Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening everyone, a quick check in. Managed a fast day yesterday as OH had some minor day surgery at Addenbrookes hospital yesterday and I was there with him for most of the day and had a my favourite salmon and pasta meal.
    A nice change of weather today but still pretty cold.
    Following the cancellation before Christmas of my blood doning appointment I managed to rebook an appointment for tomorrow afternoon so šŸ¤ž that’s not cancelled as well.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Dave- well done with your FD yesterday! Have you been okay today, you usually shop on a Tuesday don’t you? Did you resist anything naughty?!
    Hemmy- the mud is awful to get rid of, I think a summer job will be laying a gravel path in our back garden, it’s getting churned up. I haven’t walked round the fields here for a while as that’s horrible, hard work wading instead of walking, & Xena doesn’t like being washed!
    Jean & Nana, hope you’re okay…
    Have done a liquid FD today, been busy so not too bad. Had to ring my 2 current HomeStart families, cut hubby’s hair & washed the kitchen floor, we popped round to neighbour’s house – despite being told she’s on end of life care, she’s being discharged! So some men came round to move furniture & she’s having a hospital bed delivered & a commode, supposed to be having 24hour care. I don’t know with that what’ll happen about shopping, bank stuff, cleaning etc, lots to think about so we’re trying to keep out of it. I’m not going to walk her dog either if he comes home, it was too much before with walking Enoch too …
    Heard tonight as well that younger son & his gf have split up, he’ll stay in the flat on his own, very upset, she’s lovely & they seemed so happy šŸ˜¢ Felt quite sick after hearing that so a silver lining on the FD.
    Quite a rubbish start to the new year!

    Good evening FB Brit friends on this very cold evening. Xxxx

    A beautiful sunny day although cold but at least no frost to clear off the car this mornings walk.

    A lovely day.. walked at 9am till 11 am then met my old friend for our monthly Buckingham Garden Centre lunch and natter . lol
    Arrived at noon and never got back till 4pm. lol
    We had my favourite … Scampi chips and salad. and a big cappuccino we ignore all the yummy cakes etc on offer.

    So funny as I said to Chris.. ate more than I have since Xmas. I can see its eating alone that kills my appetite..

    Chris was always so slim even after her 2 children and now has put on a fair bit of weight and eating more since losing hubby.

    I said well we are all different with different ways.

    Dave …. well done on the FD yesterday .. dont go too strict though as you will want to eat for England lol Well I would . So lovely that your gentle Chloe has found a friend. I expect they are like humans and can sense who they feel comfortable with.

    Nana .. I hope your hubby is soon recovered and back to his normal self.. Lovely you could be there for him. xxx That is a wonderful hospital my uncle was there.

    H H .. Oh such a shame for your neighbour .. and sad for you I expect.. you cant be there for everyone though .. you do soo much. .

    Re your boy . a break up is always sad when you really like the partner of a loved one. I loved Peter Kristy’s ex .. he was lovely and helped me so much after Andrew passed on.. But if its not meant to be nothing to be done. A friend always said ” No one knows what goes on behind closed doors.”

    Sym.. Did you go looking for shoes today.

    Enjoy your evening everyone. Dont focusĀ  on how much we eat .. Focus on what we eatĀ  Xxxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    I did go shopping I bought some ankle boots and sandals well peep toe shoes sling back.. brought them home will try my dresses on and see what I think.. not really what I want but nothing about until end of February.. and a teapot for one with an infuser in, for loose tea.
    Still muddy here but not as badā€¦gritters out pm so ice expected. Enjoy your meal out tomorrow.

    Hedgehog .,
    A month today to cruiseā€¦sorry to hear about the breakup itā€™s so sad.

    Hope hubby is going on okā€¦.and you get your blood donations organised.

    You are brave bowling this weather ā€¦ paid my fees for the year today for boules.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon been bowling for two and a half hours. Hands very cold so difficult to bowls straight. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. I lasted 25 hours on the fast then had a beef butty.I did about 2000 calories so not quiet eating for England but not far off. I’ve now gone 19 hours without food and not hungry at the moment.

    Hi F B Brits.. hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Brr so very cold today the coldest I have felt but we have had sunshine.

    A long walk and not so muddy now thank goodness. .. This cold weather though I am finding it hard to get motivated. Roll on those spring in the garden days. lol

    A jacket potato this evening with cheese and baked beans.. Easy ..

    Dave.. well done with your long fast you will be losing lots of weight again. I bet it is cold for bowling .

    Sym .. You sound organised for your cruise I bet you cant wait. I expect its still winter sales on at the moment with clothes and shoes. .

    Hope everyone is having a good day

    Once you believe in yourself, and you put your mind to something, you can do it. Xxxx

    Evening everyone, another quick check in.
    OH is getting there slowly thanks for your kind words.
    Pleased to say I was able to manage my blood doning session this afternoon,it was my 85th pint my goal is to get to 100.
    A good day eating wise so šŸ¤ža good result on the scales on Friday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Nana- hope hubby continues to get better, well done with giving blood, that’ll help the weight loss šŸ˜‚ Are you a good nurse? I like looking after family but I’m a bit clumsy!
    Hemmy- lunch sounded good, jacket potatoes are one of my favourites…yes, it’s hard when you like your children’s partners.
    Dave- good you can still bowl in the winter, did you not have your hand warmers? Well done with your FD today!
    Jean- not the easiest trying to find holiday clothes this time of year! They’ve gritted here the last few nights…
    Kept the fast up until 2pm, have been busy so didn’t feel hungry. Walked with my friend & her dog again, walks take longer with her as we have to avoid other dogs so keep taking detours! Did a big shop, stuff for mum as she’s coming home tomorrow, plus some bits for youngest son, I like to feed him up if I get the chance! We’ll take some bits over tomorrow, made him some dinners for his freezer. Been a bit worrying today about our neighbour but hopefully all sorted & we think she might be home tomorrow. Pretty tired tonight!

    Good morning just about. Did another shorter fast yesterday,I don’t feel as if I’ve lost weight this time but not home mad eating or having anything bad. Will see tomorrow. One good thing with my scales it tells me my weight and also apart from lots of other things including the weather if I have lost weight or gained and it puts a little graph on the screen.

    Afternoon All..
    A very chilly day, walked with Penny and Fudge this morning then tomorrow with Natalie and Oreo early at 8am.

    Oreo was very good yesterday he was with me for about 6 hours. We all settled and snuggled on the settee if I moved everybody moved, so easier to settleā€¦.

    My shoes I bought are going back tomorrow, not comfy.. found some more cheaper but comfy they will do!

    Hoping for some weight off tomorrow, I am like you I am not sure.

    Hope your son is ok, he will be pleased on the food.

    Well done on the giving of blood..

    Good old favourite jacket potato.. I like mine with cheese and salad.

    Have a good evening ..
    Jean x

    I just have butter on my baked potatoes.Normaly have a chicken breast and green beans. Have had it with beans and also with chilli. Cold outside my hands get cold holding the lead on our walks. Them usb gloves look good and I bet that they are warm.

    Not the best of days, neck hurting so had a bit of breakfast with painkillers, much better later. Walked Xena round the fields, it was so frosty the mud was frozen! No answer from Linda so Enoch didn’t get a walk šŸ˜” Saw son, found out a bit more about son’s break up, sad but he is okay! More cross as gf has taken lots of their joint stuff while he was out & won’t give her key back yet…a bit stressful worrying about poorly neighbour, things weren’t sorted properly when she came back, but hopefully all done now šŸ¤ž
    Not eaten anything else so just around 300cals today, hope the scales like me tomorrow!

    I’m sure the scales will be on your side HH. Not sure mine will but I’ve been a good boy. Chloe’s fast asleep as usual with her legs in the air. The full Roach they call it on the greyhound FB page.

    Good evening FB Brit friends hope all is well in your world. xxxx

    It s so much better walking .. drying up a bit at last with no rain. Pip not quite so mucky today.

    When we got back I straight away cleaned up the little boot room where I dry him off . .The towels I leave on the floor this weather were filthy lolol

    I cant believe its Friday already tomoz.. This morning I was a pound up again on pre Xmas weight. Nothing much left from Xmas to eat up now though lolol

    Nana .. Well done giving the blood … good luck tomorrow with weigh in .. Hopefully hubby is recovering well.

    Dave.. Your scales sound brilliant .. good luck tomorrow you have done so well you deserve a loss.

    H H .. Maybe if the ex GF is that way inclined to take all the stuff that was joint better to find out now than later .. Hard I know and when young its always so much more intense.
    At least he knows Mum is there .. I feel for him xx

    Sym… Years ago I wore shoes that didn’t feel comfortable just for the effect lol now they have to be comfortable. Glad you found some.

    It was egg beans and chips here I had to use the other half of beans from yesterday Always tasty with a bit of brown HP sauce on the side.

    Enjoy your evening Eat to live not live to eat xxxx

    Good evening FB Brit friends hope all is well with you .

    Its been a dry day although very cold .. A nice long walk with Maryann

    Weigh in this morning and still 1 pound up on pre Xmas. Not too bad this year its usually a lot more.

    Just going to get Pip and My dinner. This evening I am having the rest of the thin smoky steak .. I may do a bit of mash I haven’t had any for ages.

    How is everyone today.. Were your scales kind this morning.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.

    When we stop eating food with labels we can stop counting calories. Xxxx

    The scales were kind, I have lost 5lbs so worth all the struggle. Will try and do the same next week.

    Hello everyone,
    Dave-really well done again! Good losses these last 2 weeks šŸ‘
    Hemmy- sounds like you’re doing well, I’m sure that pound will be off soon! Xena’s towels are the same as Pip’s, unfortunately no boot room to get her cleaned off!
    Nana- well done with the blood donor session, and enjoy whatever takeaway you have today!
    Jean- definitely need comfy shoes, I did get new walking boots recently, the make your dog walker friend uses I think, but they’re not as comfortable as my old ones. It’s been too muddy so not needed to wear them much yet.
    I’ve lost 2lbs this week, very pleased. Did eat a bit too much today though šŸ¤¦
    Linda didn’t answer the phone again, so no walk for Enoch; he’ll be pulling like mad next time I walk him then…got lots of cleaning done & saw Mum this afternoon now she’s home, she seemed cheerful enough but getting very muddled with her kitchen cupboards, she’s been away 2 weeks so has forgotten where everything is šŸ˜ž Hopefully she’ll be back into her usual routine next week & will be better.
    Have a good weekend!

    Good morning everyone another cold day, at least I don’t get any mud on our walks. We walk on pavements so it keeps Chloe’s nails down. I took her to the park on Tuesday too drop Denise off for Spanish lessons and it was muddy there, couldn’t walk where we normally go.Chloes still got her PJ’s onšŸ˜‚I think she likes them.

    Happy Saturday Fat busting friends. Xxxx

    Oh what a beautiful day Temp not very high but felt lovely walking with the sun on my back. The water gone from the bridle path and not so muddy today. Its the cleanest Pip has been for a while thank goodness..

    No cooking today as such .. just soup and fried egg and brown sauce sandwich this evening..I have treated myself to a Belgian bun . I do love them but very sweet with the fruit and icing cheery on top. It has been a while though lolol.

    Dave.. Ohh that’s brilliant losing the 5lbs.. well done you. Its a lovely feeling. Oh I bet Chloe does love her PJs lovely and warm for her.

    H H Well done on your 2 lb loss a fantastic start to the New Year .. yes this little boot room is a blessing .. ideal for cleaning off Pip as it leads into the kitchen.

    I would imagine your Mum will soon get back in gear..and routine. So good you and your sister live near by.

    Sym and Nana hope you are having a good Saturday.

    Life is too short to be anything other than happy Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely walk this morning very cold but beautiful, ok once you got goingā€¦

    I joined my daughter and SIL at a garden centre for a snack and catch up..

    Hoping your neighbour is settling in at home and the help is organised.
    Well done on your 2 lbs off.. I put on 1lb canā€™t seem to get back on boardā€¦

    I am 2 lbs up from Xmas, canā€™t to seem to get in the mood.. must try harder!!! Springs to mind.
    I have a month to get it off for my holidaysā€¦ tight cocktail dress and all that.. big tight knickers will be out šŸ˜‚

    The muds getting a bit harder although the sun came out and it was getting softer againā€¦glad Chloe liked her PJs..
    Great weight loss.. a big well done..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon 4Ā°C here so still nippy. Supposed to be getting colder this week. Going to the Cheshire countryside in Wednesday for a funeral so hope the weather is kind. It’s a 45 minute drive. Told them I’ll just go to the church and graveside then come home. Don’t like going in a pub when I am driving. I’ll try and do a long fast again on Monday and keep it low the rest of the week.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A lovely walk this morning as I went out I saw a neighbour Sharon with Rosie a spaniel , she is vey niceā€¦ so we had a good walk a bit muddy in parts 1 1/4 hours across the fields and river bank.. cold but good walking weather.

    Changed the bed and washed and put it on the line.. cleaned up stairs just down to do now ..having 5 minsā€¦

    I thought I was loosing my mindā€¦ but found some silver jewellery I was looking forā€¦ in the end I thought it was in my dreamsā€¦ I worry when my sister is how she isā€¦but I am sane!!

    Its not good a funeral hope the weather holdsā€¦I must get my act together this weekā€¦

    Jean x

    Good afternoon FBB Friends. Xxxx

    Its been a lovely sunny morning .. but now its very dark and drizzle forecast. The temp has dropped this last hour I do hope we don’t get this awful weather that is forecast..
    A lovely walk .. saw lots of Deer … Oh so very graceful .

    I should get the croc pot going .. I always seems to have lots of veg to use up. I still shop for more than one. lol

    Dave.. Funerals always so sad especially in winter I always think … good to go show your respects though.

    Sym… Dont worry about losing things.. I am always doing it I have come to the conclusion its living alone and having to think about everything lolol I know what I do wrong I try to constantly multi task instead of just doing one thing at a time. lol

    Hope everyone is having good day.. .. its chilli on a small jacket potato for dinner …plus I have some strawberries to eat up sell offs at the local Coop. Not bad tasty and a change from winter fruit. Going to have a read of Atomic Habits..I treated myself to it just before Xmas only just getting into . Its about creating a new habit and breaking old ones by 1% at a time its interesting.

    Enjoy the day.. Treat it as a day of rest like my Granny did. Xxxx

    Hemmy- my HomeStart family mum was reading Atomic Habits, it sounds good, she’s not changed anything yet though! I’ve just finished In Your Defence, that was a really interesting book!
    Lovely to see the deer, does Pip try to chase them?
    Dave- hope no snow so you can go to the funeral…will be fasting with you tomorrow.
    Jean- glad you found the necklace & didn’t dream it!
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good weekend?
    We walked round the fields too today, not too muddy, hope it stays dry…yesterday walking Xena was a worry, we saw a lady with a chap with special needs, making lots of strange noises, which freaked her out a bit, & a big Italian mastiff, & she’s nervous with bigger dogs, we bumped into them twice & had to hide in the trees! Saw mum yesterday as sister is a bit poorly, cut son’s hair…he has car trouble again so will be borrowing hubby’s until his is sorted! All seems to be going okay for neighbour, she’s had her brother visit so will leave it until tomorrow to see her if she’s up to it…
    Fasting tomorrow, I need it as have eaten a bit much this weekend!

    Good afternoon, been bowling had 2.5 hours so my knees are creaking now. Was not cold but did have a thermal vest and a snood plus a hand warmer. Done over17.5 hours fasting so far and not feeling hungry yet.

    Hello everyone, a very cold day here today and we made our daily constitutional walk a bit shorter today as the wind was bitter.
    A very quiet weekend for OH and I and a Chinese takeaway on Friday evening was very nice.
    Dave well done on playing bowls and the amount of time into your fast.
    Managed to lose a pound last week.
    Pleased to say OH is almost back to normal and more or less back to eating normally now.
    A fast day today and had my favourite go to fast day meal of salmon and pasta.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    A busy walk.. Charlie found a seal on the river bank, it was shattered 40 miles from the seaā€¦I was with another dog walker we rang the seal rescue and waited till he arrived. He was waiting for another rescue man. We were out 9 till 12 and then left him to it we were so cold. They would take him to a vet then release at Spurn Point if ok.

    I got my car booked in for new tyres a week on Tuesday.. I wonā€™t be going far this week.

    Hope you ok in the cold weather ..croc pot out again..

    Hope your sister is feeling a bit better. The dogs soon react to strange things, Charlie does. Hope mum is settling back home now.

    Well done on the long fasting, hard in the cold weather..

    Good you are still getting out walking when you donā€™t have a dogā€¦ no choice for us!

    Jean x

    Another liquid FD for me today, been busy so only just now feeling hungry…walked Xena then Enoch, took younger son his washing back, he’s keeping busy & very organised, gym, running, batch cooking (he has 4 meals a day!)…The site I moderate is so busy right now, took about an hour & a half today to check all the discussions! Visited our neighbour, she does look a poor thing, a bit confused. Quite hard to visit though as she was sleeping, then eating, then a bed bath…
    Sounds like a good FD for everyone šŸ‘

    Good evening I’ve gone past 24 hours fasting so a good day. HH your doing well on these liquid fasts. I’ve bought some popcorn so I will give it a go tomorrow. Not sure how to add flavour to it. It’s going to be air popped so just plain popcorn with nothing added. I’m open to suggestions. It’s not been too bad fasting today but very hungry now. They are difficult to do liquid fasts, every time I do one I say never again but keep doing it because I have lost almost a stone in two weeks.

    Morning Allā€¦
    Heating has been on low all night, white over this morning..very chilly.
    A crispy walk ahead although the news saying not as raw as yesterdayā€¦

    A bit of ironing and a lazy day in.. rummage on my book shelf!

    A good fast day ..trying to be thoughtful eatingā€¦

    I cooked a chicken and cooked a couple of pork meals for the freezerā€¦ while the oven was onā€¦

    Well done on your liquid fast.. hard going when extra cold..you will be like a mother hen having your baby back under your wings šŸ˜‚

    Well done on your water fasts they are working for you.. I am not sure on pop corn I like butter kiss with all the toffee over, I suppose they donā€™t cont!!!

    Keep safe everyoneā€¦

    Jean x

    Jean I’ve got a couple of packets of butterkist, lovely and only 60 calories but the popcorn you get a lot more and less calories. Lots of snow here, Denise’s Spanish lessons are cancelled because of the snow, So no park for Chloe today. I did 26 hours fasting then had a beef sarney. Will be an eating day today,a bit worried about driving to Gt Budworth tomorrow in the snow.

    Hi FB Brits Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Ohh so cold today ..lovely sunny walk this morning but around this time it suddenly turns freezing cold.

    Busy week out yesterday in Banbury .. as I needed to go to the bank and mine in Bicester has closed..
    Tomorrow.. Bicester for the hygienist .. ouch lolol she is so heavy handed compared to my gentle lady dentist lol. So will have to be out at 9am walking tomorrow .. it will be freezing

    This evening its homemade chilli on a jacket potato .. not hungry this week.

    Dave… well done with the 24 hr fast .. that’s brilliant. I am not bothered about popcorn… I have always found it tasteless.. Good if you like it though..that’s the key finding what you like at good cals.

    Nana .. well done on your pound loss.

    H H …Bet its lovely having your boy to fuss over.

    Sym…Its so cold .. It doesnt make me feel very motivated. Do you read a lot.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone. ā€œBe not afraid of going slowly; be afraid of standing still.Xxxx

    Just been shopping the snow is slowly clearing.Hope it’s gone by tomorrow. I’ll have plenty to eat today then try a low day tomorrow and a fast day on Thursday.

    Dave- well done with your liquid FD yesterday, it does seem to work well! I can’t remember what we did on our popcorn, I like just salt, maybe maple syrup on some as well…hope it’s not too bad for you driving tomorrow…
    Jean- very organized cooking extra for the freezer! Hope you found a good book.
    Hemmy- such a pain all the banks closing! We have to go further now for ours as well. Hope your hygienist is not too rough tomorrow! My new one was lovely, I told her she was the gentlest one I’ve ever had!
    Kept fasting until lunchtime although it was a bit hard as I was awake at 4.30am! Rang both HomeStart families, walked Xena & Enoch. Just taken my car in to get a new dipstick & did shopping on the way home. Going out for dinner tonight, one of our favourite pubs is doing half price meals on Mondays & Tuesdays, plus we got vouchers for Christmas!

    Hedgehogs xx

    Sounds like you have had a busy day so far. Enjoy your meal this evening..Just have what you fancy .. Tomorrow is another day Xx

    Gone over today but don’t of it was healthy. An orange and kiwi fruit, plus natural yoghurt.Bought a seeded wholemeal loaf, will stop the white bread again. It’s so nice the seeded not got to have to much of it. Going to be very cold tonight. I’ll stick to Denise like a limpet, get all the warmthšŸ˜.Chloe will have her PJ’s on plus her blanket over her, but knowing her she will be on her back with all 4 legs in the air.

    Morning Allā€¦
    Its not white over this morning but still very chillyā€¦ a lazy start as all play dates off this week.. I hate slippy conditions since I fell a few years ago.

    Housework is up to date so not much to doā€¦ well I am not looking!!!!

    I would eat butterkiss, I like quality not quantity šŸ˜‚
    Shame on the class off and no park walkā€¦I was naughty last night with a big bag of chocolate peanuts ..

    I do like reading, it could be a couple of months then a few months off.. a load of twaddle really but enjoy it šŸ˜‚.. Jacqui has given me a couple of jigsaws to do if the weather was so bad..still upstairs at the moment. My bankā€™s 25 miles away 3 branches in three different directions!!!

    You are doing very well on liquid only, I just donā€™t think I could do itā€¦ Hope the meal was enjoyableā€¦

    Jean x

    Been to the funeral the church was full. Had to walk a long way to park up, it’s in a small village, lovely old church with stained glass windows.I like butterkist just had some, very moreish.I might try and do the popcorn later today. It would be ideal if I like it without adding anything but I expect I’ll have to add butter and salt.

    Good afternoon everyone in our little corner.Xxxx

    Ohh its really cold today..out with Pip over the fields at 9am it was bitterly cold..no warmer than 2 deg here today minus 6 tonight.

    Hygienist done .. blimey about 20 mins Ā£62 .. They had me in 15mins before app .. so obviously a cancellation. It seemed a short time ago the dentist used to polish them in with your check up lolol.

    A Lidl little pizza in the car .. tasted false though .. I definitely think my taste is changing. Think I might follow Kristy and just eat whole foods..and eat fruit. Will just use up the mince pies.and other bits
    I haven’t done a baked apple for years I used to love them .. take out the core centre and fill with honey .. Also bought greek plain yogurt instead of ice-cream .

    H H .. yes everything seems to be changing re the banks etc closing.. I do do online banking but only basically .. lol

    Dave.. The church sounded lovely.. such a bonus I always think at such a sad occasion.. What are you eating today.. you are not fasting are you? its bitterly cold.

    Sym… Sometimes you just need a bag of something like choc peanuts and nothing else will do. I have an unopened tin of Roses chocs in my kitchen cupboard .. been there since Xmas.. I am telling myself they can go towards a Bday gift for my neighbour. lol Will see what happens. When I cut all choc and sweets and cake out last year I didnt want any in the end it all looked sickly.
    Did charity shops today lots of nice bits but I was only looking for warm walking gear lolol nothing.

    Nana .. what are you doing on this very cold day.. Is hubby fully recovered now.

    Keep warm and snug everyone. Just out in my freezing garden to play with Pip .
    Winter is the season that teaches us to find beauty in the cold and strength in the stillness. Xxxx

    Evening everyone, a bitterly cold day here today for our cycle ride to catch the bus into St Ives for our Wednesday lunch which was enjoyable but the cycle ride back home was really cold and it took the both of us ages to get warm. OH had a jacket potato for his lunch and a couple of beers and had a bit of discomfort afterwards but it only lasted for a little while, I guess it’s to be expected as its only ten days since he had the procedure done.
    We’re going to Norwich tomorrow for a couple of days it’s one of our favourite places to visit.
    I will weigh myself tomorrow before we go.
    Nana xxx

    Morning Allā€¦
    Very cold this morning but not white over like yesterday.. put the heating up a touch, itā€™s been on 24 hours x 3 days..
    Lazy start walking about 9.30ā€¦

    Fasting but I find it hard when so coldā€¦

    I am trying to eat whole unprocessed foods.. I have bought some nuts, they seem to put weigh onšŸ˜¬.. must keep off the Xmas chocolates ( that must be the weight on bit)šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
    I had a ā€˜doā€™ with my new hygienist, told her how awful I felt after she did it the last time.. told her I wouldnā€™t come back .. she was very gentle and careful.
    Take care walking I am enjoying going further across the fields/river bank with no mud, we did 5 miles the last couple of days.

    Enjoy your popcorn..glad the funeral when as well as could have.

    Hope hubby soon feels better..cycling in this weather a big brave but nice to get outā€¦

    Jean x

    I have walnuts in Greek yoghurt,I have the full tub so it’s over 300 calories.16 grams of walnuts is over 100 calories.I have started eating the kiwifruit with the skin on, last night I just ate it like an apple. It’s difficult eating wholefoods and not processed. I’ll do the popcorn tomorrow, fasting today but having Chinese meal tonight my son and I, it’s a ready meal for 2. Sell by date is today so will have to go. So no lunch just one meal tonight. It was minus 6 during the night still freezing now so maybe 2 coats on for Chloe and her hat.

    Hi FB Brit friends Xxxx

    Ohh what a very cold night it was last night and very cold but pretty today with the blue sky and sunshine.

    Next week it looks to be soo much warmer .. I just saw up to 14 deg one day. It will seem like an heat wave lol.

    I was going to get my Croc pot going after walking but went to a friends for coffee. Not sure what to have for dinner .. Maybe some of the chicken breast strips with a jacket potato ..

    Nana .. enjoy your away days

    .Dave… enjoy your Chinese .. yes its so cold the body needs fuel.

    Sym… I think if you can eat the good old basic food it is soo much better for you.. goodness know whats in all this processed food. Things they do for cheapness to create taste doesnt bear thinking about.

    I am trying to concentrate on buying good quality meat fish and veg . and cutting out the rubbish bits like cake etc

    H H .. How is your day going.

    Enjoy the rest of the afternoon everyone. Just going in the garden to play with Pip .. it wont be long today though lol

    Look after your body.. we don’t get a second chance. Xxxx

    Bread is very bad, especially white bread.I must admit I have too much processed food, but it’s so easy to cook. Not sure what to eat that I can cook myself from scratch.I will have to do some googling.Denise is asleep, Chloe is asleepšŸ¤Ŗ. Wish I could join them but not feeling tired.

    Dave… Its so hard not to eat processed stuff .. its there in every supermarket .. I am just going to try to eat like I did years ago… more basically.

    I am not into paying silly prices for organic this and that meat and fish etc.. But trying to eat a decent meal per day ..like they used to say.. meat and two veg or fish.

    I did notice that end of last year when I cut out sweet things .. in the end I didn’t want them.

    After saying all that lolol I have got 2 shop bought mince pies out of the deepfreeze for later.. Well I have got to eat them up out of the way I tell myself lolol.

    Just a thought too Dave..My neighbour who like you loves his fishing now retired.. he is really enjoying cooking things.. today he was making a chilli .he has never cooked in his life but now is really getting into it. lol . Do you like cooking .. maybe try some different recipes. All trial and error.

    Nana- have a lovely break in Norwich!
    Jean- I do love M&Ms chocolate peanuts, was that what you had? Hubby buys choc peanuts from the health food shop, they’re not as nice!
    Dave- glad the funeral was as good as can be…you have time, you could try more recipes with your air fryer if you want to cut down on processed foods …they did a stir fry in the air fryer on the programme we watched last night, looked lovely!
    Hemmy- how many mince pies have you got left now, they seem to be lasting ages!
    Have done another liquid FD, if I can be disciplined first thing I’m usually okay, it’s when I get up & fancy breakfast I find the hardest! Walked Xena & Enoch, he was a pickle & very lively…some housework done & spent the afternoon at youngest son’s, he’d ordered an ottoman bed & the whole thing had to be put together! I did a bit of cleaning while they were doing the DIY, although it didn’t need doing really, a novelty at someone else’s! The car was frozen already at 6pm when we came home…we’re going away to the barns again tomorrow with Xena, looking forward to it šŸ˜„

    Morning Allā€¦
    A white start again very cold..
    Hairdressers laterā€¦

    You are right good old grannyā€™s food as back to basic as you can.. a while since I read.. donā€™t eat anything with more than 6 things on the packet, if you canā€™t pronounce them or spell them thatā€™s a No tooā€¦its a good guide line..

    Lovely if you can make your own bread.. a new gadget a bread maker???

    I bought chocolate peanut clusters from Lidl.. all I can say glad I didnā€™t eat them before Xmas I would have been back for more!!! So delicious.. one for his pressie for next year.

    A long walk across the fields I am enjoying the hard conditionsā€¦ back to the mud soon..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone,I don’t mind cooking,I would love to be able to make a chilli but the smell of mince puts me off I will look at some recipes. How do you do a stir fry in a airfrier.I will watch the programme I recorded it. I think the price of my last energy bill I will be using the airfrier and as little else as possible. Jean I had a bread maker but gave it to Claire it’s cheaper to buy a loaf than make one but I did do some different breads,spelt and lots of others.

    Gained 2 lbs this week, since I’ve gone on natural yoghurt, nuts and more fruitšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ can’t win.

    Good afternoon happy Friday. Xxxx

    What a beautiful day .. Walked with MaryAnn and little Wesley this morning left at 11 never got back till 130 pm lovely in the sunshine chatting and throwing for the boys.

    Weighed in this morning and back to pre Xmas weight so I was pleased. .. Going to stick to a weak G&T instead of wine. I don’t seem to want to eat like i do when drinking wine.

    HH .. just got the last pie out this morning .. I had 18 frozen.. The Coop ones . .hey were the best I have tasted for years. They won best award..not sure who by.

    I should go and see if they have any left. They freeze soo well . I just put two in some foil easy peasy to take out . Good luck with your weigh in.. seems like you have had a good week.

    Dave.. You will soon take that 2 lb off.

    Sym… Yes you cant beat trying to emulate how Granny cooked and ate..good wholesome food everything homemade jams mincemeat ..regular times for meals.. AND not all these lastest ” Must haves” gadgets to cook in lolol. Good old Granny.

    Have a good afternoon everyone.. .. Its Friday… time to relax.

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