Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning not a bad day here. The speedway was fantastic yesterday.The last race the Aces had to win 5-1 to win the bonus point and what a race it was, they were passing each other at very high speeds and they don’t have any brakes. Was brilliant to watch. Don’t know how my weight in will go tomorrow fingers crossed it goes well.

    Hi all

    I am on my first week of the diet …. today is my first fast day ….its not going too bad but any tips on how to ignore my stomach is very welcome!

    Hello and welcome, if you like water that’s a great help, it fills you up. If you come on here regularly that also helps.Most people do Monday and Thursday but the beauty of the 5-2 is your van change it to suit your needs.

    Afternoon All…
    A good walk this morning weather warm and very cloudy…
    Thought I would make an effort.. Charlie and I went out for lunch, so nothing to eat tonight. Looking for his food struggling to find it .. it’s on reoccurring but I am about two weeks short…

    I came back and washed the car so humid very sweaty!!!

    Sorry page turned hedgehog and nana…

    Glad the racing was good.. hope you get the changeover of the stone.. you deserve it 🤞🏻

    If you can stick it for the month it gets much easier, it’s a good way of life you get very used to it.
    As Dave says drink plenty of water, read the 5.2 book it tells you why you are fasting not just your weight but for health reasons or the 800 book.
    Most of us work between the both figures.
    Keep posting on here every day and account for yourself.

    Nana ..
    Happy anniversary and lovely to see all your great grandsons

    Lovely to get out for these breakfasts..are you fasting tomorrow?

    Walk time again soon the boy is sleeping had his sleep disrupted with eating out.😂

    Jean x

    Good afternoon all

    It’s a nice day here there’s a few clouds around but nothing grey so doesn’t look like any rain is coming our way today.

    I got my wish when I weighed myself earlier I have lost one pound this week it’s a positive result after losing nothing last time.

    It’s like everything in life the more you do it the easier it becomes but like others have said it’s better to read the book and don’t forget to drink plenty of non calorie liquid or at least very low calorie.

    I always put a squeeze of lemon juice in my water just to give it a little flavour and it’s low calorie.

    Afternoon everyone,
    Just back from going out for a meal with OH to celebrate our first date 59 years ago, I had mussels and chips which was very nice. Won’t be eating anything else today as I’m still feeling full.
    Welcome Nannikate we’re a friendly bunch on here and can only echo the advice from others on here although I’m currently doing 18:6 with 1300 calories daily which seems to suit me.
    Steve well done on the pound off 👏
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Us ladies could get cystitis if you put lemon in water…myself and colleague included..
    Although my mum did a lot first thing in the morning….she was ok.

    What a long time nice celebrate 🥰


    Well done on the pound off..
    I am hoping for something off Friday.. struggling at the moment.. meeting daughter for lunch again tomorrow..still she’s off on holiday so I can get it together then.

    Good evening everyone, it’s been a lovely day. I’ll get on the scales tomorrow,no doubt I’ll gain weight Thursday too Saturday but it may be the only break we get this year.

    Hi Nannikate & welcome! I find it easier to not eat 3 meals on FDs, just have the 1- although I have been doing liquid FDs recently. Lots of salad to fill you up, or soup in winter, make sure you have protein too. And come on here for support 😃 Good luck!
    Jean- enjoy seeing your daughter again.
    Steve- well done with your pound off!
    NanaMary- congratulations on your anniversary!
    Dave- good about the speedway! Fingers crossed for your weigh-in tomorrow 🤞
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day…
    Today started as a FD, but has ended with a takeaway, hubby’s fault! Had a walk with my friend & her dog, it was great until we got drenched! We went to look at a cottage, (just the outside)a really fantastic place, but just too close to the new nuclear power station! Looked at the outside of another place, nice too but lots of work, quite small, & maybe a bit overpriced, have made an appointment to look at the inside on Thursday- we are feeling restless ATM with the boys gone! And going to look at a small converted barn next week in the village we lived in before we moved here…none too far away from mum & the boys, all bigger gardens. Shouldn’t have started looking 😂

    HH I wish I could move. Will need to win the lottery first though, a nice bungalow so we don’t have to climb the stairs.Its getting difficult now to get up them, Denise as slept downstairs the last couple of nights her knee is so bad. My car is full of shale from r speedway track so I’ll take it to be cleaned later they can blast it all off. I’ll vacuum inside it myself.Looking forward to having a couple of nights away, it’s won’t help weight but it might be the only time we get away this year so I’ll make the most of it.

    I lost 2lbs so moved down into the 18 stone category. Not bad, if I lose another pound that will be a loss of 6 stone since I started.

    Good afternoon FB Brits .. I hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    Its windy warm and dull here .. good for drying washing though… lovely walking weather too.

    There is lots to keep up with in the garden now.. everything seems to be growing like mad.. At least after having all the rain this summer everything is still lovely and green. .. Fields full of wheat and barley .. its a pretty time of the year.

    Egg chips and beans this evening my favourite lol. … I have had chicken and veg Stew done in the Croc Pot the last two days.. It was s ok. .. I think I will give it a miss I really am not mad on the food cooked in them. I prefer the oven.

    Nana .. A lovely celebration for you..

    Steve. Well done on your 1 lb loss I agree the lemon makes a big difference to the water..

    Dave.. Well done on your 2lb loss and brilliant going down a stone.

    H H … Its exciting looking at new homes.. It always feels like a new lease of life to look forward too.

    Sym.. Did you have a lovely lunch with you daughter..

    Nannikate … Welcome.. is it a fasting day for you today.

    Enjoy your day everyone. The key to success has only 4 letters: Do it Xxxx

    Evening everyone, been a warm day here. We needed to drop off a birthday present for a family member and decided to walk there and back which was almost seven miles.
    Dave well done on the two pounds lost and almost six stone.
    My friend who’s in hospital is allowed a home visit on Friday and if all goes well she’ll be discharged from the hospital with immediate effect and won’t have to return back to hospital so 🤞
    Usual Ely visit tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

    That’s great news Nana. I’m all ready for our trip tomorrow.Looking forward to it. I’ve put three addresses in the sat nav. So should be ok getting to them.

    Dave- fantastic weight loss, that’s great! Hope that you have a lovely break away, & that poor Denise’s knee isn’t too bad while you’re away 🤗
    Jean- hope your day out has been good…
    Nana- great news about your friend! Well done with the long walk…
    Hemmy- I don’t think the slow cooker food as much flavour as stews done in the oven. I keep forgetting about egg, chips & beans- every time you mention it I think we should have that again!
    Steve & NanniKate, what days are you fasting?
    We went to a different town today, weather a bit mixed so decided against a beach day. Managed a liquid FD, but I did have a frappé when we were out.

    Good morning all

    From a dry but cloudy Scotland though I wouldn’t be surprised if it does rain some time soon.


    I only fast on a Monday though it is a total fast without any food but I do like to have a cup of coffee or two and plenty of water.

    Still trying to decide on what tv to buy do I stick with a 32 inch or go slightly larger these are very important decisions which can’t be rushed.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember drink plenty of water.

    I also follow the 18:6 method of eating when I’m not doing my prolonged fast. You can have two good meals and with only six hours to eat its very hard to eat any snacks which works for me.

    Afternoon everyone, a dull but warm day here.A nice visit with Auntie today and Ely was surprisingly quiet considering it’s school holidays now.
    Steve I do 18:6 and allow myself 1300 calories every day which works well for me,although it’s probably going to be a few more calories today as I’m out for a meal with my old workmates this evening.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

    Afternoon All…
    Walked with Natalie early this morning.
    I had to go and have my toes re painted all the gell paint came off, we have no idea why..

    I am fasting…

    I must put egg and chips on the menu again but not today.. I had a long catchup with daughter yesterday for about 6 hours that was nice.

    Hoping your friend is well enough to stay at home..

    Enjoy your trip away and all goes well..fantastic weight loss it must help anyone new to see what you can loose.

    Lovely you are so near the beach, I wish we were closer.

    You seem you have a plan going, it cuts your eating window down. I eat at 10.30 am then 4ish pm so I have a good window.

    Hope all the fasters are having a good day..

    Jean x

    Arrived in Leicester and the weather’s dry🤞 hope it stays this way. We have booked a table for tomorrow night so a meal and a few drinks too celebrate. Were right on the canal and the river is close by as well, will have a look around tomorrow.i love canals. My son just informed me Chloe as not stopped whining since we left🥰😍

    Unfortunately when it comes to sweets, chocolate, biscuits and cakes I have very little will power which is why I’m not built like an athlete.

    Don’t feel like cooking so vegetarian chicken burgers in a bun with a nice helping of cheese on top.

    Good morning F B Brits.. What a beautiful day. Xxxx

    It looks like we are going to have a lovely weekend .. then some very hot days next week.

    Kristy has gone to Greece for a week..so it will be lovely to come back to sunshine here too.

    I am back to my happy weight .. since cutting the wine out and drinking some 4% cider in a wine glass .. I haven’t wanted anything sweet .. The wine is definitely my trigger.

    Well done to everyone that lost weight this week.. .Don’t forget the saying.. ” We are what we eat ” Xxxx

    Good morning everyone a beautiful day here in Hinckley. There are House boats on r barges as I call them moored by one hotel. I do like them, would love to have one but a bit long in the tooth now.

    Afternoon All..
    Feel at a loss what to do…. I have renewed my bus pass.. as Labour has mentioned they might means test it and take it off you, mine ran out last week. I don’t really use it but you never know.

    Walk with Natalie… daughter is off on a two week cruise so I shall be totally on my own.

    I might start my book set me up for the weekend.

    I managed to loose 1 lb after staying the same for 5 weeks.

    Hope you are enjoying your trip away… Happy Wedding Anniversary to both of you.

    I am staying pretty good off my sweets and biscuits this last week… no will power at all!

    I must look at that cider…I am debating on fish and chips or egg and chips… see if I can be bothered to go out…..
    Hope Kirsty has enjoyed her holiday…

    Have a good weekend..
    Jean x

    Go and get haddock and chips Jean you know it makes sense. I’m enjoying a couple of layers had a Coors now trying a Birra Moretti. Might try a Madri later with my steak.

    Haddock and chips it was and delicious..
    Enjoy your steak and beer…

    Good girl Jean I’m enjoying my steak , beer and sticky toffee pudding.

    Back home definitely not getting weighed this week. I’ll leave it until a week on Wednesday. Got stuck in traffic on the M6 for half an hour. It was a lovely hotel right by the canal, nice to see the boats going up and down and lots of ducks about.Speedway was good apart from the result.We got a mention over the sound system wishing is a happy 49th wedding anniversary.

    Morning All…
    Beautiful day and peaceful walk.. looks like the weather is with us for a few days..

    I shall crack a bottle of wine I really enjoy it in the garden when sunny.

    I have been really really naughty, I have bought a pair of diamond earrings…I have been thinking about it for a while…both daughters have them and always look so lovely …so I thought why not….😬
    I am very pleased with them.
    While I was there they looked at my engagement ring and they cleaned it for me… I have caught it sometime and I have cracked the gold underneath so that’s been sent off for repair.

    Glad you had a good time away it sounded lovely..

    Have a lovely day in the sun everyone..

    Jean c

    Morning! Quick post before Church…
    Have had a busy few days & a lovely time seeing my friend who’s been over from Belfast. Made a birthday cake for her daughter, we’ve had a big picnic with lots of others, taken the children to the park & the forest, weather has been great for a change!
    Lost a pound last week, hopefully the birthday cake won’t have put it back on 😂 Making another cake today for youngest to take to the fire station, & a BBQ for hubby & I later…enjoy the lovely weather everyone!

    My ring as just been delivered and the size of the box for a tiny ring is unbelievable. Could fit 100 things in it with ease. A beautiful sunny day today been out with Chloe, if she walks any slower she will stop. Time for a cuppa I think.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxxx

    What a beautiful one too. .. We had an early walk with MaryAnn and little Wesley ..him and Pip get on so well. Its nice to chat.. we never saw another soul over the fields… wonderful. lol

    H H .. well done on your lb loss that’s brilliant.. sometimes you can have your cake and eat it lol.

    Dave.. Glad you and Denise had a lovely break away.

    Sym.. Good for you for treating yourself… why not life is so short as we know so you should enjoy having beautiful things. Xx

    Off to read in the garden now…Kew Garden Girls …. during the war… Prawn stirfry this evening.. so very tasty in a few minutes and healthy. Xxxx

    Good morning a beautiful day here not and sunny, will be melting later at bowls. I’ll take my cloth that I wet and put on my shoulder, it’s lovely and cool. Will take Chloe out first keeping in the shade.

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx What a beautiful day.. not a cloud in the very blue sky. Its hot but a gentle breeze makes it enjoyable.

    This morning we did a much earlier walk out at 8.30 usually we don’t go till 10.30 after cleaning through etc. then back to lunch ..

    Today much more got done.. just a quick tidy myself and the cottage lol then out..
    Got back at 10am and did soo much more ..never had lunch till 2pm.. Think i will do that every day now.

    Dave.. its a hot one for bowling.. did you win.. and whats for dinner lol.

    Fish fingers for dinner .. not sure what to have with them yet… probably a small jacket potato and broccoli..

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Xx Happiness is in small things Xx

    Hammy yes I won and it was roasting.Tonight I’m feeling peckish so it’s going to be 2 bacon 2 poached eggs,black pudding and tomatoes.2 toast😋😋😋. Think I’ll have it at 5pm. I’ll enter it all in my Samsung health app

    Evening All…
    A couple of nice walks but very hot..
    Sat and read my book in the shade, Charlie was in and out sun bathing…

    Fasting today finished about 550 cals.

    Charlie going for day boarding at the kennels tomorrow.. I just would like him to go to see the people, he will go again later in the year.

    So hot bowling I shall possibly give it a miss tomorrow unless it’s cloudy…

    I like to go early walking while the weather is good and light. I breakfast at 10.30 and dinner about 4 ish I seem to be used to it now.
    Enjoy your fish fingers, I have had tuna and salad, a full tin is only 100 cals..

    A good birthday picnic sounded nice.

    Jean x

    Good morning another lovely day, took Chloe to the park, she likes going there as a good sniff everywhere 😁. Don’t know what to have for tea tonight, maybe I’ll see something in Sainsbury’s.Booked my car in for a service next Thursday. So I will drop it off then go bowling, I’ll get a lift off my mate.

    Good afternoon everyone. xxxx

    It s a hot one again today… I am enjoying the early morning walks ..not sure if I would fancy it in winter though.

    Its hot for the dogs .. I sponge Pip down with cold water quiet a few times a day… he likes that .. trouble is he still wants to play like a puppy..I keep telling him he is 13 an old man for a springer. lol

    Dave .. I cant think what to have this evening either .. did you get something you fancied from Sainsburys.

    Sym… How did it go with Charlie at the day boarding.

    H H …. Nana… Steve.. how is it going for you this very hot weather…

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone …… “Be the reason someone smiles today.”. Xxxx

    Hemmy I had Kung Pau chicken and some thin slices of potato and did them in the air fryer.I shared it with my son. Just made Denise sausage,bacon egg and beans plus fried bread. Wish I could have fried bread🤤. Got the fan on and Chloe climbed up on my knee so it went on her as well😁. Might give her a shower tomorrow to cool her down.

    Afternoon All..
    A walk with Charlie then dropped him off for day boarding…
    He seems very settled, she was pleased how he fitted in, settled in the kennel ok. She said he doesn’t have to come again until his holidays unless I want him too.. he seemed to have 4 x 15 mins play through the day but hard play with other dogs, he’s shattered.

    I have cut my grass. Hoovered and dusted and cleaned the inside of my windows.. sat outside in the shade and read…popped to garden centre cafe before I collected him.. all in all a good day.

    Charlie loves the park but he scavenges the bins at times… glad she is starting to make friends.

    I was out this morning at 6.30 it was so beautiful.. good idea sponging him down, sometimes I give him a gentle spray with the hosepipe…

    Jean x

    30° here today! Yesterday was hot too, a short walk with Xena both days, yesterday we saw younger son, & then went to see another cottage – it was lovely but we decided realistically we don’t want to be quite that far away from mum, I’m not supposed to look any more 😂 managed a liquid FD yesterday. Today we went to see an old work colleague of hubby’s – it must be nearly 40 years since they were crewed together in the ambulance service but they’ve kept in touch, she’s 86 now but looks amazing! Had a good catch up & went out for lunch. It was a rough old Essex pub, but the food was fine & cheap! Xena stayed cool at home- she does seem quite stressed when she’s been to doggy day care, so we think she’s probably better off at home …

    Good afternoon the Olympics are very good today. It’s lovely weather here again so shorts on again, I just bought 2 new pairs. I’m feeling very hungry this week so I’ll get weighed next week, it will be my first monthly visit to the weight loss program. Finding it difficult doing monthly instead of weekly visits.

    Good afternoon all

    It’s a lovely day here anyone would think it was summer though it’s the start of August tomorrow and who knows what the Scottish weather will do then.

    I’ve decided not to weigh myself this week as like Dave I’ve been feeling hungry but will definitely be good after the weekend.

    The new tv has been chosen I’m sticking with a Samsung 32inch but this one is a smart tv so should be fun learning how to operate it. It should be delivered in the next few days as I’m tighter than a grinch at Christmas I chose the free delivery option.


    For a second there I thought you said you had gone with the kung fu chicken I really need to go to specsavers.

    Enjoy the good weather all

    I normally call it Kung foo chicken so it could have been that 😁 got a couple of cool mats out for doggie but she’s just about got one paw on it🤪. Got the fan on to keep cool and Chloe sometimes climbs up on me knee to feel the cool air.

    Hi All

    I’m new here – three days in and 3 stone to go although I haven’t weighed myself since Monday morning.

    I’m from Surrey, UK – a true Brit in every way. At the moment for the first week i’m doing the Fast 800 – then I plan to either do another week of that again, or to go to 5:2.

    Definitely hungry but I have eaten a celery stick and had a lovely hot marmite to drink!


    Good luck in your quest Sarah, I’ve lost over 5 stone so it is doable. Keep coming on here and letting us know how it’s going. And when you start the 5-2 don’t overeat on non fast days.

    Evening All..
    So very hot for me… I have had a lazy day just the couple of walks.. sat in the shade reading..
    I did a lot of housework yesterday ..

    Fasting tomorrow..

    Shame on the cottage, it’s a way from your mum. Nice to keep in touch all this time and a good lunch.

    New shorts you will need the new size. I have my fan blowing too…

    All my TVs are Samsung I think they are good and easy…

    Welcome to our corner… it gets easier after a couple of weeks.

    Jean x

    Yes we always have Samsung,I even have the Samsung watch ring and phone. It’s great I can put my phone on then just send it to the telly so I can it watch it on a much bigger screen.

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