid FD today, & we went shopping…
    Definitely doing less cooking Hemmy, it’s been much easier šŸ˜ƒ

    Good morning everyone I think summer is over, miserable weather now and not that warm. Steve how you getting on with the telly, lots of things you can put on it to watch. Not usually up this early but got to take the car in for a service.More money, I’ll never be rich. Bowling this afternoon so I’ll have to ask them what time they close, I’ll be back from bowling around 4pm. Last time I took my car I took Chloe with me and when he opened the boot he was surprised to see Chloe, he’s got a whippet so loves dogs. He told me his whippet gets set a place at the table on Sundays and had what that havešŸ˜‚. Chloe as Sunday dinner as well but not sat at the table. She can reach the top of the table stood up she’s so tall. Probably taller than Denise if she’s in her hind legsšŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£.

    Morning all

    Not the best weather again today but I’m always hopeful that it will change at any moment.


    I’m very happy with the new tv it’s a definite improvement on my previous one in many ways.

    The joy of half a cookie doesn’t sound like too much joy to me, my biggest problem is my half of a packet of biscuits is always at the bottom.

    I’ve stopped buying biscuits I now have skinny Whips,about 70/75 calories depending on which one you have. Been watching the Olympics all week I like most of it if something I don’t like comes on I get my phone out. I might read that book half a cookie. I’ve got it on my Amazon fire tablet.

    Afternoon All..
    A good walk and a surprise visit from Natalie, Oreo is having a test run at a sitter. A lovely hour..

    Popped out for shopping trying to buy some healthy stuff..

    I am fasting .. gone 26 hours without food up to nowā€¦ a pork chop cooking I have already done my salad to go with it. I like it at room temperature.

    I like a good diet book on our way of thinking and why.
    Hope the car went well and not costly..

    A job well done painting the fence.. mine needs doing tooā€¦ itā€™s about 4 years ago. I need my decking replacing itā€™s only small but feels bouncy..hope next year..

    We have rain on the way hopefully after my walk.

    Jean x

    I finally didn’t draw their best player, I won, don’t know what score. Tomorrow it doesn’t matter who I play they are all virtually unbeatable on the place where we play them. If be happy to get double figures.

    Steve- I agree with the unjoyful half a cookie! Good you like the new TV… don’t think I could ever be bothered to set one up myself, I’d have to go without, or get Dave to come down & help šŸ˜‚
    Dave- hope the book is more fun than it sounds…well done with the bowling.
    Jean- well done with your fasting, hope the scales are nice tomorrow!
    Hemmy-, Nana, Sarah- hope you’re all okay…
    Had a bit easier day today, took Xena for a walk by the river as it was beautiful first thing- only let her off for a bit as the tide was out & the mud was a bit tempting for her! Did some cleaning, had a read in the garden, made some biscoff ice-cream for pudding tomorrow. Youngest son has had a busy day on call- there’s been 2 big fires & another couple of smaller jobs…
    I’m half a pound up this week, only did one FD…

    Good morning everyone in our little corner. Xxxx

    It looks a lovely day today after raining well drizzle all day yesterday.

    Rain stopped play out in the garden so got on with some cleaning inside. I get waylaid when its lovely weather .. I go to the bin and end up pulling weeds lol Fighting Ivy at the moment its strangling a big shrub around the roots. lol

    Weighed this morning as I do every morning ( I don’t like getting a nasty surprise ) my weight is good and stable.. although not eating healthy and proper meals.
    No sweets or savouries so I expect that helps.

    Dave.. A good idea to stop buying your biscuits .. you cant be tempted then.

    Steve .. Hope the sun shines for you today..Do you go for walks.

    Sym.. You have done well this week with your fasts hopefully the scales are good today.

    H H .. You will soon get off that half a pound .. always so very active. What are you reading. I am just reading Bobby Girls.. They allowed women to join the police in W W 1.. It was hard for them though to be taken seriously by men. .

    Sarah and Nana how is the week going for you.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. An open book can help you learn. An open mind can help you grow.ā€¦Xxxx

    Morning everyone, a long time since I’ve posted I had to login to comment.
    Have had a trying time including our Grandog Poppy having to be put to sleep due to being riddled with cancer and she was only just over five years old bless her.
    I haven’t read everyone’s posts as I’ve not been on here but hope everyone is keeping well.
    My scales showed a half pound lost this morning which I’m pleased about.
    My friend who suffered a stroke is now back home and takes a fifteen minute walk every day, also able to walk up and down the stairs. We saw her last week and she looks a little tired but fortunately her speech and mind have not been affected.
    My Auntie has also been in and out of Addenbrookes hospital again due to her own Dr changing her medication prescription that she was discharged with prior to her previous discharge ,the Drs at Addenbrookes put her back on their prescription but she had to stay in for five days to allow them to start working, she was discharged on Monday and when I saw her yesterday she was looking and sounding so well.
    Am continuing with my 18:6 ,1300 daily calories as it seems to suit me still.
    Hot weather is forecast here again for the next few days so BBQ will be used.
    Chinese takeaway this evening.
    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Good morning it’s cool outside very windy. The sun is trying to come out.We play a team at bowls today who never lose on their own green,I know now that we will get beat 8-0 but it’s just a game,I would be happy to get into double figures, don’t think I’ve ever managed it on this green.I got then to recalculate my food allowance and she did do it’s now dropped a bit. So I’ll stick to the new allowance.

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